2018-02-14 23:53:32 +01:00

602 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2010 iZsh <izsh at>
// Merlok - 2017
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// High frequency commands
#include "cmdhf.h"
static int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd);
int usage_hf_list(){
PrintAndLog("List protocol data in trace buffer.");
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf list <protocol> [f][c]");
PrintAndLog(" f - show frame delay times as well");
PrintAndLog(" c - mark CRC bytes");
PrintAndLog("Supported <protocol> values:");
PrintAndLog(" raw - just show raw data without annotations");
PrintAndLog(" 14a - interpret data as iso14443a communications");
PrintAndLog(" mf - interpret data as iso14443a communications and decrypt crypto1 stream");
PrintAndLog(" 14b - interpret data as iso14443b communications");
PrintAndLog(" 15 - interpret data as iso15693 communications");
PrintAndLog(" des - interpret data as DESFire communications");
#ifdef WITH_EMV
PrintAndLog(" emv - interpret data as EMV / communications");
PrintAndLog(" iclass - interpret data as iclass communications");
PrintAndLog(" topaz - interpret data as topaz communications");
PrintAndLog(" 7816 - interpret data as iso7816-4 communications");
PrintAndLog(" legic - interpret data as LEGIC communications");
PrintAndLog(" felica - interpret data as ISO18092 / FeliCa communications");
PrintAndLog(" hf list 14a f");
PrintAndLog(" hf list iclass");
return 0;
int usage_hf_search(){
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf search");
PrintAndLog("Will try to find a HF read out of the unknown tag. Stops when found.");
PrintAndLog(" h - This help");
return 0;
int usage_hf_snoop(){
PrintAndLog("Usage: hf snoop <skip pairs> <skip triggers>");
PrintAndLog("The high frequence snoop will assign all available memory on device for snooped data");
PrintAndLog("User the 'data samples' command to download from device, and 'data plot' to look at it");
PrintAndLog("Press button to quit the snooping.");
PrintAndLog(" h - This help");
PrintAndLog(" <skip pairs> - skip sample pairs");
PrintAndLog(" <skip triggers> - skip number of triggers");
PrintAndLog(" hf snoop");
PrintAndLog(" hf snoop 1000 0");
return 0;
bool is_last_record(uint16_t tracepos, uint8_t *trace, uint16_t traceLen) {
return(tracepos + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) >= traceLen);
bool next_record_is_response(uint16_t tracepos, uint8_t *trace) {
uint16_t next_records_datalen = *((uint16_t *)(trace + tracepos + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t)));
return(next_records_datalen & 0x8000);
bool merge_topaz_reader_frames(uint32_t timestamp, uint32_t *duration, uint16_t *tracepos, uint16_t traceLen,
uint8_t *trace, uint8_t *frame, uint8_t *topaz_reader_command, uint16_t *data_len) {
uint32_t last_timestamp = timestamp + *duration;
if ((*data_len != 1) || (frame[0] == TOPAZ_WUPA) || (frame[0] == TOPAZ_REQA)) return false;
memcpy(topaz_reader_command, frame, *data_len);
while (!is_last_record(*tracepos, trace, traceLen) && !next_record_is_response(*tracepos, trace)) {
uint32_t next_timestamp = *((uint32_t *)(trace + *tracepos));
*tracepos += sizeof(uint32_t);
uint16_t next_duration = *((uint16_t *)(trace + *tracepos));
*tracepos += sizeof(uint16_t);
uint16_t next_data_len = *((uint16_t *)(trace + *tracepos)) & 0x7FFF;
*tracepos += sizeof(uint16_t);
uint8_t *next_frame = (trace + *tracepos);
*tracepos += next_data_len;
if ((next_data_len == 1) && (*data_len + next_data_len <= MAX_TOPAZ_READER_CMD_LEN)) {
memcpy(topaz_reader_command + *data_len, next_frame, next_data_len);
*data_len += next_data_len;
last_timestamp = next_timestamp + next_duration;
} else {
// rewind and exit
*tracepos = *tracepos - next_data_len - sizeof(uint16_t) - sizeof(uint16_t) - sizeof(uint32_t);
uint16_t next_parity_len = (next_data_len-1)/8 + 1;
*tracepos += next_parity_len;
