#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import glob import os import sys import time from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta try: import schedule from modules.logs import MyLogger except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Requirements Error: Requirements are not installed") sys.exit(0) if sys.version_info[0] != 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 6: print( "Version Error: Version: %s.%s.%s incompatible please use Python 3.6+" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2]) ) sys.exit(0) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("qBittorrent Manager.", description="A mix of scripts combined for managing qBittorrent.") parser.add_argument("-db", "--debug", dest="debug", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-tr", "--trace", dest="trace", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--run", dest="run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run without the scheduler. Script will exit after completion.", ) parser.add_argument( "-sch", "--schedule", dest="min", default="1440", type=str, help="Schedule to run every x minutes. (Default set to 1440 (1 day))", ) parser.add_argument( "-sd", "--startup-delay", dest="startupDelay", default="0", type=str, help="Set delay in seconds on the first run of a schedule (Default set to 0)", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config-file", dest="configfiles", action="store", default="config.yml", type=str, help="This is used if you want to use a different name for your config.yml or if you want to load multiple" "config files using *. Example: tv.yml or config*.yml", ) parser.add_argument( "-lf", "--log-file", dest="logfile", action="store", default="qbit_manage.log", type=str, help="This is used if you want to use a different name for your log file. Example: tv.log", ) parser.add_argument( "-cs", "--cross-seed", dest="cross_seed", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this after running cross-seed script to add torrents from the cross-seed output folder to qBittorrent", ) parser.add_argument( "-re", "--recheck", dest="recheck", action="store_true", default=False, help="Recheck paused torrents sorted by lowest size. Resume if Completed.", ) parser.add_argument( "-cu", "--cat-update", dest="cat_update", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this if you would like to update your categories.", ) parser.add_argument( "-tu", "--tag-update", dest="tag_update", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this if you would like to update your tags and/or set seed goals/limit upload speed by tag." " (Only adds tags to untagged torrents)", ) parser.add_argument( "-ru", "--rem-unregistered", dest="rem_unregistered", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this if you would like to remove unregistered torrents.", ) parser.add_argument( "-tte", "--tag-tracker-error", dest="tag_tracker_error", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this if you would like to tag torrents that do not have a working tracker.", ) parser.add_argument( "-ro", "--rem-orphaned", dest="rem_orphaned", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this if you would like to remove unregistered torrents.", ) parser.add_argument( "-tnhl", "--tag-nohardlinks", dest="tag_nohardlinks", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this to tag any torrents that do not have any hard links associated with any of the files. " "This is useful for those that use Sonarr/Radarr which hard link your media files with the torrents for seeding. " "When files get upgraded they no longer become linked with your media therefore will be tagged with a new tag noHL. " "You can then safely delete/remove these torrents to free up any extra space that is not being used by your media folder.", ) parser.add_argument( "-sc", "--skip-cleanup", dest="skip_cleanup", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use this to skip cleaning up Reycle Bin/Orphaned directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "-dr", "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", default=False, help="If you would like to see what is gonna happen but not actually move/delete or tag/categorize anything.", ) parser.add_argument( "-ll", "--log-level", dest="log_level", action="store", default="INFO", type=str, help="Change your log level." ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--divider", dest="divider", help="Character that divides the sections (Default: '=')", default="=", type=str ) parser.add_argument("-w", "--width", dest="width", help="Screen Width (Default: 100)", default=100, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() def get_arg(env_str, default, arg_bool=False, arg_int=False): env_vars = [env_str] if not isinstance(env_str, list) else env_str final_value = None for env_var in env_vars: env_value = os.environ.get(env_var) if env_value is not None: final_value = env_value break if final_value is not None: if arg_bool: if final_value is True or final_value is False: return final_value elif final_value.lower() in ["t", "true"]: return True else: return False elif arg_int: return int(final_value) else: return str(final_value) else: return default run = get_arg("QBT_RUN", args.run, arg_bool=True) sch = get_arg("QBT_SCHEDULE", args.min) startupDelay = get_arg("QBT_STARTUP_DELAY", args.startupDelay) config_files = get_arg("QBT_CONFIG", args.configfiles) log_file = get_arg("QBT_LOGFILE", args.logfile) cross_seed = get_arg("QBT_CROSS_SEED", args.cross_seed, arg_bool=True) recheck = get_arg("QBT_RECHECK", args.recheck, arg_bool=True) cat_update = get_arg("QBT_CAT_UPDATE", args.cat_update, arg_bool=True) tag_update = get_arg("QBT_TAG_UPDATE", args.tag_update, arg_bool=True) rem_unregistered = get_arg("QBT_REM_UNREGISTERED", args.rem_unregistered, arg_bool=True) tag_tracker_error = get_arg("QBT_TAG_TRACKER_ERROR", args.tag_tracker_error, arg_bool=True) rem_orphaned = get_arg("QBT_REM_ORPHANED", args.rem_orphaned, arg_bool=True) tag_nohardlinks = get_arg("QBT_TAG_NOHARDLINKS", args.tag_nohardlinks, arg_bool=True) skip_cleanup = get_arg("QBT_SKIP_CLEANUP", args.skip_cleanup, arg_bool=True) dry_run = get_arg("QBT_DRY_RUN", args.dry_run, arg_bool=True) log_level = get_arg("QBT_LOG_LEVEL", args.log_level) divider = get_arg("QBT_DIVIDER", args.divider) screen_width = get_arg("QBT_WIDTH", args.width, arg_int=True) debug = get_arg("QBT_DEBUG", args.debug, arg_bool=True) trace = get_arg("QBT_TRACE", args.trace, arg_bool=True) if debug: log_level = "DEBUG" if trace: log_level = "TRACE" stats = {} args = {} if os.path.isdir("/config") and glob.glob(os.path.join("/config", config_files)): default_dir = "/config" else: default_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "config") if "*" not in config_files: config_files = [config_files] else: glob_configs = glob.glob(os.path.join(default_dir, config_files)) if glob_configs: config_files = [os.path.split(x)[-1] for x in glob_configs] else: print(f"Config Error: Unable to find any config files in the pattern '{config_files}'.") sys.exit(0) for v in [ "run", "sch", "startupDelay", "config_files", "log_file", "cross_seed", "recheck", "cat_update", "tag_update", "rem_unregistered", "tag_tracker_error", "rem_orphaned", "tag_nohardlinks", "skip_cleanup", "dry_run", "log_level", "divider", "screen_width", "debug", "trace", ]: args[v] = eval(v) if screen_width < 90 or screen_width > 300: print(f"Argument Error: width argument invalid: {screen_width} must be an integer between 90 and 300 using the default 100") screen_width = 100 # Check if Schedule parameter is a number try: sch = int(sch) except ValueError: print(f"Schedule Error: Schedule is not a number. Current value is set to '{sch}'") sys.exit(0) # Check if StartupDelay parameter is a number try: startupDelay = int(startupDelay) except ValueError: print(f"startupDelay Error: startupDelay is not a number. Current value is set to '{startupDelay}'") sys.exit(0) logger = MyLogger("qBit Manage", log_file, log_level, default_dir, screen_width, divider[0], False) from modules import util # noqa util.logger = logger from modules.config import Config # noqa from modules.util import GracefulKiller # noqa from modules.util import Failed # noqa def my_except_hook(exctype, value, tb): if issubclass(exctype, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exctype, value, tb) else: logger.critical("Uncaught Exception", exc_info=(exctype, value, tb)) sys.excepthook = my_except_hook version = "Unknown" with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "VERSION")) as handle: for line in handle.readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: version = line break def start_loop(): if len(config_files) == 1: args["config_file"] = config_files[0] start() else: for config_file in config_files: args["config_file"] = config_file config_base = os.path.splitext(config_file)[0] logger.add_config_handler(config_base) start() logger.remove_config_handler(config_base) def start(): start_time = datetime.now() args["time"] = start_time.strftime("%H:%M") args["time_obj"] = start_time stats_summary = [] logger.separator("Starting Run") cfg = None body = "" run_time = "" end_time = None next_run = None global stats stats = { "added": 0, "deleted": 0, "deleted_contents": 0, "resumed": 0, "rechecked": 0, "orphaned": 0, "recycle_emptied": 0, "orphaned_emptied": 0, "tagged": 0, "categorized": 0, "rem_unreg": 0, "tagged_tracker_error": 0, "untagged_tracker_error": 0, "tagged_noHL": 0, "untagged_noHL": 0, } def FinishedRun(): nonlocal end_time, start_time, stats_summary, run_time, next_run, body end_time = datetime.now() run_time = str(end_time - start_time).split(".")[0] _, nr = calc_next_run(sch, True) next_run_str = nr["next_run_str"] next_run = nr["next_run"] body = logger.separator( f"Finished Run\n{os.linesep.join(stats_summary) if len(stats_summary)>0 else ''}" f"\nRun Time: {run_time}\n{next_run_str if len(next_run_str)>0 else ''}".replace("\n\n", "\n").rstrip() )[0] return next_run, body try: cfg = Config(default_dir, args) except Exception as e: if "Qbittorrent Error" in e.args[0]: logger.print_line(e, "CRITICAL") logger.print_line("Exiting scheduled Run.", "CRITICAL") FinishedRun() return None else: logger.stacktrace() logger.print_line(e, "CRITICAL") if cfg: # Set Category num_categorized = cfg.qbt.category() stats["categorized"] += num_categorized # Set Tags num_tagged = cfg.qbt.tags() stats["tagged"] += num_tagged # Remove Unregistered Torrents num_deleted, num_deleted_contents, num_tagged, num_untagged = cfg.qbt.rem_unregistered() stats["rem_unreg"] += num_deleted + num_deleted_contents stats["deleted"] += num_deleted stats["deleted_contents"] += num_deleted_contents stats["tagged_tracker_error"] += num_tagged stats["untagged_tracker_error"] += num_untagged stats["tagged"] += num_tagged # Set Cross Seed num_added, num_tagged = cfg.qbt.cross_seed() stats["added"] += num_added stats["tagged"] += num_tagged # Recheck Torrents num_resumed, num_rechecked = cfg.qbt.recheck() stats["resumed"] += num_resumed stats["rechecked"] += num_rechecked # Tag NoHardLinks num_tagged, num_untagged, num_deleted, num_deleted_contents = cfg.qbt.tag_nohardlinks() stats["tagged"] += num_tagged stats["tagged_noHL"] += num_tagged stats["untagged_noHL"] += num_untagged stats["deleted"] += num_deleted stats["deleted_contents"] += num_deleted_contents # Remove Orphaned Files num_orphaned = cfg.qbt.rem_orphaned() stats["orphaned"] += num_orphaned # Empty RecycleBin recycle_emptied = cfg.cleanup_dirs("Recycle Bin") stats["recycle_emptied"] += recycle_emptied # Empty Orphaned Directory orphaned_emptied = cfg.cleanup_dirs("Orphaned Data") stats["orphaned_emptied"] += orphaned_emptied if stats["categorized"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents Categorized: {stats['categorized']}") if stats["tagged"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents Tagged: {stats['tagged']}") if stats["rem_unreg"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Unregistered Torrents Removed: {stats['rem_unreg']}") if stats["tagged_tracker_error"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total {cfg.settings['tracker_error_tag']} Torrents Tagged: {stats['tagged_tracker_error']}") if stats["untagged_tracker_error"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total {cfg.settings['tracker_error_tag']} Torrents untagged: {stats['untagged_tracker_error']}") if stats["added"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents Added: {stats['added']}") if stats["resumed"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents Resumed: {stats['resumed']}") if stats["rechecked"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents Rechecked: {stats['rechecked']}") if stats["deleted"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents Deleted: {stats['deleted']}") if stats["deleted_contents"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Torrents + Contents Deleted : {stats['deleted_contents']}") if stats["orphaned"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Orphaned Files: {stats['orphaned']}") if stats["tagged_noHL"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total