2020-07-06 15:16:00 +02:00

1335 lines
47 KiB

// Gerhard de Koning Gans - May 2008
// Hagen Fritsch - June 2010
// Gerhard de Koning Gans - May 2011
// Gerhard de Koning Gans - June 2012 - Added iClass card and reader emulation
// piwi - 2019
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// Routines to support iClass.
// Contribution made during a security research at Radboud University Nijmegen
// Please feel free to contribute and extend iClass support!!
// FIX:
// ====
// We still have sometimes a demodulation error when sniffing iClass communication.
// The resulting trace of a read-block-03 command may look something like this:
// + 22279: : 0c 03 e8 01
// ...with an incorrect answer...
// + 85: 0: TAG ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! ff! bb 33 bb 00 01! 0e! 04! bb !crc
// We still left the error signalling bytes in the traces like 0xbb
// A correct trace should look like this:
// + 21112: : 0c 03 e8 01
// + 85: 0: TAG ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ea f5
#include "iclass.h"
#include "proxmark3_arm.h"
#include "cmd.h"
// Needed for CRC in emulation mode;
// same construction as in ISO 14443;
// different initial value (CRC_ICLASS)
#include "crc16.h"
#include "optimized_cipher.h"
#include "appmain.h"
#include "BigBuf.h"
#include "fpgaloader.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "dbprint.h"
#include "protocols.h"
#include "ticks.h"
#include "iso15693.h"
static int SendIClassAnswer(uint8_t *resp, int respLen, uint16_t delay);
int doIClassSimulation(int simulationMode, uint8_t *reader_mac_buf);
// The length of a received command will in most cases be no more than 18 bytes.
// we expect max 34 bytes as tag answer (response to READ4)
// iCLASS has a slightly different timing compared to ISO15693. According to the picopass data sheet the tag response is expected 330us after
// the reader command. This is measured from end of reader EOF to first modulation of the tag's SOF which starts with a 56,64us unmodulated period.
// 330us = 140 ssp_clk cycles @ 423,75kHz when simulating.
// 56,64us = 24 ssp_clk_cycles
#define DELAY_ICLASS_VCD_TO_VICC_SIM (140 - 24)
// times in ssp_clk_cycles @ 3,3625MHz when acting as reader
// times in samples @ 212kHz when acting as reader
#define ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_ACTALL 330 // 1558us, nominal 330us + 7slots*160us = 1450us
#define ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_UPDATE 3390 // 16000us, nominal 4-15ms
#define ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS 80 // 380us, nominal 330us
#define AddCrc(data, len) compute_crc(CRC_ICLASS, (data), (len), (data)+(len), (data)+(len)+1)
static void OnError(uint8_t reason) {
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, 0, reason, 0, 0, 0);
* in ISO15693-2 mode - Manchester
* in ISO 14443b - BPSK coding
* Timings:
* ISO 15693-2
* Tout = 330 µs, Tprog 1 = 4 to 15 ms, Tslot = 330 µs + (number of slots x 160 µs)
* ISO 14443a
* Tout = 100 µs, Tprog = 4 to 15 ms, Tslot = 100 µs+ (number of slots x 80 µs)
* ISO 14443b
Tout = 76 µs, Tprog = 4 to 15 ms, Tslot = 119 µs+ (number of slots x 150 µs)
* So for current implementation in ISO15693, its 330 µs from end of reader, to start of card.
// a `sniffer' for iClass communication
// Both sides of communication!
void SniffIClass(uint8_t jam_search_len, uint8_t *jam_search_string) {
SniffIso15693(jam_search_len, jam_search_string);
static void rotateCSN(uint8_t *original_csn, uint8_t *rotated_csn) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
rotated_csn[i] = (original_csn[i] >> 3) | (original_csn[(i + 1) % 8] << 5);
// Encode SOF only
static void CodeIClassTagSOF(void) {
ToSend[++ToSendMax] = 0x1D;
* SOF comprises 3 parts;
* * An unmodulated time of 56.64 us
* * 24 pulses of 423.75 kHz (fc/32)
* * A logic 1, which starts with an unmodulated time of 18.88us
* followed by 8 pulses of 423.75kHz (fc/32)
* EOF comprises 3 parts:
* - A logic 0 (which starts with 8 pulses of fc/32 followed by an unmodulated
* time of 18.88us.
* - 24 pulses of fc/32
* - An unmodulated time of 56.64 us
* A logic 0 starts with 8 pulses of fc/32
* followed by an unmodulated time of 256/fc (~18,88us).
* A logic 0 starts with unmodulated time of 256/fc (~18,88us) followed by
* 8 pulses of fc/32 (also 18.88us)
* The mode FPGA_HF_SIMULATOR_MODULATE_424K_8BIT which we use to simulate tag,
* works like this.
* - A 1-bit input to the FPGA becomes 8 pulses on 423.5kHz (fc/32) (18.88us).
* - A 0-bit input to the FPGA becomes an unmodulated time of 18.88us
* In this mode
* SOF can be written as 00011101 = 0x1D
* EOF can be written as 10111000 = 0xb8
* logic 1 be written as 01 = 0x1
* logic 0 be written as 10 = 0x2
* @brief SimulateIClass simulates an iClass card.
