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//go:generate stringer -type=Capability
package providers
import (
// Capability is a bitmasked set of "features" that a provider supports. Only use constants from this package.
type Capability uint32
const (
// Keep this list sorted.
// If you add something here, you probably want to also add it to
// pkg/normalize/validate.go checkProviderCapabilities() or
// somewhere near there.
// CanAutoDNSSEC indicates that the provider can automatically handle DNSSEC,
// so folks can ask for that.
CanAutoDNSSEC Capability = iota
// CanConcur indicates the provider can be used concurrently. Can()
// indicates that it has been tested and shown to work concurrently.
// Cannot() indicates it has not been tested OR it has been shown to not
// work when used concurrently. The default is Cannot().
// CanGetZones indicates the provider supports the get-zones subcommand.
// CanUseAKAMAICDN indicates the provider support the specific AKAMAICDN records that only the Akamai EdgeDns provider supports
// CanUseAlias indicates the provider support ALIAS records (or flattened CNAMES). Up to the provider to translate them to the appropriate record type.
// CanUseAzureAlias indicates the provider support the specific Azure_ALIAS records that only the Azure provider supports
// CanUseCAA indicates the provider can handle CAA records
// CanUseDHCID indicates the provider can handle DHCID records
// CanUseDNAME indicates the provider can handle DNAME records
// CanUseDS indicates that the provider can handle DS record types. This
// implies CanUseDSForChildren without specifying the latter explicitly.
// CanUseDSForChildren indicates the provider can handle DS record types, but
// only for children records, not at the root of the zone.
// CanUseHTTPS indicates the provider can handle HTTPS records
// CanUseLOC indicates whether service provider handles LOC records
// CanUseNAPTR indicates the provider can handle NAPTR records
// CanUsePTR indicates the provider can handle PTR records
// CanUseRoute53Alias indicates the provider support the specific R53_ALIAS records that only the Route53 provider supports
// CanUseSOA indicates the provider supports full management of a zone's SOA record
// CanUseSRV indicates the provider can handle SRV records
// CanUseSSHFP indicates the provider can handle SSHFP records
// CanUseSVCB indicates the provider can handle SVCB records
// CanUseTLSA indicates the provider can handle TLSA records
// CanUseDNSKEY indicates that the provider can handle DNSKEY records
// DocCreateDomains means provider can add domains with the `dnscontrol create-domains` command
// DocDualHost means provider allows full management of apex NS records, so we can safely dual-host with another provider
// DocOfficiallySupported means it is actively used and maintained by stack exchange
var providerCapabilities = map[string]map[Capability]bool{}
// ProviderHasCapability returns true if provider has capability.
func ProviderHasCapability(pType string, capa Capability) bool {
if providerCapabilities[pType] == nil {
return false
return providerCapabilities[pType][capa]
// DocumentationNote is a way for providers to give more detail about what features they support.
type DocumentationNote struct {
HasFeature bool
Unimplemented bool
Comment string
Link string
// DocumentationNotes is a full list of notes for a single provider
type DocumentationNotes map[Capability]*DocumentationNote
// ProviderMetadata is a common interface for DocumentationNotes and Capability to be used interchangeably
type ProviderMetadata interface{}
// Notes is a collection of all documentation notes, keyed by provider type
var Notes = map[string]DocumentationNotes{}
func unwrapProviderCapabilities(pName string, meta []ProviderMetadata) {
if providerCapabilities[pName] == nil {
providerCapabilities[pName] = map[Capability]bool{}
for _, pm := range meta {
switch x := pm.(type) {
case Capability:
providerCapabilities[pName][x] = true
case DocumentationNotes:
if Notes[pName] == nil {
Notes[pName] = DocumentationNotes{}
for k, v := range x {
Notes[pName][k] = v
providerCapabilities[pName][k] = v.HasFeature
log.Fatalf("Unrecognized ProviderMetadata type: %T", pm)
// Can is a small helper for concisely creating Documentation Notes
// comments are variadic for easy ommission. First is comment, second is link, the rest are ignored.
func Can(comments ...string) *DocumentationNote {
n := &DocumentationNote{
HasFeature: true,
return n
// Cannot is a small helper for concisely creating Documentation Notes
// comments are variadic for easy ommission. First is comment, second is link, the rest are ignored.
func Cannot(comments ...string) *DocumentationNote {
n := &DocumentationNote{
HasFeature: false,
return n
// Unimplemented is a small helper for concisely creating Documentation Notes
// comments are variadic for easy ommission. First is comment, second is link, the rest are ignored.
func Unimplemented(comments ...string) *DocumentationNote {
n := &DocumentationNote{
HasFeature: false,
Unimplemented: true,
return n
func (n *DocumentationNote) addStrings(comments []string) {
if len(comments) > 0 {
n.Comment = comments[0]
if len(comments) > 1 {
n.Link = comments[1]