Philippe Teuwen 83e083100b Bring LZ4 support for hardnested tables
Testing perfs on an old 8-core laptop:
BZ2   :   2 Mb, average decompression time: 5514 ms
LZ4 -9:   9 Mb, average decompression time:  837 ms
RAW   : 704 Mb, average decompression time:  368 ms

Other LZ4 options don't help: -1 is slower and bigger, --favor-decSpeed does not do anything

To enable:

apt install liblz4-dev
cd client/resources/hardnested_tables
for i in *bz2; do bunzip2 $i; lz4 -9 --rm ${i%.bz2}; done
2023-07-15 22:58:00 +02:00

28 lines
798 B

FROM ubuntu:22.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
# qtbase5-dev skipped
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get upgrade -y && \
apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git ca-certificates build-essential cmake pkg-config libreadline-dev gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libbluetooth-dev libpython3-dev libssl-dev sudo && \
apt-get clean
RUN apt-get install -y python3-minimal && \
apt-get install -y python3-pip && \
apt-get clean && \
python3 -m pip install ansicolors sslcrypto
RUN apt-get install -y opencl-dev && \
apt-get clean
# Create rrg user
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash rrg
RUN passwd -d rrg
RUN printf 'rrg ALL=(ALL) ALL\n' | tee -a /etc/sudoers
USER rrg
WORKDIR "/home/rrg"
CMD ["/bin/bash"]