* @param arg0 type of simulation
* - 0 uses the first 8 bytes in usb data as CSN
* - 2 "dismantling iclass"-attack. This mode iterates through all CSN's specified
* in the usb data. This mode collects MAC from the reader, in order to do an offline
* attack on the keys. For more info, see "dismantling iclass" and
* - Other : Uses the default CSN (031fec8af7ff12e0)
* @param arg1 - number of CSN's contained in datain (applicable for mode 2 only)
* @param arg2
* @param datain
// turn off afterwards
void SimulateIClass(uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2, uint8_t *datain) {
if (DBGLEVEL > 3) Dbprintf("[+] iClass_simulate Enter");
uint32_t simType = arg0;
uint32_t numberOfCSNS = arg1;
//Use the emulator memory for SIM
uint8_t *emulator = BigBuf_get_EM_addr();
uint8_t mac_responses[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 };
if (simType == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_CSN) {
// Use the CSN from commandline
memcpy(emulator, datain, 8);
doIClassSimulation(ICLASS_SIM_MODE_CSN, NULL);
} else if (simType == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_CSN_DEFAULT) {
//Default CSN
uint8_t csn[] = { 0x03, 0x1f, 0xec, 0x8a, 0xf7, 0xff, 0x12, 0xe0 };
// Use the CSN from commandline
memcpy(emulator, csn, 8);
doIClassSimulation(ICLASS_SIM_MODE_CSN, NULL);
} else if (simType == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_READER_ATTACK) {
Dbprintf("[+] going into attack mode, %d CSNS sent", numberOfCSNS);
// In this mode, a number of csns are within datain. We'll simulate each one, one at a time
// in order to collect MAC's from the reader. This can later be used in an offlne-attack
// in order to obtain the keys, as in the "dismantling iclass"-paper.
#define EPURSE_MAC_SIZE 16
int i = 0;
for (; i < numberOfCSNS && i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE + 8 < PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE; i++) {
memcpy(emulator, datain + (i * 8), 8);
if (doIClassSimulation(ICLASS_SIM_MODE_EXIT_AFTER_MAC, mac_responses + i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE)) {
// Button pressed
reply_old(CMD_ACK, CMD_HF_ICLASS_SIMULATE, i, 0, mac_responses, i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE);
goto out;
reply_old(CMD_ACK, CMD_HF_ICLASS_SIMULATE, i, 0, mac_responses, i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE);
} else if (simType == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL) {
//This is 'full sim' mode, where we use the emulator storage for data.
//ie: BigBuf_get_EM_addr should be previously filled with data from the "eload" command
// This is the KEYROLL version of sim 2.
// the collected data (mac_response) is doubled out since we are trying to collect both keys in the keyroll process.
// Keyroll iceman 9 csns * 8 * 2 = 144
// keyroll CARL55 15csns * 8 * 2 = 15 * 8 * 2 = 240
Dbprintf("[+] going into attack keyroll mode, %d CSNS sent", numberOfCSNS);
// In this mode, a number of csns are within datain. We'll simulate each one, one at a time
// in order to collect MAC's from the reader. This can later be used in an offlne-attack
// in order to obtain the keys, as in the "dismantling iclass"-paper.
// keyroll mode, reader swaps between old key and new key alternatively when fail a authentication.
// attack below is same as SIM 2, but we run the CSN twice to collected the mac for both keys.
int i = 0;
// The usb data is 512 bytes, fitting 65 8-byte CSNs in there. iceman fork uses 9 CSNS
for (; i < numberOfCSNS && i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE + 8 < PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE; i++) {
memcpy(emulator, datain + (i * 8), 8);
// keyroll 1
if (doIClassSimulation(MODE_EXIT_AFTER_MAC, mac_responses + i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE)) {
reply_old(CMD_ACK, CMD_HF_ICLASS_SIMULATE, i * 2, 0, mac_responses, i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE * 2);
// Button pressed
goto out;
// keyroll 2
if (doIClassSimulation(MODE_EXIT_AFTER_MAC, mac_responses + (i + numberOfCSNS) * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE)) {
reply_old(CMD_ACK, CMD_HF_ICLASS_SIMULATE, i * 2, 0, mac_responses, i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE * 2);
// Button pressed
goto out;
// double the amount of collected data.
reply_old(CMD_ACK, CMD_HF_ICLASS_SIMULATE, i * 2, 0, mac_responses, i * EPURSE_MAC_SIZE * 2);
} else {
// We may want a mode here where we hardcode the csns to use (from proxclone).
// That will speed things up a little, but not required just yet.
