mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 01:53:08 +08:00
320 lines
12 KiB
320 lines
12 KiB
import logging, os, shutil, traceback, time, signal
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from ruamel import yaml
from pathlib import Path
logger = logging.getLogger('qBit Manage')
def get_list(data, lower=False, split=True, int_list=False):
if data is None: return None
elif isinstance(data, list): return data
elif isinstance(data, dict): return [data]
elif split is False: return [str(data)]
elif lower is True: return [d.strip().lower() for d in str(data).split(",")]
elif int_list is True:
try: return [int(d.strip()) for d in str(data).split(",")]
except ValueError: return []
else: return [d.strip() for d in str(data).split(",")]
class check:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
def check_for_attribute(self, data, attribute, parent=None, subparent=None, test_list=None, default=None, do_print=True, default_is_none=False, req_default=False, var_type="str", default_int=0, throw=False, save=True):
endline = ""
if parent is not None:
if subparent is not None:
if data and parent in data and subparent in data[parent]:
data = data[parent][subparent]
data = None
do_print = False
if data and parent in data:
data = data[parent]
data = None
do_print = False
#save = False
if subparent is not None:
text = f"{parent}->{subparent} sub-attribute {attribute}"
elif parent is None:
text = f"{attribute} attribute"
text = f"{parent} sub-attribute {attribute}"
if data is None or attribute not in data:
message = f"{text} not found"
if parent and save is True:
loaded_config, _, _ = yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(open(self.config.config_path))
if subparent:
endline = f"\n{subparent} sub-attribute {attribute} added to config"
if subparent not in loaded_config[parent] or not loaded_config[parent][subparent]:
loaded_config[parent][subparent] = {attribute: default}
elif attribute not in loaded_config[parent]:
if isinstance(loaded_config[parent][subparent],str):
loaded_config[parent][subparent] = {attribute: default}
loaded_config[parent][subparent][attribute] = default
endline = ""
endline = f"\n{parent} sub-attribute {attribute} added to config"
if parent not in loaded_config or not loaded_config[parent]:
loaded_config[parent] = {attribute: default}
elif attribute not in loaded_config[parent]:
loaded_config[parent][attribute] = default
endline = ""
yaml.round_trip_dump(loaded_config, open(self.config.config_path, "w"), indent=None, block_seq_indent=2)
if default_is_none and var_type in ["list", "int_list"]: return []
elif data[attribute] is None:
if default_is_none and var_type == "list":
return []
elif default_is_none:
return None
message = f"{text} is blank"
elif var_type == "url":
if data[attribute].endswith(("\\", "/")):
return data[attribute][:-1]
return data[attribute]
elif var_type == "bool":
if isinstance(data[attribute], bool):
return data[attribute]
message = f"{text} must be either true or false"
elif var_type == "int":
if isinstance(data[attribute], int) and data[attribute] >= default_int:
return data[attribute]
message = f"{text} must an integer >= {default_int}"
elif var_type == "float":
data[attribute] = float(data[attribute])
if isinstance(data[attribute], float) and data[attribute] >= default_int:
return data[attribute]
message = f"{text} must a float >= {float(default_int)}"
elif var_type == "path":
if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(data[attribute])):
return os.path.join(data[attribute],'')
message = f"Path {os.path.abspath(data[attribute])} does not exist"
elif var_type == "list":
return get_list(data[attribute], split=False)
elif var_type == "list_path":
temp_list = [p for p in get_list(
data[attribute], split=False) if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(p))]
if len(temp_list) > 0:
return temp_list
message = "No Paths exist"
elif var_type == "lower_list":
return get_list(data[attribute], lower=True)
elif test_list is None or data[attribute] in test_list:
return data[attribute]
message = f"{text}: {data[attribute]} is an invalid input"
if var_type == "path" and default and os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(default)):
return os.path.join(default,'')
elif var_type == "path" and default:
if data and attribute in data and data[attribute]:
message = f"neither {data[attribute]} or the default path {default} could be found"
message = f"no {text} found and the default path {default} could not be found"
default = None
if default is not None or default_is_none:
message = message + f" using {default} as default"
message = message + endline
if req_default and default is None:
raise Failed(
f"Config Error: {attribute} attribute must be set under {parent}.")
