* Switched to v2 go.mod
Also set GO111MODULE=on in build stuff to always use Go modules
even when in GOPATH.
* Ensure go.mod, go.sum, and vendor are up to date
* Attempt to fix Azure pipelines
* Add set -e to properly fail on exit (it didn't seem to be
propagating properly before).
* Set workingDirectory for GoFmt and GoGen (this might be why it
fails unlike compile and unitests).
* Another attempt to fix Azure Pipelines
* Use the Go env template for all go-related jobs.
* Completely fixed Azure Pipelines
* Added a display name to GoFmt for consistency.
* Fixed diffs for GoFmt and GoGen.
* Show git status for checks.
* Drop GOPATH for tests
TODO: Do the same for integration tests.
* Drop GOPATH for integration tests
* Show more diffs
* Regenerate provider support matrix
This wasn't done in #590...
* Stable comparison of metadata (#239)
Iterating over a map in Go never produces twice the same ordering.
Thus when comparing two metadata map with more than one key, the
`differ` is always finding differences.
To properly compare records metadata, we need to iterate the maps
in a deterministic way.
Signed-off-by: Brice Figureau <brice@daysofwonder.com>
* Support for Route53 ALIAS record type (#239)
Route53 ALIAS doesn't behave like a regular ALIAS, and is much more
limited as its target can only be some specific AWS resources or
another record in the same zone.
According to #239, this change adds a new directive R53_ALIAS which
implements this specific alias. This record type can only be used
with the Route53 provider.
This directive usage looks like this:
D("example.com", REGISTRAR, DnsProvider("ROUTE53"),
R53_ALIAS("foo1", "A", "bar") // record in same zone
R53_ALIAS("foo2", "A",
R53_ZONE('Z368ELLRRE2KJ0')) // ELB in us-west-1
Unfortunately, Route53 requires indicating the hosted zone id
where the target is defined (those are listed in AWS documentation,
see the R53_ALIAS documentation for links).