import os import sys from collections import Counter from datetime import timedelta from fnmatch import fnmatch from alive_progress import alive_it from alive_progress import config_handler from qbittorrentapi import APIConnectionError from qbittorrentapi import Client from qbittorrentapi import Conflict409Error from qbittorrentapi import LoginFailed from qbittorrentapi import NotFound404Error from qbittorrentapi import Version from modules import util from modules.util import Failed from modules.util import list_in_text logger = util.logger class Qbt: def __init__(self, config, params): self.config = config config_handler.set_global(bar=None, receipt=False) = params["host"] self.username = params["username"] self.password = params["password"] logger.secret(self.username) logger.secret(self.password) logger.debug(f"Host: {}, Username: {self.username}, Password: {self.password}") e = "" try: self.client = Client(, username=self.username, password=self.password, VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE=False) self.client.auth_log_in() SUPPORTED_VERSION = Version.latest_supported_app_version() CURRENT_VERSION = MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = "v4.3.0" logger.debug(f"qBittorrent: {}") logger.debug(f"qBittorrent Web API: {}") logger.debug(f"qbit_manage support versions: {MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} - {SUPPORTED_VERSION}") if CURRENT_VERSION < MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION: e = ( f"Qbittorrent Error: qbit_manage is only comaptible with {MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} or higher. " f"You are currently on {CURRENT_VERSION}." + "\n" + f"Please upgrade to your Qbittorrent version to {MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} or higher to use qbit_manage." ) elif not Version.is_app_version_supported(CURRENT_VERSION): e = ( f"Qbittorrent Error: qbit_manage is only comaptible with {SUPPORTED_VERSION} or lower. " f"You are currently on {CURRENT_VERSION}." + "\n" + f"Please downgrade to your Qbittorrent version to {SUPPORTED_VERSION} to use qbit_manage." ) if e: self.config.notify(e, "Qbittorrent") logger.print_line(e, "CRITICAL") sys.exit(0) else:"Qbt Connection Successful") except LoginFailed: e = "Qbittorrent Error: Failed to login. Invalid username/password." self.config.notify(e, "Qbittorrent") raise Failed(e) except APIConnectionError: e = "Qbittorrent Error: Unable to connect to the client." self.config.notify(e, "Qbittorrent") raise Failed(e) except Exception: e = "Qbittorrent Error: Unable to connect to the client." self.config.notify(e, "Qbittorrent") raise Failed(e) logger.separator("Getting Torrent List", space=False, border=False) self.torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"sort": "added_on"}) # Will create a 2D Dictionary with the torrent name as the key # torrentdict = {'TorrentName1' : {'Category':'TV', 'save_path':'/data/torrents/TV', 'count':1, 'msg':'[]'...}, # 'TorrentName2' : {'Category':'Movies', 'save_path':'/data/torrents/Movies'}, 'count':2, 'msg':'[]'...} # List of dictionary key definitions # Category = Returns category of the torrent (str) # save_path = Returns the save path of the torrent (str) # count = Returns a count of the total number of torrents with the same name (int) # msg = Returns a list of torrent messages by name (list of str) # status = Returns the list of status numbers of the torrent by name # (0: Tracker is disabled (used for DHT, PeX, and LSD), # 1: Tracker has not been contacted yet, # 2: Tracker has been contacted and is working, # 3: Tracker is updating, # 4: Tracker has been contacted, but it is not working (or doesn't send proper replies) # is_complete = Returns the state of torrent # (Returns True if at least one of the torrent with the State is categorized as Complete.) # first_hash = Returns the hash number of the original torrent (Assuming the torrent list is sorted by date added (Asc)) def get_torrent_info(torrent_list): torrentdict = {} t_obj_unreg = [] t_obj_valid = [] t_obj_list = [] settings = self.config.settings logger.separator("Checking Settings", space=False, border=False) if settings["force_auto_tmm"]: logger.print_line( "force_auto_tmm set to True. Will force Auto Torrent Management for all torrents.", self.config.loglevel ) logger.separator("Gathering Torrent Information", space=True, border=True) for torrent in alive_it(torrent_list): is_complete = False msg = None status = None working_tracker = None issue = {"potential": False} if ( torrent.auto_tmm is False and settings["force_auto_tmm"] and torrent.category != "" and not self.config.dry_run ): torrent.set_auto_management(True) try: torrent_name = torrent_hash = torrent.hash torrent_is_complete = torrent.state_enum.is_complete save_path = torrent.save_path category = torrent.category torrent_trackers = torrent.trackers except Exception as e: self.config.notify(e, "Get Torrent Info", False) logger.warning(e) if torrent_name in torrentdict: t_obj_list.append(torrent) t_count = torrentdict[torrent_name]["count"] + 1 msg_list = torrentdict[torrent_name]["msg"] status_list = torrentdict[torrent_name]["status"] is_complete = True if torrentdict[torrent_name]["is_complete"] is True else torrent_is_complete