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package vultr
import (
Vultr API DNS provider:
Info required in `creds.json`:
- token
var features = providers.DocumentationNotes{
providers.CanGetZones: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseAlias: providers.Cannot(),
providers.CanUseCAA: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUsePTR: providers.Cannot(),
providers.CanUseSRV: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSSHFP: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseTLSA: providers.Cannot(),
providers.DocCreateDomains: providers.Can(),
providers.DocOfficiallySupported: providers.Cannot(),
func init() {
fns := providers.DspFuncs{
Initializer: NewProvider,
RecordAuditor: AuditRecords,
providers.RegisterDomainServiceProviderType("VULTR", fns, features)
// vultrProvider represents the Vultr DNSServiceProvider.
type vultrProvider struct {
client *govultr.Client
token string
// defaultNS contains the default nameservers for Vultr.
var defaultNS = []string{
// NewProvider initializes a Vultr DNSServiceProvider.
func NewProvider(m map[string]string, metadata json.RawMessage) (providers.DNSServiceProvider, error) {
token := m["token"]
if token == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing Vultr API token")
config := &oauth2.Config{}
client := govultr.NewClient(config.Client(context.Background(), &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token}))
_, err := client.Account.Get(context.Background())
return &vultrProvider{client, token}, err
// GetZoneRecords gets the records of a zone and returns them in RecordConfig format.
func (api *vultrProvider) GetZoneRecords(domain string) (models.Records, error) {
listOptions := &govultr.ListOptions{}
records, meta, err := api.client.DomainRecord.List(context.Background(), domain, listOptions)
curRecords := make(models.Records, meta.Total)
nextI := 0
for {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
currentI := 0
for i, record := range records {
r, err := toRecordConfig(domain, record)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curRecords[nextI+i] = r
currentI = nextI + i
nextI = currentI + 1
if meta.Links.Next == "" {
} else {
listOptions.Cursor = meta.Links.Next
records, meta, err = api.client.DomainRecord.List(context.Background(), domain, listOptions)
return curRecords, nil
// GetDomainCorrections gets the corrections for a DomainConfig.
func (api *vultrProvider) GetDomainCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig) ([]*models.Correction, error) {
for _, rec := range dc.Records {
switch rec.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "ALIAS", "MX", "NS", "CNAME", "PTR", "SRV", "URL", "URL301", "FRAME", "R53_ALIAS", "NS1_URLFWD", "AKAMAICDN", "CLOUDNS_WR":
// These rtypes are hostnames, therefore need to be converted (unlike, for example, an AAAA record)
t, err := idna.ToUnicode(rec.GetTargetField())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Nothing to do.
curRecords, err := api.GetZoneRecords(dc.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var corrections []*models.Correction
if !diff2.EnableDiff2 {
differ := diff.New(dc)
_, create, delete, modify, err := differ.IncrementalDiff(curRecords)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, mod := range delete {
id := mod.Existing.Original.(govultr.DomainRecord).ID
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s; Vultr RecordID: %v", mod.String(), id),
F: func() error {
return api.client.DomainRecord.Delete(context.Background(), dc.Name, id)
for _, mod := range modify {
r := toVultrRecord(dc, mod.Desired, mod.Existing.Original.(govultr.DomainRecord).ID)
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s; Vultr RecordID: %v", mod.String(), r.ID),
F: func() error {
return api.client.DomainRecord.Update(context.Background(), dc.Name, r.ID, &govultr.DomainRecordReq{Name: r.Name, Type: r.Type, Data: r.Data, TTL: r.TTL, Priority: &r.Priority})
for _, mod := range create {
r := toVultrRecord(dc, mod.Desired, "0")
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: mod.String(),
F: func() error {
_, err := api.client.DomainRecord.Create(context.Background(), dc.Name, &govultr.DomainRecordReq{Name: r.Name, Type: r.Type, Data: r.Data, TTL: r.TTL, Priority: &r.Priority})
return err
return corrections, nil
changes, err := diff2.ByRecord(curRecords, dc, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, change := range changes {
switch change.Type {
case diff2.CREATE:
r := toVultrRecord(dc, change.New[0], "0")
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: change.Msgs[0],
F: func() error {
_, err := api.client.DomainRecord.Create(context.Background(), dc.Name, &govultr.DomainRecordReq{Name: r.Name, Type: r.Type, Data: r.Data, TTL: r.TTL, Priority: &r.Priority})
return err
case diff2.CHANGE:
r := toVultrRecord(dc, change.New[0], change.Old[0].Original.(govultr.DomainRecord).ID)
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s; Vultr RecordID: %v", change.Msgs[0], r.ID),
F: func() error {
return api.client.DomainRecord.Update(context.Background(), dc.Name, r.ID, &govultr.DomainRecordReq{Name: r.Name, Type: r.Type, Data: r.Data, TTL: r.TTL, Priority: &r.Priority})
case diff2.DELETE:
id := change.Old[0].Original.(govultr.DomainRecord).ID
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s; Vultr RecordID: %v", change.Msgs[0], id),
F: func() error {
return api.client.DomainRecord.Delete(context.Background(), dc.Name, id)
return corrections, nil
// GetNameservers gets the Vultr nameservers for a domain
func (api *vultrProvider) GetNameservers(domain string) ([]*models.Nameserver, error) {
return models.ToNameservers(defaultNS)
// EnsureDomainExists adds a domain to the Vutr DNS service if it does not exist
func (api *vultrProvider) EnsureDomainExists(domain string) error {
if ok, err := api.isDomainInAccount(domain); err != nil {
return err
} else if ok {
return nil
// Vultr requires an initial IP, use a dummy one.