*duration = last_timestamp - timestamp;
return true;
uint16_t printTraceLine(uint16_t tracepos, uint16_t traceLen, uint8_t *trace, uint8_t protocol, bool showWaitCycles, bool markCRCBytes) {
// sanity check
if (tracepos + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) > traceLen) return traceLen;
bool isResponse;
uint16_t data_len, parity_len;
uint32_t duration, timestamp, first_timestamp, EndOfTransmissionTimestamp;
uint8_t topaz_reader_command[9];
char explanation[30] = {0};
uint8_t mfData[32] = {0};
size_t mfDataLen = 0;
first_timestamp = *((uint32_t *)(trace));
timestamp = *((uint32_t *)(trace + tracepos));
tracepos += 4;
duration = *((uint16_t *)(trace + tracepos));
tracepos += 2;
data_len = *((uint16_t *)(trace + tracepos));
tracepos += 2;
if (data_len & 0x8000) {
data_len &= 0x7fff;
isResponse = true;
} else {
isResponse = false;
parity_len = (data_len-1)/8 + 1;
if (tracepos + data_len + parity_len > traceLen) {
return traceLen;
uint8_t *frame = trace + tracepos;
tracepos += data_len;
uint8_t *parityBytes = trace + tracepos;
tracepos += parity_len;
if (protocol == TOPAZ && !isResponse) {
// topaz reader commands come in 1 or 9 separate frames with 7 or 8 Bits each.
// merge them:
if (merge_topaz_reader_frames(timestamp, &duration, &tracepos, traceLen, trace, frame, topaz_reader_command, &data_len)) {
frame = topaz_reader_command;
//Check the CRC status
uint8_t crcStatus = 2;
if (data_len > 2) {
switch (protocol) {
case ICLASS:
crcStatus = iclass_CRC_check(isResponse, frame, data_len);
case ISO_14443B:
case TOPAZ:
case FELICA:
crcStatus = iso14443B_CRC_check(frame, data_len);
crcStatus = mifare_CRC_check(isResponse, frame, data_len);
case ISO_14443A:
case MFDES:
crcStatus = iso14443A_CRC_check(isResponse, frame, data_len);
case ISO_15693:
crcStatus = iso15693_CRC_check(frame, data_len);
//0 CRC-command, CRC not ok
//1 CRC-command, CRC ok
//2 Not crc-command
//--- Draw the data column
char line[16][110];
for (int j = 0; j < data_len && j/16 < 16; j++) {
uint8_t parityBits = parityBytes[j>>3];
if (protocol != LEGIC &&
protocol != ISO_14443B &&
protocol != ISO_7816_4 &&
(isResponse || protocol == ISO_14443A) &&
(oddparity8(frame[j]) != ((parityBits >> (7-(j&0x0007))) & 0x01))) {
snprintf(line[j/16]+(( j % 16) * 4),110, "%02x! ", frame[j]);
} else {
snprintf(line[j/16]+(( j % 16) * 4),110, "%02x ", frame[j]);
if (markCRCBytes) {
if(crcStatus == 0 || crcStatus == 1) {
char *pos1 = line[(data_len-2)/16]+(((data_len-2) % 16) * 4);
(*pos1) = '[';
char *pos2 = line[(data_len)/16]+(((data_len) % 16) * 4);
sprintf(pos2, "%c", ']');
if (data_len == 0 ) {
sprintf(line[0],"<empty trace - possible error>");
return tracepos;
// Draw the CRC column
char *crc = (crcStatus == 0 ? "!crc" : (crcStatus == 1 ? " ok " : " "));
EndOfTransmissionTimestamp = timestamp + duration;
// Always annotate LEGIC read/tag
if ( protocol == LEGIC )
annotateLegic(explanation, sizeof(explanation), frame, data_len);
if ( protocol == PROTO_MIFARE )
annotateMifare(explanation, sizeof(explanation), frame, data_len, parityBytes, parity_len, isResponse);
if (!isResponse) {
switch(protocol) {
case ICLASS: annotateIclass(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case ISO_14443A: annotateIso14443a(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case MFDES: annotateMfDesfire(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case ISO_14443B: annotateIso14443b(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case TOPAZ: annotateTopaz(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case ISO_7816_4: annotateIso7816(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case ISO_15693: annotateIso15693(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
case FELICA: annotateFelica(explanation,sizeof(explanation),frame,data_len); break;
default: break;
int num_lines = MIN((data_len - 1)/16 + 1, 16);
for (int j = 0; j < num_lines ; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
