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// SRRecorderCell.m
// ShortcutRecorder
// Copyright 2006-2007 Contributors. All rights reserved.
// License: BSD
// Contributors:
// David Dauer
// Jesper
// Jamie Kirkpatrick
#import "SRRecorderCell.h"
#import "SRRecorderControl.h"
#import "SRKeyCodeTransformer.h"
#import "SRValidator.h"
#import "DBUserDefaultsController.h"
@interface SRRecorderCell (Private)
- (void)_privateInit;
- (void)_createGradient;
- (void)_setJustChanged;
- (void)_startRecordingTransition;
- (void)_endRecordingTransition;
- (void)_transitionTick;
- (void)_startRecording;
- (void)_endRecording;
- (BOOL)_effectiveIsAnimating;
- (BOOL)_supportsAnimation;
- (NSString *)_defaultsKeyForAutosaveName:(NSString *)name;
- (void)_saveKeyCombo;
- (void)_loadKeyCombo;
- (NSRect)_removeButtonRectForFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame;
- (NSRect)_snapbackRectForFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame;
- (NSUInteger)_filteredCocoaFlags:(NSUInteger)flags;
- (NSUInteger)_filteredCocoaToCarbonFlags:(NSUInteger)cocoaFlags;
- (BOOL)_validModifierFlags:(NSUInteger)flags;
- (BOOL)_isEmpty;
#pragma mark -
@implementation SRRecorderCell
- (id)init
self = [super init];
[self _privateInit];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[validator release];
[keyCharsIgnoringModifiers release];
[keyChars release];
[recordingGradient release];
[autosaveName release];
[cancelCharacterSet release];
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark *** Coding Support ***
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super initWithCoder: aDecoder];
[self _privateInit];
if ([aDecoder allowsKeyedCoding]) {
autosaveName = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"autosaveName"] retain];
keyCombo.code = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"keyComboCode"] shortValue];
keyCombo.flags = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"keyComboFlags"] unsignedIntegerValue];
if ([aDecoder containsValueForKey:@"keyChars"]) {
hasKeyChars = YES;
keyChars = (NSString *)[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"keyChars"];
keyCharsIgnoringModifiers = (NSString *)[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"keyCharsIgnoringModifiers"];
allowedFlags = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"allowedFlags"] unsignedIntegerValue];
requiredFlags = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey: @"requiredFlags"] unsignedIntegerValue];
allowsKeyOnly = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:@"allowsKeyOnly"] boolValue];
escapeKeysRecord = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:@"escapeKeysRecord"] boolValue];
isAnimating = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:@"isAnimating"] boolValue];
style = [[aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:@"style"] shortValue];
} else {
autosaveName = [[aDecoder decodeObject] retain];
keyCombo.code = [[aDecoder decodeObject] shortValue];
keyCombo.flags = [[aDecoder decodeObject] unsignedIntegerValue];
allowedFlags = [[aDecoder decodeObject] unsignedIntegerValue];
requiredFlags = [[aDecoder decodeObject] unsignedIntegerValue];
allowedFlags |= NSFunctionKeyMask;
[self _loadKeyCombo];
return self;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder
[super encodeWithCoder: aCoder];
if ([aCoder allowsKeyedCoding]) {
[aCoder encodeObject:[self autosaveName] forKey:@"autosaveName"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithShort: keyCombo.code] forKey:@"keyComboCode"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:keyCombo.flags] forKey:@"keyComboFlags"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:allowedFlags] forKey:@"allowedFlags"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:requiredFlags] forKey:@"requiredFlags"];
if (hasKeyChars) {
[aCoder encodeObject:keyChars forKey:@"keyChars"];
[aCoder encodeObject:keyCharsIgnoringModifiers forKey:@"keyCharsIgnoringModifiers"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool: allowsKeyOnly] forKey:@"allowsKeyOnly"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool: escapeKeysRecord] forKey:@"escapeKeysRecord"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool: isAnimating] forKey:@"isAnimating"];
[aCoder encodeObject:[NSNumber numberWithShort:style] forKey:@"style"];
} else {
// Unkeyed archiving and encoding is deprecated and unsupported. Use keyed archiving and encoding.
