-- Ability to read what card is there local getopt = require('getopt') local cmds = require('commands') local taglib = require('taglib') local lib14a = require('read14a') local desc = [[This script will automatically check Mifare cards for MADs (Mifare Application Directory) Arguments: -d debug logging on -h this help ]] local example = "script run xxx" local author = "Mazodude" --- -- This is only meant to be used when errors occur local function oops(err) print("ERROR: ",err) return nil,err end --- -- Usage help local function help() print(desc) print("Example usage") print(example) end local function debug(...) if DEBUG then print("debug:", ...) end end local function show(data) if DEBUG then local formatString = ("H%d"):format(string.len(data)) local _,hexdata = bin.unpack(formatString, data) debug("Hexdata" , hexdata) end end --- Fire up a connection with a tag, return uid -- @return UID if successfull -- @return nil, errormessage if unsuccessfull local function open() -- debug("Opening connection") -- core.clearCommandBuffer() -- local x = string.format("hf 14a raw -r -p -s") -- debug(x) -- core.console(x) -- debug("done") -- data, err = waitCmd(true) -- if err then return oops(err) end -- show(data) -- local formatString = ("H%d"):format(string.len(data)) -- local _,uid = bin.unpack(formatString, data) tag, err = lib14a.read(false, true) if not tag then return oops(err) end core.clearCommandBuffer() return tag end --- Shut down tag communication -- return no return values local function close() debug("Closing connection") core.clearCommandBuffer() local x = string.format("hf 14a raw -r") debug(x) core.console(x) debug("done") --data, err = waitCmd(true) --data, err = waitCmd(false) end -- waits for answer from pm3 device local function checkCommand(command) core.clearCommandBuffer() local usb = command:getBytes() core.SendCommand(usb) local result = core.WaitForResponseTimeout(cmds.CMD_ACK, 1500) if result then local count, cmd, arg0 = bin.unpack('LL',result) if(arg0==1) then local count, arg1, arg2, data = bin.unpack('LLH511',result,count) block = data:sub(33,64) return block else return nil end else print("Timeout while waiting for response. Increase TIMEOUT in mifare_ad.lua to wait longer") return nil, "Timeout while waiting for device to respond" end end ---_ Gets data from a block -- @return block if successfull -- @return nil, errormessage if unsuccessfull local function getBlock(block) local data, err core.clearCommandBuffer() -- // params -- uint8_t sectorNo = arg0; -- uint8_t keyType = arg1; -- uint64_t ui64Key = 0; -- ui64Key = bytes_to_num(datain, 6); local sectorNo = 0 local keyType = 0 local key = "A0A1A2A3A4A5"; debug(("Testing to auth with key %s"):format(key)) -- print(key); local command = Command:new{cmd = cmds.CMD_MIFARE_READSC, arg1 = sectorNo, arg2 = keyType, arg3 = 0, data = key} local data = checkCommand(command) -- debug(command) -- print(data) if (data == nil) then return err, ("Could not auth with card - this tag does not have MADs") end if string.len(data) < 32 then return nil, ("Expected at least 32 bytes, got %d - this tag does not have MADs"):format(string.len(data)) end -- -- Now, parse out the block data b0 = string.sub(data,3,4) return b0 end --- This function is a lua-implementation of -- cmdhf14a.c:waitCmd(uint8_t iSelect) local function waitCmd(iSelect) local response = core.WaitForResponseTimeout(cmds.CMD_ACK,1000) if response then local count,cmd,arg0,arg1,arg2 = bin.unpack('LLLL',response) local iLen = arg0 if iSelect then iLen = arg1 end debug(("Received %i octets (arg0:%d, arg1:%d)"):format(iLen, arg0, arg1)) if iLen == 0 then return nil, "No response from tag" end local recv = string.sub(response,count, iLen+count-1) return recv end return nil, "No response from device" end local function main( args) debug("script started") local err, data, data2,k,v,i -- Read the parameters for o, a in getopt.getopt(args, 'hd') do if o == "h" then help() return end if o == "d" then DEBUG = true end end local uid = open() if (uid==nil) then oops("No card present") return end print(("UID: %s"):format(uid.uid)) -- First, get block 1 byte 1 local block, err = getBlock(0) if err then return oops(err) end debug(("Checking block 0 sector 1 byte 1")) debug(("Got byte: %s"):format(block)) -- prlog(block) if block == "0F" then print('Card has MADs v1') end -- Deactivate field close() end main(args)