
740 lines
46 KiB
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import logging, os
from qbittorrentapi import Client, LoginFailed, APIConnectionError, NotFound404Error
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed, print_line, print_multiline, separator
from datetime import timedelta
from collections import Counter
from fnmatch import fnmatch
2021-12-13 12:01:13 +08:00
from alive_progress import alive_it, config_handler
logger = logging.getLogger("qBit Manage")
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
class Qbt:
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
2021-12-14 06:04:43 +08:00
config_handler.set_global(bar=None, receipt_text=False)
self.host = params["host"]
self.username = params["username"]
self.password = params["password"]
logger.debug(f'Host: {self.host}, Username: {self.username}, Password: {self.password if self.password is None else "[REDACTED]"}')
self.client = Client(host=self.host, username=self.username, password=self.password)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
logger.info("Qbt Connection Successful")
except LoginFailed:
raise Failed("Qbittorrent Error: Failed to login. Invalid username/password.")
except APIConnectionError:
raise Failed("Qbittorrent Error: Unable to connect to the client.")
except Exception:
raise Failed("Qbittorrent Error: Unable to connect to the client.")
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Getting Torrent List", space=False, border=False)
self.torrent_list = self.get_torrents({'sort': 'added_on'})
# Will create a 2D Dictionary with the torrent name as the key
# torrentdict = {'TorrentName1' : {'Category':'TV', 'save_path':'/data/torrents/TV', 'count':1, 'msg':'[]'...},
# 'TorrentName2' : {'Category':'Movies', 'save_path':'/data/torrents/Movies'}, 'count':2, 'msg':'[]'...}
# List of dictionary key definitions
# Category = Returns category of the torrent (str)
# save_path = Returns the save path of the torrent (str)
# count = Returns a count of the total number of torrents with the same name (int)
# msg = Returns a list of torrent messages by name (list of str)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# status = Returns the list of status numbers of the torrent by name
# (0: Tracker is disabled (used for DHT, PeX, and LSD),
# 1: Tracker has not been contacted yet,
# 2: Tracker has been contacted and is working,
# 3: Tracker is updating,
# 4: Tracker has been contacted, but it is not working (or doesn't send proper replies)
# is_complete = Returns the state of torrent (Returns True if at least one of the torrent with the State is categorized as Complete.)
# first_hash = Returns the hash number of the original torrent (Assuming the torrent list is sorted by date added (Asc))
def get_torrent_info(torrent_list):
2021-12-27 06:19:17 +08:00
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
torrentdict = {}
t_obj_unreg = []
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
t_obj_valid = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
t_obj_list = []
2021-12-27 06:19:17 +08:00
settings = self.config.settings
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Checking Settings", space=False, border=False)
2021-12-27 06:19:17 +08:00
if settings['force_auto_tmm']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line('force_auto_tmm set to True. Will force Auto Torrent Management for all torrents.', loglevel)
separator("Gathering Torrent Information", space=True, border=True)
for torrent in alive_it(torrent_list):
is_complete = False
msg = None
status = None
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if torrent.auto_tmm is False and settings['force_auto_tmm'] and not dry_run:
2021-12-27 06:19:17 +08:00
2021-12-17 10:50:50 +08:00
torrent_name = torrent.name
torrent_hash = torrent.hash
torrent_is_complete = torrent.state_enum.is_complete
save_path = torrent.save_path
category = torrent.category
torrent_trackers = torrent.trackers
except Exception as e:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
self.config.notify(e, 'Get Torrent Info', False)
2021-12-17 10:50:50 +08:00
if torrent_name in torrentdict:
2021-12-17 10:50:50 +08:00
t_count = torrentdict[torrent_name]['count'] + 1
msg_list = torrentdict[torrent_name]['msg']
status_list = torrentdict[torrent_name]['status']
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
is_complete = True if torrentdict[torrent_name]['is_complete'] is True else torrent_is_complete
2021-12-17 10:50:50 +08:00
first_hash = torrentdict[torrent_name]['first_hash']
t_obj_list = [torrent]
t_count = 1
msg_list = []
status_list = []
2021-12-17 10:50:50 +08:00
is_complete = torrent_is_complete
first_hash = torrent_hash
for x in torrent_trackers:
if x.url.startswith('http'):
status = x.status
msg = x.msg.upper()
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Add any potential unregistered torrents to a list
if x.status == 4 and all(x not in msg for x in exception):
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
if x.status == 2:
if msg is not None: msg_list.append(msg)
if status is not None: status_list.append(status)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