PrintAndLog(" %10u | %10u | %s |%-64s | %s| %s",
(timestamp - first_timestamp),
(EndOfTransmissionTimestamp - first_timestamp),
(isResponse ? "Tag" : "Rdr"),
(j == num_lines-1) ? crc : " ",
(j == num_lines-1) ? explanation : "");
} else {
PrintAndLog(" | | |%-64s | %s| %s",
(j == num_lines-1) ? crc : " ",
(j == num_lines-1) ? explanation : "");
if (DecodeMifareData(frame, data_len, parityBytes, isResponse, mfData, &mfDataLen)) {
memset(explanation, 0x00, sizeof(explanation));
if (!isResponse) {
explanation[0] = '>';
annotateIso14443a(&explanation[1], sizeof(explanation) - 1, mfData, mfDataLen);
uint8_t crcc = iso14443A_CRC_check(isResponse, mfData, mfDataLen);
PrintAndLog(" | * | dec |%-64s | %-4s| %s",
sprint_hex(mfData, mfDataLen),
(crcc == 0 ? "!crc" : (crcc == 1 ? " ok " : " ")),
(true) ? explanation : "");
if (is_last_record(tracepos, trace, traceLen)) return traceLen;
if (showWaitCycles && !isResponse && next_record_is_response(tracepos, trace)) {
uint32_t next_timestamp = *((uint32_t *)(trace + tracepos));
PrintAndLog(" %10u | %10u | %s |fdt (Frame Delay Time): %d",
(EndOfTransmissionTimestamp - first_timestamp),
(next_timestamp - first_timestamp),
" ",
(next_timestamp - EndOfTransmissionTimestamp));
return tracepos;
void printFelica(uint16_t traceLen, uint8_t *trace) {
PrintAndLog(" Gap | Src | Data | CRC | Annotation |");
uint16_t tracepos = 0;
while( tracepos < traceLen) {
if (tracepos + 3 >= traceLen) break;
uint16_t gap = (uint16_t)trace[tracepos+1] + ((uint16_t)trace[tracepos] >> 8);
uint16_t crc_ok = trace[tracepos+2];
tracepos += 3;
if (tracepos + 3 >= traceLen) break;
uint16_t len = trace[tracepos+2];
//I am stripping SYNC
tracepos += 3; //skip SYNC
if( tracepos + len + 1 >= traceLen) break;
uint8_t cmd = trace[tracepos];
uint8_t isResponse = cmd&1;
char line[32][110];
for (int j = 0; j < len+1 && j/8 < 32; j++) {
snprintf(line[j/8]+(( j % 8) * 4), 110, " %02x ", trace[tracepos+j]);
char expbuf[50];
switch(cmd) {
case FELICA_POLL_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Poll Req");break;
case FELICA_POLL_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Poll Resp");break;
case FELICA_REQSRV_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Request Srvc Req");break;
case FELICA_REQSRV_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Request Srv Resp");break;
case FELICA_RDBLK_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Read block(s) Req");break;
case FELICA_RDBLK_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Read block(s) Resp");break;
case FELICA_WRTBLK_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Write block(s) Req");break;
case FELICA_WRTBLK_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Write block(s) Resp");break;
case FELICA_SRCHSYSCODE_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Search syscode Req");break;
case FELICA_SRCHSYSCODE_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Search syscode Resp");break;
case FELICA_REQSYSCODE_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Request syscode Req");break;
case FELICA_REQSYSCODE_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Request syscode Resp");break;
case FELICA_AUTH1_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth1 Req");break;
case FELICA_AUTH1_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth1 Resp");break;
case FELICA_AUTH2_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth2 Req");break;
case FELICA_AUTH2_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth2 Resp");break;
case FELICA_RDSEC_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure read Req");break;
case FELICA_RDSEC_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure read Resp");break;
case FELICA_WRTSEC_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure write Req");break;
case FELICA_WRTSEC_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure write Resp");break;
