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synced 2025-02-25 16:13:04 +08:00
* Implement main feature * BIND: Permit printf-like file name formats * BIND: Make filenameformat work forwards and backwards. * Fix extrator test cases
138 lines
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138 lines
4.7 KiB
package bind
import (
func Test_makeFileName(t *testing.T) {
uu := "uni"
dd := "domy"
tt := "tagy"
fmtDefault := "%U.zone"
fmtBasic := "%U - %T - %D"
fmtBk1 := "db_%U" // Something I've seen in books on DNS
fmtBk2 := "db_%T_%D" // Something I've seen in books on DNS
fmtFancy := "%T%?_%D.zone" // Include the tag_ only if there is a tag
fmtErrorPct := "literal%"
fmtErrorOpt := "literal%?"
fmtErrorUnk := "literal%o" // Unknown % verb
type args struct {
format string
uniquename string
domain string
tag string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want string
{"literal", args{"literal", uu, dd, tt}, "literal"},
{"basic", args{fmtBasic, uu, dd, tt}, "uni - tagy - domy"},
{"solo", args{"%D", uu, dd, tt}, "domy"},
{"front", args{"%Daaa", uu, dd, tt}, "domyaaa"},
{"tail", args{"bbb%D", uu, dd, tt}, "bbbdomy"},
{"def", args{fmtDefault, uu, dd, tt}, "uni.zone"},
{"bk1", args{fmtBk1, uu, dd, tt}, "db_uni"},
{"bk2", args{fmtBk2, uu, dd, tt}, "db_tagy_domy"},
{"fanWI", args{fmtFancy, uu, dd, tt}, "tagy_domy.zone"},
{"fanWO", args{fmtFancy, uu, dd, ""}, "domy.zone"},
{"errP", args{fmtErrorPct, uu, dd, tt}, "literal%(format may not end in %)"},
{"errQ", args{fmtErrorOpt, uu, dd, tt}, "literal%(format may not end in %?)"},
{"errU", args{fmtErrorUnk, uu, dd, tt}, "literal%(unknown %verb %o)"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := makeFileName(tt.args.format, tt.args.uniquename, tt.args.domain, tt.args.tag); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("makeFileName() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func Test_makeExtractor(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
format string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want string
wantErr bool
// TODO: Add test cases.
{"u", args{"%U.zone"}, `(.*)!.+\.zone|(.*)\.zone`, false},
{"d", args{"%D.zone"}, `(.*)\.zone`, false},
{"basic", args{"%U - %T - %D"}, `(.*)!.+ - .* - (.*)|(.*) - - (.*)`, false},
{"bk1", args{"db_%U"}, `db_(.*)!.+|db_(.*)`, false},
{"bk2", args{"db_%T_%D"}, `db_.*_(.*)`, false},
{"fan", args{"%T%?_%D.zone"}, `.*_(.*)\.zone|(.*)\.zone`, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := makeExtractor(tt.args.format)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("makeExtractor() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("makeExtractor() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func Test_extractZonesFromFilenames(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
format string
names []string
// A list of filenames one might find in a directory.
filelist := []string{
"foo!one.zone", // u
"dom.tld!two.zone", // u
"foo.zone", // d
"dom.tld.zone", // d
"foo!one - one - foo", // basic
"dom.tld!two - two - dom.tld", // basic
"db_foo", // bk1
"db_dom.tld", // bk1
"db_dom.tld!tag", // bk1
"db_inside_foo", // bk2
"db_outside_dom.tld", // bk2
"db__example.com", // bk2
"dom.zone", // fan
"example.com.zone", // fan (no tag)
"mytag_example.com.zone", // fan (w/ tag)
"dom.zone", // fan (no tag)
"mytag_dom.zone", // fan (w/ tag)
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
{"0", args{"%D.zone", []string{"foo.zone", "dom.tld.zone"}}, []string{"foo", "dom.tld"}},
{"1", args{"%U.zone", []string{"foo.zone", "dom.tld.zone"}}, []string{"foo", "dom.tld"}},
{"2", args{"%T%?_%D.zone", []string{"inside_ex.tld.zone", "foo.zone", "dom.tld.zone"}}, []string{"ex.tld", "foo", "dom.tld"}},
{"d", args{"%D.zone", filelist}, []string{"foo!one", "dom.tld!two", "foo", "dom.tld", "dom", "example.com", "mytag_example.com", "dom", "mytag_dom"}},
{"u", args{"%U.zone", filelist}, []string{"foo", "dom.tld", "foo", "dom.tld", "dom", "example.com", "mytag_example.com", "dom", "mytag_dom"}},
{"bk1", args{"db_%U", filelist}, []string{"foo", "dom.tld", "dom.tld", "inside_foo", "outside_dom.tld", "_example.com"}},
{"bk2", args{"db_%T_%D", filelist}, []string{"foo", "dom.tld", "example.com"}},
{"fan", args{"%T%?_%D.zone", filelist}, []string{"foo!one", "dom.tld!two", "foo", "dom.tld", "dom", "example.com", "example.com", "dom", "dom"}},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := extractZonesFromFilenames(tt.args.format, tt.args.names); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
ext, _ := makeExtractor(tt.args.format)
t.Errorf("extractZonesFromFilenames() = %v, want %v Fm=%s Ex=%s", got, tt.want, tt.args.format, ext)