torrentattr = {
'torrents': t_obj_list, 'Category': category, 'save_path': save_path, 'count': t_count,
'msg': msg_list, 'status': status_list, 'is_complete': is_complete, 'first_hash': first_hash
2021-12-17 10:50:50 +08:00
torrentdict[torrent_name] = torrentattr
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
return torrentdict, t_obj_unreg, t_obj_valid
self.torrentinfo = None
self.torrentissue = None
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
self.torrentvalid = None
if config.args['recheck'] or config.args['cross_seed'] or config.args['rem_unregistered']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Get an updated torrent dictionary information of the torrents
self.torrentinfo, self.torrentissue, self.torrentvalid = get_torrent_info(self.torrent_list)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
def get_torrents(self, params):
return self.client.torrents.info(**params)
def category(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
num_cat = 0
if self.config.args['cat_update']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Updating Categories", space=False, border=False)
2021-12-14 23:18:10 +08:00
for torrent in self.torrent_list:
if torrent.category == '':
new_cat = self.config.get_category(torrent.save_path)
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith('http')])
if not dry_run: torrent.set_category(category=new_cat)
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {torrent.name}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'New Category: {new_cat}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "cat_update",
"title": "Updating Categories",
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
"body": "\n".join(body),
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
2021-12-28 22:50:16 +08:00
"torrent_category": new_cat,
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"]
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
num_cat += 1
if num_cat >= 1:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line(f"{'Did not update' if dry_run else 'Updated'} {num_cat} new categories.", loglevel)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line('No new torrents to categorize.', loglevel)
return num_cat
def tags(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
num_tags = 0
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
ignore_tags = ['noHL', 'issue', 'cross-seed']
if self.config.args['tag_update']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Updating Tags", space=False, border=False)
2021-12-14 23:18:10 +08:00
for torrent in self.torrent_list:
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
check_tags = util.get_list(torrent.tags)
if torrent.tags == '' or (len([x for x in check_tags if x not in ignore_tags]) == 0):
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith('http')])
if tracker["tag"]:
num_tags += 1
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {torrent.name}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'New Tag: {tracker["tag"]}', 8), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), loglevel)
body.extend(self.set_tags_and_limits(torrent, tracker["max_ratio"], tracker["max_seeding_time"], tracker["limit_upload_speed"], tracker["tag"]))
category = self.config.get_category(torrent.save_path) if torrent.category == '' else torrent.category
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "tag_update",
"title": "Updating Tags",
"body": "\n".join(body),
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": category,
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"torrent_tag": tracker["tag"],
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
"torrent_max_ratio": tracker["max_ratio"],
"torrent_max_seeding_time": tracker["max_seeding_time"],
"torrent_limit_upload_speed": tracker["limit_upload_speed"]
if num_tags >= 1:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line(f"{'Did not update' if dry_run else 'Updated'} {num_tags} new tags.", loglevel)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line('No new torrents to tag.', loglevel)
return num_tags
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
def set_tags_and_limits(self, torrent, max_ratio, max_seeding_time, limit_upload_speed=None, tags=None, restore=False):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Print Logs
if limit_upload_speed:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if limit_upload_speed == -1: body += print_line(util.insert_space('Limit UL Speed: Infinity', 1), loglevel)
else: body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Limit UL Speed: {limit_upload_speed} kB/s', 1), loglevel)
if max_ratio or max_seeding_time:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if (max_ratio == -2 or max_seeding_time == -2) and not restore: body += print_line(util.insert_space('Share Limit: Use Global Share Limit', 4), loglevel)
elif (max_ratio == -1 or max_seeding_time == -1) and not restore: body += print_line(util.insert_space('Share Limit: Set No Share Limit', 4), loglevel)
2021-12-25 02:38:05 +08:00
