Mark Jerde 99d471f46a Extend Settings access to Flycut iOS
Use InAppSettingsKit to display Settings within the app in addition to within  This allows changes that initiate a user prompt to prompt the
user immediately when the change is made, rather than upon app launch as is the
case with using, providing better user experience.

Move acknowledgements from preferences panel into a text file that is sourced into the preferences panel on macOS and the settings bundle (in-app only) on iOS.
2018-10-30 23:05:03 -05:00

119 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file

// AppController.m
// Flycut
// Flycut by Gennadiy Potapov and contributors. Based on Jumpcut by Steve Cook.
// Copyright 2011 General Arcade. All rights reserved.
// This code is open-source software subject to the MIT License; see the homepage
// at <> for details.
// AppController owns and interacts with the FlycutOperator, providing a user
// interface and platform-specific mechanisms.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
#import "BezelWindow.h"
#import "SRRecorderControl.h"
#import "SRKeyCodeTransformer.h"
#import "FlycutOperator.h"
#import "SGHotKey.h"
@class SGHotKey;
@interface AppController : NSObject <NSMenuDelegate, NSApplicationDelegate, FlycutStoreDelegate, FlycutOperatorDelegate> {
BezelWindow *bezel;
SGHotKey *mainHotKey;
IBOutlet SRRecorderControl *mainRecorder;
IBOutlet NSPanel *prefsPanel;
IBOutlet NSTextView *acknowledgementsView;
IBOutlet NSBox *appearancePanel;
int mainHotkeyModifiers;
SRKeyCodeTransformer *srTransformer;
BOOL isBezelDisplayed;
BOOL isBezelPinned; // Currently not used
NSString *currentKeycodeCharacter;
NSDateFormatter* dateFormat;
NSArray *settingsSyncList;
FlycutOperator *flycutOperator;
// Status item -- the little icon in the menu bar
NSStatusItem *statusItem;
NSString *statusItemText;
NSImage *statusItemImage;
// The menu attatched to same
IBOutlet NSMenu *jcMenu;
int jcMenuBaseItemsCount;
IBOutlet NSSearchField *searchBox;
NSResponder *menuFirstResponder;
dispatch_queue_t menuQueue;
NSRunningApplication *currentRunningApplication;
NSEvent *menuOpenEvent;
IBOutlet NSSlider * heightSlider;
IBOutlet NSSlider * widthSlider;
// A timer which will let us check the pasteboard;
// this should default to every .5 seconds but be user-configurable
NSTimer *pollPBTimer;
// We want an interface to the pasteboard
NSPasteboard *jcPasteboard;
// Track the clipboard count so we only act when its contents change
NSNumber *pbCount;
//stores PasteboardCount for internal Flycut pasteboard actions so they don't trigger any events
NSNumber *pbBlockCount;
NSDictionary *standardPreferences;
int jcDisplayNum;
BOOL needBezelUpdate;
BOOL needMenuUpdate;
// Basic functionality
-(void) pollPB:(NSTimer *)timer;
-(void) addClipToPasteboard:(NSString*)pbFullText;
-(void) setPBBlockCount:(NSNumber *)newPBBlockCount;
-(void) hideApp;
-(void) fakeCommandV;
-(void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
-(BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)fieldEditor doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector;
// Hotkey related
-(void)hitMainHotKey:(SGHotKey *)hotKey;
// Bezel related
-(void) updateBezel;
-(void) showBezel;
-(void) hideBezel;
-(void) processBezelKeyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
-(void) processBezelMouseEvents:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
-(void) metaKeysReleased;
// Menu related
-(void) updateMenu;
-(IBAction) processMenuClippingSelection:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) activateAndOrderFrontStandardAboutPanel:(id)sender;
// Preference related
-(IBAction) showPreferencePanel:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setRememberNumPref:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setFavoritesRememberNumPref:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setDisplayNumPref:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setBezelAlpha:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setBezelHeight:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setBezelWidth:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) switchMenuIcon:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) toggleLoadOnStartup:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) toggleMainHotKey:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) toggleICloudSyncSettings:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) toggleICloudSyncClippings:(id)sender;
-(IBAction) setSavePreference:(id)sender;
-(void) setHotKeyPreferenceForRecorder:(SRRecorderControl *)aRecorder;