"""Qbittorrent Module""" import os import sys from qbittorrentapi import Client from qbittorrentapi import LoginFailed from qbittorrentapi import NotFound404Error from qbittorrentapi import TrackerStatus from qbittorrentapi import Version from modules import util from modules.util import Failed from modules.util import list_in_text from modules.util import TorrentMessages logger = util.logger class Qbt: """ Qbittorrent Class """ SUPPORTED_VERSION = Version.latest_supported_app_version() MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = "v4.3.0" TORRENT_DICT_COMMANDS = ["recheck", "cross_seed", "rem_unregistered", "tag_tracker_error", "tag_nohardlinks", "share_limits"] def __init__(self, config, params): self.config = config self.host = params["host"] self.username = params["username"] self.password = params["password"] logger.secret(self.username) logger.secret(self.password) logger.debug(f"Host: {self.host}, Username: {self.username}, Password: {self.password}") ex = "" try: self.client = Client( host=self.host, username=self.username, password=self.password, VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE=False, REQUESTS_ARGS={"timeout": (45, 60)}, ) self.client.auth_log_in() self.current_version = self.client.app.version logger.debug(f"qBittorrent: {self.current_version}") logger.debug(f"qBittorrent Web API: {self.client.app.web_api_version}") logger.debug(f"qbit_manage supported versions: {self.MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} - {self.SUPPORTED_VERSION}") if self.current_version < self.MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION: ex = ( f"Qbittorrent Error: qbit_manage is only compatible with {self.MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} or higher. " f"You are currently on {self.current_version}." + "\n" + f"Please upgrade your qBittorrent version to {self.MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} or higher to use qbit_manage." ) elif not Version.is_app_version_supported(self.current_version): ex = ( f"Qbittorrent Error: qbit_manage is only compatible with {self.SUPPORTED_VERSION} or lower. " f"You are currently on {self.current_version}." + "\n" + f"Please downgrade your qBittorrent version to {self.SUPPORTED_VERSION} to use qbit_manage." ) if ex: if self.config.commands["skip_qb_version_check"]: ex += "\n[BYPASS]: Continuing because qBittorrent version check is bypassed... Please do not ask for support!" logger.print_line(ex, "WARN") else: self.config.notify(ex, "Qbittorrent") logger.print_line(ex, "CRITICAL") sys.exit(1) logger.info("Qbt Connection Successful") except LoginFailed as exc: ex = "Qbittorrent Error: Failed to login. Invalid username/password." self.config.notify(ex, "Qbittorrent") raise Failed(exc) from exc except Exception as exc: self.config.notify(exc, "Qbittorrent") raise Failed(exc) from exc logger.separator("Getting Torrent List", space=False, border=False) self.torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"sort": "added_on"}) self.global_max_ratio_enabled = self.client.app.preferences.max_ratio_enabled self.global_max_ratio = self.client.app.preferences.max_ratio self.global_max_seeding_time_enabled = self.client.app.preferences.max_seeding_time_enabled self.global_max_seeding_time = self.client.app.preferences.max_seeding_time if any(config.commands.get(command, False) for command in self.TORRENT_DICT_COMMANDS): # Get an updated torrent dictionary information of the torrents self.get_torrent_info() else: self.torrentinfo = None self.torrentissue = None self.torrentvalid = None def get_torrent_info(self): """ Will create a 2D Dictionary with the torrent name as the key self.torrentinfo = {'TorrentName1' : {'Category':'TV', 'save_path':'/data/torrents/TV', 'count':1, 'msg':'[]'...}, 'TorrentName2' : {'Category':'Movies', 'save_path':'/data/torrents/Movies'}, 'count':2, 'msg':'[]'...} List of dictionary key definitions Category = Returns category of the torrent (str) save_path = Returns the save path of the torrent (str) count = Returns a count of the total number of torrents with the same name (int) msg = Returns a list of torrent messages by name (list of str) status = Returns the list of status numbers of the torrent by name (0: Tracker is disabled (used for DHT, PeX, and LSD), 1: Tracker has not been contacted yet, 2: Tracker has been contacted and is working, 3: Tracker is updating, 4: Tracker has been contacted, but it is not working (or doesn't send proper replies) is_complete = Returns the state of torrent (Returns True if at least one of the torrent with the State is categorized as Complete.) first_hash = Returns the hash number of the original torrent (Assuming the torrent list is sorted by date added (Asc)) Takes in a number n, returns the square of n """ self.torrentinfo = {} self.torrentissue = [] # list of unregistered torrent objects self.torrentvalid = [] # list of working torrents t_obj_list = [] # list of all torrent objects settings = self.config.settings logger.separator("Checking Settings", space=False, border=False) if settings["force_auto_tmm"]: logger.print_line( "force_auto_tmm