[aCoder encodeObject: [self autosaveName]];
[aCoder encodeObject: [NSNumber numberWithShort: keyCombo.code]];
[aCoder encodeObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger: keyCombo.flags]];
[aCoder encodeObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:allowedFlags]];
[aCoder encodeObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:requiredFlags]];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
SRRecorderCell *cell;
cell = (SRRecorderCell *)[super copyWithZone: zone];
cell->recordingGradient = [recordingGradient retain];
cell->autosaveName = [autosaveName retain];
cell->isRecording = isRecording;
cell->mouseInsideTrackingArea = mouseInsideTrackingArea;
cell->mouseDown = mouseDown;
cell->removeTrackingRectTag = removeTrackingRectTag;
cell->snapbackTrackingRectTag = snapbackTrackingRectTag;
cell->keyCombo = keyCombo;
cell->allowedFlags = allowedFlags;
cell->requiredFlags = requiredFlags;
cell->recordingFlags = recordingFlags;
cell->allowsKeyOnly = allowsKeyOnly;
cell->escapeKeysRecord = escapeKeysRecord;
cell->isAnimating = isAnimating;
cell->style = style;
cell->cancelCharacterSet = [cancelCharacterSet retain];
cell->delegate = delegate;
return cell;
#pragma mark *** Drawing ***
+ (BOOL)styleSupportsAnimation:(SRRecorderStyle)style {
return (style == SRGreyStyle);
- (BOOL)animates {
return isAnimating;
- (void)setAnimates:(BOOL)an {
isAnimating = an;
- (SRRecorderStyle)style {
return style;
- (void)setStyle:(SRRecorderStyle)nStyle {
switch (nStyle) {
case SRGreyStyle:
style = SRGreyStyle;
case SRGradientBorderStyle:
style = SRGradientBorderStyle;
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
CGFloat radius = 0;
if (style == SRGradientBorderStyle) {
NSRect whiteRect = cellFrame;
NSBezierPath *roundedRect;
// Draw gradient when in recording mode
if (isRecording)
radius = NSHeight(cellFrame) / 2.0f;
roundedRect = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:cellFrame xRadius:radius yRadius:radius];
// Fill background with gradient
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
[roundedRect addClip];
[recordingGradient drawInRect:cellFrame angle:90.0f];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
// Highlight if inside or down
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea)
[[[NSColor blackColor] colorWithAlphaComponent: (mouseDown ? 0.4f : 0.2f)] set];
[roundedRect fill];
// Draw snapback image
NSImage *snapBackArrow = SRResIndImage(@"SRSnapback");
[snapBackArrow dissolveToPoint:[self _snapbackRectForFrame: cellFrame].origin fraction:1.0f];
// Because of the gradient and snapback image, the white rounded rect will be smaller
whiteRect = NSInsetRect(cellFrame, 9.5f, 2.0f);
whiteRect.origin.x -= 7.5f;
// Draw white rounded box
radius = NSHeight(whiteRect) / 2.0f;
roundedRect = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:whiteRect xRadius:radius yRadius:radius];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
[roundedRect addClip];
[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
[NSBezierPath fillRect: whiteRect];
// Draw border and remove badge if needed
if (!isRecording)
[[NSColor windowFrameColor] set];
[roundedRect stroke];
// If key combination is set and valid, draw remove image
if (![self _isEmpty] && [self isEnabled])
NSString *removeImageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SRRemoveShortcut%@", (mouseInsideTrackingArea ? (mouseDown ? @"Pressed" : @"Rollover") : (mouseDown ? @"Rollover" : @""))];
NSImage *removeImage = SRResIndImage(removeImageName);
[removeImage dissolveToPoint:[self _removeButtonRectForFrame: cellFrame].origin fraction:1.0f];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
// Draw text
NSMutableParagraphStyle *mpstyle = [[[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy] autorelease];
[mpstyle setLineBreakMode: NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
[mpstyle setAlignment: NSCenterTextAlignment];
// Only the KeyCombo should be black and in a bigger font size
BOOL recordingOrEmpty = (isRecording || [self _isEmpty]);
NSDictionary *attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: mpstyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
[NSFont systemFontOfSize: (recordingOrEmpty ? [NSFont labelFontSize] : [NSFont smallSystemFontSize])], NSFontAttributeName,
(recordingOrEmpty ? [NSColor disabledControlTextColor] : [NSColor blackColor]), NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
NSString *displayString;
if (isRecording)
// Recording, but no modifier keys down
if (![self _validModifierFlags: recordingFlags])
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea)
// Mouse over snapback
displayString = SRLoc(@"Use old shortcut");
// Mouse elsewhere
displayString = SRLoc(@"Type shortcut");
// Display currently pressed modifier keys
displayString = SRStringForCocoaModifierFlags( recordingFlags );
// Fall back on 'Type shortcut' if we don't have modifier flags to display; this will happen for the fn key depressed
if (![displayString length])
displayString = SRLoc(@"Type shortcut");
// Not recording...
if ([self _isEmpty])
displayString = SRLoc(@"Click to record shortcut");
// Display current key combination
displayString = [self keyComboString];
// Calculate rect in which to draw the text in...
NSRect textRect = cellFrame;
textRect.size.width -= 6;
textRect.size.width -= ((!isRecording && [self _isEmpty]) ? 6 : (isRecording ? [self _snapbackRectForFrame: cellFrame].size.width : [self _removeButtonRectForFrame: cellFrame].size.width) + 6);
textRect.origin.x += 6;
textRect.origin.y = -(NSMidY(cellFrame) - [displayString sizeWithAttributes: attributes].height/2);
// Finally draw it
[displayString drawInRect:textRect withAttributes:attributes];
// draw a focus ring...?