options = ""
if test_list:
for option, description in test_list.items():
if len(options) > 0:
options = f"{options}\n"
options = f"{options} {option} ({description})"
if (default is None and not default_is_none) or throw:
if len(options) > 0:
message = message + "\n" + options
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {message}")
if do_print:
print_multiline(f"Config Warning: {message}", "warning")
if data and attribute in data and data[attribute] and test_list is not None and data[attribute] not in test_list:
return default
class Failed(Exception):
separating_character = "="
screen_width = 100
spacing = 0
def tab_new_lines(data):
return str(data).replace("\n", "\n|\t ") if "\n" in str(data) else str(data)
def print_stacktrace():
def add_dict_list(keys, value, dict_map):
for key in keys:
if key in dict_map:
dict_map[key] = [value]
def get_int_list(data, id_type):
int_values = []
for value in get_list(data):
try: int_values.append(regex_first_int(value, id_type))
except Failed as e: logger.error(e)
return int_values
def print_line(lines, loglevel='INFO'):
logger.log(getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()), str(lines))
return [str(lines)]
def print_multiline(lines, loglevel='INFO'):
for i, line in enumerate(str(lines).split("\n")):
logger.log(getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()), line)
if i == 0:
logger.handlers[1].setFormatter(logging.Formatter(" " * 65 + "| %(message)s"))
logger.handlers[1].setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(filename)-27s %(levelname)-10s | %(message)s"))
return [(str(lines))]
def print_stacktrace():
print_multiline(traceback.format_exc(), 'CRITICAL')
def my_except_hook(exctype, value, tb):
for line in traceback.format_exception(etype=exctype, value=value, tb=tb):
print_multiline(line, 'CRITICAL')
def centered(text, sep=" "):
if len(text) > screen_width - 2:
return text
space = screen_width - len(text) - 2
text = f" {text} "
if space % 2 == 1:
text += sep
space -= 1
side = int(space / 2) - 1
final_text = f"{sep * side}{text}{sep * side}"
return final_text
def separator(text=None, space=True, border=True, loglevel='INFO'):
sep = " " if space else separating_character
for handler in logger.handlers:
apply_formatter(handler, border=False)
border_text = f"|{separating_character * screen_width}|"
if border:
logger.log(getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()), border_text)
if text:
text_list = text.split("\n")
for t in text_list:
logger.log(getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()),
f"|{sep}{centered(t, sep=sep)}{sep}|")
if border:
logger.log(getattr(logging, loglevel.upper()), border_text)
for handler in logger.handlers:
return [text]
def apply_formatter(handler, border=True):
text = f"| %(message)-{screen_width - 2}s |" if border else f"%(message)-{screen_width - 2}s"
if isinstance(handler, RotatingFileHandler):
text = f"[%(asctime)s] %(filename)-27s %(levelname)-10s {text}"
#text = f"[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-10s {text}"
def adjust_space(display_title):
display_title = str(display_title)
space_length = spacing - len(display_title)
if space_length > 0:
display_title += " " * space_length
return display_title
def insert_space(display_title, space_length=0):
display_title = str(display_title)
if space_length == 0:
space_length = spacing - len(display_title)
if space_length > 0:
display_title = " " * space_length + display_title
return display_title
def print_return(text):
print(adjust_space(f"| {text}"), end="\r")
global spacing
spacing = len(text) + 2
def print_end():
print(adjust_space(" "), end="\r")
global spacing
spacing = 0
# truncate the value of the torrent url to remove sensitive information
def trunc_val(s, d, n=3):
x = d.join(s.split(d, n)[:n])
except IndexError as e:
x = None
return x
# Move files from source to destination, mod variable is to change the date modified of the file being moved
def move_files(src, dest, mod=False):
dest_path = os.path.dirname(dest)
if os.path.isdir(dest_path) == False:
shutil.move(src, dest)
if mod == True:
modTime = time.time()
os.utime(dest, (modTime, modTime))
# Remove any empty directories after moving files
def remove_empty_directories(pathlib_root_dir, pattern):
pathlib_root_dir = Path(pathlib_root_dir)
# list all directories recursively and sort them by path,
# longest first
L = sorted(
key=lambda p: len(str(p)),
for pdir in L:
pdir.rmdir() # remove directory if empty
except OSError:
continue # catch and continue if non-empty
#will check if there are any hard links if it passes a file or folder
def nohardlink(file):
check = True
if (os.path.isfile(file)):
if (os.stat(file).st_nlink > 1):
check = False
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(file):
for x in files:
if (os.stat(os.path.join(path,x)).st_nlink > 1):
check = False
return check
#Gracefully kill script when docker stops
class GracefulKiller:
kill_now = False
def __init__(self):
#signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully)
def exit_gracefully(self, *args):
self.kill_now = True
def human_readable_size(size, decimal_places=3):
for unit in ['B','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB']:
if size < 1024.0:
size /= 1024.0
return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f}{unit}" |