set to True. Will force Auto Torrent Management for all torrents.", self.config.loglevel ) logger.separator("Gathering Torrent Information", space=True, border=True) for torrent in self.torrent_list: is_complete = False msg = None status = None working_tracker = None issue = {"potential": False} if torrent.auto_tmm is False and settings["force_auto_tmm"] and torrent.category != "" and not self.config.dry_run: torrent.set_auto_management(True) try: torrent_name = torrent.name torrent_hash = torrent.hash torrent_is_complete = torrent.state_enum.is_complete save_path = torrent.save_path category = torrent.category torrent_trackers = torrent.trackers except Exception as ex: self.config.notify(ex, "Get Torrent Info", False) logger.warning(ex) if torrent_name in self.torrentinfo: t_obj_list.append(torrent) t_count = self.torrentinfo[torrent_name]["count"] + 1 msg_list = self.torrentinfo[torrent_name]["msg"] status_list = self.torrentinfo[torrent_name]["status"] is_complete = True if self.torrentinfo[torrent_name]["is_complete"] is True else torrent_is_complete first_hash = self.torrentinfo[torrent_name]["first_hash"] else: t_obj_list = [torrent] t_count = 1 msg_list = [] status_list = [] is_complete = torrent_is_complete first_hash = torrent_hash for trk in torrent_trackers: if trk.url.startswith("http"): status = trk.status msg = trk.msg.upper() if TrackerStatus(trk.status) == TrackerStatus.WORKING: working_tracker = True break # Add any potential unregistered torrents to a list if TrackerStatus(trk.status) == TrackerStatus.NOT_WORKING and not list_in_text( msg, TorrentMessages.EXCEPTIONS_MSGS ): issue["potential"] = True issue["msg"] = msg issue["status"] = status if working_tracker: status = 2 msg = "" self.torrentvalid.append(torrent) elif issue["potential"]: status = issue["status"] msg = issue["msg"] self.torrentissue.append(torrent) if msg is not None: msg_list.append(msg) if status is not None: status_list.append(status) torrentattr = { "torrents": t_obj_list, "Category": category, "save_path": save_path, "count": t_count, "msg": msg_list, "status": status_list, "is_complete": is_complete, "first_hash": first_hash, } self.torrentinfo[torrent_name] = torrentattr def get_torrents(self, params): """Get torrents from qBittorrent""" return self.client.torrents.info(**params) def get_tags(self, trackers): """Get tags from config file based on keyword""" urls = [x.url for x in trackers if x.url.startswith(("http", "udp", "ws"))] tracker = {} tracker["tag"] = None tracker["cat"] = None tracker["notifiarr"] = None tracker["url"] = None tracker_other_tag = self.config.util.check_for_attribute( self.config.data, "tag", parent="tracker", subparent="other", default_is_none=True, var_type="list", save=False ) try: tracker["url"] = util.trunc_val(urls[0], os.sep) except IndexError as e: tracker["url"] = None if not urls: urls = [] if not tracker_other_tag: tracker_other_tag = ["other"] tracker["url"] = "No http URL found" else: logger.debug(f"Tracker Url:{urls}") logger.debug(e) if "tracker" in self.config.data and self.config.data["tracker"] is not None: tag_values = self.config.data["tracker"] for tag_url, tag_details in tag_values.items(): for url in urls: if tag_url in url: if tracker["url"] is None: default_tag = tracker_other_tag else: try: tracker["url"] = util.trunc_val(url, os.sep) default_tag = tracker["url"].split(os.sep)[2].split(":")[0] except IndexError as e: logger.debug(f"Tracker Url:{url}") logger.debug(e) tracker["tag"] = self.config.util.check_for_attribute( self.config.data, "tag", parent="tracker", subparent=tag_url, default=tag_url, var_type="list" ) tracker["cat"] = self.config.util.check_for_attribute( self.config.data, "cat", parent="tracker", subparent=tag_url, default_is_none=True, var_type="str", save=False, do_print=False, ) if tracker["tag"] == [tag_url]: self.config.data["tracker"][tag_url]["tag"] = [tag_url] if isinstance(tracker["tag"], str): tracker["tag"] = [tracker["tag"]] tracker["notifiarr"] = self.config.util.check_for_attribute( self.config.data, "notifiarr", parent="tracker", subparent=tag_url, default_is_none=True, do_print=False, save=False, ) return tracker if tracker_other_tag: tracker["tag"] = tracker_other_tag tracker["notifiarr"] = self.config.util.check_for_attribute( self.config.data, "notifiarr", parent="tracker", subparent="other", default_is_none=True, do_print=False, save=False, ) return tracker if tracker["url"]: logger.trace(f"tracker url: {tracker['url']}") if tracker_other_tag: default_tag = tracker_other_tag else: default_tag = tracker["url"].split(os.sep)[2].split(":")[0] tracker["tag"] = self.config.util.check_for_attribute( self.config.data, "tag", parent="tracker", subparent=default_tag, default=default_tag, var_type="list" ) if isinstance(tracker["tag"], str): tracker["tag"] = [tracker["tag"]] try: self.config.data["tracker"][default_tag]["tag"] = [default_tag] except Exception: self.config.data["tracker"][default_tag] = {"tag": [default_tag]} e = f'No tags matched for {tracker["url"]}. Please check your config.yml file. Setting tag to {default_tag}' self.config.notify(e, "Tag", False) logger.warning(e) return tracker def get_category(self, path): """Get category from config file based on path provided""" category = "" path = os.path.join(path, "") if "cat" in self.config.data and self.config.data["cat"] is not None: cat_path = self.config.data["cat"] for cat, save_path in cat_path.items(): if os.path.join(save_path, "") == path: category = cat break if not category: default_cat = path.split(os.sep)[-2] category = str(default_cat) self.config.util.check_for_attribute(self.config.data, default_cat, parent="cat", default=path) self.config.data["cat"][str(default_cat)] = path e = f"No categories matched for the save path {path}. Check your config.yml file. - Setting category to {default_cat}" self.config.notify(e, "Category", False) logger.warning(e) return category def tor_delete_recycle(self, torrent, info): """Move torrent to recycle bin""" if self.config.recyclebin["enabled"]: tor_files = [] try: info_hash = torrent.hash save_path = torrent.save_path.replace(self.config.root_dir, self.config.remote_dir) # Define torrent files/folders for file in torrent.files: tor_files.append(os.path.join(save_path, file.name)) except NotFound404Error: return if self.config.recyclebin["split_by_category"]: recycle_path = os.path.join(save_path, os.path.basename(self.config.recycle_dir.rstrip(os.sep))) else: recycle_path = self.config.recycle_dir # Create recycle bin if not exists torrent_path = os.path.join(recycle_path, "torrents") torrents_json_path = os.path.join(recycle_path, "torrents_json") torrent_name = info["torrents"][0] os.makedirs(recycle_path, exist_ok=True) if self.config.recyclebin["save_torrents"]: if os.path.isdir(torrent_path) is False: os.makedirs(torrent_path) if os.path.isdir(torrents_json_path) is False: os.makedirs(torrents_json_path) torrent_json_file = os.path.join(torrents_json_path, f"{torrent_name}.json") torrent_json = util.load_json(torrent_json_file) if not torrent_json: logger.info(f"Saving Torrent JSON file to {torrent_json_file}") torrent_json["torrent_name"] = torrent_name torrent_json["category"] = info["torrent_category"] else: logger.info(f"Adding {info['torrent_tracker']} to existing {os.path.basename(torrent_json_file)}") dot_torrent_files = [] for file in os.listdir(self.config.torrents_dir): if file.startswith(info_hash): dot_torrent_files.append(file) try: util.copy_files(os.path.join(self.config.torrents_dir, file), os.path.join(torrent_path, file)) except Exception as ex: logger.stacktrace() self.config.notify(ex, "Deleting Torrent", False) logger.warning(f"RecycleBin Warning: {ex}") if "tracker_torrent_files" in torrent_json: tracker_torrent_files = torrent_json["tracker_torrent_files"] else: tracker_torrent_files = {} tracker_torrent_files[info["torrent_tracker"]] = dot_torrent_files if dot_torrent_files: backup_str = "Backing up " for idx, val in enumerate(dot_torrent_files): if idx == 0: backup_str += val else: backup_str += f" and {val.replace(info_hash,'')}" backup_str += f" to {torrent_path}" logger.info(backup_str) torrent_json["tracker_torrent_files"] = tracker_torrent_files if "files" not in torrent_json: files_cleaned = [f.replace(self.config.remote_dir, "") for f in tor_files] torrent_json["files"] = files_cleaned if "deleted_contents" not in torrent_json: torrent_json["deleted_contents"] = info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] else: if torrent_json["deleted_contents"] is False and info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] is True: torrent_json["deleted_contents"] = info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] logger.debug("") logger.debug(f"JSON: {torrent_json}") util.save_json(torrent_json, torrent_json_file) if info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] is True: logger.separator(f"Moving {len(tor_files)} files to RecycleBin", space=False, border=False, loglevel="DEBUG") if len(tor_files) == 1: logger.print_line(tor_files[0], "DEBUG") else: logger.print_line("\n".join(tor_files), "DEBUG") logger.debug( f"Moved {len(tor_files)} files to {recycle_path.replace(self.config.remote_dir,self.config.root_dir)}" ) # Move files from torrent contents to Recycle bin for file in tor_files: src = file dest = os.path.join(recycle_path, file.replace(self.config.remote_dir, "")) # Move files and change date modified try: to_delete = util.move_files(src, dest, True) except FileNotFoundError: ex = logger.print_line(f"RecycleBin Warning - FileNotFound: No such file or directory: {src} ", "WARNING") self.config.notify(ex, "Deleting Torrent", False) # Delete torrent and files torrent.delete(delete_files=to_delete) # Remove any empty directories util.remove_empty_directories(save_path, "**/*") else: torrent.delete(delete_files=False) else: if info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] is True: torrent.delete(delete_files=True) else: torrent.delete(delete_files=False) try: if torrent in self.torrent_list: self.torrent_list.remove(torrent) except ValueError: logger.debug(f"Torrent {torrent.name} has already been deleted from torrent list.")