if ( [self showsFirstResponder] )
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
radius = NSHeight(cellFrame) / 2.0f;
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:cellFrame xRadius:radius yRadius:radius] fill];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
} else {
// NSRect rawCellFrame = cellFrame;
cellFrame = NSInsetRect(cellFrame,0.5f,0.5f);
NSRect whiteRect = cellFrame;
NSBezierPath *roundedRect;
BOOL isVaguelyRecording = isRecording;
CGFloat xanim = 0.0f;
if (isAnimatingNow) {
// NSLog(@"tp: %f; xanim: %f", transitionProgress, xanim);
xanim = (SRAnimationEaseInOut(transitionProgress));
// NSLog(@"tp: %f; xanim: %f", transitionProgress, xanim);
CGFloat alphaRecording = 1.0f; CGFloat alphaView = 1.0f;
if (isAnimatingNow && !isAnimatingTowardsRecording) { alphaRecording = 1.0f - xanim; alphaView = xanim; }
if (isAnimatingNow && isAnimatingTowardsRecording) { alphaView = 1.0f - xanim; alphaRecording = xanim; }
if (isAnimatingNow) {
//NSLog(@"animation step: %f, effective: %f, alpha recording: %f, view: %f", transitionProgress, xanim, alphaRecording, alphaView);
if (isAnimatingNow && isAnimatingTowardsRecording) {
isVaguelyRecording = YES;
// NSAffineTransform *transitionMovement = [NSAffineTransform transform];
NSAffineTransform *viewportMovement = [NSAffineTransform transform];
// Draw gradient when in recording mode
if (isVaguelyRecording)
if (isAnimatingNow) {
// [transitionMovement translateXBy:(isAnimatingTowardsRecording ? -(NSWidth(cellFrame)*(1.0-xanim)) : +(NSWidth(cellFrame)*xanim)) yBy:0.0];
if (SRAnimationAxisIsY) {
// [viewportMovement translateXBy:0.0 yBy:(isAnimatingTowardsRecording ? -(NSHeight(cellFrame)*(xanim)) : -(NSHeight(cellFrame)*(1.0-xanim)))];
[viewportMovement translateXBy:0.0f yBy:(isAnimatingTowardsRecording ? NSHeight(cellFrame)*(xanim) : NSHeight(cellFrame)*(1.0f-xanim))];
} else {
[viewportMovement translateXBy:(isAnimatingTowardsRecording ? -(NSWidth(cellFrame)*(xanim)) : -(NSWidth(cellFrame)*(1.0f-xanim))) yBy:0.0f];
} else {
if (SRAnimationAxisIsY) {
[viewportMovement translateXBy:0.0f yBy:NSHeight(cellFrame)];
} else {
[viewportMovement translateXBy:-(NSWidth(cellFrame)) yBy:0.0f];
// Draw white rounded box
radius = NSHeight(whiteRect) / 2.0f;
roundedRect = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:whiteRect xRadius:radius yRadius:radius];
[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
[roundedRect fill];
[[NSColor windowFrameColor] set];
[roundedRect stroke];
[roundedRect addClip];
// if (isVaguelyRecording)
NSRect snapBackRect = SRAnimationOffsetRect([self _snapbackRectForFrame: cellFrame],cellFrame);
// NSLog(@"snapbackrect: %@; offset: %@", NSStringFromRect([self _snapbackRectForFrame: cellFrame]), NSStringFromRect(snapBackRect));
NSPoint correctedSnapBackOrigin = [viewportMovement transformPoint:snapBackRect.origin];
NSRect correctedSnapBackRect = snapBackRect;
// correctedSnapBackRect.origin.y = NSMinY(whiteRect);
correctedSnapBackRect.size.height = NSHeight(whiteRect);
correctedSnapBackRect.size.width *= 1.3f;
correctedSnapBackRect.origin.y -= 5.0f;
correctedSnapBackRect.origin.x -= 1.5f;
correctedSnapBackOrigin.x -= 0.5f;
correctedSnapBackRect.origin = [viewportMovement transformPoint:correctedSnapBackRect.origin];
NSBezierPath *snapBackButton = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:correctedSnapBackRect];
[[[[NSColor windowFrameColor] shadowWithLevel:0.2f] colorWithAlphaComponent:alphaRecording] set];
[snapBackButton stroke];
// NSLog(@"stroked along path of %@", NSStringFromRect(correctedSnapBackRect));
NSGradient *gradient = nil;
if (mouseDown && mouseInsideTrackingArea) {
gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.60f alpha:alphaRecording]
endingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.75f alpha:alphaRecording]];
else {
gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.75f alpha:alphaRecording]
endingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.90f alpha:alphaRecording]];
CGFloat insetAmount = -([snapBackButton lineWidth]/2.0f);
[gradient drawInRect:NSInsetRect(correctedSnapBackRect, insetAmount, insetAmount) angle:90.0f];
[gradient release];
// Highlight if inside or down
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea)
[[[NSColor blackColor] colorWithAlphaComponent: alphaRecording*(mouseDown ? 0.15 : 0.1)] set];
[snapBackButton fill];
