import time from json import JSONDecodeError from modules import util from modules.util import Failed logger = util.logger class Notifiarr: """Notifiarr API""" BASE_URL = "" API_VERSION = "v1" def __init__(self, config, params): """Initialize Notifiarr API""" self.config = config self.apikey = params["apikey"] self.header = {"X-API-Key": self.apikey} self.instance = params["instance"] self.url = f"{self.BASE_URL}/{self.API_VERSION}/" logger.secret(self.apikey) response = self.config.get(f"{self.url}user/qbitManage/", headers=self.header, params={"fetch": "settings"}) response_json = None try: response_json = response.json() except JSONDecodeError as e: logger.debug(e) raise Failed("Notifiarr Error: Invalid response") if response.status_code >= 400 or ("result" in response_json and response_json["result"] == "error"): logger.debug(f"Response: {response_json}") raise Failed(f"({response.status_code} [{response.reason}]) {response_json}") if not response_json["details"]["response"]: raise Failed("Notifiarr Error: Invalid apikey") def notification(self, json): """Send notification to Notifiarr""" params = {"qbit_client":["qbt"]["host"], "instance": self.instance} response = self.config.get(f"{self.url}notification/qbitManage/", json=json, headers=self.header, params=params) time.sleep(1) # Pause for 1 second before sending the next request return response