case FELICA_REQSRV2_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Request Srvc v2 Req");break;
case FELICA_REQSRV2_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Request Srvc v2 Resp");break;
case FELICA_GETSTATUS_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Get status Req");break;
case FELICA_GETSTATUS_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Get status Resp");break;
case FELICA_OSVER_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Get OS Version Req");break;
case FELICA_OSVER_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Get OS Version Resp");break;
case FELICA_RESET_MODE_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Reset mode Req");break;
case FELICA_RESET_MODE_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Reset mode Resp");break;
case FELICA_AUTH1V2_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth1 v2 Req");break;
case FELICA_AUTH1V2_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth1 v2 Resp");break;
case FELICA_AUTH2V2_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth2 v2 Req");break;
case FELICA_AUTH2V2_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Auth2 v2 Resp");break;
case FELICA_RDSECV2_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure read v2 Req");break;
case FELICA_RDSECV2_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure read v2 Resp");break;
case FELICA_WRTSECV2_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure write v2 Req");break;
case FELICA_WRTSECV2_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Secure write v2 Resp");break;
case FELICA_UPDATE_RNDID_REQ: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Update IDr Req");break;
case FELICA_UPDATE_RNDID_ACK: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Update IDr Resp");break;
default: snprintf(expbuf,49,"Unknown");break;
int num_lines = MIN((len )/16 + 1, 16);
for (int j = 0; j < num_lines ; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
PrintAndLog("%7d | %s |%-32s |%02x %02x %s| %s",
(isResponse ? "Tag" : "Rdr"),
(crc_ok) ? "OK" : "NG",
} else {
PrintAndLog(" | |%-32s | | ", line[j]);
tracepos += len + 1;
int CmdHFList(const char *Cmd) {
bool showWaitCycles = false;
bool markCRCBytes = false;
char type[10] = {0};
//int tlen = param_getstr(Cmd,0,type);
char param1 = param_getchar(Cmd, 1);
char param2 = param_getchar(Cmd, 2);
bool errors = false;
uint8_t protocol = 0;
//Validate params H or empty
if (strlen(Cmd) < 1 || param1 == 'h' || param1 == 'H') return usage_hf_list();
//Validate params F,C
(param1 != 0 && param1 != 'f' && param1 != 'c') ||
(param2 != 0 && param2 != 'f' && param2 != 'c')
) {
return usage_hf_list();
param_getstr(Cmd, 0, type, sizeof(type) );
// validate type of output
if (strcmp(type, "iclass") == 0) protocol = ICLASS;
else if(strcmp(type, "14a") == 0) protocol = ISO_14443A;
else if(strcmp(type, "14b") == 0) protocol = ISO_14443B;
else if(strcmp(type, "topaz") == 0) protocol = TOPAZ;
else if(strcmp(type, "7816") == 0) protocol = ISO_7816_4;
else if(strcmp(type, "des") == 0) protocol = MFDES;
else if(strcmp(type, "legic") == 0) protocol = LEGIC;
else if(strcmp(type, "15") == 0) protocol = ISO_15693;
else if(strcmp(type, "felica") == 0) protocol = FELICA;
else if(strcmp(type, "mf") == 0) protocol = PROTO_MIFARE;
else if(strcmp(type, "raw") == 0) protocol = -1;//No crc, no annotations
else errors = true;
if (errors) return usage_hf_list();
if (param1 == 'f' || param2 == 'f') showWaitCycles = true;
if (param1 == 'c' || param2 == 'c') markCRCBytes = true;
uint8_t *trace;
uint16_t tracepos = 0;
trace = malloc(USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE);
// Query for the size of the trace
UsbCommand response;
GetFromBigBuf(trace, USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE, 0);
if ( !WaitForResponseTimeout(CMD_ACK, &response, 4000) ) {
PrintAndLog("timeout while waiting for reply.");
return 1;
uint16_t traceLen = response.arg[2];