DbpString("[-] the mode is not implemented, reserved for future use");
* @brief Does the actual simulation
* @param csn - csn to use
* @param breakAfterMacReceived if true, returns after reader MAC has been received.
int doIClassSimulation(int simulationMode, uint8_t *reader_mac_buf) {
// free eventually allocated BigBuf memory
uint16_t page_size = 32 * 8;
uint8_t current_page = 0;
// maintain cipher states for both credit and debit key for each page
State cipher_state_KD[8];
State cipher_state_KC[8];
State *cipher_state = &cipher_state_KD[0];
uint8_t *emulator = BigBuf_get_EM_addr();
uint8_t *csn = emulator;
// CSN followed by two CRC bytes
uint8_t anticoll_data[10] = { 0 };
uint8_t csn_data[10] = { 0 };
memcpy(csn_data, csn, sizeof(csn_data));
// Construct anticollision-CSN
rotateCSN(csn_data, anticoll_data);
// Compute CRC on both CSNs
AddCrc(anticoll_data, 8);
AddCrc(csn_data, 8);
uint8_t diversified_kd[8] = { 0 };
uint8_t diversified_kc[8] = { 0 };
uint8_t *diversified_key = diversified_kd;
// configuration block
uint8_t conf_block[10] = {0x12, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00};
// e-Purse
uint8_t card_challenge_data[8] = { 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
// AIA
uint8_t aia_data[10] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00};
if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL) {
memcpy(conf_block, emulator + (8 * 1), 8); // blk 1
memcpy(card_challenge_data, emulator + (8 * 2), 8); // e-purse, blk 2
memcpy(diversified_kd, emulator + (8 * 3), 8); // Kd, blk 3
memcpy(diversified_kc, emulator + (8 * 4), 8); // Kc, blk 4
// (iceman) this only works for 2KS / 16KS tags.
// Use application data from block 5
memcpy(aia_data, emulator + (8 * 5), 8);
// older 2K / 16K tags has its application issuer data on block 2
AddCrc(conf_block, 8);
AddCrc(aia_data, 8);
// set epurse of sim2,4 attack
if (reader_mac_buf != NULL) {
memcpy(reader_mac_buf, card_challenge_data, 8);
if ((conf_block[5] & 0x80) == 0x80) {
page_size = 256 * 8;
// From PicoPass DS:
// When the page is in personalization mode this bit is equal to 1.
// Once the application issuer has personalized and coded its dedicated areas, this bit must be set to 0:
// the page is then "in application mode".
bool personalization_mode = conf_block[7] & 0x80;
// chip memory may be divided in 8 pages
uint8_t max_page = ((conf_block[4] & 0x10) == 0x10) ? 0 : 7;
// Precalculate the cipher states, feeding it the CC
cipher_state_KD[0] = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data, diversified_kd);
cipher_state_KC[0] = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data, diversified_kc);
if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL) {
for (int i = 1; i < max_page; i++) {
// does all pages has their own epurse??)
uint8_t *epurse = emulator + (i * page_size) + (8 * 2);
uint8_t *kd = emulator + (i * page_size) + (8 * 3);
uint8_t *kc = emulator + (i * page_size) + (8 * 4);
cipher_state_KD[i] = opt_doTagMAC_1(epurse, kd);
cipher_state_KC[i] = opt_doTagMAC_1(epurse, kc);
// Anti-collision process:
// Reader 0a
// Tag 0f
// Reader 0c
// Tag anticoll. CSN
// Reader 81 anticoll. CSN
// Tag CSN
uint8_t *modulated_response = NULL;
int modulated_response_size = 0;
uint8_t *trace_data = NULL;
int trace_data_size = 0;
// Respond SOF -- takes 1 bytes
uint8_t *resp_sof = BigBuf_malloc(1);
int resp_sof_len;
// Anticollision CSN (rotated CSN)
// 22: Takes 2 bytes for SOF/EOF and 10 * 2 = 20 bytes (2 bytes/byte)
uint8_t *resp_anticoll = BigBuf_malloc(28);
int resp_anticoll_len;
// CSN
// 22: Takes 2 bytes for SOF/EOF and 10 * 2 = 20 bytes (2 bytes/byte)
uint8_t *resp_csn = BigBuf_malloc(28);
int resp_csn_len;
// configuration (blk 1) PICOPASS 2ks
uint8_t *resp_conf = BigBuf_malloc(28);
int resp_conf_len;
// e-Purse (blk 2)
// 18: Takes 2 bytes for SOF/EOF and 8 * 2 = 16 bytes (2 bytes/bit)
uint8_t *resp_cc = BigBuf_malloc(28);
int resp_cc_len;
// Kd, Kc (blocks 3 and 4). Cannot be read. Always respond with 0xff bytes only
uint8_t *resp_ff = BigBuf_malloc(22);
int resp_ff_len;
uint8_t ff_data[10] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00};
AddCrc(ff_data, 8);
// Application Issuer Area (blk 5)
uint8_t *resp_aia = BigBuf_malloc(28);
int resp_aia_len;
// receive command
uint8_t *receivedCmd = BigBuf_malloc(MAX_FRAME_SIZE);
// Prepare card messages
ToSendMax = 0;
// First card answer: SOF
memcpy(resp_sof, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_sof_len = ToSendMax;
// Anticollision CSN
CodeIso15693AsTag(anticoll_data, sizeof(anticoll_data));
memcpy(resp_anticoll, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_anticoll_len = ToSendMax;
// CSN (block 0)
CodeIso15693AsTag(csn_data, sizeof(csn_data));
memcpy(resp_csn, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_csn_len = ToSendMax;
// Configuration (block 1)