if max_ratio != torrent.max_ratio and (not max_seeding_time or max_seeding_time < 0):
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Share Limit: Max Ratio = {max_ratio}', 4), loglevel)
2021-12-25 02:38:05 +08:00
elif max_seeding_time != torrent.max_seeding_time and (not max_ratio or max_ratio < 0):
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Share Limit: Max Seed Time = {max_seeding_time} min', 4), loglevel)
elif max_ratio != torrent.max_ratio and max_seeding_time != torrent.max_seeding_time:
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Share Limit: Max Ratio = {max_ratio}, Max Seed Time = {max_seeding_time} min', 4), loglevel)
# Update Torrents
if not dry_run:
if tags: torrent.add_tags(tags)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if limit_upload_speed:
if limit_upload_speed == -1: torrent.set_upload_limit(-1)
else: torrent.set_upload_limit(limit_upload_speed*1024)
2021-12-25 02:38:05 +08:00
if (max_ratio or max_seeding_time) and not restore:
if max_ratio == -2 or max_seeding_time == -2:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
torrent.set_share_limits(-2, -2)
2021-12-25 02:38:05 +08:00
return body
elif max_ratio == -1 or max_seeding_time == -1:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
torrent.set_share_limits(-1, -1)
2021-12-25 02:38:05 +08:00
return body
if not max_ratio: max_ratio = torrent.max_ratio
if not max_seeding_time: max_seeding_time = torrent.max_seeding_time
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
torrent.set_share_limits(max_ratio, max_seeding_time)
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
return body
def tag_nohardlinks(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
num_tags = 0 # counter for the number of torrents that has no hard links
del_tor = 0 # counter for the number of torrents that has no hard links and meets the criteria for ratio limit/seed limit for deletion
del_tor_cont = 0 # counter for the number of torrents that has no hard links and meets the criteria for ratio limit/seed limit for deletion including contents
num_untag = 0 # counter for number of torrents that previously had no hard links but now have hard links
if self.config.args['tag_nohardlinks']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
util.separator("Tagging Torrents with No Hardlinks", space=False, border=False)
nohardlinks = self.config.nohardlinks
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
tdel_dict = {} # dictionary to track the torrent names and content path that meet the deletion criteria
root_dir = self.config.root_dir
remote_dir = self.config.remote_dir
for category in nohardlinks:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
torrent_list = self.get_torrents({'category': category, 'filter': 'completed'})
if len(torrent_list) == 0:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
e = 'No torrents found in the category ('+category+') defined under nohardlinks attribute in the config. \
Please check if this matches with any category in qbittorrent and has 1 or more torrents.'
self.config.notify(e, 'Tag No Hard Links', False)
for torrent in alive_it(torrent_list):
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith('http')])
2021-12-14 06:04:43 +08:00
if any(tag in torrent.tags for tag in nohardlinks[category]['exclude_tags']):
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Skip to the next torrent if we find any torrents that are in the exclude tag
2021-12-14 06:04:43 +08:00
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Checks for any hard links and not already tagged
if util.nohardlink(torrent['content_path'].replace(root_dir, remote_dir)):
# Will only tag new torrents that don't have noHL tag
if 'noHL' not in torrent.tags:
2021-12-14 06:04:43 +08:00
num_tags += 1
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {torrent.name}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Added Tag: noHL', 6), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), loglevel)
body.extend(self.set_tags_and_limits(torrent, nohardlinks[category]["max_ratio"],
nohardlinks[category]["max_seeding_time"], nohardlinks[category]["limit_upload_speed"], tags='noHL'))
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "tag_nohardlinks",
"title": "Tagging Torrents with No Hardlinks",
"body": "\n".join(body),
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": torrent.category,
"torrent_tag": 'noHL',
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
"torrent_max_ratio": nohardlinks[category]["max_ratio"],
"torrent_max_seeding_time": nohardlinks[category]["max_seeding_time"],
"torrent_limit_upload_speed": nohardlinks[category]["limit_upload_speed"]
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Cleans up previously tagged noHL torrents
2021-12-14 06:04:43 +08:00
# Deletes torrent with data if cleanup is set to true and meets the ratio/seeding requirements
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if (nohardlinks[category]['cleanup'] and torrent.state_enum.is_paused and len(nohardlinks[category]) > 0):
tdel_dict[torrent.name] = torrent['content_path'].replace(root_dir, root_dir)
