Patrick Gaskin 70ce16ff23 Fix handling of SRV records with no target (indicated by ".")
According to the RFC, the way to indicate that a SRV has no target is to set the target to ".".  Some providers do not handle this, or the API returns "" instead of ".".  This situation is now tested in the integration tests and all providers (that support this) have been fixed.

* Cloudflare: Fix decoding empty SRV target (fixes #561)

SRV records with empty (".") targets are now returned as false by
the API, which breaks Unmarshaling it into a string.

* Use custom type for Cloudflare SRV target

Rewrote the SRV target decoding to use a custom type for (un)marshaling, as
Cloudflare returns false for null targets, but it requires a single period
for giving it one. The target code has also been made more flexible to future
API changes with additional normalization.

This has been tested with record creation, deletion, and update and works
as of 2019-11-05.

* DigitalOcean: Fix target FQDN for null targets

Without this, dnscontrol thinks an update is needed (.. != .) even
when the SRV target is correct.

* DNSimple: Fix parsing of null SRV target

DNSimple only returns two fields when the target is null.

* NameDotCom: Add note about not supporting null SRV targets, skip test

* DNSimple: Do not append a . unless we have all three parts

Signed-off-by: Amelia Aronsohn <squirrel@wearing.black>

* Regenerated provider matrix
2019-11-14 11:25:20 -05:00

421 lines
11 KiB

package dnsimple
import (
dnsimpleapi "github.com/dnsimple/dnsimple-go/dnsimple"
var features = providers.DocumentationNotes{
providers.CanUseAlias: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseCAA: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUsePTR: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSRV: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseTLSA: providers.Cannot(),
providers.DocCreateDomains: providers.Cannot(),
providers.DocDualHost: providers.Cannot("DNSimple does not allow sufficient control over the apex NS records"),
providers.DocOfficiallySupported: providers.Cannot(),
func init() {
providers.RegisterRegistrarType("DNSIMPLE", newReg)
providers.RegisterDomainServiceProviderType("DNSIMPLE", newDsp, features)
const stateRegistered = "registered"
var defaultNameServerNames = []string{
// DnsimpleApi is the handle for this provider.
type DnsimpleApi struct {
AccountToken string // The account access token
BaseURL string // An alternate base URI
accountID string // Account id cache
// GetNameservers returns the name servers for a domain.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) GetNameservers(domainName string) ([]*models.Nameserver, error) {
return models.StringsToNameservers(defaultNameServerNames), nil
// GetDomainCorrections returns corrections that update a domain.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) GetDomainCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig) ([]*models.Correction, error) {
corrections := []*models.Correction{}
records, err := c.getRecords(dc.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var actual []*models.RecordConfig
for _, r := range records {
if r.Type == "SOA" || r.Type == "NS" {
if r.Name == "" {
r.Name = "@"
if r.Type == "CNAME" || r.Type == "MX" || r.Type == "ALIAS" {
r.Content += "."
// dnsimple adds these odd txt records that mirror the alias records.
// they seem to manage them on deletes and things, so we'll just pretend they don't exist
if r.Type == "TXT" && strings.HasPrefix(r.Content, "ALIAS for ") {
rec := &models.RecordConfig{
TTL: uint32(r.TTL),
Original: r,
rec.SetLabel(r.Name, dc.Name)
switch rtype := r.Type; rtype {
case "ALIAS", "URL":
rec.Type = r.Type
case "MX":
if err := rec.SetTargetMX(uint16(r.Priority), r.Content); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "unparsable record received from dnsimple"))
case "SRV":
parts := strings.Fields(r.Content)
if len(parts) == 3 {
r.Content += "."
if err := rec.SetTargetSRVPriorityString(uint16(r.Priority), r.Content); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "unparsable record received from dnsimple"))
if err := rec.PopulateFromString(r.Type, r.Content, dc.Name); err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "unparsable record received from dnsimple"))
actual = append(actual, rec)
// Normalize
differ := diff.New(dc)
_, create, del, modify := differ.IncrementalDiff(actual)
for _, del := range del {
rec := del.Existing.Original.(dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord)
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: del.String(),
F: c.deleteRecordFunc(rec.ID, dc.Name),
for _, cre := range create {
rec := cre.Desired
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: cre.String(),
F: c.createRecordFunc(rec, dc.Name),
for _, mod := range modify {
old := mod.Existing.Original.(dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord)
rec := mod.Desired
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: mod.String(),
F: c.updateRecordFunc(&old, rec, dc.Name),
return corrections, nil
// GetRegistrarCorrections returns corrections that update a domain's registrar.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) GetRegistrarCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig) ([]*models.Correction, error) {
corrections := []*models.Correction{}
nameServers, err := c.getNameservers(dc.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actual := strings.Join(nameServers, ",")
expectedSet := []string{}
for _, ns := range dc.Nameservers {
expectedSet = append(expectedSet, ns.Name)
expected := strings.Join(expectedSet, ",")
if actual != expected {
return []*models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Update nameservers %s -> %s", actual, expected),
F: c.updateNameserversFunc(expectedSet, dc.Name),
}, nil
return corrections, nil
// DNSimple calls
func (c *DnsimpleApi) getClient() *dnsimpleapi.Client {
ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: c.AccountToken})
tc := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), ts)
// new client
client := dnsimpleapi.NewClient(tc)
if c.BaseURL != "" {
