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synced 2025-02-23 07:03:01 +08:00
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package route53
import (
r53 "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/route53"
r53Types "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/route53/types"
r53d "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/route53domains"
r53dTypes "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/route53domains/types"
type route53Provider struct {
client *r53.Client
registrar *r53d.Client
delegationSet *string
zonesByID map[string]r53Types.HostedZone
zonesByDomain map[string]r53Types.HostedZone
func newRoute53Reg(conf map[string]string) (providers.Registrar, error) {
return newRoute53(conf, nil)
func newRoute53Dsp(conf map[string]string, metadata json.RawMessage) (providers.DNSServiceProvider, error) {
return newRoute53(conf, metadata)
func newRoute53(m map[string]string, _ json.RawMessage) (*route53Provider, error) {
optFns := []func(*config.LoadOptions) error{
// Route53 uses a global endpoint and route53domains
// currently only has a single regional endpoint in us-east-1
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#r53_region
keyID, secretKey, tokenID := m["KeyId"], m["SecretKey"], m["Token"]
// Token is optional and left empty unless required
if keyID != "" || secretKey != "" {
optFns = append(optFns, config.WithCredentialsProvider(credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(keyID, secretKey, tokenID)))
config, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background(), optFns...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var dls *string
if val, ok := m["DelegationSet"]; ok {
printer.Printf("ROUTE53 DelegationSet %s configured\n", val)
dls = aws.String(val)
api := &route53Provider{client: r53.NewFromConfig(config), registrar: r53d.NewFromConfig(config), delegationSet: dls}
err = api.getZones()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return api, nil
var features = providers.DocumentationNotes{
// The default for unlisted capabilities is 'Cannot'.
// See providers/capabilities.go for the entire list of capabilities.
providers.CanGetZones: providers.Can(),
providers.CanConcur: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseAlias: providers.Cannot("R53 does not provide a generic ALIAS functionality. Use R53_ALIAS instead."),
providers.CanUseCAA: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseHTTPS: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseLOC: providers.Cannot(),
providers.CanUsePTR: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseRoute53Alias: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSRV: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSSHFP: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSVCB: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseTLSA: providers.Can(),
providers.DocCreateDomains: providers.Can(),
providers.DocDualHost: providers.Can(),
providers.DocOfficiallySupported: providers.Can(),
func init() {
const providerName = "ROUTE53"
const providerMaintainer = "@tresni"
fns := providers.DspFuncs{
Initializer: newRoute53Dsp,
RecordAuditor: AuditRecords,
providers.RegisterDomainServiceProviderType(providerName, fns, features)
providers.RegisterRegistrarType(providerName, newRoute53Reg)
providers.RegisterCustomRecordType("R53_ALIAS", providerName, "")
providers.RegisterMaintainer(providerName, providerMaintainer)
func withRetry(f func() error) {
const maxRetries = 23
// TODO: exponential backoff
const sleepTime = 5 * time.Second
var currentRetry int
for {
err := f()
if err == nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Rate exceeded") {
if currentRetry >= maxRetries {
printer.Printf("============ Route53 rate limit exceeded. Waiting %s to retry.\n", sleepTime)
} else {
// ListZones lists the zones on this account.
func (r *route53Provider) ListZones() ([]string, error) {
if err := r.getZones(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var zones []string
for i := range r.zonesByDomain {
zones = append(zones, i)
return zones, nil
func (r *route53Provider) getZones() error {
if r.zonesByDomain != nil {
return nil
var nextMarker *string
r.zonesByDomain = make(map[string]r53Types.HostedZone)
r.zonesByID = make(map[string]r53Types.HostedZone)
for {
var out *r53.ListHostedZonesOutput
var err error
withRetry(func() error {
inp := &r53.ListHostedZonesInput{Marker: nextMarker}
out, err = r.client.ListHostedZones(context.Background(), inp)
return err
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "is not authorized") {
return errors.New("check your credentials, you're not authorized to perform actions on Route 53 AWS Service")
} else if err != nil {
return err
for _, z := range out.HostedZones {
domain := strings.TrimSuffix(aws.ToString(z.Name), ".")
