This commit is contained in:
Baruch Odem 2020-04-23 21:33:33 +03:00
parent 0617fc013f
commit 6481c0363a

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@ -20,21 +20,17 @@ Install cryptg to use a C library to speed up downloads (optional)
Obtain your own api id: https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id
Edit telegram-download-daemon.py and put your own api_id and api_hash values
into the proper variables.
Change the destination folder if desired.
Use your favorite Telegram app to create a new (private)channel.
Change the channel_id in telegram-download-daemon.py.
Run the script!
# Usage
You need to configure these values:
| Environment Variable | Command Line argument | Description | Default Value |
| `TELEGRAM_DEAMON_API_ID` | `--api-id` | api_id from https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id | |
| `TELEGRAM_DEAMON_API_HASH` | `--api-hash` | api_hash from https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id | |
| `TELEGRAM_DEAMON_CHANNEL` | `--dest` | Destenation path for downloading files | `/telegram-downloads` |
| `TELEGRAM_DEAMON_DEST` | `--channel` | Channel id to download from it | |
You can define the as Environment Variables, or put them as a commend line arguments, for example:
python telegram-download-deamon.py --api-ip <your-id> --api-hash <your-hash> --channel <channel-number>