first_hash = torrentdict[torrent_name]["first_hash"] else: t_obj_list = [torrent] t_count = 1 msg_list = [] status_list = [] is_complete = torrent_is_complete first_hash = torrent_hash for x in torrent_trackers: if x.url.startswith("http"): status = x.status msg = x.msg.upper() exception = [ "DOWN", "DOWN.", "IT MAY BE DOWN,", "UNREACHABLE", "(UNREACHABLE)", "BAD GATEWAY", "TRACKER UNAVAILABLE", ] if x.status == 2: working_tracker = True break # Add any potential unregistered torrents to a list if x.status == 4 and not list_in_text(msg, exception): issue["potential"] = True issue["msg"] = msg issue["status"] = status if working_tracker: status = 2 msg = "" t_obj_valid.append(torrent) elif issue["potential"]: status = issue["status"] msg = issue["msg"] t_obj_unreg.append(torrent) if msg is not None: msg_list.append(msg) if status is not None: status_list.append(status) torrentattr = { "torrents": t_obj_list, "Category": category, "save_path": save_path, "count": t_count, "msg": msg_list, "status": status_list, "is_complete": is_complete, "first_hash": first_hash, } torrentdict[torrent_name] = torrentattr return torrentdict, t_obj_unreg, t_obj_valid self.torrentinfo = None self.torrentissue = None self.torrentvalid = None if ( config.commands["recheck"] or config.commands["cross_seed"] or config.commands["rem_unregistered"] or config.commands["tag_tracker_error"] or config.commands["tag_nohardlinks"] ): # Get an updated torrent dictionary information of the torrents self.torrentinfo, self.torrentissue, self.torrentvalid = get_torrent_info(self.torrent_list) def get_torrents(self, params): return**params) def category(self): num_cat = 0 def update_cat(new_cat, cat_change): nonlocal torrent, num_cat tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) old_cat = torrent.category if not self.config.dry_run: try: torrent.set_category(category=new_cat) if torrent.auto_tmm is False and self.config.settings["force_auto_tmm"]: torrent.set_auto_management(True) except Conflict409Error: e = logger.print_line( f'Existing category "{new_cat}" not found for save path {torrent.save_path}, category will be created.', self.config.loglevel, ) self.config.notify(e, "Update Category", False) self.client.torrent_categories.create_category(name=new_cat, save_path=torrent.save_path) torrent.set_category(category=new_cat) body = [] body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {}", 3), self.config.loglevel) if cat_change: body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Old Category: {old_cat}", 3), self.config.loglevel) title = "Moving Categories" else: title = "Updating Categories" body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"New Category: {new_cat}", 3), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel) attr = { "function": "cat_update", "title": title, "body": "\n".join(body), "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": new_cat, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) num_cat += 1 if self.config.commands["cat_update"]: logger.separator("Updating Categories", space=False, border=False) torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"category": "", "filter": "completed"}) for torrent in torrent_list: new_cat = self.config.get_category(torrent.save_path) update_cat(new_cat, False) # Change categories if self.config.cat_change: for old_cat in self.config.cat_change: torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"category": old_cat, "filter": "completed"}) for torrent in torrent_list: new_cat = self.config.cat_change[old_cat] update_cat(new_cat, True) if num_cat >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not update' if self.config.dry_run else 'Updated'} {num_cat} new categories.", self.config.loglevel ) else: logger.print_line("No new torrents to categorize.", self.config.loglevel) return num_cat def tags(self): num_tags = 0 ignore_tags = self.config.settings["ignoreTags_OnUpdate"] if self.config.commands["tag_update"]: logger.separator("Updating Tags", space=False, border=False) for torrent in self.torrent_list: check_tags = util.get_list(torrent.tags) if torrent.tags == "" or (len([x for x in check_tags if x not in ignore_tags]) == 0): tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) if tracker["tag"]: num_tags += len(tracker["tag"]) body = [] body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {}", 3), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space( f'New Tag{"s" if len(tracker["tag"]) > 1 else ""}: {", ".join(tracker["tag"])}', 8 ), self.config.loglevel, ) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel) body.extend( self.set_tags_and_limits( torrent, tracker["max_ratio"], tracker["max_seeding_time"], tracker["limit_upload_speed"], tracker["tag"], ) ) category = self.config.get_category(torrent.save_path) if torrent.category == "" else torrent.category attr = { "function": "tag_update", "title": "Updating Tags", "body": "\n".join(body), "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": category, "torrent_tag": ", ".join(tracker["tag"]), "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], "torrent_max_ratio": tracker["max_ratio"], "torrent_max_seeding_time": tracker["max_seeding_time"], "torrent_limit_upload_speed": tracker["limit_upload_speed"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) if