// Draw snapback image
NSImage *snapBackArrow = SRResIndImage(@"SRSnapback");
[snapBackArrow dissolveToPoint:correctedSnapBackOrigin fraction:1.0f*alphaRecording];
// Draw border and remove badge if needed
/* if (!isVaguelyRecording)
// If key combination is set and valid, draw remove image
if (![self _isEmpty] && [self isEnabled])
NSString *removeImageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SRRemoveShortcut%@", (mouseInsideTrackingArea ? (mouseDown ? @"Pressed" : @"Rollover") : (mouseDown ? @"Rollover" : @""))];
NSImage *removeImage = SRResIndImage(removeImageName);
[removeImage dissolveToPoint:[viewportMovement transformPoint:([self _removeButtonRectForFrame: cellFrame].origin)] fraction:alphaView];
//NSLog(@"drew removeImage with alpha %f", alphaView);
// }
// Draw text
NSMutableParagraphStyle *mpstyle = [[[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy] autorelease];
[mpstyle setLineBreakMode: NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
[mpstyle setAlignment: NSCenterTextAlignment];
CGFloat alphaCombo = alphaView;
CGFloat alphaRecordingText = alphaRecording;
if (comboJustChanged) {
alphaCombo = 1.0f;
alphaRecordingText = 0.0f;//(alphaRecordingText/2.0);
NSString *displayString;
// Only the KeyCombo should be black and in a bigger font size
BOOL recordingOrEmpty = (isVaguelyRecording || [self _isEmpty]);
NSDictionary *attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: mpstyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
[NSFont systemFontOfSize: (recordingOrEmpty ? [NSFont labelFontSize] : [NSFont smallSystemFontSize])], NSFontAttributeName,
[(recordingOrEmpty ? [NSColor disabledControlTextColor] : [NSColor blackColor]) colorWithAlphaComponent:alphaRecordingText], NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
// Recording, but no modifier keys down
if (![self _validModifierFlags: recordingFlags])
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea)
// Mouse over snapback
displayString = SRLoc(@"Use old shortcut");
// Mouse elsewhere
displayString = SRLoc(@"Type shortcut");
// Display currently pressed modifier keys
displayString = SRStringForCocoaModifierFlags( recordingFlags );
// Fall back on 'Type shortcut' if we don't have modifier flags to display; this will happen for the fn key depressed
if (![displayString length])
displayString = SRLoc(@"Type shortcut");
// Calculate rect in which to draw the text in...
NSRect textRect = SRAnimationOffsetRect(cellFrame,cellFrame);
//NSLog(@"draw record text in rect (preadjusted): %@", NSStringFromRect(textRect));
textRect.origin.y -= 3.0f;
textRect.origin = [viewportMovement transformPoint:textRect.origin];
//NSLog(@"draw record text in rect: %@", NSStringFromRect(textRect));
// Finally draw it
[displayString drawInRect:textRect withAttributes:attributes];
// Only the KeyCombo should be black and in a bigger font size
NSDictionary *attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: mpstyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
[NSFont systemFontOfSize: ([self _isEmpty] ? [NSFont labelFontSize] : [NSFont smallSystemFontSize])], NSFontAttributeName,
[([self _isEmpty] ? [NSColor disabledControlTextColor] : [NSColor blackColor]) colorWithAlphaComponent:alphaCombo], NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
// Not recording...
if ([self _isEmpty])
displayString = SRLoc(@"Click to record shortcut");
// Display current key combination
displayString = [self keyComboString];
// Calculate rect in which to draw the text in...
NSRect textRect = cellFrame;
/* textRect.size.width -= 6;
textRect.size.width -= (([self _removeButtonRectForFrame: cellFrame].size.width) + 6);
// textRect.origin.x += 6;*/
//NSFont *f = [attributes objectForKey:NSFontAttributeName];
//double lineHeight = [[[NSLayoutManager alloc] init] defaultLineHeightForFont:f];
// textRect.size.height = lineHeight;
if (!comboJustChanged) {
//NSLog(@"draw view text in rect (pre-adjusted): %@", NSStringFromRect(textRect));
textRect.origin = [viewportMovement transformPoint:textRect.origin];
textRect.origin.y = NSMinY(textRect)-3.0f;// - ((lineHeight/2.0)+([f descender]/2.0));
//NSLog(@"draw view text in rect: %@", NSStringFromRect(textRect));
// Finally draw it
[displayString drawInRect:textRect withAttributes:attributes];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
// draw a focus ring...?