CodeIso15693AsTag(conf_block, sizeof(conf_block));
memcpy(resp_conf, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_conf_len = ToSendMax;
// e-Purse (block 2)
CodeIso15693AsTag(card_challenge_data, sizeof(card_challenge_data));
memcpy(resp_cc, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_cc_len = ToSendMax;
// Kd, Kc (blocks 3 and 4)
CodeIso15693AsTag(ff_data, sizeof(ff_data));
memcpy(resp_ff, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_ff_len = ToSendMax;
// Application Issuer Area (block 5)
CodeIso15693AsTag(aia_data, sizeof(aia_data));
memcpy(resp_aia, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_aia_len = ToSendMax;
//This is used for responding to READ-block commands or other data which is dynamically generated
//First the 'trace'-data, not encoded for FPGA
uint8_t *data_generic_trace = BigBuf_malloc(32 + 2); // 32 bytes data + 2byte CRC is max tag answer
//Then storage for the modulated data
//Each bit is doubled when modulated for FPGA, and we also have SOF and EOF (2 bytes)
uint8_t *data_response = BigBuf_malloc((32 + 2) * 2 + 2);
bool button_pressed = false;
uint8_t cmd, options, block;
int len = 0;
bool exit_loop = 0;
while (exit_loop == false) {
uint32_t reader_eof_time = 0;
len = GetIso15693CommandFromReader(receivedCmd, MAX_FRAME_SIZE, &reader_eof_time);
if (len < 0) {
button_pressed = true;
exit_loop = true;
// Now look at the reader command and provide appropriate responses
// default is no response:
modulated_response = NULL;
modulated_response_size = 0;
trace_data = NULL;
trace_data_size = 0;
// extra response data
cmd = receivedCmd[0] & 0xF;
options = (receivedCmd[0] >> 4) & 0xFF;
block = receivedCmd[1];
if (cmd == ICLASS_CMD_ACTALL && len == 1) { // 0x0A
// Reader in anticollission phase
if (chip_state != HALTED) {
modulated_response = resp_sof;
modulated_response_size = resp_sof_len;
chip_state = ACTIVATED;
goto send;
} else if (cmd == ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY) { // 0x0C
if (len == 1) {
// Reader asks for anticollission CSN
if (chip_state == SELECTED || chip_state == ACTIVATED) {
modulated_response = resp_anticoll;
modulated_response_size = resp_anticoll_len; //order = 2;
trace_data = anticoll_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(anticoll_data);
goto send;
if (len == 4) {
if (chip_state == SELECTED) {
// block0,1,2,5 is always readable.
switch (block) {
case 0: { // csn (0c 00)
modulated_response = resp_csn;
modulated_response_size = resp_csn_len;
trace_data = csn_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(csn_data);
goto send;
case 1: { // configuration (0c 01)
modulated_response = resp_conf;
modulated_response_size = resp_conf_len;
trace_data = conf_block;
trace_data_size = sizeof(conf_block);
goto send;
case 2: {// e-purse (0c 02)
modulated_response = resp_cc;
modulated_response_size = resp_cc_len;
trace_data = card_challenge_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(card_challenge_data);
// set epurse of sim2,4 attack
if (reader_mac_buf != NULL) {
memcpy(reader_mac_buf, card_challenge_data, 8);
goto send;
case 3:
case 4: { // Kd, Kc, always respond with 0xff bytes
modulated_response = resp_ff;
modulated_response_size = resp_ff_len;
trace_data = ff_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(ff_data);
goto send;
case 5: { // Application Issuer Area (0c 05)
modulated_response = resp_aia;
modulated_response_size = resp_aia_len;
trace_data = aia_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(aia_data);
goto send;
default : {
if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL) { // 0x0C
//Read block
//Take the data...
memcpy(data_generic_trace, emulator + (block << 3), 8);
AddCrc(data_generic_trace, 8);
trace_data = data_generic_trace;
trace_data_size = 10;
CodeIso15693AsTag(trace_data, trace_data_size);
memcpy(modulated_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
goto send;
} // swith
} // selected
} // if 4
} else if (cmd == ICLASS_CMD_SELECT) { // 0x81
// Reader selects anticollission CSN.
// Tag sends the corresponding real CSN
modulated_response = resp_csn;
modulated_response_size = resp_csn_len; //order = 3;
trace_data = csn_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(csn_data);
goto send;
} else if (cmd == ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK) { // 0x88
// Read e-purse KD (88 02) KC (18 02)
if (chip_state == SELECTED) {
if ( ICLASS_DEBIT(cmd) ){
cipher_state = &cipher_state_KD[current_page];
diversified_key = diversified_kd;
} else {
cipher_state = &cipher_state_KC[current_page];
diversified_key = diversified_kc;
modulated_response = resp_cc;
modulated_response_size = resp_cc_len;
trace_data = card_challenge_data;
trace_data_size = sizeof(card_challenge_data);
goto send;
} else if (cmd == ICLASS_CMD_CHECK) { // 0x05
// Reader random and reader MAC!!!
