--- name: LOC parameters: - deg1 - min1 - sec1 - deg2 - min2 - sec2 - altitude - size - horizontal_precision - vertical_precision parameter_types: name: string target: string deg1: number min1: number sec1: number deg2: number min2: number sec2: number altitude: number size: number horizontal_precision: number vertical_precision: number --- The parameter number types are as follows: ``` name: string target: string deg1: uint32 min1: uint32 sec1: float32 deg2: uint32 min2: uint32 sec2: float32 altitude: uint32 size: float32 horizontal_precision: float32 vertical_precision: float32 ``` ## Description ## Strictly follows [RFC 1876](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1876). A LOC record holds a geographical position. In the zone file, it may look like: ```text ; pipex.net. LOC 52 14 05 N 00 08 50 E 10m ``` On the wire, it is in a binary format. A use case for LOC is suggested in the RFC: > Some uses for the LOC RR have already been suggested, including the USENET backbone flow maps, a "visual traceroute" application showing the geographical path of an IP packet, and network management applications that could use LOC RRs to generate a map of hosts and routers being managed. There is the UK based [https://find.me.uk](https://find.me.uk/) whereby you can do: ```sh dig loc .find.me.uk ``` There are some behaviours that you should be aware of, however: > If omitted, minutes and seconds default to zero, size defaults to 1m, horizontal precision defaults to 10000m, and vertical precision defaults to 10m. These defaults are chosen to represent typical ZIP/postal code area sizes, since it is often easy to find approximate geographical location by ZIP/postal code. Alas, the world does not revolve around US ZIP codes, but here we are. Internally, the LOC record type will supply defaults where values were absent on DNS import. One must supply the `LOC()` js helper all parameters. If that seems like too much work, see also helper functions: * [`LOC_BUILDER_DD({})`](../record/LOC_BUILDER_DD.md) - build a `LOC` by supplying only **d**ecimal **d**egrees. * [`LOC_BUILDER_DMS_STR({})`](../record/LOC_BUILDER_DMS_STR.md) - accepts DMS 33°51′31″S 151°12′51″E * [`LOC_BUILDER_DMM_STR({})`](../record/LOC_BUILDER_DMM_STR.md) - accepts DMM 25.24°S 153.15°E * [`LOC_BUILDER_STR({})`](../record/LOC_BUILDER_STR.md) - tries the cooordinate string in all `LOC_BUILDER_DM*_STR()` functions until one works ## Format ## The coordinate format for `LOC()` is: `degrees,minutes,seconds,[NnSs],deg,min,sec,[EeWw],altitude,size,horizontal_precision,vertical_precision` ## Examples ## {% code title="dnsconfig.js" %} ```javascript D("example.com", REG_MY_PROVIDER, DnsProvider(DSP_MY_PROVIDER), // LOC "subdomain", d1, m1, s1, "[NnSs]", d2, m2, s2, "[EeWw]", alt, siz, hp, vp) //42 21 54 N 71 06 18 W -24m 30m , LOC("@", 42, 21, 54, "N", 71, 6, 18, "W", -24, 30, 0, 0) //42 21 43.952 N 71 5 6.344 W -24m 1m 200m 10m , LOC("a", 42, 21, 43.952, "N", 71, 5, 6.344, "W", -24, 1, 200, 10) //52 14 05 N 00 08 50 E 10m , LOC("b", 52, 14, 5, "N", 0, 8, 50, "E", 10, 0, 0, 0) //32 7 19 S 116 2 25 E 10m , LOC("c", 32, 7, 19, "S",116, 2, 25, "E", 10, 0, 0, 0) //42 21 28.764 N 71 00 51.617 W -44m 2000m , LOC("d", 42, 21, 28.764, "N", 71, 0, 51.617, "W", -44, 2000, 0, 0) ); ``` {% endcode %}