
219 lines
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package commands
import (
var _ = cmd(catUtils, func() *cli.Command {
var args GetZoneArgs
return &cli.Command{
Name: "get-zones",
Aliases: []string{"get-zone"},
Usage: "gets a zone from a provider (stand-alone)",
Action: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
if ctx.NArg() < 3 {
return cli.NewExitError("Arguments should be: credskey providername zone(s) (Ex: r53 ROUTE53 example.com)", 1)
args.CredName = ctx.Args().Get(0)
args.ProviderName = ctx.Args().Get(1)
args.ZoneNames = ctx.Args().Slice()[2:]
return exit(GetZone(args))
Flags: args.flags(),
UsageText: "dnscontrol get-zones [command options] credkey provider zone [...]",
Description: `Download a zone from a provider. This is a stand-alone utility.
credkey: The name used in creds.json (first parameter to NewDnsProvider() in dnsconfig.js)
provider: The name of the provider (second parameter to NewDnsProvider() in dnsconfig.js)
zone: One or more zones (domains) to download; or "all".
--format=dsl dnsconfig.js format (not perfect, but a decent first draft)
--format=nameonly Just print the zone names
--format=pretty BIND Zonefile format
--format=tsv TAB separated value (useful for AWK)
dnscontrol get-zones myr53 ROUTE53 example.com
dnscontrol get-zones gmain GANDI_V5 example.comn other.com
dnscontrol get-zones cfmain CLOUDFLAREAPI all
dnscontrol get-zones -format=tsv bind BIND example.com
dnscontrol get-zones -format=dsl -out=draft.js glcoud GCLOUD example.com`,
// GetZoneArgs args required for the create-domain subcommand.
type GetZoneArgs struct {
GetCredentialsArgs // Args related to creds.json
CredName string // key in creds.json
ProviderName string // provider name: BIND, GANDI_V5, etc or "-"
ZoneNames []string // The zones to get
OutputFormat string // Output format
OutputFile string // Filename to send output ("" means stdout)
DefaultTTL int // default TTL for providers where it is unknown
func (args *GetZoneArgs) flags() []cli.Flag {
flags := args.GetCredentialsArgs.flags()
flags = append(flags, &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "format",
Destination: &args.OutputFormat,
Value: "pretty",
Usage: `Output format: dsl pretty tsv nameonly`,
flags = append(flags, &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "out",
Destination: &args.OutputFile,
Usage: `Instead of stdout, write to this file`,
flags = append(flags, &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "ttl",
Destination: &args.DefaultTTL,
Usage: `Default TTL (0 picks the zone's most common TTL)`,
return flags
// GetZone contains all data/flags needed to run get-zones, independently of CLI.
func GetZone(args GetZoneArgs) error {
var providerConfigs map[string]map[string]string
var err error
// Read it in:
providerConfigs, err = config.LoadProviderConfigs(args.CredsFile)
if err != nil {
return err
provider, err := providers.CreateDNSProvider(args.ProviderName, providerConfigs[args.CredName], nil)
if err != nil {
return err
// decide which zones we need to convert
zones := args.ZoneNames
if len(args.ZoneNames) == 1 && args.ZoneNames[0] == "all" {
lister, ok := provider.(providers.ZoneLister)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("provider type %s cannot list zones to use the 'all' feature", args.ProviderName)
zones, err = lister.ListZones()
if err != nil {
return err
// first open output stream and print initial header (if applicable)
w := os.Stdout
if args.OutputFile != "" {
w, err = os.Create(args.OutputFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer w.Close()
if args.OutputFormat == "nameonly" {
for _, zone := range zones {
fmt.Fprintln(w, zone)
return nil
// actually fetch all of the records
zoneRecs := make([]models.Records, len(zones))
for i, zone := range zones {
recs, err := provider.GetZoneRecords(zone)
if err != nil {
return err
zoneRecs[i] = recs
// Write it out:
if args.OutputFormat == "dsl" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `var %s = NewDnsProvider("%s", "%s");`+"\n",
args.CredName, args.CredName, args.ProviderName)
// now print all zones
for i, recs := range zoneRecs {
zoneName := zones[i]
z := prettyzone.PrettySort(recs, zoneName, 0, nil)
switch args.OutputFormat {
case "pretty":
fmt.Fprintf(w, "$ORIGIN %s.\n", zoneName)
prettyzone.WriteZoneFileRC(w, z.Records, zoneName, uint32(args.DefaultTTL), nil)
case "dsl":
fmt.Fprintf(w, `D("%s", REG_CHANGEME,`, zoneName)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\tDnsProvider(%s)", args.CredName)
defaultTTL := uint32(args.DefaultTTL)
if defaultTTL == 0 {
defaultTTL = prettyzone.MostCommonTTL(recs)
if defaultTTL != models.DefaultTTL && defaultTTL != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n\tDefaultTTL(%d)", defaultTTL)
for _, rec := range recs {
fmt.Fprint(w, formatDsl(zoneName, rec, defaultTTL))
fmt.Fprint(w, "\n)\n")
case "tsv":
for _, rec := range recs {
rec.NameFQDN, rec.Name, rec.TTL, rec.Type, rec.GetTargetCombined()))
return fmt.Errorf("format %q unknown", args.OutputFile)
return nil
func formatDsl(zonename string, rec *models.RecordConfig, defaultTTL uint32) string {
target := rec.GetTargetCombined()
ttlop := ""
if rec.TTL != defaultTTL && rec.TTL != 0 {
ttlop = fmt.Sprintf(", TTL(%d)", rec.TTL)
switch rec.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "MX":
target = fmt.Sprintf("%d, '%s'", rec.MxPreference, rec.GetTargetField())
case "SOA":
case "TXT":
if len(rec.TxtStrings) == 1 {
target = `'` + rec.TxtStrings[0] + `'`
} else {
target = `['` + strings.Join(rec.TxtStrings, `', '`) + `']`
case "NS":
// NS records at the apex should be NAMESERVER() records.
if rec.Name == "@" {
return fmt.Sprintf(",\n\tNAMESERVER('%s'%s)", target, ttlop)
target = "'" + target + "'"
return fmt.Sprintf(",\n\t%s('%s', %s%s)", rec.Type, rec.Name, target, ttlop)