client.BaseURL = c.BaseURL
return client
func (c *DnsimpleApi) getAccountID() (string, error) {
if c.accountID == "" {
client := c.getClient()
whoamiResponse, err := client.Identity.Whoami()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if whoamiResponse.Data.User != nil && whoamiResponse.Data.Account == nil {
return "", errors.Errorf("DNSimple token appears to be a user token. Please supply an account token")
c.accountID = strconv.FormatInt(whoamiResponse.Data.Account.ID, 10)
return c.accountID, nil
func (c *DnsimpleApi) getRecords(domainName string) ([]dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord, error) {
client := c.getClient()
accountID, err := c.getAccountID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts := &dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecordListOptions{}
recs := []dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord{}
opts.Page = 1
for {
recordsResponse, err := client.Zones.ListRecords(accountID, domainName, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
recs = append(recs, recordsResponse.Data...)
pg := recordsResponse.Pagination
if pg.CurrentPage == pg.TotalPages {
return recs, nil
// Returns the name server names that should be used. If the domain is registered
// then this method will return the delegation name servers. If this domain
// is hosted only, then it will return the default DNSimple name servers.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) getNameservers(domainName string) ([]string, error) {
client := c.getClient()
accountID, err := c.getAccountID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
domainResponse, err := client.Domains.GetDomain(accountID, domainName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if domainResponse.Data.State == stateRegistered {
delegationResponse, err := client.Registrar.GetDomainDelegation(accountID, domainName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return *delegationResponse.Data, nil
return defaultNameServerNames, nil
// Returns a function that can be invoked to change the delegation of the domain to the given name server names.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) updateNameserversFunc(nameServerNames []string, domainName string) func() error {
return func() error {
client := c.getClient()
accountID, err := c.getAccountID()
if err != nil {
return err
nameServers := dnsimpleapi.Delegation(nameServerNames)
_, err = client.Registrar.ChangeDomainDelegation(accountID, domainName, &nameServers)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Returns a function that can be invoked to create a record in a zone.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) createRecordFunc(rc *models.RecordConfig, domainName string) func() error {
return func() error {
client := c.getClient()
accountID, err := c.getAccountID()
if err != nil {
return err
record := dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord{
Name: rc.GetLabel(),
Type: rc.Type,
Content: getTargetRecordContent(rc),
TTL: int(rc.TTL),
Priority: getTargetRecordPriority(rc),
_, err = client.Zones.CreateRecord(accountID, domainName, record)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Returns a function that can be invoked to delete a record in a zone.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) deleteRecordFunc(recordID int64, domainName string) func() error {
return func() error {
client := c.getClient()
accountID, err := c.getAccountID()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = client.Zones.DeleteRecord(accountID, domainName, recordID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Returns a function that can be invoked to update a record in a zone.
func (c *DnsimpleApi) updateRecordFunc(old *dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord, rc *models.RecordConfig, domainName string) func() error {
return func() error {
client := c.getClient()
accountID, err := c.getAccountID()
if err != nil {
return err
record := dnsimpleapi.ZoneRecord{
Name: rc.GetLabel(),
Type: rc.Type,
Content: getTargetRecordContent(rc),
TTL: int(rc.TTL),
Priority: getTargetRecordPriority(rc),
_, err = client.Zones.UpdateRecord(accountID, domainName, old.ID, record)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// constructors
func newReg(conf map[string]string) (providers.Registrar, error) {
return newProvider(conf, nil)
func newDsp(conf map[string]string, metadata json.RawMessage) (providers.DNSServiceProvider, error) {
return newProvider(conf, metadata)
func newProvider(m map[string]string, metadata json.RawMessage) (*DnsimpleApi, error) {
api := &DnsimpleApi{}
api.AccountToken = m["token"]
if api.AccountToken == "" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("missing DNSimple token")
if m["baseurl"] != "" {
api.BaseURL = m["baseurl"]
return api, nil
// remove all non-dnsimple NS records from our desired state.
// if any are found, print a warning
func removeOtherNS(dc *models.DomainConfig) {
newList := make([]*models.RecordConfig, 0, len(dc.Records))
for _, rec := range dc.Records {
if rec.Type == "NS" {
// apex NS inside dnsimple are expected.
if rec.GetLabelFQDN() == dc.Name && strings.HasSuffix(rec.GetTargetField(), ".dnsimple.com.") {
fmt.Printf("Warning: dnsimple.com does not allow NS records to be modified. %s will not be added.\n", rec.GetTargetField())
newList = append(newList, rec)
dc.Records = newList
// Return the correct combined content for all special record types, Target for everything else
// Using RecordConfig.GetTargetCombined returns priority in the string, which we do not allow
func getTargetRecordContent(rc *models.RecordConfig) string {
switch rtype := rc.Type; rtype {
case "CAA":
return rc.GetTargetCombined()
case "SRV":
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %s", rc.SrvWeight, rc.SrvPort, rc.GetTargetField())
return rc.GetTargetField()
// Return the correct priority for the record type, 0 for records without priority
func getTargetRecordPriority(rc *models.RecordConfig) int {
switch rtype := rc.Type; rtype {
case "MX":
return int(rc.MxPreference)
case "SRV":
return int(rc.SrvPriority)
return 0