import concurrent.futures from faker import Faker import requests import random import time from core import run_query, authenticate, do_work import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) engine = Faker() add_patient_query = """ mutation AddPatient( $clientPatientId: String!, $firstName: String!, $middleName: String, $lastName: String!, $age: Int!, $gender: Int!, $dateOfBirth: DateTime, $ageDobEstimated: Boolean, $clientUid: Int!, $phoneMobile: String!, $phoneHome: String!, $consentSms: Boolean, ){ createPatient( clientPatientId: $clientPatientId, firstName: $firstName, middleName: $middleName, lastName: $lastName, age: $age, gender: $gender, dateOfBirth: $dateOfBirth, ageDobEstimated: $ageDobEstimated, clientUid: $clientUid, phoneMobile: $phoneMobile, phoneHome: $phoneHome, consentSms: $consentSms ) { uid } } """ patient_variables = [ # list of lists - each list will be run in its own thread -> simulating multi user regs [ { 'clientPatientId': engine.ssn(), 'firstName': engine.first_name(), 'middleName': engine.first_name(), 'lastName': engine.last_name(), 'age': random.randint(1, 90), 'gender': random.choice([1, 2, 3]), 'dateOfBirth': str(engine.date_time()), 'ageDobEstimated': engine.boolean(), 'clientUid': 1, 'phoneMobile': engine.phone_number(), 'phoneHome': engine.phone_number(), 'consentSms': engine.boolean(), } for i in range(100) ] for x in range(10) ] # def do_work1(var_list): # auth_headers = authenticate() # # for variables in var_list: # run_query(query=add_patient_query, variables=variables, headers=auth_headers) # def start_patient_reg(): with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor: future_to_url = (executor.submit(do_work, add_patient_query, variables) for variables in patient_variables) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_url): try: data = future.result()"Done") except Exception as exc: logger.error(exc)