if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL) {
// NR, from reader, is in receivedCmd +1
opt_doTagMAC_2(*cipher_state, receivedCmd + 1, data_generic_trace, diversified_key);
trace_data = data_generic_trace;
trace_data_size = 4;
CodeIso15693AsTag(trace_data, trace_data_size);
memcpy(data_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response = data_response;
modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
} else {
// Not fullsim, we don't respond
// We do not know what to answer, so lets keep quiet
modulated_response = resp_sof;
modulated_response_size = 0;
trace_data = NULL;
trace_data_size = 0;
if (simulationMode == MODE_EXIT_AFTER_MAC) {
Dbprintf("[+] CSN: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", csn[0], csn[1], csn[2], csn[3], csn[4], csn[5], csn[6], csn[7]);
Dbprintf("[+] RDR: (len=%02d): %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", len,
receivedCmd[0], receivedCmd[1], receivedCmd[2],
receivedCmd[3], receivedCmd[4], receivedCmd[5],
receivedCmd[6], receivedCmd[7], receivedCmd[8]);
} else {
Dbprintf("[+] CSN: %02x .... %02x OK", csn[0], csn[7]);
if (reader_mac_buf != NULL) {
// save NR and MAC for sim 2,4
memcpy(reader_mac_buf + 8, receivedCmd + 1, 8);
exit_loop = true;
goto send;
} else if (cmd == ICLASS_CMD_HALT && options == 0 && len == 1) {
if (chip_state == SELECTED) {
// Reader ends the session
modulated_response = resp_sof;
modulated_response_size = resp_sof_len;
chip_state = HALTED;
goto send;
} else if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL && cmd == ICLASS_CMD_READ4 && len == 4) { // 0x06
if (chip_state == SELECTED) {
//Read block
memcpy(data_generic_trace, emulator + (current_page * page_size) + (block * 8), 8 * 4);
AddCrc(data_generic_trace, 8 * 4);
trace_data = data_generic_trace;
trace_data_size = 34;
CodeIso15693AsTag(trace_data, trace_data_size);
memcpy(modulated_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
goto send;
} else if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL && cmd == ICLASS_CMD_UPDATE && (len == 12 || len == 14)) {
// We're expected to respond with the data+crc, exactly what's already in the receivedCmd
// receivedCmd is now UPDATE 1b | ADDRESS 1b | DATA 8b | Signature 4b or CRC 2b
if (chip_state == SELECTED) {
if (block == 2) { // update e-purse
memcpy(card_challenge_data, receivedCmd + 2, 8);
CodeIso15693AsTag(card_challenge_data, sizeof(card_challenge_data));
memcpy(resp_cc, ToSend, ToSendMax);
resp_cc_len = ToSendMax;
cipher_state_KD[current_page] = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data, diversified_kd);
cipher_state_KC[current_page] = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data, diversified_kc);
} else if (block == 3) { // update Kd
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (personalization_mode) {
diversified_kd[i] = receivedCmd[2 + i];
} else {
diversified_kd[i] ^= receivedCmd[2 + i];
cipher_state_KD[current_page] = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data, diversified_kd);
} else if (block == 4) { // update Kc
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (personalization_mode) {
diversified_kc[i] = receivedCmd[2 + i];
} else {
diversified_kc[i] ^= receivedCmd[2 + i];
cipher_state_KC[current_page] = opt_doTagMAC_1(card_challenge_data, diversified_kc);
// update emulator
memcpy(emulator + (current_page * page_size) + (8 * block), receivedCmd + 2, 8);
memcpy(data_generic_trace, receivedCmd + 2, 8);
AddCrc(data_generic_trace, 8);
trace_data = data_generic_trace;
trace_data_size = 10;
CodeIso15693AsTag(trace_data, trace_data_size);
memcpy(data_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response = data_response;
modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
goto send;
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == ICLASS_CMD_PAGESEL && len == 4) { // 0x84
// Pagesel,
// - enables to select a page in the selected chip memory and return its configuration block
// Chips with a single page will not answer to this command
// Otherwise, we should answer 8bytes (conf block 1) + 2bytes CRC
if (chip_state == SELECTED) {
if (simulationMode == ICLASS_SIM_MODE_FULL && max_page > 0) {
current_page = receivedCmd[1];
memcpy(data_generic_trace, emulator + (current_page * page_size) + (8 * 1), 8);
memcpy(diversified_kd, emulator + (current_page * page_size) + (8 * 3), 8);
memcpy(diversified_kc, emulator + (current_page * page_size) + (8 * 4), 8);
cipher_state = &cipher_state_KD[current_page];
personalization_mode = data_generic_trace[7] & 0x80;
AddCrc(data_generic_trace, 8);
trace_data = data_generic_trace;
trace_data_size = 10;
CodeIso15693AsTag(trace_data, trace_data_size);
memcpy(data_response, ToSend, ToSendMax);
modulated_response = data_response;
modulated_response_size = ToSendMax;
// } else if(receivedCmd[0] == ICLASS_CMD_DETECT) { // 0x0F
} else if (receivedCmd[0] == 0x26 && len == 5) {
// standard ISO15693 INVENTORY command. Ignore.