# Checks to see if previous noHL tagged torrents now have hard links.
if (not (util.nohardlink(torrent['content_path'].replace(root_dir, root_dir))) and ('noHL' in torrent.tags)):
num_untag += 1
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(f'Previous Tagged noHL Torrent Name: {torrent.name} has hard links found now.', loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Removed Tag: noHL', 6), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), loglevel)
body += print_line(f"{'Not Reverting' if dry_run else 'Reverting'} share limits.", loglevel)
2021-12-28 06:21:57 +08:00
restore_max_ratio = tracker["max_ratio"]
restore_max_seeding_time = tracker["max_seeding_time"]
restore_limit_upload_speed = tracker["limit_upload_speed"]
if restore_max_ratio is None: restore_max_ratio = -2
if restore_max_seeding_time is None: restore_max_seeding_time = -2
if restore_limit_upload_speed is None: restore_limit_upload_speed = -1
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if not dry_run:
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body.extend(self.set_tags_and_limits(torrent, restore_max_ratio, restore_max_seeding_time, restore_limit_upload_speed, restore=True))
2021-12-25 02:38:05 +08:00
if torrent.state == 'pausedUP': torrent.resume()
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "untag_nohardlinks",
"title": "Untagging Previous Torrents that now have Hard Links",
"body": "\n".join(body),
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": torrent.category,
"torrent_tag": 'noHL',
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
"torrent_max_ratio": restore_max_ratio,
"torrent_max_seeding_time": restore_max_seeding_time,
"torrent_limit_upload_speed": restore_limit_upload_speed
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# loop through torrent list again for cleanup purposes
if (nohardlinks[category]['cleanup']):
2021-12-14 21:03:46 +08:00
for torrent in torrent_list:
if torrent.name in tdel_dict.keys() and 'noHL' in torrent.tags:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Double check that the content path is the same before we delete anything
if torrent['content_path'].replace(root_dir, root_dir) == tdel_dict[torrent.name]:
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith('http')])
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {torrent.name}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space("Cleanup: True [No hard links found and meets Share Limits.]", 8), loglevel)
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "cleanup_tag_nohardlinks",
"title": "Removing NoHL Torrents and meets Share Limits",
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": torrent.category,
"cleanup": 'True',
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if (os.path.exists(torrent['content_path'].replace(root_dir, root_dir))):
2021-12-20 00:01:03 +08:00
if not dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent)
del_tor_cont += 1
attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = True
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Deleted .torrent AND content files.', 8), loglevel)
2021-12-20 00:01:03 +08:00
if not dry_run: torrent.delete(hash=torrent.hash, delete_files=False)
del_tor += 1
attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = False
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Deleted .torrent but NOT content files.', 8), loglevel)
2021-12-20 00:01:03 +08:00
attr["body"] = "\n".join(body)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if num_tags >= 1:
print_line(f"{'Did not Tag/set' if dry_run else 'Tag/set'} share limits for {num_tags} .torrent{'s.' if num_tags > 1 else '.'}", loglevel)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line('No torrents to tag with no hard links.', loglevel)
2021-12-29 20:50:08 +08:00
if num_untag >= 1: print_line(f"{'Did not delete' if dry_run else 'Deleted'} noHL tags / share limits for {num_untag} .torrent{'s.' if num_untag > 1 else '.'}", loglevel)
if del_tor >= 1: print_line(f"{'Did not delete' if dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor} .torrent{'s' if del_tor > 1 else ''} but not content files.", loglevel)
if del_tor_cont >= 1: print_line(f"{'Did not delete' if dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor_cont} .torrent{'s' if del_tor_cont > 1 else ''} AND content files.", loglevel)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
return num_tags, num_untag, del_tor, del_tor_cont
def rem_unregistered(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
del_tor = 0
del_tor_cont = 0
pot_unreg = 0