num_tags >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not update' if self.config.dry_run else 'Updated'} {num_tags} new tags.", self.config.loglevel ) else: logger.print_line("No new torrents to tag.", self.config.loglevel) return num_tags def set_tags_and_limits(self, torrent, max_ratio, max_seeding_time, limit_upload_speed=None, tags=None, restore=False): body = [] if limit_upload_speed: if limit_upload_speed == -1: body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Limit UL Speed: Infinity", 1), self.config.loglevel) else: body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f"Limit UL Speed: {limit_upload_speed} kB/s", 1), self.config.loglevel ) if max_ratio or max_seeding_time: if (max_ratio == -2 or max_seeding_time == -2) and not restore: body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Share Limit: Use Global Share Limit", 4), self.config.loglevel) elif (max_ratio == -1 or max_seeding_time == -1) and not restore: body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Share Limit: Set No Share Limit", 4), self.config.loglevel) else: if max_ratio != torrent.max_ratio and (not max_seeding_time or max_seeding_time < 0): body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f"Share Limit: Max Ratio = {max_ratio}", 4), self.config.loglevel ) elif max_seeding_time != torrent.max_seeding_time and (not max_ratio or max_ratio < 0): body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f"Share Limit: Max Seed Time = {max_seeding_time} min", 4), self.config.loglevel ) elif max_ratio != torrent.max_ratio and max_seeding_time != torrent.max_seeding_time: body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f"Share Limit: Max Ratio = {max_ratio}, Max Seed Time = {max_seeding_time} min", 4), self.config.loglevel, ) # Update Torrents if not self.config.dry_run: if tags: torrent.add_tags(tags) if limit_upload_speed: if limit_upload_speed == -1: torrent.set_upload_limit(-1) else: torrent.set_upload_limit(limit_upload_speed * 1024) if (max_ratio or max_seeding_time) and not restore: if max_ratio == -2 or max_seeding_time == -2: torrent.set_share_limits(-2, -2) return body elif max_ratio == -1 or max_seeding_time == -1: torrent.set_share_limits(-1, -1) return body if not max_ratio: max_ratio = torrent.max_ratio if not max_seeding_time: max_seeding_time = torrent.max_seeding_time torrent.set_share_limits(max_ratio, max_seeding_time) return body def tag_nohardlinks(self): num_tags = 0 # counter for the number of torrents that has no hard links del_tor = 0 # counter for the number of torrents that has no hard links and \ # meets the criteria for ratio limit/seed limit for deletion del_tor_cont = 0 # counter for the number of torrents that has no hard links and \ # meets the criteria for ratio limit/seed limit for deletion including contents num_untag = 0 # counter for number of torrents that previously had no hard links but now have hard links if self.config.commands["tag_nohardlinks"]: logger.separator("Tagging Torrents with No Hardlinks", space=False, border=False) nohardlinks = self.config.nohardlinks tdel_dict = {} # dictionary to track the torrent names and content path that meet the deletion criteria root_dir = self.config.root_dir remote_dir = self.config.remote_dir for category in nohardlinks: torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"category": category, "filter": "completed"}) if len(torrent_list) == 0: e = ( "No torrents found in the category (" + category + ") defined under nohardlinks attribute in the config. " + "Please check if this matches with any category in qbittorrent and has 1 or more torrents." ) # self.config.notify(e, 'Tag No Hard Links', False) logger.warning(e) continue for torrent in torrent_list: tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) if any(tag in torrent.tags for tag in nohardlinks[category]["exclude_tags"]): # Skip to the next torrent if we find any torrents that are in the exclude tag continue else: # Checks for any hard links and not already tagged if util.nohardlink(torrent["content_path"].replace(root_dir, remote_dir)): # Will only tag new torrents that don't have noHL tag if "noHL" not in torrent.tags: num_tags += 1 body = [] body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {}", 3), self.config.loglevel ) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Added Tag: noHL", 6), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel ) body.extend( self.set_tags_and_limits( torrent, nohardlinks[category]["max_ratio"], nohardlinks[category]["max_seeding_time"], nohardlinks[category]["limit_upload_speed"], tags="noHL", ) ) attr = { "function": "tag_nohardlinks", "title": "Tagging Torrents with No Hardlinks", "body": "\n".join(body), "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "torrent_tag": "noHL", "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], "torrent_max_ratio": nohardlinks[category]["max_ratio"], "torrent_max_seeding_time": nohardlinks[category]["max_seeding_time"], "torrent_limit_upload_speed": nohardlinks[category]["limit_upload_speed"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) # Cleans up previously tagged noHL torrents else: # Determine min_seeding_time. noHl > Tracker w/ default 0 min_seeding_time = 0 tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) if nohardlinks[category]["min_seeding_time"]: min_seeding_time = nohardlinks[category]["min_seeding_time"] elif tracker["min_seeding_time"]: min_seeding_time = tracker["min_seeding_time"] # Deletes torrent with data if cleanup is set to true and meets the ratio/seeding requirements if ( nohardlinks[category]["cleanup"] and torrent.state_enum.is_paused and len(nohardlinks[category]) > 0 and torrent.seeding_time > (min_seeding_time * 60) ): tdel_dict[] = torrent["content_path"].replace(root_dir, root_dir) # Checks to see if previous noHL tagged torrents now have hard links. if not (util.nohardlink(torrent["content_path"].replace(root_dir, root_dir))) and ("noHL" in torrent.tags): num_untag += 1 body = [] body += logger.print_line( f"Previous Tagged noHL Torrent Name: {} has hard links found now.", self.config.loglevel ) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Removed Tag: noHL", 6), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line( f"{'Not Reverting' if self.config.dry_run else 'Reverting'} share limits.", self.config.loglevel ) restore_max_ratio = tracker["max_ratio"] restore_max_seeding_time = tracker["max_seeding_time"] restore_limit_upload_speed = tracker["limit_upload_speed"] if restore_max_ratio is None: restore_max_ratio = -2 if restore_max_seeding_time is None: restore_max_seeding_time = -2 if restore_limit_upload_speed is None: restore_limit_upload_speed = -1 if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.remove_tags(tags="noHL") body.extend( self.set_tags_and_limits( torrent, restore_max_ratio, restore_max_seeding_time, restore_limit_upload_speed, restore=True ) ) if torrent.state == "pausedUP" and nohardlinks[category]["resume_torrent_after_untagging_noHL"]: torrent.resume() attr = { "function": "untag_nohardlinks", "title": "Untagging Previous Torrents that now have Hard Links", "body": "\n".join(body), "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "torrent_tag": "noHL", "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], "torrent_max_ratio": restore_max_ratio, "torrent_max_seeding_time": restore_max_seeding_time, "torrent_limit_upload_speed": restore_limit_upload_speed, } self.config.send_notifications(attr) # loop through torrent list again for cleanup purposes if nohardlinks[category]["cleanup"]: for torrent in torrent_list: t_name = if t_name in tdel_dict.keys() and "noHL" in torrent.tags: t_count = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["count"] t_msg = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["msg"] t_status = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["status"] # Double check that the content path is the same before we delete anything if torrent["content_path"].replace(root_dir, root_dir) == tdel_dict[t_name]: tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) body = [] body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {t_name}", 3), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel ) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space("Cleanup: True [No hard links found and meets Share Limits.]", 8), self.config.loglevel, ) attr = { "function": "cleanup_tag_nohardlinks", "title": "Removing NoHL Torrents and meets Share Limits", "torrent_name": t_name, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "cleanup": "True", "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } if os.path.exists(torrent["content_path"].replace(root_dir, root_dir)): # Checks if any of the original torrents are working if t_count > 1 and ("" in t_msg or 2 in t_status): del_tor += 1 attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = False if not self.config.dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent, attr) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space("Deleted .torrent but NOT content files.", 8), self.config.loglevel, ) else: del_tor_cont += 1 attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = True if not self.config.dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent, attr) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space("Deleted .torrent AND content files.", 8), self.config.loglevel ) else: del_tor += 1 attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = False if not self.config.dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent, attr) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space("Deleted .torrent but NOT content files.", 8), self.config.loglevel ) attr["body"] = "\n".join(body) self.config.send_notifications(attr) self.torrentinfo[t_name]["count"] -= 1 if num_tags >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not Tag/set' if self.config.dry_run else 'Tag/set'} share limits for {num_tags} " f".torrent{'s.' if num_tags > 1 else '.'}", self.config.loglevel, ) else: logger.print_line("No torrents to tag with no hard links.", self.config.loglevel) if num_untag >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not delete' if self.config.dry_run else 'Deleted'} noHL tags / share limits for {num_untag} " f".torrent{'s.' if num_untag > 1 else '.'