--[[ This is a library to read 14443b tags. It can be used something like this local reader = require('read14b') result, err = reader.read14443b() if not result then print(err) return end print(result.name) --]] -- Loads the commands-library local cmds = require('commands') local utils = require('utils') -- Shouldn't take longer than 2.5 seconds local TIMEOUT = 1000 local ISO14B_COMMAND = { ISO14B_CONNECT = 0x1, ISO14B_DISCONNECT = 0x2, ISO14B_APDU = 0x4, ISO14B_RAW = 0x8, ISO14B_REQUEST_TRIGGER = 0x10, ISO14B_APPEND_CRC = 0x20, ISO14B_SELECT_STD = 0x40, ISO14B_SELECT_SR = 0x80, ISO14B_SET_TIMEOUT = 0x100, ISO14B_SEND_CHAINING = 0x200, ISO14B_SELECT_CTS = 0x400, ISO14B_CLEARTRACE = 0x800, } local function parse14443b(data) --[[ Based on this struct : typedef struct { uint8_t uid[10]; uint8_t uidlen; uint8_t atqb[7]; uint8_t chipid; uint8_t cid; } PACKED iso14b_card_select_t; --- local count, uid, uidlen, atqb, chipid, cid = bin.unpack('H10CH7CC',data) --]] local uid = data:sub(1, 20) local uidlen = data:sub(21, 22) local atqb = data:sub(23, 36) local chipid = data:sub(37, 38) local cid = data:sub(39, 40) uid = uid:sub(1, 2 * uidlen) return { uid = uid, uidlen = uidlen, atqb = atqb, chipid = chipid, cid = cid } end -- This function does a connect and retrieves some info -- @return if successful: an table containing card info -- @return if unsuccessful : nil, error local function read14443b(disconnect) local flags = ISO14B_COMMAND.ISO14B_CONNECT + ISO14B_COMMAND.ISO14B_SELECT_STD if disconnect then print('DISCONNECT') flags = flags + ISO14B_COMMAND.ISO14B_DISCONNECT end local flags_str = ('%04x'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(('%04x'):format(flags), 16)) local time_str = ('%08x'):format(0) local rawlen_str = ('%04x'):format(0) local senddata = ('%s%s%s'):format(flags_str, time_str, rawlen_str) local c = Command:newNG{cmd = cmds.CMD_HF_ISO14443B_COMMAND, data = senddata} local info = nil local result, err = c:sendNG(false, TIMEOUT) if result and result.Status == 0 then if result.Oldarg0 == 0 then info, err = parse14443b(result.Data) else err = 'iso14443b card select failed' end else err = 'No response from card' end if err then return nil, err end return info, nil end --- -- turns on the HF field. local function connect14443b() local data = ('%04x%08x%04x'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(('%04x'):format(ISO14B_COMMAND.ISO14B_CONNECT), 16), 0,0) local c = Command:newNG{cmd = cmds.CMD_HF_ISO14443B_COMMAND, data = data} return c:sendNG(true) end --- -- Sends an instruction to do nothing, only disconnect local function disconnect14443b() local data = ('%04x%08x%04x'):format(utils.SwapEndianness(('%04x'):format(ISO14B_COMMAND.ISO14B_DISCONNECT), 16), 0,0) local c = Command:newNG{cmd = cmds.CMD_HF_ISO14443B_COMMAND, data = data} -- We can ignore the response here, no ACK is returned for this command -- Check /armsrc/iso14443b.c, ReaderIso14443b() for details return c:sendNG(true) end --- -- Waits for a mifare card to be placed within the vicinity of the reader. -- @return if successful: an table containing card info -- @return if unsuccessful : nil, error local function waitFor14443b() print('Waiting for card... press to quit') while not core.kbd_enter_pressed() do res, err = read14443b(false) if res then return res, err end -- err means that there was no response from card end disconnect14443b() return nil, 'Aborted by user' end local library = { read = read14443b, waitFor14443b = waitFor14443b, parse14443b = parse14443b, connect = connect14443b, disconnect = disconnect14443b, ISO14B_COMMAND = ISO14B_COMMAND, } return library