proxmark3/bootrom/Makefile 0fc0fca583 Move most rules to Makefile.common
Add automatic dependency generation
Compile ISO14443 files in ARM mode, as was the case with the Linux Makefile before
2009-08-26 17:34:19 +00:00

36 lines
1.3 KiB

# Makefile for bootrom, see ../common/Makefile.common for common settings
OBJJTAG = $(OBJDIR)/bootrom.o $(OBJDIR)/ram-reset.o $(OBJDIR)/usb.o
OBJFLASH = $(OBJDIR)/flash-reset.o $(OBJDIR)/fromflash.o
THUMBSRC = usb.c fromflash.c bootrom.c
ASMSRC = ram-reset.s flash-reset.s
# Do not move this inclusion before the definition of {THUMB,ASM,ARM}{OBJ,SRC}
include ../common/Makefile.common
all: bootrom-merged.s19
bootrom-merged.s19: $(OBJDIR)/bootrom.s19 $(OBJDIR)/bootrom-forjtag.s19
perl ../tools/ $(OBJDIR)/bootrom.s19 $(OBJDIR)/bootrom-forjtag.s19 > bootrom-merged.s19
$(OBJDIR)/bootrom.elf: $(OBJFLASH)
$(LD) -g -Tldscript-flash --oformat elf32-littlearm -Map=$(patsubst %.elf,,$@) -o $@ $^
$(OBJDIR)/bootrom-forjtag.elf: $(OBJJTAG)
$(LD) -g -Tldscript-ram-jtag --oformat elf32-littlearm -Map=$(patsubst %.elf,,$@) -o $@ $^
$(DELETE) bootrom-merged.s19
.PHONY: all clean help
@echo Multi-OS Makefile, you are running on $(DETECTED_OS)
@echo Possible targets:
@echo + all - Make bootrom-merged.s19, the main bootrom
@echo + clean - Clean $(OBJDIR)