Un guide en français est disponible [ici](http://h5ckfun.info/joal-le-nouveau-ratiomaster/) # Prepare configuration folder You first need to get the configuration folder. Replace `` by whatever path you want. ``` git clone git@github.com:anthonyraymond/joal.git cd joal cp -R resources ``` Now add some of your private tracker's `.torrent` file to `/torrents/`. But **be aware** that only torrent with at least 1 leecher will actually be used by *joal*, to keep your account from being banned. # Install and run ### With Docker **For ARM distribution only (raspberry)** ``` docker build -f Dockerfile.arm -t araymond/joal . docker run -d -v :/data -p 49152-65534:49152 --name="joal" araymond/joal ``` **For any other distribution** ``` docker build -t araymond/joal . docker run -d -v :/data -p 49152-65534:49152 --name="joal" araymond/joal ``` ### Without Docker You need to have **Java 8** installed. We first need to download the latest version of the .jar. Once again replace `` by your chosen path and execute this script ``` cd \ && GITHUB_REPO="https://github.com/anthonyraymond/joal" \ && LATEST=$(curl -sSI $GITHUB_REPO"/releases/latest" | perl -n -e '/^Location: .*?tag\/(.*?)\r*$/ && print "$1\n"') \ && curl -f -L $GITHUB_REPO"/releases/download/"$LATEST"/"$LATEST".jar" > ./jack-of-all-trades.jar ``` Then you can run the application with the following command *(replace X.X.X with your own version)* ``` java -jar jack-of-all-trades-X.X.X.jar ``` # Understanding configuration (optional) ### Torrent files - All torrent file in `/torrents/` will be available for sharing. - One random torrent file from `/torrents/` is chosen randomly for each seed session. - All torrent file added/removed/modified in `/torrents/` while the client is running will be automatically hot loaded, there is no need to restart. - **If the torrent currently seeding reach 0 peers, the file will be moved to `/torrents/archived` folder.** ### Application configuration The application configuration belongs in `/config.json`. ``` {  "minUploadRate": 180, "maxUploadRate": 190, "simultaneousSeed": 2, "client": "azureus-" } ``` - `minUploadRate` : The minimum uploadRate you want to fake (in kB/s) (**required**) - `maxUploadRate` : The maximum uploadRate you want to fake (in kB/s) (**required**) - `simultaneousSeed` : How many torrents should be seeding at the same time (**required**) - `client` : The name of the .client file to use in `/clients/` (**required**) ### Create your own torrent clients To learn more about .client, head to the [project's wiki][project-wiki]. ## ROADMAP to v2 - https://github.com/anthonyraymond/joal/issues/4 # Thanks: This project use a modified version of the awesome [mpetazzoni/ttorrent] library. Thanks to **mpetazzoni** for this. [project-wiki]: https://github.com/anthonyraymond/joal/wiki [mpetazzoni/ttorrent]: http://mpetazzoni.github.com/ttorrent/ [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-97530761-1/joal/readme?pixel)](https://github.com/igrigorik/ga-beacon)