noHL Torrents Tagged: {stats['tagged_noHL']}") if stats["untagged_noHL"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total noHL Torrents untagged: {stats['untagged_noHL']}") if stats["recycle_emptied"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Files Deleted from Recycle Bin: {stats['recycle_emptied']}") if stats["orphaned_emptied"] > 0: stats_summary.append(f"Total Files Deleted from Orphaned Data: {stats['orphaned_emptied']}") FinishedRun() if cfg: try: cfg.Webhooks.end_time_hooks(start_time, end_time, run_time, next_run, stats, body) except Failed as e: logger.stacktrace() logger.error(f"Webhooks Error: {e}") def end(): logger.info("Exiting Qbit_manage") logger.remove_main_handler() sys.exit(0) def calc_next_run(sch, print=False): current = datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M") seconds = sch * 60 time_to_run = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=sch) time_to_run_str = time_to_run.strftime("%H:%M") new_seconds = (datetime.strptime(time_to_run_str, "%H:%M") - datetime.strptime(current, "%H:%M")).total_seconds() time_str = "" next_run = {} if run is False: next_run["next_run"] = time_to_run if new_seconds < 0: new_seconds += 86400 if (seconds is None or new_seconds < seconds) and new_seconds > 0: seconds = new_seconds if seconds is not None: hours = int(seconds // 3600) minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) time_str = f"{hours} Hour{'s' if hours > 1 else ''}{' and ' if minutes > 1 else ''}" if hours > 0 else "" time_str += f"{minutes} Minute{'s' if minutes > 1 else ''}" if minutes > 0 else "" if print: next_run["next_run_str"] = f"Current Time: {current} | {time_str} until the next run at {time_to_run_str}" else: next_run["next_run"] = None next_run["next_run_str"] = "" return time_str, next_run if __name__ == "__main__": killer = GracefulKiller() logger.add_main_handler() logger.separator() logger.info_center(" _ _ _ ") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(" | | (_) | ") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(" __ _| |__ _| |_ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ ") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(" / _` | '_ \\| | __| | '_ ` _ \\ / _` | '_ \\ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \\") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(" | (_| | |_) | | |_ | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(r" \__, |_.__/|_|\__| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(" | | ______ __/ | ") # noqa: W605 logger.info_center(" |_| |______| |___/ ") # noqa: W605 logger.info(f" Version: {version}") logger.separator(loglevel="DEBUG") logger.debug(f" --run (QBT_RUN): {run}") logger.debug(f" --schedule (QBT_SCHEDULE): {sch}") logger.debug(f" --startup-delay (QBT_STARTUP_DELAY): {startupDelay}") logger.debug(f" --config-file (QBT_CONFIG): {config_files}") logger.debug(f" --log-file (QBT_LOGFILE): {log_file}") logger.debug(f" --cross-seed (QBT_CROSS_SEED): {cross_seed}") logger.debug(f" --recheck (QBT_RECHECK): {recheck}") logger.debug(f" --cat-update (QBT_CAT_UPDATE): {cat_update}") logger.debug(f" --tag-update (QBT_TAG_UPDATE): {tag_update}") logger.debug(f" --rem-unregistered (QBT_REM_UNREGISTERED): {rem_unregistered}") logger.debug(f" --tag-tracker-error (QBT_TAG_TRACKER_ERROR): {tag_tracker_error}") logger.debug(f" --rem-orphaned (QBT_REM_ORPHANED): {rem_orphaned}") logger.debug(f" --tag-nohardlinks (QBT_TAG_NOHARDLINKS): {tag_nohardlinks}") logger.debug(f" --skip-cleanup (QBT_SKIP_CLEANUP): {skip_cleanup}") logger.debug(f" --dry-run (QBT_DRY_RUN): {dry_run}") logger.debug(f" --log-level (QBT_LOG_LEVEL): {log_level}") logger.debug(f" --divider (QBT_DIVIDER): {divider}") logger.debug(f" --width (QBT_WIDTH): {screen_width}") logger.debug(f" --debug (QBT_DEBUG): {debug}") logger.debug(f" --trace (QBT_TRACE): {trace}") logger.debug("") try: if run: logger.info(" Run Mode: Script will exit after completion.") start_loop() else: schedule.every(sch).minutes.do(start_loop) time_str, _ = calc_next_run(sch) logger.info(f" Scheduled Mode: Running every {time_str}.") if startupDelay: logger.info(f" Startup Delay: Initial Run will start after {startupDelay} seconds") time.sleep(startupDelay) start_loop() while not killer.kill_now: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(60) end() except KeyboardInterrupt: end()