_, err := api.client.Domain.Create(context.Background(), &govultr.DomainReq{Domain: domain, IP: "", DNSSec: "disabled"})
return err
func (api *vultrProvider) isDomainInAccount(domain string) (bool, error) {
listOptions := &govultr.ListOptions{}
domains, meta, err := api.client.Domain.List(context.Background(), listOptions)
for {
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, d := range domains {
if d.Domain == domain {
return true, nil
if meta.Links.Next == "" {
} else {
listOptions.Cursor = meta.Links.Next
domains, meta, err = api.client.Domain.List(context.Background(), listOptions)
return false, nil
// toRecordConfig converts a Vultr DomainRecord to a RecordConfig. #rtype_variations
func toRecordConfig(domain string, r govultr.DomainRecord) (*models.RecordConfig, error) {
origin, data := domain, r.Data
rc := &models.RecordConfig{
TTL: uint32(r.TTL),
Original: r,
rc.SetLabel(r.Name, domain)
switch rtype := r.Type; rtype {
case "ALIAS", "MX", "NS", "CNAME", "PTR", "SRV", "URL", "URL301", "FRAME", "R53_ALIAS", "NS1_URLFWD", "AKAMAICDN", "CLOUDNS_WR":
var err error
data, err = idna.ToUnicode(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch rtype := r.Type; rtype {
case "CNAME", "NS":
rc.Type = r.Type
// Make target into a FQDN if it is a CNAME, NS, MX, or SRV.
if !strings.HasSuffix(data, ".") {
data = data + "."
return rc, rc.SetTarget(data)
case "CAA":
// Vultr returns CAA records in the format "[flag] [tag] [value]".
return rc, rc.SetTargetCAAString(data)
case "MX":
if !strings.HasSuffix(data, ".") {
data = data + "."
return rc, rc.SetTargetMX(uint16(r.Priority), data)
case "SRV":
// Vultr returns SRV records in the format "[weight] [port] [target]".
if !strings.HasSuffix(data, ".") {
data = data + "."
return rc, rc.SetTargetSRVPriorityString(uint16(r.Priority), data)
case "TXT":
// TXT records from Vultr are always surrounded by quotes.
// They don't permit quotes within the string, therefore there is no
// need to resolve \" or other quoting.
if !(strings.HasPrefix(data, `"`) && strings.HasSuffix(data, `"`)) {
// Give an error if Vultr changes their protocol. We'd rather break
// than do the wrong thing.
return nil, errors.New("unexpected lack of quotes in TXT record from Vultr")
return rc, rc.SetTargetTXT(data[1 : len(data)-1])
return rc, rc.PopulateFromString(rtype, r.Data, origin)
// toVultrRecord converts a RecordConfig converted by toRecordConfig back to a Vultr DomainRecordReq. #rtype_variations
func toVultrRecord(dc *models.DomainConfig, rc *models.RecordConfig, vultrID string) *govultr.DomainRecord {
name := rc.GetLabel()
// Vultr uses a blank string to represent the apex domain.
if name == "@" {
name = ""
data := rc.GetTargetField()
// Vultr does not use a period suffix for CNAME, NS, MX or SRV.
data = strings.TrimSuffix(data, ".")
priority := 0
if rc.Type == "MX" {
priority = int(rc.MxPreference)
if rc.Type == "SRV" {
priority = int(rc.SrvPriority)
r := &govultr.DomainRecord{
ID: vultrID,
Type: rc.Type,
Name: name,
Data: data,
TTL: int(rc.TTL),
Priority: priority,
switch rtype := rc.Type; rtype { // #rtype_variations
case "SRV":
if data == "" {
data = "."
r.Data = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v %s", rc.SrvWeight, rc.SrvPort, data)
case "CAA":
r.Data = fmt.Sprintf(`%v %s "%s"`, rc.CaaFlag, rc.CaaTag, rc.GetTargetField())
case "SSHFP":
r.Data = fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %s", rc.SshfpAlgorithm, rc.SshfpFingerprint, rc.GetTargetField())
case "TXT":
// Vultr doesn't permit TXT strings to include double-quotes
// therefore, we don't have to escape interior double-quotes.
// Vultr's API requires the string to begin and end with double-quotes.
r.Data = `"` + strings.Join(rc.TxtStrings, "") + `"`
return r