if ( [self showsFirstResponder] )
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
radius = NSHeight(cellFrame) / 2.0f;
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:cellFrame xRadius:radius yRadius:radius] fill];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
#pragma mark *** Mouse Tracking ***
- (void)resetTrackingRects
SRRecorderControl *controlView = (SRRecorderControl *)[self controlView];
NSRect cellFrame = [controlView bounds];
NSPoint mouseLocation = [controlView convertPoint:[[NSApp currentEvent] locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
// We're not to be tracked if we're not enabled
if (![self isEnabled])
if (removeTrackingRectTag != 0) [controlView removeTrackingRect: removeTrackingRectTag];
if (snapbackTrackingRectTag != 0) [controlView removeTrackingRect: snapbackTrackingRectTag];
// We're either in recording or normal display mode
if (!isRecording)
// Create and register tracking rect for the remove badge if shortcut is not empty
NSRect removeButtonRect = [self _removeButtonRectForFrame: cellFrame];
BOOL mouseInside = [controlView mouse:mouseLocation inRect:removeButtonRect];
if (removeTrackingRectTag != 0) [controlView removeTrackingRect: removeTrackingRectTag];
removeTrackingRectTag = [controlView addTrackingRect:removeButtonRect owner:self userData:nil assumeInside:mouseInside];
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea != mouseInside) mouseInsideTrackingArea = mouseInside;
// Create and register tracking rect for the snapback badge if we're in recording mode
NSRect snapbackRect = [self _snapbackRectForFrame: cellFrame];
BOOL mouseInside = [controlView mouse:mouseLocation inRect:snapbackRect];
if (snapbackTrackingRectTag != 0) [controlView removeTrackingRect: snapbackTrackingRectTag];
snapbackTrackingRectTag = [controlView addTrackingRect:snapbackRect owner:self userData:nil assumeInside:mouseInside];
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea != mouseInside) mouseInsideTrackingArea = mouseInside;
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSView *view = [self controlView];
if ([[view window] isKeyWindow] || [view acceptsFirstMouse: theEvent])
mouseInsideTrackingArea = YES;
[view display];
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent*)theEvent
NSView *view = [self controlView];
if ([[view window] isKeyWindow] || [view acceptsFirstMouse: theEvent])
mouseInsideTrackingArea = NO;
[view display];
- (BOOL)trackMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame ofView:(SRRecorderControl *)controlView untilMouseUp:(BOOL)flag
NSEvent *currentEvent = theEvent;
NSPoint mouseLocation;
NSRect trackingRect = (isRecording ? [self _snapbackRectForFrame: cellFrame] : [self _removeButtonRectForFrame: cellFrame]);
NSRect leftRect = cellFrame;
// Determine the area without any badge
if (!NSEqualRects(trackingRect,NSZeroRect)) leftRect.size.width -= NSWidth(trackingRect) + 4;
do {
mouseLocation = [controlView convertPoint: [currentEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
switch ([currentEvent type])
case NSLeftMouseDown:
// Check if mouse is over remove/snapback image
if ([controlView mouse:mouseLocation inRect:trackingRect])
mouseDown = YES;
[controlView setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
case NSLeftMouseDragged:
// Recheck if mouse is still over the image while dragging
mouseInsideTrackingArea = [controlView mouse:mouseLocation inRect:trackingRect];
[controlView setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
default: // NSLeftMouseUp
mouseDown = NO;
mouseInsideTrackingArea = [controlView mouse:mouseLocation inRect:trackingRect];
if (mouseInsideTrackingArea)
if (isRecording)
// Mouse was over snapback, just redraw
[self _endRecordingTransition];
// Mouse was over the remove image, reset all
[self setKeyCombo: SRMakeKeyCombo(ShortcutRecorderEmptyCode, ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags)];
else if ([controlView mouse:mouseLocation inRect:leftRect] && !isRecording)
if ([self isEnabled])
[self _startRecordingTransition];
/* maybe beep if not editable?
// Any click inside will make us firstResponder
if ([self isEnabled]) [[controlView window] makeFirstResponder: controlView];
// Reset tracking rects and redisplay
[self resetTrackingRects];
[controlView setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
return YES;
} while ((currentEvent = [[controlView window] nextEventMatchingMask:(NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask) untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]));
return YES;
#pragma mark *** Delegate ***
- (id)delegate
return delegate;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)aDelegate
delegate = aDelegate;
#pragma mark *** Responder Control ***
- (BOOL) becomeFirstResponder;
// reset tracking rects and redisplay
[self resetTrackingRects];
[[self controlView] display];
return YES;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder;
if (isRecording) {
[self _endRecordingTransition];
[self resetTrackingRects];
[[self controlView] display];
return YES;
#pragma mark *** Key Combination Control ***
- (BOOL) performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSUInteger flags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: [theEvent modifierFlags]];
NSNumber *keyCodeNumber = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: [theEvent keyCode]];
BOOL snapback = [cancelCharacterSet containsObject: keyCodeNumber];
BOOL validModifiers = [self _validModifierFlags: (snapback) ? [theEvent modifierFlags] : flags]; // Snapback key shouldn't interfer with required flags!
// Special case for the space key when we aren't recording...
if (!isRecording && [[theEvent characters] isEqualToString:@" "]) {
[self _startRecordingTransition];
return YES;
// Do something as long as we're in recording mode and a modifier key or cancel key is pressed
if (isRecording && (validModifiers || snapback)) {
if (!snapback || validModifiers) {
BOOL goAhead = YES;
// Special case: if a snapback key has been entered AND modifiers are deemed valid...
if (snapback && validModifiers) {
// ...AND we're set to allow plain keys
if (allowsKeyOnly) {
// ...AND modifiers are empty, or empty save for the Function key
// (needed, since forward delete is fn+delete on laptops)
if (flags == ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags || flags == (ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags | NSFunctionKeyMask)) {
// ...check for behavior in escapeKeysRecord.
if (!escapeKeysRecord) {
goAhead = NO;
if (goAhead) {
NSString *character = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] uppercaseString];
// accents like "´" or "`" will be ignored since we don't get a keycode
if ([character length]) {
NSError *error = nil;
// Check if key combination is already used or not allowed by the delegate
if ( [validator isKeyCode:[theEvent keyCode]
andFlagsTaken:[self _filteredCocoaToCarbonFlags:flags]
error:&error] ) {
// display the error...
