* Replaced errors.Wrap with fmt.Errorf (#589)
* Find: errors\.Wrap\(([^,]+),\s+(["`][^"`]*)(["`])\)
Replace: fmt.Errorf($2: %w$3, $1)
* Replaced errors.Wrapf with fmt.Errorf (#589)
* Find: errors\.Wrapf\(([^,]+),\s+(["`][^"`]*)(["`])\)
Replace: fmt.Errorf($2: %w$3, $1)
* Find: errors\.Wrapf\(([^,]+),\s+(["`][^"`]*)(["`])(,[^)]+)\)
* Replace: fmt.Errorf($2: %w$3$4, $1)
* Replaced errors.Errorf with fmt.Errorf (#589)
* Find: errors\.Errorf
Replace: fmt.Errorf
* Cleaned up remaining imports
* Cleanup
* Regenerate provider support matrix
This was broken by #533 ... and it's now the third time this has been missed.
* govendor gopkg.in/yaml.v2
* Ignore YAML and BIND test data litter. Create README.txt files to force git to create subdirectories.
* Update convertzone to also read OctoDNS files
* Replace RecordConfig.Name and .NameFQDN with getters and setters.
* Replace RecordConfig.Target with getters and setters.
* Eliminate the CombinedTarget concept.
* Add RecordConfig.PopulateFromString to reduce code in all providers.
* encode and decode name.com txt records (#315)
* Replace fmt.Errorf with errors.Errorf