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
pot_unr_summary = ''
def del_unregistered():
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
nonlocal dry_run, loglevel, del_tor, del_tor_cont, t_name, msg_up, tracker, t_cat, t_msg, t_status, torrent
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {t_name}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Status: {msg_up}', 9), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "rem_unregistered",
"title": "Removing Unregistered Torrents",
"torrent_name": t_name,
"torrent_category": t_cat,
"torrent_status": msg_up,
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if t_count > 1:
# Checks if any of the original torrents are working
if '' in t_msg or 2 in t_status:
if not dry_run: torrent.delete(hash=torrent.hash, delete_files=False)
attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = False
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Deleted .torrent but NOT content files.', 8), loglevel)
del_tor += 1
if not dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent)
attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = True
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Deleted .torrent AND content files.', 8), loglevel)
del_tor_cont += 1
if not dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent)
attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = True
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(util.insert_space('Deleted .torrent AND content files.', 8), loglevel)
del_tor_cont += 1
attr["body"] = "\n".join(body)
if self.config.args['rem_unregistered']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Removing Unregistered Torrents", space=False, border=False)
unreg_msgs = [
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
for torrent in self.torrentvalid:
check_tags = util.get_list(torrent.tags)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Remove any potential unregistered torrents Tags that are no longer unreachable.
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
if 'issue' in check_tags:
if not dry_run: torrent.remove_tags(tags='issue')
2021-12-14 23:18:10 +08:00
for torrent in self.torrentissue:
t_name = torrent.name
2021-12-19 05:55:38 +08:00
t_cat = self.torrentinfo[t_name]['Category']
t_count = self.torrentinfo[t_name]['count']
t_msg = self.torrentinfo[t_name]['msg']
t_status = self.torrentinfo[t_name]['status']
2021-12-20 02:51:52 +08:00
check_tags = util.get_list(torrent.tags)
for x in torrent.trackers:
if x.url.startswith('http'):
tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url])
msg_up = x.msg.upper()
# Tag any potential unregistered torrents
if not any(m in msg_up for m in unreg_msgs) and x.status == 4 and 'issue' not in check_tags:
# Check for unregistered torrents using BHD API if the tracker is BHD
if 'tracker.beyond-hd.me' in tracker['url'] and self.config.BeyondHD is not None:
json = {"info_hash": torrent.hash}
response = self.config.BeyondHD.search(json)
if response['total_results'] <= 1:
pot_unr = ''
pot_unr += (util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {t_name}', 3)+'\n')
pot_unr += (util.insert_space(f'Status: {msg_up}', 9)+'\n')
pot_unr += (util.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8)+'\n')
pot_unr += (util.insert_space("Added Tag: 'issue'", 6)+'\n')
pot_unr_summary += pot_unr
pot_unreg += 1
attr = {
"function": "potential_rem_unregistered",
"title": "Potential Unregistered Torrents",
"body": pot_unr,
"torrent_name": t_name,
"torrent_category": t_cat,
"torrent_tag": "issue",
"torrent_status": msg_up,
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
if not dry_run: torrent.add_tags(tags='issue')
if any(m in msg_up for m in unreg_msgs) and x.status == 4:
except NotFound404Error:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Unknown Error: {e}")
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if del_tor >= 1 or del_tor_cont >= 1:
if del_tor >= 1: print_line(f"{'Did not delete' if dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor} .torrent{'s' if del_tor > 1 else ''} but not content files.", loglevel)
if del_tor_cont >= 1: print_line(f"{'Did not delete' if dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor_cont} .torrent{'s' if del_tor_cont > 1 else ''} AND content files.", loglevel)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line('No unregistered torrents found.', loglevel)
if (pot_unreg > 0):
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator(f"{pot_unreg} Potential Unregistered torrents found", space=False, border=False, loglevel=loglevel)
print_multiline(pot_unr_summary.rstrip(), loglevel)