}", self.config.loglevel, ) if del_tor >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not delete' if self.config.dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor} " f".torrent{'s' if del_tor > 1 else ''} but not content files.", self.config.loglevel, ) if del_tor_cont >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not delete' if self.config.dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor_cont} " f".torrent{'s' if del_tor_cont > 1 else ''} AND content files.", self.config.loglevel, ) return num_tags, num_untag, del_tor, del_tor_cont def rem_unregistered(self): del_tor = 0 del_tor_cont = 0 num_tor_error = 0 num_untag = 0 tor_error_summary = "" tag_error = self.config.settings["tracker_error_tag"] cfg_rem_unregistered = self.config.commands["rem_unregistered"] cfg_tag_error = self.config.commands["tag_tracker_error"] def tag_tracker_error(): nonlocal t_name, msg_up, msg, tracker, t_cat, torrent, tag_error, tor_error_summary, num_tor_error tor_error = "" tor_error += logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {t_name}", 3) + "\n" tor_error += logger.insert_space(f"Status: {msg}", 9) + "\n" tor_error += logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8) + "\n" tor_error += logger.insert_space(f"Added Tag: {tag_error}", 6) + "\n" tor_error_summary += tor_error num_tor_error += 1 attr = { "function": "tag_tracker_error", "title": "Tag Tracker Error Torrents", "body": tor_error, "torrent_name": t_name, "torrent_category": t_cat, "torrent_tag": tag_error, "torrent_status": msg, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.add_tags(tags=tag_error) def del_unregistered(): nonlocal del_tor, del_tor_cont, t_name, msg_up, msg, tracker, t_cat, t_msg, t_status, torrent body = [] body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {t_name}", 3), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Status: {msg}", 9), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel) attr = { "function": "rem_unregistered", "title": "Removing Unregistered Torrents", "torrent_name": t_name, "torrent_category": t_cat, "torrent_status": msg, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } if t_count > 1: # Checks if any of the original torrents are working if "" in t_msg or 2 in t_status: attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = False if not self.config.dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent, attr) body += logger.print_line( logger.insert_space("Deleted .torrent but NOT content files.", 8), self.config.loglevel ) del_tor += 1 else: attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = True if not self.config.dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent, attr) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Deleted .torrent AND content files.", 8), self.config.loglevel) del_tor_cont += 1 else: attr["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] = True if not self.config.dry_run: self.tor_delete_recycle(torrent, attr) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space("Deleted .torrent AND content files.", 8), self.config.loglevel) del_tor_cont += 1 attr["body"] = "\n".join(body) self.config.send_notifications(attr) self.torrentinfo[t_name]["count"] -= 1 if cfg_rem_unregistered or cfg_tag_error: if cfg_tag_error: logger.separator("Tagging Torrents with Tracker Errors", space=False, border=False) elif cfg_rem_unregistered: logger.separator("Removing Unregistered Torrents", space=False, border=False) unreg_msgs = [ "UNREGISTERED", "TORRENT NOT FOUND", "TORRENT IS NOT FOUND", "NOT REGISTERED", "NOT EXIST", "UNKNOWN TORRENT", "TRUMP", "RETITLED", "TRUNCATED", "TORRENT IS NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE ON THIS TRACKER", ] ignore_msgs = [ "YOU HAVE REACHED THE CLIENT LIMIT FOR THIS TORRENT", "MISSING PASSKEY", "MISSING INFO_HASH", "PASSKEY IS INVALID", "INVALID PASSKEY", "EXPECTED VALUE (LIST, DICT, INT OR STRING) IN BENCODED STRING", "COULD NOT PARSE BENCODED DATA", "STREAM TRUNCATED", ] for torrent in self.torrentvalid: check_tags = util.get_list(torrent.tags) # Remove any error torrents Tags that are no longer unreachable. if tag_error in check_tags: tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) num_untag += 1 body = [] body += logger.print_line( f"Previous Tagged {tag_error} torrent currently has a working tracker.", self.config.loglevel ) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {}", 3), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Removed Tag: {tag_error}", 4), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f'Tracker: {tracker["url"]}', 8), self.config.loglevel) if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.remove_tags(tags=tag_error) attr = { "function": "untag_tracker_error", "title": "Untagging Tracker Error Torrent", "body": "\n".join(body), "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "torrent_tag": tag_error, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) for torrent in self.torrentissue: t_name = t_cat = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["Category"] t_count = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["count"] t_msg = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["msg"] t_status = self.torrentinfo[t_name]["status"] check_tags = util.get_list(torrent.tags) try: for x in torrent.trackers: if x.url.startswith("http"): tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url]) msg_up = x.msg.upper() msg = x.msg # Tag any error torrents if cfg_tag_error: if x.status == 4 and tag_error not in check_tags: tag_tracker_error() if cfg_rem_unregistered: # Tag any error torrents that are not unregistered if not list_in_text(msg_up, unreg_msgs) and x.status == 4 and tag_error not in check_tags: # Check for unregistered torrents using BHD API if the tracker is BHD if ( "" in tracker["url"] and self.config.BeyondHD is not None and not list_in_text(msg_up, ignore_msgs) ): json = {"info_hash": torrent.hash} response = if response["total_results"] == 0: del_unregistered() break tag_tracker_error() if list_in_text(msg_up, unreg_msgs) and not list_in_text(msg_up, ignore_msgs) and x.status == 4: del_unregistered() break except NotFound404Error: continue except Exception as e: logger.stacktrace() self.config.notify(e, "Remove Unregistered Torrents", False) logger.error(f"Unknown Error: {e}") if cfg_rem_unregistered: if del_tor >= 1 or del_tor_cont >= 1: if del_tor >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not delete' if self.config.dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor} " f".torrent{'s' if del_tor > 1 else ''} but not content files.", self.config.loglevel, ) if del_tor_cont >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not delete' if self.config.dry_run else 'Deleted'} {del_tor_cont} " f".torrent{'s' if del_tor_cont > 1 else ''} AND content files.", self.config.loglevel, ) else: logger.print_line("No unregistered torrents found.", self.config.loglevel) if num_untag >= 1: logger.print_line( f"{'Did not delete' if self.config.dry_run else 'Deleted'} {tag_error} tags for {num_untag} " f".torrent{'s.' if num_untag > 1 else '.'}", self.config.loglevel, ) if num_tor_error >= 1: logger.separator( f"{num_tor_error} Torrents with tracker errors found", space=False, border=False, loglevel=self.config.loglevel, ) logger.print_line(tor_error_summary.rstrip(), self.config.loglevel) return del_tor, del_tor_cont, num_tor_error, num_untag # Function used to move any torrents from the cross seed directory to the correct save directory def cross_seed(self): added = 0 # Keep track of total torrents tagged tagged = 0 # Track # of torrents tagged that are not cross-seeded if self.config.commands["cross_seed"]: logger.separator("Checking for Cross-Seed Torrents", space=False, border=False) # List of categories for all torrents moved categories = [] # Only get torrent files cs_files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.config.cross_seed_dir) if f.endswith("torrent")] dir_cs = self.config.cross_seed_dir dir_cs_out = os.path.join(dir_cs, "qbit_manage_added") os.makedirs(dir_cs_out, exist_ok=True) for file in cs_files: t_name = file.split("]", 2)[2].split(".torrent")[0] t_tracker = file.split("]", 2)[1][1:] # Substring Key match in dictionary (used because t_name might not match exactly with torrentdict key) # Returned the dictionary of filtered item torrentdict_file = dict(filter(lambda item: t_name in item[0], self.torrentinfo.items())) if torrentdict_file: # Get the exact torrent match name from torrentdict t_name = next(iter(torrentdict_file)) dest = os.path.join(self.torrentinfo[t_name]["save_path"], "") src = os.path.join(dir_cs, file) dir_cs_out = os.path.join(dir_cs, "qbit_manage_added", file) category = self.config.get_category(dest) # Only add cross-seed torrent if original torrent is complete if self.torrentinfo[t_name]["is_complete"]: categories.append(category) body = [] body += logger.print_line( f"{'Not Adding' if self.config.dry_run else 'Adding'} to qBittorrent:", self.config.loglevel ) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Torrent Name: {t_name}", 3), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Category: {category}", 7), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Save_Path: {dest}", 6), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line(logger.insert_space(f"Tracker: {t_tracker}", 8), self.config.loglevel) attr = { "function": "cross_seed", "title": "Adding New Cross-Seed Torrent", "body": "\n".join(body), "torrent_name": t_name, "torrent_category": category, "torrent_save_path": dest, "torrent_tag": "cross-seed", "torrent_tracker": t_tracker, } self.config.send_notifications(attr) added += 1 if not self.config.dry_run: self.client.torrents.add( torrent_files=src, save_path=dest, category=category, tags="cross-seed", is_paused=True ) util.move_files(src, dir_cs_out) else: logger.print_line( f"Found {t_name} in {dir_cs} but original torrent is not complete.", self.config.loglevel ) logger.print_line("Not adding to qBittorrent", self.config.loglevel) else: error = f"{t_name} not found in torrents. Cross-seed Torrent not added to qBittorrent." if self.config.dry_run: logger.print_line(error, self.config.loglevel) else: logger.print_line(error, "WARNING") self.config.notify(error, "cross-seed", False) # Tag missing cross-seed torrents tags for torrent in self.torrent_list: t_name = t_cat = torrent.category if ( "cross-seed" not in torrent.tags and self.torrentinfo[t_name]["count"] > 1 and self.torrentinfo[t_name]["first_hash"] != torrent.hash ): tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) tagged += 1 body = logger.print_line( f"{'Not Adding' if self.config.dry_run