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithNonRecoverableError:error];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
[alert runModal];
// Recheck pressed modifier keys
[self flagsChanged: [NSApp currentEvent]];
return YES;
} else {
// All ok, set new combination
keyCombo.flags = flags;
keyCombo.code = [theEvent keyCode];
hasKeyChars = YES;
keyChars = [[theEvent characters] retain];
keyCharsIgnoringModifiers = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] retain];
// NSLog(@"keychars: %@, ignoringmods: %@", keyChars, keyCharsIgnoringModifiers);
// NSLog(@"calculated keychars: %@, ignoring: %@", SRStringForKeyCode(keyCombo.code), SRCharacterForKeyCodeAndCocoaFlags(keyCombo.code,keyCombo.flags));
// Notify delegate
if (delegate != nil && [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(shortcutRecorderCell:keyComboDidChange:)])
[delegate shortcutRecorderCell:self keyComboDidChange:keyCombo];
// Save if needed
[self _saveKeyCombo];
[self _setJustChanged];
} else {
// invalid character
// reset values and redisplay
recordingFlags = ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags;
[self _endRecordingTransition];
[self resetTrackingRects];
[[self controlView] display];
return YES;
} else {
//Start recording when the spacebar is pressed while the control is first responder
if (([[[self controlView] window] firstResponder] == [self controlView]) &&
([[theEvent characters] length] && [[theEvent characters] characterAtIndex:0] == 32) &&
([self isEnabled]))
[self _startRecordingTransition];
return NO;
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
if (isRecording)
recordingFlags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: [theEvent modifierFlags]];
[[self controlView] display];
#pragma mark -
- (NSUInteger)allowedFlags
return allowedFlags;
- (void)setAllowedFlags:(NSUInteger)flags
allowedFlags = flags;
// filter new flags and change keycombo if not recording
if (isRecording)
recordingFlags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]];;
NSUInteger originalFlags = keyCombo.flags;
keyCombo.flags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: keyCombo.flags];
if (keyCombo.flags != originalFlags && keyCombo.code > ShortcutRecorderEmptyCode)
// Notify delegate if keyCombo changed
if (delegate != nil && [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(shortcutRecorderCell:keyComboDidChange:)])
[delegate shortcutRecorderCell:self keyComboDidChange:keyCombo];
// Save if needed
[self _saveKeyCombo];
[[self controlView] display];
- (BOOL)allowsKeyOnly {
return allowsKeyOnly;
- (BOOL)escapeKeysRecord {
return escapeKeysRecord;
- (void)setAllowsKeyOnly:(BOOL)nAllowsKeyOnly escapeKeysRecord:(BOOL)nEscapeKeysRecord {
allowsKeyOnly = nAllowsKeyOnly;
escapeKeysRecord = nEscapeKeysRecord;
- (NSUInteger)requiredFlags
return requiredFlags;
- (void)setRequiredFlags:(NSUInteger)flags
requiredFlags = flags;
// filter new flags and change keycombo if not recording
if (isRecording)
recordingFlags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]];
NSUInteger originalFlags = keyCombo.flags;
keyCombo.flags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: keyCombo.flags];
if (keyCombo.flags != originalFlags && keyCombo.code > ShortcutRecorderEmptyCode)
// Notify delegate if keyCombo changed
if (delegate != nil && [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(shortcutRecorderCell:keyComboDidChange:)])
[delegate shortcutRecorderCell:self keyComboDidChange:keyCombo];
// Save if needed
[self _saveKeyCombo];
[[self controlView] display];
- (KeyCombo)keyCombo
return keyCombo;
- (void)setKeyCombo:(KeyCombo)aKeyCombo
keyCombo = aKeyCombo;
keyCombo.flags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: aKeyCombo.flags];
hasKeyChars = NO;
// Notify delegate
if (delegate != nil && [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(shortcutRecorderCell:keyComboDidChange:)])
[delegate shortcutRecorderCell:self keyComboDidChange:keyCombo];
// Save if needed
[self _saveKeyCombo];
[[self controlView] display];
- (BOOL)canCaptureGlobalHotKeys
return globalHotKeys;
- (void)setCanCaptureGlobalHotKeys:(BOOL)inState
globalHotKeys = inState;
#pragma mark *** Autosave Control ***
- (NSString *)autosaveName
return autosaveName;
- (void)setAutosaveName:(NSString *)aName
if (aName != autosaveName)
[autosaveName release];
autosaveName = [aName copy];
#pragma mark -
- (NSString *)keyComboString
if ([self _isEmpty]) return nil;
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@",
SRStringForCocoaModifierFlags( keyCombo.flags ),
SRStringForKeyCode( keyCombo.code )];
- (NSString *)keyChars {
if (!hasKeyChars) return SRStringForKeyCode(keyCombo.code);
return keyChars;
- (NSString *)keyCharsIgnoringModifiers {
if (!hasKeyChars) return SRCharacterForKeyCodeAndCocoaFlags(keyCombo.code,keyCombo.flags);
return keyCharsIgnoringModifiers;
#pragma mark -
@implementation SRRecorderCell (Private)
- (void)_privateInit
// init the validator object...