r.zonesByDomain[domain] = z
r.zonesByID[parseZoneID(aws.ToString(z.Id))] = z
if out.NextMarker != nil {
nextMarker = out.NextMarker
} else {
return nil
type errDomainNoExist struct {
domain string
type errZoneNoExist struct {
zoneID string
func (e errDomainNoExist) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Domain %s not found in your route 53 account", e.domain)
func (e errZoneNoExist) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Zone with id %s not found in your route 53 account", e.zoneID)
func (r *route53Provider) GetNameservers(domain string) ([]*models.Nameserver, error) {
if err := r.getZones(); err != nil {
return nil, err
zone, ok := r.zonesByDomain[domain]
if !ok {
return nil, errDomainNoExist{domain}
var z *r53.GetHostedZoneOutput
var err error
withRetry(func() error {
z, err = r.client.GetHostedZone(context.Background(), &r53.GetHostedZoneInput{Id: zone.Id})
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var nss []string
if z.DelegationSet != nil {
nss = z.DelegationSet.NameServers
return models.ToNameservers(nss)
func (r *route53Provider) GetZoneRecords(domain string, meta map[string]string) (models.Records, error) {
if err := r.getZones(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var zone r53Types.HostedZone
// If the zone_id is specified in meta, use it.
if zoneID, ok := meta["zone_id"]; ok {
zone = r.zonesByID[zoneID]
return r.getZoneRecords(zone)
// fmt.Printf("DEBUG: ROUTE53 zones:\n")
// for i, j := range r.zonesByDomain {
// fmt.Printf(" %s: %v\n", i, aws.ToString(j.Id))
// }
// Otherwise, use the domain name to look up the zone.
if zone, ok := r.zonesByDomain[domain]; ok {
return r.getZoneRecords(zone)
// Not found there? Error.
return nil, errDomainNoExist{domain}
func (r *route53Provider) getZone(dc *models.DomainConfig) (r53Types.HostedZone, error) {
if err := r.getZones(); err != nil {
return r53Types.HostedZone{}, err
if zoneID, ok := dc.Metadata["zone_id"]; ok {
zone, ok := r.zonesByID[zoneID]
if !ok {
return r53Types.HostedZone{}, errZoneNoExist{zoneID}
return zone, nil
if zone, ok := r.zonesByDomain[dc.Name]; ok {
return zone, nil
return r53Types.HostedZone{}, errDomainNoExist{dc.Name}
func (r *route53Provider) getZoneRecords(zone r53Types.HostedZone) (models.Records, error) {
records, err := r.fetchRecordSets(zone.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
existingRecords := []*models.RecordConfig{}
for _, set := range records {
rts, err := nativeToRecords(set, unescape(zone.Name))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
existingRecords = append(existingRecords, rts...)
return existingRecords, nil
// GetZoneRecordsCorrections returns a list of corrections that will turn existing records into dc.Records.
func (r *route53Provider) GetZoneRecordsCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig, existingRecords models.Records) ([]*models.Correction, int, error) {
zone, err := r.getZone(dc)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// update zone_id to current zone.id if not specified by the user
for _, want := range dc.Records {
if want.Type == "R53_ALIAS" && want.R53Alias["zone_id"] == "" {
want.R53Alias["zone_id"] = getZoneID(zone, want)
var corrections []*models.Correction
changes := []r53Types.Change{}
changeDesc := []string{} // TODO(tlim): This should be a [][]string so that we aren't joining strings until the last moment.
// Amazon Route53 is a "ByRecordSet" API.
// At each label:rtype pair, we either delete all records or UPSERT the desired records.
instructions, actualChangeCount, err := diff2.ByRecordSet(existingRecords, dc, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
instructions = reorderInstructions(instructions)
var reports []*models.Correction
// wasReport := false
for _, inst := range instructions {
instNameFQDN := inst.Key.NameFQDN
instType := inst.Key.Type
var chg r53Types.Change
switch inst.Type {
case diff2.REPORT:
// REPORTs are held in a separate list so that they aren't part of the batching process.
reports = append(reports,
Msg: inst.MsgsJoined,
case diff2.CREATE:
case diff2.CHANGE:
// To CREATE/CHANGE, build a new record set from the desired state and UPSERT it.
