package diff2 //go:generate stringer -type=Verb // This module provides functions that "diff" the existing records // against the desired records. import ( "bytes" "fmt" "" ) type Verb int const ( _ Verb = iota // Skip the first value of 0 CREATE // Create a record/recordset/label where none existed before. CHANGE // Change existing record/recordset/label DELETE // Delete existing record/recordset/label ) type ChangeList []Change type Change struct { Type Verb // Add, Change, Delete Key models.RecordKey // .Key.Type is "" unless using ByRecordSet Old models.Records New models.Records // any changed or added records at Key. Msgs []string // Human-friendly explanation of what changed MsgsByKey map[models.RecordKey][]string // Messages for a given key } // ByRecordSet takes two lists of records (existing and desired) and // returns instructions for turning existing into desired. // // Use this with DNS providers whose API updates one recordset at a // time. A recordset is all the records of a particular type at a // label. For example, if has 3 A records and a TXT // record, if A records are added, changed, or removed, the API takes //, A, and a list of all the desired IP addresses. // // Examples include: func ByRecordSet(existing models.Records, dc *models.DomainConfig, compFunc ComparableFunc) (ChangeList, error) { // dc stores the desired state. desired := dc.Records var err error desired, err = handsoff(existing, desired, dc.Unmanaged, dc.UnmanagedUnsafe) // Handle UNMANAGED() if err != nil { return nil, err } cc := NewCompareConfig(dc.Name, existing, desired, compFunc) instructions := analyzeByRecordSet(cc) return processPurge(instructions, !dc.KeepUnknown), nil } // ByLabel takes two lists of records (existing and desired) and // returns instructions for turning existing into desired. // // Use this with DNS providers whose API updates one label at a // time. That is, updates are done by sending a list of DNS records // to be served at a particular label, or the label itself is deleted. // // Examples include: func ByLabel(existing models.Records, dc *models.DomainConfig, compFunc ComparableFunc) (ChangeList, error) { // dc stores the desired state. desired := dc.Records var err error desired, err = handsoff(existing, desired, dc.Unmanaged, dc.UnmanagedUnsafe) // Handle UNMANAGED() if err != nil { return nil, err } cc := NewCompareConfig(dc.Name, existing, desired, compFunc) instructions := analyzeByLabel(cc) return processPurge(instructions, !dc.KeepUnknown), nil } // ByRecord takes two lists of records (existing and desired) and // returns instructions for turning existing into desired. // // Use this with DNS providers whose API updates one record at a time. // // Examples include: INWX func ByRecord(existing models.Records, dc *models.DomainConfig, compFunc ComparableFunc) (ChangeList, error) { // dc stores the desired state. desired := dc.Records var err error desired, err = handsoff(existing, desired, dc.Unmanaged, dc.UnmanagedUnsafe) // Handle UNMANAGED() if err != nil { return nil, err } cc := NewCompareConfig(dc.Name, existing, desired, compFunc) instructions := analyzeByRecord(cc) return processPurge(instructions, !dc.KeepUnknown), nil } // ByZone takes two lists of records (existing and desired) and // returns text one would output to users describing the change. // // Use this with DNS providers whose API updates the entire zone at a // time. That is, to make any change (1 record or many) the entire DNS // zone is uploaded. // // The user should see a list of changes as if individual records were // updated. // // The caller of this function should: // // changed, msgs := diff2.ByZone(existing, desired, origin, nil // fmt.Sprintf("CREATING ZONEFILE FOR THE FIRST TIME: dir/")) // if changed { // // output msgs // // generate the zone using the "desired" records // } // // Example providers include: BIND func ByZone(existing models.Records, dc *models.DomainConfig, compFunc ComparableFunc) ([]string, bool, error) { // dc stores the desired state. if len(existing) == 0 { // Nothing previously existed. No need to output a list of individual changes. return nil, true, nil } desired := dc.Records var err error desired, err = handsoff(existing, desired, dc.Unmanaged, dc.UnmanagedUnsafe) // Handle UNMANAGED() if err != nil { return nil, false, err } cc := NewCompareConfig(dc.Name, existing, desired, compFunc) instructions := analyzeByRecord(cc) instructions = processPurge(instructions, !dc.KeepUnknown) return justMsgs(instructions), len(instructions) != 0, nil } /* nil, nil : nil, nonzero : nil, true, nil nonzero, nil : msgs, true, nil nonzero, nonzero : existing: changes : return msgs, true, nil existing: no changes : return nil, false, nil not existing: no changes: return nil, false, nil not existing: changes : return nil, true, nil */ func (c Change) String() string { var buf bytes.Buffer b := &buf fmt.Fprintf(b, "Change: verb=%v\n", c.Type) fmt.Fprintf(b, " key=%v\n", c.Key) if len(c.Old) != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(b, " old=%v\n", c.Old) } if len(c.New) != 0 { fmt.Fprintf(b, " new=%v\n", c.New) } fmt.Fprintf(b, " msg=%q\n", c.Msgs) return b.String() } func (cl ChangeList) String() string { var buf bytes.Buffer b := &buf fmt.Fprintf(b, "ChangeList: len=%d\n", len(cl)) for i, j := range cl { fmt.Fprintf(b, "%02d: %s", i, j) } return b.String() }