if (traceLen > USB_CMD_DATA_SIZE) {
uint8_t *p = realloc(trace, traceLen);
if (p == NULL) {
PrintAndLog("Cannot allocate memory for trace");
return 2;
trace = p;
GetFromBigBuf(trace, traceLen, 0);
WaitForResponse(CMD_ACK, NULL);
PrintAndLog("Recorded Activity (TraceLen = %d bytes)", traceLen);
if (protocol == FELICA) {
printFelica(traceLen, trace);
} else {
PrintAndLog("Start = Start of Start Bit, End = End of last modulation. Src = Source of Transfer");
if ( protocol == ISO_14443A || protocol == PROTO_MIFARE)
PrintAndLog("iso14443a - All times are in carrier periods (1/13.56Mhz)");
if ( protocol == ICLASS )
PrintAndLog("iClass - Timings are not as accurate");
if ( protocol == LEGIC )
PrintAndLog("LEGIC - Timings are in ticks (1us == 1.5ticks)");
if ( protocol == ISO_15693 )
PrintAndLog("ISO15693 - Timings are not as accurate");
if ( protocol == FELICA )
PrintAndLog("ISO18092 / FeliCa - Timings are not as accurate");
PrintAndLog(" Start | End | Src | Data (! denotes parity error) | CRC | Annotation |");
while(tracepos < traceLen) {
tracepos = printTraceLine(tracepos, traceLen, trace, protocol, showWaitCycles, markCRCBytes);
return 0;
int CmdHFSearch(const char *Cmd){
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
if (cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') return usage_hf_search();
int ans = CmdHF14AInfo("s");
if (ans > 0) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid ISO14443-A Tag Found\n");
return ans;
ans = HF15Reader("", false);
if (ans) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid ISO15693 Tag Found\n");
return ans;
ans = HFLegicReader("", false);
if ( ans == 0) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid LEGIC Tag Found\n");
return 1;
ans = CmdHFTopazReader("s");
if (ans == 0) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid Topaz Tag Found\n");
return 1;
// 14b and iclass is the longest test (put last)
ans = HF14BReader(false); //CmdHF14BReader("s");
if (ans) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid ISO14443-B Tag Found\n");
return ans;
ans = HFiClassReader("", false, false);
if (ans) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid iClass Tag (or PicoPass Tag) Found\n");
return ans;
ans = CmdHFFelicaReader("s");
if (ans) {
PrintAndLog("\nValid ISO18092 / FeliCa Found\n");
return ans;
PrintAndLog("\nno known/supported 13.56 MHz tags found\n");
return 0;
int CmdHFTune(const char *Cmd) {
PrintAndLog("[+] Measuring HF antenna, press button to exit");
return 0;
int CmdHFSnoop(const char *Cmd) {
char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
if (cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') return usage_hf_snoop();
int skippairs = param_get32ex(Cmd, 0, 0, 10);
int skiptriggers = param_get32ex(Cmd, 1, 0, 10);
UsbCommand c = {CMD_HF_SNIFFER, {skippairs, skiptriggers, 0}};
return 0;
static command_t CommandTable[] = {
{"help", CmdHelp, 1, "This help"},
{"14a", CmdHF14A, 1, "{ ISO14443A RFIDs... }"},
{"14b", CmdHF14B, 1, "{ ISO14443B RFIDs... }"},
{"15", CmdHF15, 1, "{ ISO15693 RFIDs... }"},
{"epa", CmdHFEPA, 1, "{ German Identification Card... }"},
{"emv", CmdHFEMV, 1, "{ EMV RFIDs... }"},
{"felica", CmdHFFelica, 1, "{ ISO18092 / Felica RFIDs... }"},
{"legic", CmdHFLegic, 1, "{ LEGIC RFIDs... }"},
{"iclass", CmdHFiClass, 1, "{ ICLASS RFIDs... }"},
{"mf", CmdHFMF, 1, "{ MIFARE RFIDs... }"},
{"mfu", CmdHFMFUltra, 1, "{ MIFARE Ultralight RFIDs... }"},
{"mfdes", CmdHFMFDes, 1, "{ MIFARE Desfire RFIDs... }"},
{"topaz", CmdHFTopaz, 1, "{ TOPAZ (NFC Type 1) RFIDs... }"},
{"tune", CmdHFTune, 0, "Continuously measure HF antenna tuning"},
{"list", CmdHFList, 1, "List protocol data in trace buffer"},
{"search", CmdHFSearch, 1, "Search for known HF tags [preliminary]"},
{"snoop", CmdHFSnoop, 0, "<samples to skip (10000)> <triggers to skip (1)> Generic HF Snoop"},
int CmdHF(const char *Cmd) {
CmdsParse(CommandTable, Cmd);
return 0;
int CmdHelp(const char *Cmd) {
return 0;