// Make the rrset to be UPSERTed:
var rrset *r53Types.ResourceRecordSet
if instType == "R53_ALIAS" || strings.HasPrefix(instType, "R53_ALIAS_") {
// A R53_ALIAS_* requires ResourceRecordSet to a single item, not a list.
if len(inst.New) != 1 {
log.Fatal("Only one R53_ALIAS_ permitted on a label")
rrset = aliasToRRSet(zone, inst.New[0])
rrset.Name = aws.String(instNameFQDN)
} else {
// Make a list of all the records to be installed at label:rtype
rrset = &r53Types.ResourceRecordSet{
Name: aws.String(instNameFQDN),
Type: r53Types.RRType(instType),
for _, r := range inst.New {
rr := r53Types.ResourceRecord{
Value: aws.String(r.GetTargetCombinedFunc(txtutil.EncodeQuoted)),
rrset.ResourceRecords = append(rrset.ResourceRecords, rr)
i := int64(r.TTL)
rrset.TTL = &i
chg = r53Types.Change{
Action: r53Types.ChangeActionUpsert,
ResourceRecordSet: rrset,
case diff2.DELETE:
rrset := inst.Old[0].Original.(r53Types.ResourceRecordSet) // The native record as downloaded via the API
chg = r53Types.Change{
Action: r53Types.ChangeActionDelete,
ResourceRecordSet: &rrset,
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled inst.Type %s", inst.Type))
changes = append(changes, chg)
changeDesc = append(changeDesc, inst.MsgsJoined)
addCorrection := func(msg string, req *r53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsInput) {
corrections = append(corrections,
Msg: msg,
F: func() error {
var err error
req.HostedZoneId = zone.Id
withRetry(func() error {
_, err = r.client.ChangeResourceRecordSets(context.Background(), req)
return err
return err
// Send the changes in as few API calls as possible.
batcher := newChangeBatcher(changes)
for batcher.Next() {
start, end := batcher.Batch()
batch := changes[start:end]
descBatchStr := strings.Join(changeDesc[start:end], "\n")
req := &r53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsInput{
ChangeBatch: &r53Types.ChangeBatch{Changes: batch},
addCorrection(descBatchStr, req)
if err := batcher.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return append(reports, corrections...), actualChangeCount, nil
// reorderInstructions returns changes reordered to comply with AWS's requirements:
// - The R43_ALIAS updates must come after records they refer to. To handle
// this, we simply move all R53_ALIAS instructions to the end of the list, thus
// guaranteeing they will happen after the records they refer to have been
// reated.
func reorderInstructions(changes diff2.ChangeList) diff2.ChangeList {
var main, tail diff2.ChangeList
for _, change := range changes {
// Reports should be early in the list.
// R53_ALIAS_ records should go to the tail.
if change.Type != diff2.REPORT && strings.HasPrefix(change.Key.Type, "R53_ALIAS_") {
tail = append(tail, change)
} else {
main = append(main, change)
return append(main, tail...)
// NB(tlim): This algorithm is O(n*2) but it is simple and usually only
// operates on very small lists.
func nativeToRecords(set r53Types.ResourceRecordSet, origin string) ([]*models.RecordConfig, error) {
results := []*models.RecordConfig{}
if set.AliasTarget != nil {
rc := &models.RecordConfig{
Type: "R53_ALIAS",
TTL: 300,
R53Alias: map[string]string{
"type": string(set.Type),
"zone_id": aws.ToString(set.AliasTarget.HostedZoneId),
"evaluate_target_health": strconv.FormatBool(set.AliasTarget.EvaluateTargetHealth),
rc.SetLabelFromFQDN(unescape(set.Name), origin)
if err := rc.SetTarget(aws.ToString(set.AliasTarget.DNSName)); err != nil {
return nil, err
// rc.Original stores a pointer to the original set for use by
// r53Types.ChangeActionDelete and anything else that needs the
// native record verbatim.
rc.Original = set
results = append(results, rc)
} else if set.TrafficPolicyInstanceId != nil {
// skip traffic policy records
} else {
for _, rec := range set.ResourceRecords {
switch rtype := set.Type; rtype {
case r53Types.RRTypeSoa:
case r53Types.RRTypeSpf:
// route53 uses a custom record type for SPF
rtype = "TXT"
rtypeString := string(rtype)
val := *rec.Value
// AWS Route53 has a bug. Sometimes it returns a target
// without a trailing dot. In this case we add the dot. It is
// not risky to "just add the dot" because this field never
// includes shortnames. That said, we only do it for certain
// record types where we can show the problem exists.