else 'Adding'} 'cross-seed' tag to {t_name}", self.config.loglevel ) attr = { "function": "tag_cross_seed", "title": "Tagging Cross-Seed Torrent", "body": body, "torrent_name": t_name, "torrent_category": t_cat, "torrent_tag": "cross-seed", "torrent_tracker": tracker, } self.config.send_notifications(attr) if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.add_tags(tags="cross-seed") numcategory = Counter(categories) for c in numcategory: if numcategory[c] > 0: logger.print_line( f"{numcategory[c]} {c} cross-seed .torrents {'not added' if self.config.dry_run else 'added'}.", self.config.loglevel, ) if added > 0: logger.print_line( f"Total {added} cross-seed .torrents {'not added' if self.config.dry_run else 'added'}.", self.config.loglevel ) if tagged > 0: logger.print_line( f"Total {tagged} cross-seed .torrents {'not tagged' if self.config.dry_run else 'tagged'}.", self.config.loglevel, ) return added, tagged # Function used to recheck paused torrents sorted by size and resume torrents that are completed def recheck(self): resumed = 0 rechecked = 0 if self.config.commands["recheck"]: logger.separator("Rechecking Paused Torrents", space=False, border=False) # sort by size and paused torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"status_filter": "paused", "sort": "size"}) if torrent_list: for torrent in torrent_list: tracker = self.config.get_tags([x.url for x in torrent.trackers if x.url.startswith("http")]) # Resume torrent if completed if torrent.progress == 1: if torrent.max_ratio < 0 and torrent.max_seeding_time < 0: resumed += 1 body = logger.print_line( f"{'Not Resuming' if self.config.dry_run else 'Resuming'} [{tracker['tag']}] - {}", self.config.loglevel, ) attr = { "function": "recheck", "title": "Resuming Torrent", "body": body, "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.resume() else: # Check to see if torrent meets AutoTorrentManagement criteria logger.debug("DEBUG: Torrent to see if torrent meets AutoTorrentManagement Criteria") logger.debug(logger.insert_space(f"- Torrent Name: {}", 2)) logger.debug( logger.insert_space(f"-- Ratio vs Max Ratio: {torrent.ratio:.2f} < {torrent.max_ratio:.2f}", 4) ) logger.debug( logger.insert_space( f"-- Seeding Time vs Max Seed Time: {timedelta(seconds=torrent.seeding_time)} < " f"{timedelta(minutes=torrent.max_seeding_time)}", 4, ) ) if ( (torrent.max_ratio >= 0 and torrent.ratio < torrent.max_ratio and torrent.max_seeding_time < 0) or ( torrent.max_seeding_time >= 0 and (torrent.seeding_time < (torrent.max_seeding_time * 60)) and torrent.max_ratio < 0 ) or ( torrent.max_ratio >= 0 and torrent.max_seeding_time >= 0 and torrent.ratio < torrent.max_ratio and (torrent.seeding_time < (torrent.max_seeding_time * 60)) ) ): resumed += 1 body = logger.print_line( f"{'Not Resuming' if self.config.dry_run else 'Resuming'} [{tracker['tag']}] - " f"{}", self.config.loglevel, ) attr = { "function": "recheck", "title": "Resuming Torrent", "body": body, "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.resume() # Recheck elif ( torrent.progress == 0 and self.torrentinfo[]["is_complete"] and not torrent.state_enum.is_checking ): rechecked += 1 body = logger.print_line( f"{'Not Rechecking' if self.config.dry_run else 'Rechecking'} [{tracker['tag']}] - {}", self.config.loglevel, ) attr = { "function": "recheck", "title": "Rechecking Torrent", "body": body, "torrent_name":, "torrent_category": torrent.category, "torrent_tracker": tracker["url"], "notifiarr_indexer": tracker["notifiarr"], } self.config.send_notifications(attr) if not self.config.dry_run: torrent.recheck() return resumed, rechecked def rem_orphaned(self): orphaned = 0 if self.config.commands["rem_orphaned"]: logger.separator("Checking for Orphaned Files", space=False, border=False) torrent_files = [] root_files = [] orphaned_files = [] excluded_orphan_files = [] orphaned_parent_path = set() remote_path = self.config.remote_dir root_path = self.config.root_dir orphaned_path = self.config.orphaned_dir if remote_path != root_path: root_files = [ os.path.join(path.replace(remote_path, root_path), name) for path, subdirs, files in alive_it(os.walk(remote_path)) for name in files if orphaned_path.replace(remote_path, root_path) not in path ] else: root_files = [ os.path.join(path, name) for path, subdirs, files in alive_it(os.walk(root_path)) for name in files if orphaned_path.replace(root_path, remote_path) not in path ] # Get an updated list of torrents torrent_list = self.get_torrents({"sort": "added_on"}) for torrent in alive_it(torrent_list): for file in torrent.files: fullpath = os.path.join(torrent.save_path, # Replace fullpath with \\ if qbm is runnig in docker (linux) but qbt is on windows fullpath = fullpath.replace(r"/", "\\") if ":\\" in fullpath else fullpath torrent_files.append(fullpath) orphaned_files = set(root_files) - set(torrent_files) orphaned_files = sorted(orphaned_files) if self.config.orphaned["exclude_patterns"]: exclude_patterns = self.config.orphaned["exclude_patterns"] excluded_orphan_files = [ file for file in orphaned_files for exclude_pattern in exclude_patterns if fnmatch(file, exclude_pattern.replace(remote_path, root_path)) ] orphaned_files = set(orphaned_files) - set(excluded_orphan_files) if