return del_tor, del_tor_cont, pot_unreg
# Function used to move any torrents from the cross seed directory to the correct save directory
def cross_seed(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
added = 0 # Keep track of total torrents tagged
tagged = 0 # Track # of torrents tagged that are not cross-seeded
if self.config.args['cross_seed']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Checking for Cross-Seed Torrents", space=False, border=False)
# List of categories for all torrents moved
categories = []
# Only get torrent files
cs_files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.config.cross_seed_dir) if f.endswith('torrent')]
dir_cs = self.config.cross_seed_dir
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
dir_cs_out = os.path.join(dir_cs, 'qbit_manage_added')
os.makedirs(dir_cs_out, exist_ok=True)
2021-12-14 23:18:10 +08:00
for file in cs_files:
t_name = file.split(']', 2)[2].split('.torrent')[0]
# Substring Key match in dictionary (used because t_name might not match exactly with torrentdict key)
# Returned the dictionary of filtered item
torrentdict_file = dict(filter(lambda item: t_name in item[0], self.torrentinfo.items()))
if torrentdict_file:
# Get the exact torrent match name from torrentdict
t_name = next(iter(torrentdict_file))
dest = os.path.join(self.torrentinfo[t_name]['save_path'], '')
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
src = os.path.join(dir_cs, file)
dir_cs_out = os.path.join(dir_cs, 'qbit_manage_added', file)
category = self.config.get_category(dest)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Only add cross-seed torrent if original torrent is complete
if self.torrentinfo[t_name]['is_complete']:
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body += print_line(f"{'Not Adding' if dry_run else 'Adding'} to qBittorrent:", loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Torrent Name: {t_name}', 3), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Category: {category}', 7), loglevel)
body += print_line(util.insert_space(f'Save_Path: {dest}', 6), loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "cross_seed",
"title": "Adding New Cross-Seed Torrent",
"body": "\n".join(body),
"torrent_name": t_name,
"torrent_category": category,
"torrent_save_path": dest,
"torrent_tag": "cross-seed"
added += 1
if not dry_run:
self.client.torrents.add(torrent_files=src, save_path=dest, category=category, tags='cross-seed', is_paused=True)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
util.move_files(src, dir_cs_out)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line(f'Found {t_name} in {dir_cs} but original torrent is not complete.', loglevel)
print_line('Not adding to qBittorrent', loglevel)
error = f'{t_name} not found in torrents. Cross-seed Torrent not added to qBittorrent.'
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if dry_run: print_line(error, loglevel)
else: print_line(error, 'WARNING')
self.config.notify(error, 'cross-seed', False)
# Tag missing cross-seed torrents tags
2021-12-14 23:18:10 +08:00
for torrent in self.torrent_list:
t_name = torrent.name
2021-12-19 05:55:38 +08:00
t_cat = torrent.category
if 'cross-seed' not in torrent.tags and self.torrentinfo[t_name]['count'] > 1 and self.torrentinfo[t_name]['first_hash'] != torrent.hash:
tagged += 1
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body = print_line(f"{'Not Adding' if dry_run else 'Adding'} 'cross-seed' tag to {t_name}", loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "tag_cross_seed",
"title": "Tagging Cross-Seed Torrent",
"body": body,
"torrent_name": t_name,
2021-12-19 05:55:38 +08:00
"torrent_category": t_cat,
2021-12-28 22:50:16 +08:00
"torrent_tag": "cross-seed"
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if not dry_run: torrent.add_tags(tags='cross-seed')
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
numcategory = Counter(categories)
for c in numcategory:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if numcategory[c] > 0: print_line(f"{numcategory[c]} {c} cross-seed .torrents {'not added' if dry_run else 'added'}.", loglevel)
if added > 0: print_line(f"Total {added} cross-seed .torrents {'not added' if dry_run else 'added'}.", loglevel)
if tagged > 0: print_line(f"Total {tagged} cross-seed .torrents {'not tagged' if dry_run else 'tagged'}.", loglevel)
return added, tagged
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Function used to recheck paused torrents sorted by size and resume torrents that are completed
def recheck(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
