//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2010 iZsh // // Modified 2018 iceman // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or, // at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of // the license. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main command parser entry point //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ensure gmtime_r is available even with -std=c99; must be included before #if !defined(_WIN32) #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #endif #include "cmdmain.h" #include #include #include // MingW #include // calloc #include "comms.h" #include "cmdhf.h" #include "cmddata.h" #include "cmdhw.h" #include "cmdlf.h" #include "cmdtrace.h" #include "cmdscript.h" #include "cmdcrc.h" #include "cmdanalyse.h" #include "emv/cmdemv.h" // EMV #include "cmdflashmem.h" // rdv40 flashmem commands #include "cmdsmartcard.h" // rdv40 smart card ISO7816 commands #include "cmdusart.h" // rdv40 FPC USART commands #include "cmdwiegand.h" // wiegand commands #include "ui.h" #include "util_posix.h" #include "commonutil.h" // ARRAYLEN #include "preferences.h" #include "cliparser.h" static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd); static void AppendDate(char *s, size_t slen, const char *fmt) { struct tm *ct, tm_buf; time_t now = time(NULL); #if defined(_WIN32) ct = gmtime_s(&tm_buf, &now) == 0 ? &tm_buf : NULL; #else ct = gmtime_r(&now, &tm_buf); #endif if (fmt == NULL) strftime(s, slen, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", ct); // ISO8601 else strftime(s, slen, fmt, ct); } static int lf_search_plus(const char *Cmd) { sample_config oldconfig; memset(&oldconfig, 0, sizeof(sample_config)); int retval = lf_getconfig(&oldconfig); if (retval != PM3_SUCCESS) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "failed to get current device config"); return retval; } // Divisor : frequency(khz) // 95 88 47 31 23 // 125.00 134.83 250.00 375.00 500.00 int16_t default_divisor[] = {95, 88, 47, 31, 23}; /* default LF config is set to: decimation = 1 bits_per_sample = 8 averaging = YES divisor = 95 (125kHz) trigger_threshold = 0 samples_to_skip = 0 verbose = YES */ sample_config config = { .decimation = 1, .bits_per_sample = 8, .averaging = 1, .trigger_threshold = 0, .samples_to_skip = 0, .verbose = false }; // Iteration defaults for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(default_divisor); ++i) { if (kbd_enter_pressed()) { PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Keyboard pressed. Done."); break; } // Try to change config! uint32_t d; d = config.divisor = default_divisor[i]; PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "--> trying (" _GREEN_("%d.%02d kHz")")", 12000 / (d + 1), ((1200000 + (d + 1) / 2) / (d + 1)) - ((12000 / (d + 1)) * 100)); retval = lf_config(&config); if (retval != PM3_SUCCESS) break; // The config for pm3 is changed, we can trying search! retval = CmdLFfind(Cmd); if (retval == PM3_SUCCESS) break; } lf_config(&oldconfig); return retval; } static int CmdAuto(const char *Cmd) { CLIParserContext *ctx; CLIParserInit(&ctx, "auto", "Run LF SEARCH / HF SEARCH / DATA PLOT / DATA SAVE", "auto" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true); CLIParserFree(ctx); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "lf search"); int ret = CmdLFfind(""); if (ret == PM3_SUCCESS) return ret; PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "hf search"); ret = CmdHFSearch(""); if (ret == PM3_SUCCESS) return ret; PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "lf search - unknown"); ret = lf_search_plus(""); if (ret == PM3_SUCCESS) return ret; PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Failed both LF / HF SEARCH,"); PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Trying " _YELLOW_("`lf read`") " and save a trace for you"); CmdPlot(""); lf_read(false, 40000); char *fname = calloc(100, sizeof(uint8_t)); AppendDate(fname, 100, "f lf_unknown_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M"); CmdSave(fname); free(fname); return PM3_SUCCESS; } int CmdRem(const char *Cmd) { char buf[22] = {0}; AppendDate(buf, sizeof(buf), NULL); PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "%s remark: %s", buf, Cmd); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdHints(const char *Cmd) { CLIParserContext *ctx; CLIParserInit(&ctx, "hints", "Turn on/off hints", "hints --on\n" "hints -1\n" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_lit0("1", "on", "turn on hints"), arg_lit0("0", "off", "turn off hints"), arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, true); bool turn_on = arg_get_lit(ctx, 1); bool turn_off = arg_get_lit(ctx, 2); CLIParserFree(ctx); if (turn_on && turn_off) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "you can't turn off and on at the same time"); return PM3_EINVARG; } if (turn_off) { session.show_hints = false; } else if (turn_on) { session.show_hints = true; } PrintAndLogEx(INFO, "Hints are %s", (session.show_hints) ? "ON" : "OFF"); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdMsleep(const char *Cmd) { CLIParserContext *ctx; CLIParserInit(&ctx, "msleep", "Sleep for given amount of milliseconds", "msleep 100" ); void *argtable[] = { arg_param_begin, arg_int0("t", "ms", "", "time in milliseconds"), arg_param_end }; CLIExecWithReturn(ctx, Cmd, argtable, false); uint32_t ms = arg_get_u32_def(ctx, 1, 0); CLIParserFree(ctx); if (ms == 0) { PrintAndLogEx(ERR, "Specified invalid input. Can't be zero"); return PM3_EINVARG; } msleep(ms); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdQuit(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far return PM3_EFATAL; } static int CmdRev(const char *Cmd) { CmdCrc(Cmd); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdPref(const char *Cmd) { CmdPreferences(Cmd); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static int CmdClear(const char *Cmd) { PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, _CLEAR_ _TOP_ ""); return PM3_SUCCESS; } static command_t CommandTable[] = { {"--------", CmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "----------------------- " _CYAN_("Technology") " -----------------------"}, {"analyse", CmdAnalyse, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Analyse utils... }"}, {"data", CmdData, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Plot window / data buffer manipulation... }"}, {"emv", CmdEMV, AlwaysAvailable, "{ EMV ISO-14443 / ISO-7816... }"}, {"hf", CmdHF, AlwaysAvailable, "{ High frequency commands... }"}, {"hw", CmdHW, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Hardware commands... }"}, {"lf", CmdLF, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Low frequency commands... }"}, {"mem", CmdFlashMem, IfPm3Flash, "{ Flash memory manipulation... }"}, {"reveng", CmdRev, AlwaysAvailable, "{ CRC calculations from RevEng software... }"}, {"smart", CmdSmartcard, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Smart card ISO-7816 commands... }"}, {"script", CmdScript, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Scripting commands... }"}, {"trace", CmdTrace, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Trace manipulation... }"}, {"usart", CmdUsart, IfPm3FpcUsartFromUsb, "{ USART commands... }"}, {"wiegand", CmdWiegand, AlwaysAvailable, "{ Wiegand format manipulation... }"}, {"--------", CmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "----------------------- " _CYAN_("General") " -----------------------"}, {"auto", CmdAuto, IfPm3Present, "Automated detection process for unknown tags"}, {"clear", CmdClear, AlwaysAvailable, "Clear screen"}, {"help", CmdHelp, AlwaysAvailable, "This help. Use " _YELLOW_("' help'") " for details of a particular command."}, {"hints", CmdHints, AlwaysAvailable, "Turn hints on / off"}, {"msleep", CmdMsleep, AlwaysAvailable, "Add a pause in milliseconds"}, {"pref", CmdPref, AlwaysAvailable, "Edit preferences"}, {"rem", CmdRem, AlwaysAvailable, "Add a text line in log file"}, {"quit", CmdQuit, AlwaysAvailable, ""}, {"exit", CmdQuit, AlwaysAvailable, "Exit program"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd) { (void)Cmd; // Cmd is not used so far CmdsHelp(CommandTable); return PM3_SUCCESS; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Entry point into our code: called whenever the user types a command and // then presses Enter, which the full command line that they typed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CommandReceived(char *Cmd) { return CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd); } command_t *getTopLevelCommandTable(void) { return CommandTable; }