// 2022-02-23: NS records do NOT have this bug.
// NOTE: The dot is missing when the record is added via the
// AWS web console manually.
// The next "dnscontrol push" will update the record, even
// though it doesn't seem to be broken. This only happens once
// per record. Sadly the updates only fix the first record.
// So, if n records are affected by this bug, the next n
// pushes will be required to clean up all the records.
// Someone converting a new zone will see this issue for the
// first n pushes. It will seem odd but this is AWS's bug.
// The UPSERT command only fixes the first record, even if
// the UPSET received a list of corrections.
if rtypeString == "CNAME" || rtypeString == "MX" {
if !strings.HasSuffix(val, ".") {
val = val + "."
rc := &models.RecordConfig{TTL: uint32(aws.ToInt64(set.TTL))}
rc.SetLabelFromFQDN(unescape(set.Name), origin)
rc.Original = set
if err := rc.PopulateFromStringFunc(rtypeString, val, origin, txtutil.ParseQuoted); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unparsable record type=%q received from ROUTE53: %w", rtypeString, err)
results = append(results, rc)
return results, nil
func aliasToRRSet(zone r53Types.HostedZone, r *models.RecordConfig) *r53Types.ResourceRecordSet {
target := r.GetTargetField()
zoneID := getZoneID(zone, r)
evalTargetHealth, err := strconv.ParseBool(r.R53Alias["evaluate_target_health"])
if err != nil {
evalTargetHealth = false
rrset := &r53Types.ResourceRecordSet{
Type: r53Types.RRType(r.R53Alias["type"]),
AliasTarget: &r53Types.AliasTarget{
DNSName: &target,
HostedZoneId: aws.String(zoneID),
EvaluateTargetHealth: evalTargetHealth,
return rrset
func getZoneID(zone r53Types.HostedZone, r *models.RecordConfig) string {
zoneID := r.R53Alias["zone_id"]
if zoneID == "" {
zoneID = aws.ToString(zone.Id)
return parseZoneID(zoneID)
/** Removes "/hostedzone/"" prefix from AWS ZoneId */
func parseZoneID(zoneID string) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(zoneID, "/hostedzone/")
func (r *route53Provider) GetRegistrarCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig) ([]*models.Correction, error) {
corrections := []*models.Correction{}
actualSet, err := r.getRegistrarNameservers(&dc.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actual := strings.Join(actualSet, ",")
expectedSet := []string{}
for _, ns := range dc.Nameservers {
expectedSet = append(expectedSet, ns.Name)
expected := strings.Join(expectedSet, ",")
if actual != expected {
return []*models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Update nameservers %s -> %s", actual, expected),
F: func() error {
_, err := r.updateRegistrarNameservers(dc.Name, expectedSet)
return err
}, nil
return corrections, nil
func (r *route53Provider) getRegistrarNameservers(domainName *string) ([]string, error) {
var domainDetail *r53d.GetDomainDetailOutput
var err error
withRetry(func() error {
domainDetail, err = r.registrar.GetDomainDetail(context.Background(), &r53d.GetDomainDetailInput{DomainName: domainName})
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nameservers := []string{}
for _, ns := range domainDetail.Nameservers {
nameservers = append(nameservers, aws.ToString(ns.Name))
return nameservers, nil
func (r *route53Provider) updateRegistrarNameservers(domainName string, nameservers []string) (*string, error) {
servers := make([]r53dTypes.Nameserver, len(nameservers))
for i := range nameservers {
servers[i] = r53dTypes.Nameserver{Name: aws.String(nameservers[i])}
var domainUpdate *r53d.UpdateDomainNameserversOutput
var err error
withRetry(func() error {
domainUpdate, err = r.registrar.UpdateDomainNameservers(context.Background(), &r53d.UpdateDomainNameserversInput{
DomainName: aws.String(domainName),
Nameservers: servers,
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return domainUpdate.OperationId, nil
func (r *route53Provider) fetchRecordSets(zoneID *string) ([]r53Types.ResourceRecordSet, error) {
if zoneID == nil || *zoneID == "" {
return nil, nil
var next *string
var nextType r53Types.RRType
var records []r53Types.ResourceRecordSet
for {
listInput := &r53.ListResourceRecordSetsInput{
HostedZoneId: zoneID,
StartRecordName: next,
StartRecordType: nextType,
MaxItems: aws.Int32(100),
var list *r53.ListResourceRecordSetsOutput
var err error
withRetry(func() error {
list, err = r.client.ListResourceRecordSets(context.Background(), listInput)
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
records = append(records, list.ResourceRecordSets...)
