2020-03-31 08:11:27 +02:00

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// Copyright (C) 2019 Merlok
// This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or,
// at your option, any later version. See the LICENSE.txt file for the text of
// the license.
// NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) functions
#ifndef _NDEF_H_
#define _NDEF_H_
#include "common.h"
typedef enum {
tnfEmptyRecord = 0x00,
tnfWellKnownRecord = 0x01,
tnfMIMEMediaRecord = 0x02,
tnfAbsoluteURIRecord = 0x03,
tnfExternalRecord = 0x04,
tnfUnknownRecord = 0x05,
tnfUnchangedRecord = 0x06
} TypeNameFormat_t;
typedef enum {
stNotPresent = 0x00,
stRSASSA_PSS_SHA_1 = 0x01,
stRSASSA_PKCS1_v1_5_WITH_SHA_1 = 0x02,
stDSA_1024 = 0x03,
stECDSA_P192 = 0x04,
stRSASSA_PSS_2048 = 0x05,
stRSASSA_PKCS1_v1_5_2048 = 0x06,
stDSA_2048 = 0x07,
stECDSA_P224 = 0x08,
stECDSA_K233 = 0x09,
stECDSA_B233 = 0x0a,
stECDSA_P256 = 0x0b,
stNA = 0x0c
} ndefSigType_t;
typedef enum {
sfX_509 = 0x00,
sfX9_68 = 0x01,
sfNA = 0x02
} ndefCertificateFormat_t;
typedef struct {
bool MessageBegin;
bool MessageEnd;
bool ChunkFlag;
bool ShortRecordBit;
bool IDLenPresent;
TypeNameFormat_t TypeNameFormat;
size_t TypeLen;
size_t PayloadLen;
size_t IDLen;
size_t len;
size_t RecLen;
uint8_t *Type;
uint8_t *Payload;
uint8_t *ID;
} NDEFHeader_t;
int NDEFDecodeAndPrint(uint8_t *ndef, size_t ndefLen, bool verbose);
#endif // _NDEF_H_