} else {
// Never seen this command before
print_result("[-] Unhandled command received ", receivedCmd, len);
A legit tag has about 330us delay between reader EOT and tag SOF.
if (modulated_response_size > 0) {
uint32_t response_time = reader_eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VCD_TO_VICC_SIM;
TransmitTo15693Reader(modulated_response, modulated_response_size, &response_time, 0, false);
LogTrace(trace_data, trace_data_size, response_time * 32, (response_time * 32) + (modulated_response_size * 32 * 64), NULL, false);
if (button_pressed)
DbpString("[+] button pressed");
return button_pressed;
static void ReaderTransmitIClass(uint8_t *frame, int len, uint32_t *start_time) {
CodeIso15693AsReader(frame, len);
TransmitTo15693Tag(ToSend, ToSendMax, start_time);
uint32_t end_time = *start_time + 32 * (8 * ToSendMax - 4); // substract the 4 padding bits after EOF
LogTrace(frame, len, *start_time * 4, end_time * 4, NULL, true);
static bool sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(uint8_t* command, size_t cmdsize, uint8_t* resp, size_t max_resp_size,
uint8_t expected_size, uint8_t tries, uint32_t start_time,
uint32_t timeout, uint32_t *eof_time) {
while (tries-- > 0) {
ReaderTransmitIClass(command, cmdsize, &start_time);
if (expected_size == GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, max_resp_size, timeout, eof_time)) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief Talks to an iclass tag, sends the commands to get CSN and CC.
* @param card_data where the CSN, CONFIG, CC are stored for return
* 8 bytes csn + 8 bytes config + 8 bytes CC
* @return false = fail
* true = Got all.
static bool selectIclassTag(uint8_t *card_data, bool use_credit_key, uint32_t *eof_time) {
static uint8_t act_all[] = { ICLASS_CMD_ACTALL };
static uint8_t identify[] = { ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY, 0x00, 0x73, 0x33 };
static uint8_t select[] = { 0x80 | ICLASS_CMD_SELECT, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
static uint8_t read_conf[] = { ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY, 0x01, 0xfa, 0x22 };
static uint8_t read_check_cc[] = { 0x80 | ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK, 0x02 };
// Bit 4: K.If this bit equals to one, the READCHECK will use the Credit Key (Kc); if equals to zero, Debit Key (Kd) willbe used
// bit 7: parity.
if (use_credit_key)
read_check_cc[0] = 0x10 | ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK;
uint8_t resp[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
uint32_t start_time = GetCountSspClk();
ReaderTransmitIClass(act_all, 1, &start_time);
// card present?
if (GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, sizeof(resp), ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_ACTALL, eof_time) < 0)
return false;
// send Identify
start_time = *eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
ReaderTransmitIClass(identify, 1, &start_time);
// expect a 10-byte response here, 8 byte anticollision-CSN and 2 byte CRC
uint8_t len = GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, sizeof(resp), ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, eof_time);
if (len != 10)
return false;
// copy the Anti-collision CSN to our select-packet
memcpy(&select[1], resp, 8);
// select the card
start_time = *eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
ReaderTransmitIClass(select, sizeof(select), &start_time);
// expect a 10-byte response here, 8 byte CSN and 2 byte CRC
len = GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, sizeof(resp), ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, eof_time);
if (len != 10)
return false;
//Save CSN in response data
memcpy(card_data, resp, 8);
// card selected, now read config (block1) (only 8 bytes no CRC)
start_time = *eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
ReaderTransmitIClass(read_conf, sizeof(read_conf), &start_time);
// expect a 8-byte response here
len = GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, sizeof(resp), ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, eof_time);
if (len != 8)
return false;
//Save CC (e-purse) in response data
memcpy(card_data + 8, resp, 8);
// card selected, now read e-purse (cc) (block2) (only 8 bytes no CRC)
start_time = *eof_time + DELAY_ICLASS_VICC_TO_VCD_READER;
ReaderTransmitIClass(read_check_cc, sizeof(read_check_cc), &start_time);
// expect a 8-byte response here
len = GetIso15693AnswerFromTag(resp, sizeof(resp), ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, eof_time);
if (len != 8)
return false;
//Save CC (e-purse) in response data
memcpy(card_data + 16, resp, 8);
return true;
// Reader iClass Anticollission
// turn off afterwards
void ReaderIClass(uint8_t flags) {
uint8_t card_data[6 * 8] = {0xFF};
uint8_t last_csn[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
uint8_t resp[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE];
// memset(card_data, 0xFF, sizeof(card_data));
memset(resp, 0xFF, sizeof(resp));
bool flag_readonce = flags & FLAG_ICLASS_READER_ONLY_ONCE; // flag to read until one tag is found successfully
bool use_credit_key = flags & FLAG_ICLASS_READER_CEDITKEY; // flag to use credit key
bool flag_read_aia = flags & FLAG_ICLASS_READER_AIA; // flag to read block5, application issuer area
uint32_t start_time = 0;
uint32_t eof_time = 0;
int read_status = selectIclassTag(card_data, use_credit_key, &eof_time);
if (read_status == 0) {
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, 0xFF, 0, 0, card_data, 0);
//Read block 5, AIA
if (flag_read_aia) {
//Read App Issuer Area block CRC(0x05) => 0xde 0x64
uint8_t read_aa[] = { ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY, 0x05, 0xde, 0x64};
if (sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read_aa, sizeof(read_aa), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 10, start_time, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time)) {
result_status |= FLAG_ICLASS_AIA;
memcpy(card_data + (8 * 5), resp, 8);
} else {
if (DBGLEVEL >= DBG_EXTENDED) DbpString("Failed to dump AIA block");
// 0 : CSN
// 1 : Configuration
// 2 : e-purse
// 3 : kd / debit / aa2 (write-only)
// 4 : kc / credit / aa1 (write-only)
// 5 : AIA, Application issuer area
//Then we can 'ship' back the 6 * 8 bytes of data,
// with 0xFF:s in block 3 and 4.
