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synced 2025-03-19 19:38:52 +08:00
Things like the ICLASS, tryDecryptWord, -- My other stuff like default keys, some new Mifare EV1 commands 0x40, 0x43 for the logging annotation, start of the T55x7 configblock helper functionality (ripped from Adam Lauries RFIdler code) Changes to the PCF7931 functions written, which has a lousy input check..
153 lines
4.4 KiB
153 lines
4.4 KiB
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// LCD code
#include "proxmark3.h"
#include "apps.h"
#include "LCD.h"
#include "fonts.h"
void LCDSend(unsigned int data)
// 9th bit set for data, clear for command
while ((AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_SR & AT91C_SPI_TXEMPTY) == 0); // wait for the transfer to complete
// For clarity's sake we pass data with 9th bit clear and commands with 9th
// bit set since they're implemented as defines, se we need to invert bit
AT91C_BASE_SPI->SPI_TDR = data^0x100; // Send the data/command
void LCDSetXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
LCDSend(PPASET); // page start/end ram
LCDSend(y); // Start Page to display to
LCDSend(131); // End Page to display to
LCDSend(PCASET); // column start/end ram
LCDSend(x); // Start Column to display to
LCDSend(131); // End Column to display to
void LCDSetPixel(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char color)
LCDSetXY(x,y); // Set position
LCDSend(PRAMWR); // Now write the pixel to the display
LCDSend(color); // Write the data in the specified Color
void LCDFill (unsigned char xs,unsigned char ys,unsigned char width,unsigned char height, unsigned char color)
unsigned char i,j;
for (i=0;i < height;i++) // Number of horizontal lines
LCDSetXY(xs,ys+i); // Goto start of fill area (Top Left)
LCDSend(PRAMWR); // Write to display
for (j=0;j < width;j++) // pixels per line
void LCDString (char *lcd_string, const char *font_style,unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char fcolor, unsigned char bcolor)
unsigned int i;
unsigned char mask=0, px, py, xme, yme, offset;
const char *data;
data = font_style; // point to the start of the font table
xme = *data; // get font x width
yme = *data; // get font y length
offset = *data; // get data bytes per font
// point to data in table to be loaded
data = (font_style + offset) + (offset * (int)(*lcd_string - 32));
for (i=0;i < yme;i++) {
mask |=0x80;
for (px=x; px < (x + xme); px++) {
py= y + i;
if (*data & mask) LCDSetPixel (px,py,fcolor);
else LCDSetPixel (px,py,bcolor);
lcd_string++; // next character in string
} while(*lcd_string !='\0'); // keep spitting chars out until end of string
void LCDReset(void)
void LCDInit(void)
int i;
LCDSend(PSWRESET); // software reset
LCDSend(PSLEEPOUT); // exit sleep mode
LCDSend(PBSTRON); // booster on
LCDSend(PDISPON); // display on
LCDSend(PNORON); // normal on
LCDSend(PMADCTL); // rotate display 180 deg
LCDSend(PCOLMOD); // color mode
LCDSend(0x02); // 8bpp color mode
LCDSend(PSETCON); // set contrast
// clear display
LCDSend(PRAMWR); // Write to display
while(i--) LCDSend(WHITE);
// test text on different colored backgrounds
LCDString(" The quick brown fox ", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*0,WHITE ,BLACK );
LCDString(" jumped over the ", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*1,BLACK ,WHITE );
LCDString(" lazy dog. ", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*2,YELLOW ,RED );
LCDString(" AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj ", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*3,RED ,GREEN );
LCDString(" KkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTt ", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*4,MAGENTA,BLUE );
LCDString("UuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*5,BLUE ,YELLOW);
LCDString("`-=[]_;',./~!@#$%^&*()", (char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*6,BLACK ,CYAN );
LCDString(" _+{}|:\\\"<>? ",(char *)&FONT6x8,1,1+8*7,BLUE ,MAGENTA);
// color bands
LCDFill(0, 1+8* 8, 132, 8, BLACK);
LCDFill(0, 1+8* 9, 132, 8, WHITE);
LCDFill(0, 1+8*10, 132, 8, RED);
LCDFill(0, 1+8*11, 132, 8, GREEN);
LCDFill(0, 1+8*12, 132, 8, BLUE);
LCDFill(0, 1+8*13, 132, 8, YELLOW);
LCDFill(0, 1+8*14, 132, 8, CYAN);
LCDFill(0, 1+8*15, 132, 8, MAGENTA);