if list.NextRecordName != nil {
next = list.NextRecordName
nextType = list.NextRecordType
} else {
return records, nil
// we have to process names from route53 to match what we expect and to remove their odd octal encoding
func unescape(s *string) string {
if s == nil {
return ""
name := strings.TrimSuffix(*s, ".")
name = strings.Replace(name, `\052`, "*", -1) // TODO: escape all octal sequences
return name
func (r *route53Provider) EnsureZoneExists(domain string) error {
if err := r.getZones(); err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := r.zonesByDomain[domain]; ok {
return nil
if r.delegationSet != nil {
printer.Printf("Adding zone for %s to route 53 account with delegationSet %s\n", domain, *r.delegationSet)
} else {
printer.Printf("Adding zone for %s to route 53 account\n", domain)
in := &r53.CreateHostedZoneInput{
Name: &domain,
DelegationSetId: r.delegationSet,
CallerReference: aws.String(strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)),
// reset zone cache
r.zonesByDomain = nil
r.zonesByID = nil
var err error
withRetry(func() error {
_, err := r.client.CreateHostedZone(context.Background(), in)
return err
return err
// changeBatcher takes a set of r53Types.Changes and turns them into a series of
// batches that meet the limits of the ChangeResourceRecordSets API.
// See also: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DNSLimitations.html#limits-api-requests-changeresourcerecordsets
type changeBatcher struct {
changes []r53Types.Change
maxSize int // Max records per request.
maxChars int // Max record value characters per request.
start, end int // Cursors into changes.
err error // Populated by Next.
// newChangeBatcher returns a new changeBatcher.
func newChangeBatcher(changes []r53Types.Change) *changeBatcher {
return &changeBatcher{
changes: changes,
maxSize: 1000, // "A request cannot contain more than 1,000 ResourceRecord elements."
maxChars: 32000, // "The sum of the number of characters (including spaces) in all Value elements in a request cannot exceed 32,000 characters."
// Next returns true if there is another batch of Changes.
// It returns false if there are no more batches or an error occurred.
func (b *changeBatcher) Next() bool {
if b.end >= len(b.changes) || b.err != nil {
return false
start, end := b.end, b.end
var (
reqSize int
reqChars int
for end < len(b.changes) {
c := &b.changes[end]
// Check that we won't exceed 1000 ResourceRecords in the request.
if c.ResourceRecordSet == nil {
rrsetSize := len(c.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords)
if c.Action == r53Types.ChangeActionUpsert {
// "When the value of the Action element is UPSERT, each ResourceRecord element is counted twice."
rrsetSize *= 2
if newReqSize := reqSize + rrsetSize; newReqSize > b.maxSize {
} else {
reqSize = newReqSize
// Check that we won't exceed 32000 Value characters in the request.
var rrsetChars int
for _, rr := range c.ResourceRecordSet.ResourceRecords {
rrsetChars += utf8.RuneCountInString(aws.ToString(rr.Value))
if c.Action == r53Types.ChangeActionUpsert {
// "When the value of the Action element is UPSERT, each character in a Value element is counted twice."
rrsetChars *= 2
if newReqChars := reqChars + rrsetChars; newReqChars > b.maxChars {
} else {
reqChars = newReqChars
if start == end {
b.err = errors.New("could not create ChangeResourceRecordSets request within AWS API limits")
return false
b.start = start
b.end = end
return true
// Batch returns the current batch. It should only be called
// after Next returns true.
func (b *changeBatcher) Batch() (start, end int) {
return b.start, b.end
// Err returns the error encountered during the previous call to Next.
func (b *changeBatcher) Err() error {
return b.err