resumed = 0
rechecked = 0
if self.config.args['recheck']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Rechecking Paused Torrents", space=False, border=False)
# sort by size and paused
torrent_list = self.get_torrents({'status_filter': 'paused', 'sort': 'size'})
if torrent_list:
2021-12-14 23:18:10 +08:00
for torrent in torrent_list:
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith('http')])
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Resume torrent if completed
if torrent.progress == 1:
if torrent.max_ratio < 0 and torrent.max_seeding_time < 0:
resumed += 1
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body = print_line(f"{'Not Resuming' if dry_run else 'Resuming'} [{tracker['tag']}] - {torrent.name}", loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "recheck",
"title": "Resuming Torrent",
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
"body": body,
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": torrent.category,
2021-12-26 21:49:20 +08:00
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
if not dry_run: torrent.resume()
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Check to see if torrent meets AutoTorrentManagement criteria
logger.debug('DEBUG: Torrent to see if torrent meets AutoTorrentManagement Criteria')
logger.debug(util.insert_space(f'- Torrent Name: {torrent.name}', 2))
logger.debug(util.insert_space(f'-- Ratio vs Max Ratio: {torrent.ratio} < {torrent.max_ratio}', 4))
logger.debug(util.insert_space(f'-- Seeding Time vs Max Seed Time: {timedelta(seconds=torrent.seeding_time)} < {timedelta(minutes=torrent.max_seeding_time)}', 4))
if (torrent.max_ratio >= 0 and torrent.ratio < torrent.max_ratio and torrent.max_seeding_time < 0) \
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
or (torrent.max_seeding_time >= 0 and (torrent.seeding_time < (torrent.max_seeding_time * 60)) and torrent.max_ratio < 0) \
or (torrent.max_ratio >= 0 and torrent.max_seeding_time >= 0 and torrent.ratio < torrent.max_ratio and (torrent.seeding_time < (torrent.max_seeding_time * 60))):
resumed += 1
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body = print_line(f"{'Not Resuming' if dry_run else 'Resuming'} [{tracker['tag']}] - {torrent.name}", loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "recheck",
"title": "Resuming Torrent",
"body": body,
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": torrent.category,
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
if not dry_run: torrent.resume()
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Recheck
elif torrent.progress == 0 and self.torrentinfo[torrent.name]['is_complete'] and not torrent.state_enum.is_checking:
rechecked += 1
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
body = print_line(f"{'Not Rechecking' if dry_run else 'Rechecking'} [{tracker['tag']}] - {torrent.name}", loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "recheck",
"title": "Rechecking Torrent",
"body": body,
"torrent_name": torrent.name,
"torrent_category": torrent.category,
"torrent_tracker": tracker["url"],
"notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"],
if not dry_run: torrent.recheck()
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
return resumed, rechecked
def rem_orphaned(self):
dry_run = self.config.args['dry_run']
loglevel = 'DRYRUN' if dry_run else 'INFO'
orphaned = 0
if self.config.args['rem_orphaned']:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Checking for Orphaned Files", space=False, border=False)
torrent_files = []
root_files = []
orphaned_files = []
excluded_orphan_files = []
orphaned_parent_path = set()
remote_path = self.config.remote_dir
root_path = self.config.root_dir
if (remote_path != root_path):
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
root_files = [os.path.join(path.replace(remote_path, root_path), name)
for path, subdirs, files in alive_it(os.walk(remote_path))
for name in files if os.path.join(remote_path, 'orphaned_data') not in path and os.path.join(remote_path, '.RecycleBin') not in path]
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
root_files = [os.path.join(path, name) for path, subdirs, files in alive_it(os.walk(root_path))
for name in files if os.path.join(root_path, 'orphaned_data') not in path and os.path.join(root_path, '.RecycleBin') not in path]
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Get an updated list of torrents
torrent_list = self.get_torrents({'sort': 'added_on'})
for torrent in alive_it(torrent_list):
for file in torrent.files:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