validator = [[SRValidator alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// Allow all modifier keys by default, nothing is required
allowedFlags = ShortcutRecorderAllFlags;
requiredFlags = ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags;
recordingFlags = ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags;
// Create clean KeyCombo
keyCombo.flags = ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags;
keyCombo.code = ShortcutRecorderEmptyCode;
keyChars = nil;
keyCharsIgnoringModifiers = nil;
hasKeyChars = NO;
// These keys will cancel the recoding mode if not pressed with any modifier
cancelCharacterSet = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInteger:ShortcutRecorderEscapeKey],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:ShortcutRecorderBackspaceKey], [NSNumber numberWithInteger:ShortcutRecorderDeleteKey], nil];
NSNotificationCenter *notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[notificationCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(_createGradient) name:NSSystemColorsDidChangeNotification object:nil]; // recreate gradient if needed
[self _createGradient];
[self _loadKeyCombo];
- (void)_createGradient
NSColor *gradientStartColor = [[[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor] shadowWithLevel: 0.2f] colorWithAlphaComponent: 0.9f];
NSColor *gradientEndColor = [[[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor] highlightWithLevel: 0.2f] colorWithAlphaComponent: 0.9f];
recordingGradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:gradientStartColor endingColor:gradientEndColor];
- (void)_setJustChanged {
comboJustChanged = YES;
- (BOOL)_effectiveIsAnimating {
return (isAnimating && [self _supportsAnimation]);
- (BOOL)_supportsAnimation {
return [[self class] styleSupportsAnimation:style];
- (void)_startRecordingTransition {
if ([self _effectiveIsAnimating]) {
isAnimatingTowardsRecording = YES;
isAnimatingNow = YES;
transitionProgress = 0.0f;
[[self class] cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_transitionTick) object:nil];
[self performSelector:@selector(_transitionTick) withObject:nil afterDelay:(SRTransitionDuration/SRTransitionFrames)];
// NSLog(@"start recording-transition");
} else {
[self _startRecording];
- (void)_endRecordingTransition {
if ([self _effectiveIsAnimating]) {
isAnimatingTowardsRecording = NO;
isAnimatingNow = YES;
transitionProgress = 0.0f;
[[self class] cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_transitionTick) object:nil];
[self performSelector:@selector(_transitionTick) withObject:nil afterDelay:(SRTransitionDuration/SRTransitionFrames)];
// NSLog(@"end recording-transition");
} else {
[self _endRecording];
- (void)_transitionTick {
transitionProgress += (1.0f/SRTransitionFrames);
// NSLog(@"transition tick: %f", transitionProgress);
if (transitionProgress >= 0.998f) {
// NSLog(@"transition deemed complete");
isAnimatingNow = NO;
transitionProgress = 0.0f;
if (isAnimatingTowardsRecording) {
[self _startRecording];
} else {
[self _endRecording];
} else {
// NSLog(@"more to do");
[[self controlView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
[[self class] cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_transitionTick) object:nil];
[self performSelector:@selector(_transitionTick) withObject:nil afterDelay:(SRTransitionDuration/SRTransitionFrames)];
- (void)_startRecording;
// Jump into recording mode if mouse was inside the control but not over any image
isRecording = YES;
// Reset recording flags and determine which are required
recordingFlags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags];
/* [self setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];
[[self controlView] setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];*/
[[self controlView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// invalidate the focus ring rect...
NSView *controlView = [self controlView];
[controlView setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect:[controlView bounds]];
if (globalHotKeys) hotKeyModeToken = PushSymbolicHotKeyMode(kHIHotKeyModeAllDisabled);
- (void)_endRecording;
isRecording = NO;
comboJustChanged = NO;
/* [self setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];
[[self controlView] setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];*/
[[self controlView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// invalidate the focus ring rect...
NSView *controlView = [self controlView];
[controlView setKeyboardFocusRingNeedsDisplayInRect:[controlView bounds]];
if (globalHotKeys) PopSymbolicHotKeyMode(hotKeyModeToken);
#pragma mark *** Autosave ***
- (NSString *)_defaultsKeyForAutosaveName:(NSString *)name
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"ShortcutRecorder %@", name];
- (void)_saveKeyCombo
NSString *defaultsKey = [self autosaveName];
if (defaultsKey != nil && [defaultsKey length])
id values = [[DBUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] values];
NSDictionary *defaultsValue = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithShort: keyCombo.code], @"keyCode",
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger: keyCombo.flags], @"modifierFlags", // cocoa
[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:SRCocoaToCarbonFlags(keyCombo.flags)], @"modifiers", // carbon, for compatibility with PTKeyCombo
if (hasKeyChars) {