orphaned_files: os.makedirs(orphaned_path, exist_ok=True) body = [] num_orphaned = len(orphaned_files) logger.print_line(f"{num_orphaned} Orphaned files found", self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line("\n".join(orphaned_files), self.config.loglevel) body += logger.print_line( f"{'Did not move' if self.config.dry_run else 'Moved'} {num_orphaned} Orphaned files " f"to {orphaned_path.replace(remote_path,root_path)}", self.config.loglevel, ) attr = { "function": "rem_orphaned", "title": f"Removing {num_orphaned} Orphaned Files", "body": "\n".join(body), "orphaned_files": list(orphaned_files), "orphaned_directory": orphaned_path.replace(remote_path, root_path), "total_orphaned_files": num_orphaned, } self.config.send_notifications(attr) # Delete empty directories after moving orphan files"Cleaning up any empty directories...") if not self.config.dry_run: for file in alive_it(orphaned_files): src = file.replace(root_path, remote_path) dest = os.path.join(orphaned_path, file.replace(root_path, "")) util.move_files(src, dest, True) orphaned_parent_path.add(os.path.dirname(file).replace(root_path, remote_path)) for parent_path in orphaned_parent_path: util.remove_empty_directories(parent_path, "**/*") else: logger.print_line("No Orphaned Files found.", self.config.loglevel) return orphaned def tor_delete_recycle(self, torrent, info): if self.config.recyclebin["enabled"]: tor_files = [] try: info_hash = torrent.hash save_path = torrent.save_path.replace(self.config.root_dir, self.config.remote_dir) # Define torrent files/folders for file in torrent.files: tor_files.append(os.path.join(save_path, except NotFound404Error: return if self.config.recyclebin["split_by_category"]: recycle_path = os.path.join(save_path, os.path.basename(self.config.recycle_dir.rstrip(os.sep))) else: recycle_path = self.config.recycle_dir # Create recycle bin if not exists torrent_path = os.path.join(recycle_path, "torrents") torrents_json_path = os.path.join(recycle_path, "torrents_json") os.makedirs(recycle_path, exist_ok=True) if self.config.recyclebin["save_torrents"]: if os.path.isdir(torrent_path) is False: os.makedirs(torrent_path) if os.path.isdir(torrents_json_path) is False: os.makedirs(torrents_json_path) torrent_json_file = os.path.join(torrents_json_path, f"{info['torrent_name']}.json") torrent_json = util.load_json(torrent_json_file) if not torrent_json:"Saving Torrent JSON file to {torrent_json_file}") torrent_json["torrent_name"] = info["torrent_name"] torrent_json["category"] = info["torrent_category"] else:"Adding {info['torrent_tracker']} to existing {os.path.basename(torrent_json_file)}") dot_torrent_files = [] for File in os.listdir(self.config.torrents_dir): if File.startswith(info_hash): dot_torrent_files.append(File) try: util.copy_files(os.path.join(self.config.torrents_dir, File), os.path.join(torrent_path, File)) except Exception as e: logger.stacktrace() self.config.notify(e, "Deleting Torrent", False) logger.warning(f"RecycleBin Warning: {e}") if "tracker_torrent_files" in torrent_json: tracker_torrent_files = torrent_json["tracker_torrent_files"] else: tracker_torrent_files = {} tracker_torrent_files[info["torrent_tracker"]] = dot_torrent_files if dot_torrent_files: backup_str = "Backing up " for idx, val in enumerate(dot_torrent_files): if idx == 0: backup_str += val else: backup_str += f" and {val.replace(info_hash,'')}" backup_str += f" to {torrent_path}" torrent_json["tracker_torrent_files"] = tracker_torrent_files if "files" not in torrent_json: files_cleaned = [f.replace(self.config.remote_dir, "") for f in tor_files] torrent_json["files"] = files_cleaned if "deleted_contents" not in torrent_json: torrent_json["deleted_contents"] = info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] else: if torrent_json["deleted_contents"] is False and info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] is True: torrent_json["deleted_contents"] = info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] logger.debug("") logger.debug(f"JSON: {torrent_json}") util.save_json(torrent_json, torrent_json_file) if info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] is True: logger.separator(f"Moving {len(tor_files)} files to RecycleBin", space=False, border=False, loglevel="DEBUG") if len(tor_files) == 1: logger.print_line(tor_files[0], "DEBUG") else: logger.print_line("\n".join(tor_files), "DEBUG") logger.debug( f"Moved {len(tor_files)} files to {recycle_path.replace(self.config.remote_dir,self.config.root_dir)}" ) # Move files from torrent contents to Recycle bin for file in tor_files: src = file dest = os.path.join(recycle_path, file.replace(self.config.remote_dir, "")) # Move files and change date modified try: toDelete = util.move_files(src, dest, True) except FileNotFoundError: e = logger.print_line(f"RecycleBin Warning - FileNotFound: No such file or directory: {src} ", "WARNING") self.config.notify(e, "Deleting Torrent", False) # Delete torrent and files torrent.delete(delete_files=toDelete) # Remove any empty directories util.remove_empty_directories(save_path, "**/*") else: torrent.delete(delete_files=False) else: if info["torrents_deleted_and_contents"] is True: torrent.delete(delete_files=True) else: torrent.delete(delete_files=False)