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// SRValidator.h
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2011 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
// Andy Kim
#import "SRValidator.h"
#import "SRCommon.h"
@implementation SRValidator
// iinitWithDelegate:
- (id) initWithDelegate:(id)theDelegate;
self = [super init];
if ( !self )
return nil;
[self setDelegate:theDelegate];
return self;
// isKeyCode:andFlagsTaken:error:
- (BOOL) isKeyCode:(NSInteger)keyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSUInteger)flags error:(NSError **)error;
// if we have a delegate, it goes first...
if ( delegate )
NSString *delegateReason = nil;
if ( [delegate shortcutValidator:self
andFlagsTaken:SRCarbonToCocoaFlags( flags )
if ( error )
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
SRLoc(@"The key combination %@ can't be used!"),
SRStringForCarbonModifierFlagsAndKeyCode( flags, keyCode )];
NSString *recoverySuggestion = [NSString stringWithFormat:
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because %@."),
SRReadableStringForCarbonModifierFlagsAndKeyCode( flags, keyCode ),
( delegateReason && [delegateReason length] ) ? delegateReason : @"it's already used"];
NSDictionary *userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
description, NSLocalizedDescriptionKey,
recoverySuggestion, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey,
[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"OK"], NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey, // Is this needed? Shouldn't it show 'OK' by default? -AK
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
return YES;
// then our implementation...
CFArrayRef tempArray = NULL;
OSStatus err = noErr;
// get global hot keys...
err = CopySymbolicHotKeys( &tempArray );
if ( err != noErr ) return YES;
// Not copying the array like this results in a leak on according to the Leaks Instrument
NSArray *globalHotKeys = [NSArray arrayWithArray:(NSArray *)tempArray];
if ( tempArray ) CFRelease(tempArray);
NSEnumerator *globalHotKeysEnumerator = [globalHotKeys objectEnumerator];
NSDictionary *globalHotKeyInfoDictionary;
int32_t globalHotKeyFlags;
NSInteger globalHotKeyCharCode;
BOOL globalCommandMod = NO, globalOptionMod = NO, globalShiftMod = NO, globalCtrlMod = NO;
BOOL localCommandMod = NO, localOptionMod = NO, localShiftMod = NO, localCtrlMod = NO;
// Prepare local carbon comparison flags
if ( flags & cmdKey ) localCommandMod = YES;
if ( flags & optionKey ) localOptionMod = YES;
if ( flags & shiftKey ) localShiftMod = YES;
if ( flags & controlKey ) localCtrlMod = YES;
while (( globalHotKeyInfoDictionary = [globalHotKeysEnumerator nextObject] ))
// Only check if global hotkey is enabled
if ( (CFBooleanRef)[globalHotKeyInfoDictionary objectForKey:(NSString *)kHISymbolicHotKeyEnabled] != kCFBooleanTrue )
globalCommandMod = NO;
globalOptionMod = NO;
globalShiftMod = NO;
globalCtrlMod = NO;
globalHotKeyCharCode = [(NSNumber *)[globalHotKeyInfoDictionary objectForKey:(NSString *)kHISymbolicHotKeyCode] shortValue];
CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)[globalHotKeyInfoDictionary objectForKey: (NSString *)kHISymbolicHotKeyModifiers],kCFNumberSInt32Type,&globalHotKeyFlags);
if ( globalHotKeyFlags & cmdKey ) globalCommandMod = YES;
if ( globalHotKeyFlags & optionKey ) globalOptionMod = YES;
if ( globalHotKeyFlags & shiftKey) globalShiftMod = YES;
if ( globalHotKeyFlags & controlKey ) globalCtrlMod = YES;
NSString *localKeyString = SRStringForKeyCode( keyCode );
if (![localKeyString length]) return YES;
// compare unichar value and modifier flags
if ( ( globalHotKeyCharCode == keyCode )
&& ( globalCommandMod == localCommandMod )
&& ( globalOptionMod == localOptionMod )
&& ( globalShiftMod == localShiftMod )
&& ( globalCtrlMod == localCtrlMod ) )
if ( error )
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
SRLoc(@"The key combination %@ can't be used!"),
SRStringForCarbonModifierFlagsAndKeyCode( flags, keyCode )];
NSString *recoverySuggestion = [NSString stringWithFormat:
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by a system-wide keyboard shortcut. (If you really want to use this key combination, most shortcuts can be changed in the Keyboard & Mouse panel in System Preferences.)"),
SRReadableStringForCarbonModifierFlagsAndKeyCode( flags, keyCode )];
NSDictionary *userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
description, NSLocalizedDescriptionKey,
recoverySuggestion, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey,
[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"OK"], NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey,
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
return YES;
// Check menus too
return [self isKeyCode:keyCode andFlags:flags takenInMenu:[NSApp mainMenu] error:error];
// isKeyCode:andFlags:takenInMenu:error:
- (BOOL) isKeyCode:(NSInteger)keyCode andFlags:(NSUInteger)flags takenInMenu:(NSMenu *)menu error:(NSError **)error;
NSArray *menuItemsArray = [menu itemArray];
NSEnumerator *menuItemsEnumerator = [menuItemsArray objectEnumerator];
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
NSUInteger menuItemModifierFlags;
NSString *menuItemKeyEquivalent;
BOOL menuItemCommandMod = NO, menuItemOptionMod = NO, menuItemShiftMod = NO, menuItemCtrlMod = NO;
BOOL localCommandMod = NO, localOptionMod = NO, localShiftMod = NO, localCtrlMod = NO;
// Prepare local carbon comparison flags
if ( flags & cmdKey ) localCommandMod = YES;
if ( flags & optionKey ) localOptionMod = YES;
if ( flags & shiftKey ) localShiftMod = YES;
if ( flags & controlKey ) localCtrlMod = YES;
while (( menuItem = [menuItemsEnumerator nextObject] ))
// rescurse into all submenus...
if ( [menuItem hasSubmenu] )
if ( [self isKeyCode:keyCode andFlags:flags takenInMenu:[menuItem submenu] error:error] )
return YES;
if ( ( menuItemKeyEquivalent = [menuItem keyEquivalent] )
&& ( ![menuItemKeyEquivalent isEqualToString: @""] ) )
menuItemCommandMod = NO;
menuItemOptionMod = NO;
menuItemShiftMod = NO;
menuItemCtrlMod = NO;
menuItemModifierFlags = [menuItem keyEquivalentModifierMask];
if ( menuItemModifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask ) menuItemCommandMod = YES;
if ( menuItemModifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask ) menuItemOptionMod = YES;
if ( menuItemModifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask ) menuItemShiftMod = YES;
if ( menuItemModifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask ) menuItemCtrlMod = YES;
NSString *localKeyString = SRStringForKeyCode( keyCode );
// Compare translated keyCode and modifier flags
if ( ( [[menuItemKeyEquivalent uppercaseString] isEqualToString: localKeyString] )
&& ( menuItemCommandMod == localCommandMod )
&& ( menuItemOptionMod == localOptionMod )
&& ( menuItemShiftMod == localShiftMod )
&& ( menuItemCtrlMod == localCtrlMod ) )
if ( error )
NSString *description = [NSString stringWithFormat:
SRLoc(@"The key combination %@ can't be used!"),
SRStringForCarbonModifierFlagsAndKeyCode( flags, keyCode )];
NSString *recoverySuggestion = [NSString stringWithFormat:
SRLoc(@"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by the menu item \"%@\"."),
SRReadableStringForCocoaModifierFlagsAndKeyCode( menuItemModifierFlags, keyCode ),
[menuItem title]];
NSDictionary *userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
description, NSLocalizedDescriptionKey,
recoverySuggestion, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey,
[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"OK"], NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey,
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark accessors
// delegate
- (id) delegate
return delegate;
- (void) setDelegate: (id) theDelegate
delegate = theDelegate; // Standard delegate pattern does not retain the delegate
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark default delegate implementation
@implementation NSObject( SRValidation )
// shortcutValidator:isKeyCode:andFlagsTaken:reason:
- (BOOL) shortcutValidator:(SRValidator *)validator isKeyCode:(NSInteger)keyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSUInteger)flags reason:(NSString **)aReason;
return NO;