2025-02-21 15:43:28 +01:00

137 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - Convert Paxton Net2 and Switch2 to EM4102
# Author jareckib <>
# Based on Equipter's tutorial - Downgrade Paxton Net to EM410x
# This code is copyright (c) jareckib, 2025, All rights reserved.
# For non-commercial use only, the following terms apply - for all other
# uses, please contact the author.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import sys
def hex_to_bin(hex_string):
return ''.join(format(byte, '08b') for byte in bytearray.fromhex(hex_string))
def remove_last_two_bits(binary_str):
return binary_str[:-2]
def split_into_5bit_chunks(binary_str):
return [binary_str[i:i+5] for i in range(0, len(binary_str), 5)]
def remove_parity_bit(chunks):
return [chunk[1:] for chunk in chunks if len(chunk) == 5]
def convert_to_hex(chunks):
return [format(int(chunk, 2), 'X') for chunk in chunks]
def convert_to_decimal(chunks):
return [int(chunk, 2) for chunk in chunks]
def find_until_before_f(hex_values):
result = []
for value in hex_values:
if value == 'F':
return result
def process_block(block):
binary_str = hex_to_bin(block)
binary_str = remove_last_two_bits(binary_str)
chunks = split_into_5bit_chunks(binary_str)
no_parity_chunks = remove_parity_bit(chunks)
return no_parity_chunks
def calculate_id_net(blocks):
all_hex_values = []
for block in blocks:
hex_values = convert_to_hex(process_block(block))
selected_hex_values = find_until_before_f(all_hex_values)
if not selected_hex_values:
raise ValueError("Error: No valid data found in blocks 4 and 5.")
combined_hex = ''.join(selected_hex_values)
if not combined_hex.isdigit():
raise ValueError("Error: Invalid data in blocks 4 and 5.")
decimal_id = int(combined_hex)
stripped_hex_id = format(decimal_id, 'X').upper()
padded_hex_id = stripped_hex_id.zfill(10)
return decimal_id, padded_hex_id
def calculate_id_switch(blocks):
all_decimal_values = []
for block in blocks:
decimal_values = convert_to_decimal(process_block(block))
if len(all_decimal_values) < 15:
raise ValueError("Error: Not enough data after processing blocks 4, 5, 6, and 7.")
id_positions = [9, 11, 13, 15, 2, 4, 6, 8]
id_numbers = [all_decimal_values[pos-1] for pos in id_positions]
decimal_id = int(''.join(map(str, id_numbers)))
padded_hex_id = format(decimal_id, 'X').upper().zfill(10)
return decimal_id, padded_hex_id
def input_block_data(block_number):
while True:
block_data = input("Enter data for block {} (4 bytes in hex): ".format(block_number)).strip()
if len(block_data) != 8 or not all(c in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF' for c in block_data):
print("Error: Data must be 4 bytes (8 characters) in hex. Try again.")
return block_data
block_4 = input_block_data(4)
block_5 = input_block_data(5)
if block_5[3] == 'F' or block_5[3] == 'f':
print("Identified Paxton Net2")
blocks = [block_4, block_5]
decimal_id, padded_hex_id = calculate_id_net(blocks)
print('Calculations for block 4 and block 5:')
print('Net2 ID - decimal: {}'.format(decimal_id))
print('Net2 ID - hex: {}'.format(padded_hex_id))
print('Use the following command in Proxmark3: lf em 410x clone --id {}'.format(padded_hex_id))
except ValueError as e:
print("Identified Paxton Switch2")
block_6 = input_block_data(6)
block_7 = input_block_data(7)
blocks = [block_4, block_5, block_6, block_7]
decimal_id, padded_hex_id = calculate_id_switch(blocks)
print('Calculated data from blocks 4, 5, 6, 7:')
print('Switch2 ID - decimal: {}'.format(decimal_id))
print('Switch2 ID - hex: {}'.format(padded_hex_id))
print('Use the following command in Proxmark3: lf em 410x clone --id {}'.format(padded_hex_id))
except ValueError as e:
print('If EM4102 does not work, this option is probably disabled. Sorry for the inconvenience.')