torrent_files.append(os.path.join(torrent.save_path, file.name))
orphaned_files = set(root_files) - set(torrent_files)
orphaned_files = sorted(orphaned_files)
if self.config.orphaned['exclude_patterns']:
exclude_patterns = self.config.orphaned['exclude_patterns']
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
excluded_orphan_files = [file for file in orphaned_files for exclude_pattern in exclude_patterns if fnmatch(file, exclude_pattern.replace(remote_path, root_path))]
orphaned_files = set(orphaned_files) - set(excluded_orphan_files)
if self.config.trace_mode:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator("Torrent Files", space=False, border=False, loglevel='DEBUG')
print_multiline("\n".join(torrent_files), 'DEBUG')
separator("Root Files", space=False, border=False, loglevel='DEBUG')
print_multiline("\n".join(root_files), 'DEBUG')
separator("Excluded Orphan Files", space=False, border=False, loglevel='DEBUG')
print_multiline("\n".join(excluded_orphan_files), 'DEBUG')
separator("Orphaned Files", space=False, border=False, loglevel='DEBUG')
print_multiline("\n".join(orphaned_files), 'DEBUG')
separator("Deleting Orphaned Files", space=False, border=False, loglevel='DEBUG')
if orphaned_files:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
dir_out = os.path.join(remote_path, 'orphaned_data')
os.makedirs(dir_out, exist_ok=True)
2021-12-19 01:38:41 +08:00
body = []
num_orphaned = len(orphaned_files)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line(f"{num_orphaned} Orphaned files found", loglevel)
body += print_multiline("\n".join(orphaned_files), loglevel)
body += print_line(f"{'Did not move' if dry_run else 'Moved'} {num_orphaned} Orphaned files to {dir_out.replace(remote_path,root_path)}", loglevel)
attr = {
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
"function": "rem_orphaned",
"title": f"Removing {num_orphaned} Orphaned Files",
"body": "\n".join(body),
"orphaned_files": list(orphaned_files),
"orphaned_directory": dir_out.replace(remote_path, root_path),
"total_orphaned_files": num_orphaned,
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Delete empty directories after moving orphan files
logger.info('Cleaning up any empty directories...')
if not dry_run:
for file in alive_it(orphaned_files):
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
src = file.replace(root_path, remote_path)
dest = os.path.join(dir_out, file.replace(root_path, ''))
util.move_files(src, dest)
orphaned_parent_path.add(os.path.dirname(file).replace(root_path, remote_path))
for parent_path in orphaned_parent_path:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
util.remove_empty_directories(parent_path, "**/*")
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line("No Orphaned Files found.", loglevel)
return orphaned
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
def tor_delete_recycle(self, torrent):
if self.config.recyclebin['enabled']:
tor_files = []
# Define torrent files/folders
for file in torrent.files:
tor_files.append(os.path.join(torrent.save_path, file.name))
except NotFound404Error:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Create recycle bin if not exists
recycle_path = os.path.join(self.config.remote_dir, '.RecycleBin')
os.makedirs(recycle_path, exist_ok=True)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
separator(f"Moving {len(tor_files)} files to RecycleBin", space=False, border=False, loglevel='DEBUG')
if len(tor_files) == 1: print_line(tor_files[0], 'DEBUG')
else: print_multiline("\n".join(tor_files), 'DEBUG')
logger.debug(f'Moved {len(tor_files)} files to {recycle_path.replace(self.config.remote_dir,self.config.root_dir)}')
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Move files from torrent contents to Recycle bin
for file in tor_files:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
src = file.replace(self.config.root_dir, self.config.remote_dir)
dest = os.path.join(recycle_path, file.replace(self.config.root_dir, ''))
# Move files and change date modified
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
util.move_files(src, dest, True)
except FileNotFoundError:
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
print_line(f'RecycleBin Warning - FileNotFound: No such file or directory: {src} ', 'WARNING')
# Delete torrent and files
torrent.delete(hash=torrent.hash, delete_files=False)
2021-12-29 01:19:58 +08:00
# Remove any empty directories
util.remove_empty_directories(torrent.save_path.replace(self.config.root_dir, self.config.remote_dir), "**/*")
2021-12-18 10:55:18 +08:00
torrent.delete(hash=torrent.hash, delete_files=True)