//Send back to client, but don't bother if we already sent this -
// only useful if looping in arm (not try_once && not abort_after_read)
if (memcmp(last_csn, card_data, 8) != 0) {
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, result_status, 0, 0, card_data, sizeof(card_data));
if (flag_readonce) {
if (userCancelled) {
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, 0xFF, 0, 0, card_data, 0);
} else {
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, 0, 0, 0, card_data, 0);
// turn off afterwards
void ReaderIClass_Replay(uint8_t arg0, uint8_t *mac) {
uint8_t cardsize = 0;
uint8_t mem = 0;
uint8_t check[] = { 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8_t read[] = { 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8_t card_data[PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t resp[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
static struct memory_t {
int k16;
int book;
int k2;
int lockauth;
int keyaccess;
} memory;
while (!BUTTON_PRESS()) {
uint8_t read_status = handshakeIclassTag(card_data);
if (read_status < 2) continue;
//for now replay captured auth (as cc not updated)
memcpy(check + 5, mac, 4);
if (!sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check), resp, 4, 5)) {
DbpString("Error: Authentication Fail!");
//first get configuration block (block 1)
read[1] = 1;
AddCrc(read + 1, 1);
if (!sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read, sizeof(read), resp, 10, 5)) {
DbpString("Dump config (block 1) failed");
mem = resp[5];
memory.k16 = (mem & 0x80); = (mem & 0x20);
memory.k2 = (mem & 0x8);
memory.lockauth = (mem & 0x2);
memory.keyaccess = (mem & 0x1);
cardsize = memory.k16 ? 255 : 32;
//Set card_data to all zeroes, we'll fill it with data
memset(card_data, 0x0, PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE);
uint8_t failedRead = 0;
uint32_t stored_data_length = 0;
//then loop around remaining blocks
for (uint16_t block = 0; block < cardsize; block++) {
read[1] = block;
AddCrc(read + 1, 1);
if (sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(read, sizeof(read), resp, 10, 5)) {
Dbprintf(" %02x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",
block, resp[0], resp[1], resp[2],
resp[3], resp[4], resp[5],
resp[6], resp[7]
//Fill up the buffer
memcpy(card_data + stored_data_length, resp, 8);
stored_data_length += 8;
if (stored_data_length + 8 > PM3_CMD_DATA_SIZE) {
//Time to send this off and start afresh
stored_data_length,//data length
failedRead,//Failed blocks?
0,//Not used ATM
stored_data_length = 0;
failedRead = 0;
} else {
failedRead = 1;
stored_data_length += 8;//Otherwise, data becomes misaligned
Dbprintf("Failed to dump block %d", block);
//Send off any remaining data
if (stored_data_length > 0) {
stored_data_length,//data length
failedRead,//Failed blocks?
0,//Not used ATM
//If we got here, let's break
//Signal end of transmission
0,//data length
0,//Failed blocks?
0,//Not used ATM
// not used. ?!? ( CMD_HF_ICLASS_READCHECK)
// turn off afterwards
void iClass_ReadCheck(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t keytype) {
uint8_t readcheck[] = { keytype, blockno };
uint8_t resp[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(readcheck, sizeof(readcheck), resp, sizeof(resp), 8, 3, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time);
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, isOK, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// used with function select_and_auth (cmdhficlass.c)
// which needs to authenticate before doing more things like read/write
void iClass_Authentication(uint8_t *mac) {
uint8_t check[] = { ICLASS_CMD_CHECK, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8_t resp[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE];
// copy MAC to check command (readersignature)
check[5] = mac[0];
check[6] = mac[1];
check[7] = mac[2];
check[8] = mac[3];
//memcpy(check+5, mac, 4);
// 6 retries
uint8_t isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check), resp, 4, 6);
reply_ng(CMD_HF_ICLASS_AUTH, PM3_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *)&isOK, sizeof(uint8_t));
typedef struct iclass_premac {
uint8_t mac[4];
} iclass_premac_t;
/* this function works on the following assumptions.
* - one select first, to get CSN / CC (e-purse)
* - calculate before diversified keys and precalc mac based on CSN/KEY.
* - data in contains of diversified keys, mac
* - key loop only test one type of authtication key. Ie two calls needed
* to cover debit and credit key. (AA1/AA2)
void iClass_Authentication_fast(uint64_t arg0, uint64_t arg1, uint8_t *datain) {
uint8_t i = 0, isOK = 0;
uint8_t lastChunk = ((arg0 >> 8) & 0xFF);
bool use_credit_key = ((arg0 >> 16) & 0xFF);
uint8_t keyCount = arg1 & 0xFF;
uint8_t check[] = { ICLASS_CMD_CHECK, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8_t resp[ICLASS_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint8_t readcheck_cc[] = { 0x80 | ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK, 0x02 };
if (use_credit_key)
readcheck_cc[0] = 0x10 | ICLASS_CMD_READCHECK;
// select card / e-purse
uint8_t card_data[6 * 8] = {0};
iclass_premac_t *keys = (iclass_premac_t *)datain;
uint16_t checked = 0;
int read_status = 0;
uint8_t startup_limit = 10;
while (read_status != 2) {
if (checked == 1000) {
if (BUTTON_PRESS() || !data_available()) goto out;
checked = 0;
read_status = handshakeIclassTag_ext(card_data, use_credit_key);
if (startup_limit-- == 0) {
Dbprintf("[-] Handshake status | %d (fail 10)", read_status);
isOK = 99;
goto out;
// since handshakeIclassTag_ext call sends s readcheck, we start with sending first response.
