iceman1001 53d5dc643f CHG: fiddled with the headerfiles... and makefile... Tried to make them behave nice. So it isnt a hell to add new functions from third-party (like des, aes etc)
Added a lot of #ifndef ,   extern C,
Move inside from ARMSRC -> THUMBS,  which made the compiled image smaller.. I don't know if it broke anything.
Moved MF_DBGLEVEL definitions into common.h
Moved print_result from util.c into appmain.c
Also split up some struct typedef  into header files so they could be reused in other code places.

''' danger '''  this might have broken stuff...
2017-01-25 00:33:03 +01:00

98 lines
3.8 KiB

// Peter Fillmore 2014
// code derived off merloks mifare code
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// code for work with EMV cards.
#ifndef __EMVUTIL_H
#define __EMVUTIL_H
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "proxmark3.h"
#include "apps.h"
#include "tlv.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "BigBuf.h"
#include "iso14443crc.h"
#include "iso14443a.h"
#include "emvutil.h"
#include "emvdataels.h" //EMV data elements
#include "emvtags.h" //EMV card structure
// mifare 4bit card answers
// reader voltage field detector
#define EMV_MINFIELDV 4000
// debug
// 0 - no debug messages 1 - error messages 2 - all messages 4 - extended debug mode
#define EMV_DBG_NONE 0
#define EMV_DBG_ERROR 1
#define EMV_DBG_ALL 2
extern int EMV_DBGLEVEL;
//EMV emulator states need to update
#define EMVEMUL_IDLE 1
#define EMVEMUL_AUTH1 5
#define EMVEMUL_AUTH2 6
#define EMVEMUL_WORK 7
#define EMVEMUL_ACK 9
//grabbed from iso14443a.c
//static int EmGetCmd(uint8_t *received, int *len);
//int EmSendCmdEx(uint8_t *resp, size_t respLen, bool correctionNeeded);//tag types
//int EmSendCmd(uint8_t *resp, size_t respLen);
//#define cardSTATE_TO_IDLE() cardSTATE = MFEMUL_IDLE; LED_B_OFF(); LED_C_OFF();
//extern int iso14_apdu(uint8_t *cmd, uint16_t cmd_len, void *data);
//int emv_sendapdu( uint8_t cla, uint8_t ins, uint8_t p1, uint8_t p2, uint8_t lc, uint8_t* data, uint8_t le);
int emv_select(uint8_t* AID, uint8_t AID_len, void* data);
int emv_selectPPSE();
int emv_readrecord(uint8_t recordnumber, uint8_t sfi, void* data);
int emv_getprocessingoptions(uint8_t* pdol, uint8_t pdol_len, void* data
int emv_computecryptogram(uint8_t* UDOL, uint8_t UDOL_len, void *data);
//return 8 8byte ICC random number.
int emv_getchallenge(void *data);
int emv_loopback(uint8_t* transData , uint8_t transData_len, void *data);
int emv_generateAC(uint8_t refcontrolparam, uint8_t* cdolinput, uint8_t cdolinputlen, void* data);
int emv_decodeAFL(uint8_t* AFL, uint8_t AFLlen);
int emv_decodeAIP(uint8_t* AIP);
int emv_decodeCVM(uint8_t* CVM, uint8_t CVMlen);
//memory management
//uint8_t* emv_get_bigbufptr(void);
//uint8_t* emv_get_bigbufptr_sendbuf(void);
//uint8_t* emv_get_bigbufptr_recbuf(void);
//void EMVsim();
int emv_printtag(uint8_t* selected_tag,emvtags* inputcard, uint8_t* outputstring, uint8_t* outputlen);
int emv_decode_field(uint8_t* inputfield,uint16_t inputlength, emvtags *result);
int emv_emvtags_decode_tag(tlvtag* inputtag, emvtags* currentcard);
//look up a tag in the current structure
int emv_lookuptag(uint8_t* tag, emvtags* currentcard, uint8_t* outputval, uint8_t* outputvallen);
//set a tag from external impurt
int emv_settag(uint32_t tag, uint8_t *datain, emvtags *currentcard) ;
void dumpCard(emvtags* currentcard);
//generate a valid PDOL list from the returned card value, used in get processing options
int emv_generateDOL(uint8_t* DOL, uint8_t DOLlen,emvtags* currentcard, uint8_t* DOLoutput, uint8_t* DOLoutputlen);
int emv_generatetemplate(uint8_t* templateval,emvtags* currentcard, uint8_t* returnedval, uint8_t* returnedlen, uint8_t numtags, ...);