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2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
# Disclamer
This soft is provided as is, without any warrantly.
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
This project use a modified version of the awesome [mpetazzoni/ttorrent] library. Thanks to **mpetazzoni** for this.
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
# How to use
### 1. Configuration
git clone
cd joal
cp -R resources <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>
We are almost ready to go, we still need to add some of your private tracker's `.torrent` file to `<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/`
cp *.torrent <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/
We are now ready to press the red button and fire up the ratio faker.
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
### 2. Building and running
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
##### With Docker
At the moment only an ARM based docker file is available.
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
docker build -f Dockerfile.arm -t araymond/joal .
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
docker run -d -v <PATH_TO_CONFIG_DIR>:/data -p 49152-65534:49152 --name="joal" araymond/joal
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
##### Without Docker
2017-03-10 03:30:50 +08:00
You need to have Java 8 installed.
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
cd joal
mvn clean package
java -jar target/jack-of-all-trades-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
# How it works
#### Application configuration
The application configuration belongs in `<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/config.json`.
"minUploadRate": 180,
"maxUploadRate": 190,
"seedFor": 840,
"waitBetweenSeed": 600,
"client": "azureus-"
- `minUploadRate` : The minimum uploadRate you want to fake (in kB/s) (**required**)
- `maxUploadRate` : The maximum uploadRate you want to fake (in kB/s) (**required**)
- `seedFor` : How long the client should seed for in a row (seeding session in minutes) (**required**)
- `waitBetweenSeed` : How long the client should wait before two seeding session (in minutes) (**required**)
- `client` : The name of the .client file to use in `<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/clients/` (**required**)
#### Torrent files
- All torrent file in `<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/` will be available for sharing.
- The torrent file to share is randomly selected between all files on every seed session (seed session duration is managed by the configuration file).
- All torrent file added/removed/modified in `<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/` while the client is running will be automatically hot loaded, there is no need to restart.
- If the torrent currently seeding reach 0 peers, the .torrent file associated is removed from the disk.
#### Emulated client file
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
Event if the soft works out of the box, you can add your own torrent clients.
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
###### .client file format
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
The below file correspond to azureus-
"peerIdInfo": {
"prefix": "-AZ3050-",
"type": "alphanumeric",
"upperCase": false,
"lowerCase": false
"keyInfo": {
"length": 8,
"type": "alphanumeric",
"upperCase": false,
"lowerCase": false
"query": "info_hash={infohash}&peer_id={peerid}&supportcrypto=1&port={port}&azudp={port}&uploaded={uploaded}&downloaded={downloaded}&left={left}&corrupt=0&event={event}&numwant={numwant}&no_peer_id=1&compact=1&key={key}&azver=3",
"numwant": 100,
"requestHeaders": [
{ "name": "User-Agent", "value":"Azureus;{os};{java}" },
{ "name": "Connection", "value": "close" },
{ "name": "Accept-Encoding", "value":"gzip" },
{ "name": "Host", "value":"{host}" },
{ "name": "Accept", "value":"text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2" },
{ "name": "Content-type", "value":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
- peerIdInfo (**required**)
- prefix : The BitTorrentClient prefix (**required**)
- type : The type of the peer_id_suffix (**required**, supported types: alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric, random, printable, hexadecimal)
- upperCase : Is the suffix uppercased? (optional, default=false)
- lowerCase : Is the suffix lowercased? (optional, default=false)
- keyInfo (**required only if query contains {key}**)
- length : Length of the key (**required**)
- type : The type of the peer_id_suffix (**required**, supported types: alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric, random, printable, hexadecimal)
- upperCase : Is the suffix uppercased? (optional, default=false)
- lowerCase : Is the suffix lowercased? (optional, default=false)
- query (**required**) : The BitTorrent client HTTP query string with **variables**
- numwant (optional, default 50) : The BitTorrent numwant
- requestHeaders (optional)
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
###### Query variables:
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
- `{peerid}` : BitTorrent client peerId (value from **peerIdInfo**)
- `{key}` : The key for the current session (value from **keyInfo**, optional if there is no key param in query string)
- `{numwant}` : BitTorrent client numwant (default is 50)
- `{infohash}` : Torrent file info_hash (auto-generated)
- `{uploaded}` : Total uploaded during this session (auto-generated)
- `{downloaded}` : Total downloaded during this session (auto-generated)
- `{left}` : Remaining to download for this torrent (auto-generated, and hardcoded to 0)
- `{port}` : Port you are listening on (auto-generated)
- `{ip}` : Local ip address (auto-generated)
- `{event}` : Event to be send to the tracker (auto-generated)
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00
###### Header variables:
2017-02-18 08:27:17 +08:00
- `{host}` : The remote host (auto-generated)
- `{os}` : The current os (auto-generated)
- `{java}` : The current running version of java (auto-generated)
- [x] Add application setting with setting file
- [x] App setting : min_upload_rate
- [x] App setting : max_upload_rate
- [x] Externalise client definition to .clients file
- [x] Add client header to HttpRequest
- [x] When a torrent reach 0 peers, try with another torrent instead of stopping.
- [x] When a torrent reach 0 peers, remove the torrent file from the directory.
- [x] Add a file watcher to monitor torrent folder (hot loading .torrent files instead of restarting)
- [x] Implement appear as contactable to peers.
- [ ] Add a config to define if torrent should be deleted or skipped if 0 peers were leeching.
- [ ] Add test.
- [ ] Refactoring.
2017-02-18 20:21:23 +08:00