NSMutableDictionary *mutableDefaultsValue = [[defaultsValue mutableCopy] autorelease];
[mutableDefaultsValue setObject:keyChars forKey:@"keyChars"];
[mutableDefaultsValue setObject:keyCharsIgnoringModifiers forKey:@"keyCharsIgnoringModifiers"];
defaultsValue = mutableDefaultsValue;
[values setValue:defaultsValue forKey:[self _defaultsKeyForAutosaveName: defaultsKey]];
- (void)_loadKeyCombo
NSString *defaultsKey = [self autosaveName];
if (defaultsKey != nil && [defaultsKey length])
id values = [[DBUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] values];
NSDictionary *savedCombo = [values valueForKey: [self _defaultsKeyForAutosaveName: defaultsKey]];
NSInteger keyCode = [[savedCombo valueForKey: @"keyCode"] shortValue];
NSUInteger flags;
if ((nil == [savedCombo valueForKey:@"modifierFlags"]) && (nil != [savedCombo valueForKey:@"modifiers"])) { // carbon, for compatibility with PTKeyCombo
flags = SRCarbonToCocoaFlags([[savedCombo valueForKey: @"modifiers"] unsignedIntegerValue]);
} else { // cocoa
flags = [[savedCombo valueForKey: @"modifierFlags"] unsignedIntegerValue];
keyCombo.flags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: flags];
keyCombo.code = keyCode;
NSString *kc = [savedCombo valueForKey: @"keyChars"];
hasKeyChars = (nil != kc);
if (kc) {
keyCharsIgnoringModifiers = [[savedCombo valueForKey: @"keyCharsIgnoringModifiers"] retain];
keyChars = [kc retain];
// Notify delegate
if (delegate != nil && [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(shortcutRecorderCell:keyComboDidChange:)])
[delegate shortcutRecorderCell:self keyComboDidChange:keyCombo];
[[self controlView] display];
#pragma mark *** Drawing Helpers ***
- (NSRect)_removeButtonRectForFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame
if ([self _isEmpty] || ![self isEnabled]) return NSZeroRect;
NSRect removeButtonRect;
NSImage *removeImage = SRResIndImage(@"SRRemoveShortcut");
removeButtonRect.origin = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(cellFrame) - [removeImage size].width - 4, (NSMaxY(cellFrame) - [removeImage size].height)/2);
removeButtonRect.size = [removeImage size];
return removeButtonRect;
- (NSRect)_snapbackRectForFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame
// if (!isRecording) return NSZeroRect;
NSRect snapbackRect;
NSImage *snapbackImage = SRResIndImage(@"SRSnapback");
snapbackRect.origin = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(cellFrame) - [snapbackImage size].width - 2, (NSMaxY(cellFrame) - [snapbackImage size].height)/2 + 1);
snapbackRect.size = [snapbackImage size];
return snapbackRect;
#pragma mark *** Filters ***
- (NSUInteger)_filteredCocoaFlags:(NSUInteger)flags
NSUInteger filteredFlags = ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags;
NSUInteger a = allowedFlags;
NSUInteger m = requiredFlags;
if (m & NSCommandKeyMask) filteredFlags |= NSCommandKeyMask;
else if ((flags & NSCommandKeyMask) && (a & NSCommandKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSCommandKeyMask;
if (m & NSAlternateKeyMask) filteredFlags |= NSAlternateKeyMask;
else if ((flags & NSAlternateKeyMask) && (a & NSAlternateKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSAlternateKeyMask;
if ((m & NSControlKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSControlKeyMask;
else if ((flags & NSControlKeyMask) && (a & NSControlKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSControlKeyMask;
if ((m & NSShiftKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSShiftKeyMask;
else if ((flags & NSShiftKeyMask) && (a & NSShiftKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSShiftKeyMask;
if ((m & NSFunctionKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSFunctionKeyMask;
else if ((flags & NSFunctionKeyMask) && (a & NSFunctionKeyMask)) filteredFlags |= NSFunctionKeyMask;
return filteredFlags;
- (BOOL)_validModifierFlags:(NSUInteger)flags
return (allowsKeyOnly ? YES : (((flags & NSCommandKeyMask) || (flags & NSAlternateKeyMask) || (flags & NSControlKeyMask) || (flags & NSShiftKeyMask) || (flags & NSFunctionKeyMask)) ? YES : NO));
#pragma mark -
- (NSUInteger)_filteredCocoaToCarbonFlags:(NSUInteger)cocoaFlags
NSUInteger carbonFlags = ShortcutRecorderEmptyFlags;
NSUInteger filteredFlags = [self _filteredCocoaFlags: cocoaFlags];
if (filteredFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) carbonFlags |= cmdKey;
if (filteredFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) carbonFlags |= optionKey;
if (filteredFlags & NSControlKeyMask) carbonFlags |= controlKey;
if (filteredFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) carbonFlags |= shiftKey;
// I couldn't find out the equivalent constant in Carbon, but apparently it must use the same one as Cocoa. -AK
if (filteredFlags & NSFunctionKeyMask) carbonFlags |= NSFunctionKeyMask;
return carbonFlags;
#pragma mark *** Internal Check ***
- (BOOL)_isEmpty
return ( ![self _validModifierFlags: keyCombo.flags] || !SRStringForKeyCode( keyCombo.code ) );
#pragma mark *** Delegate pass-through ***
- (BOOL) shortcutValidator:(SRValidator *)validator isKeyCode:(NSInteger)keyCode andFlagsTaken:(NSUInteger)flags reason:(NSString **)aReason;
SEL selector = @selector( shortcutRecorderCell:isKeyCode:andFlagsTaken:reason: );
if ( ( delegate ) && ( [delegate respondsToSelector:selector] ) )
return [delegate shortcutRecorderCell:self isKeyCode:keyCode andFlagsTaken:flags reason:aReason];
return NO;
@end |