checked = 0;
// Keychunk loop
for (i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
// Allow button press / usb cmd to interrupt device
if (checked == 1000) {
if (BUTTON_PRESS() || !data_available()) goto out;
checked = 0;
// copy MAC to check command (readersignature)
check[5] = keys[i].mac[0];
check[6] = keys[i].mac[1];
check[7] = keys[i].mac[2];
check[8] = keys[i].mac[3];
// expect 4bytes, 3 retries times..
isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(check, sizeof(check), resp, 4, 3);
if (isOK)
goto out;
// Auth Sequence MUST begin with reading e-purse. (block2)
// Card selected, now read e-purse (cc) (block2) (only 8 bytes no CRC)
ReaderTransmitIClass(readcheck_cc, sizeof(readcheck_cc));
// send keyindex.
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, isOK, i, 0, 0, 0);
if (isOK >= 1 || lastChunk) {
// Tries to read block.
// retries 10times.
static bool iClass_ReadBlock(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t *data) {
uint8_t resp[10];
uint8_t cmd[] = {ICLASS_CMD_READ_OR_IDENTIFY, blockno, 0x00, 0x00};
AddCrc(cmd + 1, 1);
uint32_t eof_time;
bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(readcmd, sizeof(readcmd), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 10, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_OTHERS, &eof_time);
memcpy(data, resp, 8);
return isOK;
// turn off afterwards
// readblock 8 + 2. only want 8.
void iClass_ReadBlk(uint8_t blockno) {
struct p {
bool isOK;
uint8_t blockdata[8];
} PACKED result;
result.isOK = iClass_ReadBlock(blockno, result.blockdata);
reply_ng(CMD_HF_ICLASS_READBL, PM3_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *)&result, sizeof(result));
// turn off afterwards
void iClass_Dump(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t numblks) {
uint8_t *dataout = BigBuf_malloc(0xFF * 8);
if (dataout == NULL) {
DbpString("[!] fail to allocate memory");
memset(dataout, 0xFF, 0xFF * 8);
uint8_t blockdata[8] = {0};
uint8_t blkCnt = 0;
bool isOK;
for (; blkCnt < numblks; blkCnt++) {
isOK = iClass_ReadBlock(blockno + blkCnt, blockdata);
// 0xBB is the internal debug separator byte..
if (!isOK || (blockdata[0] == 0xBB || blockdata[7] == 0xBB || blockdata[2] == 0xBB)) { //try again
isOK = iClass_ReadBlock(blockno + blkCnt, blockdata);
if (!isOK) {
Dbprintf("[!] block %02X failed to read", blkCnt + blockno);
memcpy(dataout + (blkCnt * 8), blockdata, 8);
//return pointer to dump memory in arg3
reply_mix(CMD_ACK, isOK, blkCnt, BigBuf_max_traceLen(), 0, 0);
static bool iClass_WriteBlock_ext(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t *data) {
uint8_t write[] = { 0x80 | ICLASS_CMD_UPDATE, blockno, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
memcpy(write + 2, data, 12); // data + mac
AddCrc(write + 1, 13);
uint8_t resp[10] = {0};
uint32_t eof_time = 0;
bool isOK = sendCmdGetResponseWithRetries(write, sizeof(write), resp, sizeof(resp), 10, 3, 0, ICLASS_READER_TIMEOUT_UPDATE, &eof_time);
if (isOK == false) {
return false;
uint8_t all_ff[8] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
if (blockno == 2) {
// check response. e-purse update swaps first and second half
if (memcmp(data+4, resp, 4) || memcmp(data, resp+4, 4)) {
return false;
} else if (blockno == 3 || blockno == 4) {
// check response. Key updates always return 0xffffffffffffffff
if (memcmp(all_ff, resp, 8)) {
return false;
} else {
// check response. All other updates return unchanged data
if (memcmp(data, resp, 8)) {
return false;
return true;
// turn off afterwards
void iClass_WriteBlock(uint8_t blockno, uint8_t *data) {
uint8_t isOK = iClass_WriteBlock_ext(blockno, data);
reply_ng(CMD_HF_ICLASS_WRITEBL, PM3_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *)&isOK, sizeof(uint8_t));
// turn off afterwards
void iClass_Clone(uint8_t startblock, uint8_t endblock, uint8_t *data) {
uint16_t written = 0;
uint16_t total_blocks = (endblock - startblock) + 1;
for (uint8_t b = startblock; b < total_blocks; b++) {
if (iClass_WriteBlock_ext(b, data + ((b - startblock) * 12))) {
Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] successful", b);
} else {
Dbprintf("Write block [%02x] failed", b);
uint8_t isOK = (written == total_blocks) ? 1 : 0;
reply_ng(CMD_HF_ICLASS_CLONE, PM3_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *)&isOK, sizeof(uint8_t));