import logging from typing import List, Optional import strawberry # noqa from sqlalchemy import or_ from api.gql import OperationError, auth_from_info, verify_user_auth from api.gql.shipment.types import ShipmentType from apps.common.models import IdSequence from apps.job import models as job_models from apps.job import schemas as job_schemas from apps.job.conf import actions, categories, priorities, states from apps.shipment import conf, models, schemas from apps.shipment.utils import shipment_recover, shipment_recall, action_shipment from api.gql.shipment import types logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @strawberry.input class ShipmentInputType: laboratory_uid: str | None courier: str comment: str | None count: int | None = 1 @strawberry.input class ShipmentUpdateInputType: laboratory_uid: str | None courier: str comment: str | None = "" @strawberry.input class ReferenceSampleInput: sample_uid: str | None = None shiped_sample_uid: str | None = None analyses: list[str] # list of analysis uids being assignes/unassigned @strawberry.input class ShipmentManageSamplesInput: samples: List[ReferenceSampleInput] action: str @strawberry.type class ShipmentListingType: shipments: Optional[List[ShipmentType]] @strawberry.input class ReferralLaboratoryInputType: name: str code: str url: str username: str password: str is_reference: bool = False is_referral: bool = False ReferralLaboratoryResponse = strawberry.union( "ReferralLaboratoryResponse", (types.ReferralLaboratoryType, OperationError), # noqa description="", ) ShipmentsResponse = strawberry.union( "ShipmentsResponse", (ShipmentListingType, OperationError), description="" # noqa ) ShipmentResponse = strawberry.union( "ShipmentResponse", (ShipmentType, OperationError), description="" # noqa ) @strawberry.type class ShipmentMutations: @strawberry.mutation async def create_shipment( self, info, payload: ShipmentInputType ) -> ShipmentsResponse: is_authenticated, felicity_user = await auth_from_info(info) verify_user_auth( is_authenticated, felicity_user, "Only Authenticated user can create shipments", ) if not payload.courier: return OperationError(error="Courier Details are required") incoming = { "incoming": False, "comment": payload.comment, "courier": payload.courier, "laboratory_uid": payload.laboratory_uid, "shipment_id": None, "state": conf.shipment_states.EMPTY, "created_by_uid": felicity_user.uid, "updated_by_uid": felicity_user.uid, } sh_schema = schemas.ShipmentCreate(**incoming) shipment_schemas = [ sh_schema.copy( update={"shipment_id": (await IdSequence.get_next_number("SH"))[1]} ) for i in list(range(payload.count)) ] shipments = await models.Shipment.bulk_create(shipment_schemas)"Bulk create: {shipments}") # to get lazy loads working otherwise return WorksheetListingType(shipments) return ShipmentListingType( shipments=[(await models.Shipment.get(uid=sh.uid)) for sh in shipments] ) @strawberry.mutation async def update_shipment( self, info, uid: str, payload: ShipmentUpdateInputType ) -> ShipmentResponse: # noqa is_authenticated, felicity_user = await auth_from_info(info) verify_user_auth( is_authenticated, felicity_user, "Only Authenticated user can update shipments", ) if not uid: return OperationError(error="The uid for the update shipment was not provided") # if not all(not getattr(payload, attr) for attr in dir(payload)): # return OperationError(error="Either comment, courier or samples must be provided.") shipment: Optional[models.Shipment] = await models.Shipment.get( uid=uid ) if not shipment: return OperationError( error=f"Shipment {uid} does not exist" ) shipment_data = shipment.to_dict() for field in shipment_data: if field in payload.__dict__: try: setattr(shipment, field, payload.__dict__[field]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) shipment_in = schemas.ShipmentUpdate(**shipment.to_dict()) shipment = await shipment.update(shipment_in) return ShipmentType(**shipment.marshal_simple()) @strawberry.mutation async def action_shipment( self, info, uid: str, action: str ) -> ShipmentResponse: # noqa is_authenticated, felicity_user = await auth_from_info(info) verify_user_auth( is_authenticated, felicity_user, "Only Authenticated user can action shipments", ) if not uid or not action: return OperationError(error="The uid/action for the update shipment was not provided") shipment: Optional[models.Shipment] = await models.Shipment.get( uid=uid ) if not shipment: return OperationError( error=f"Shipment {uid} does not exist" ) if action == "dispatch": shipment = await shipment.change_state(conf.shipment_states.AWAITING, felicity_user.uid) job_schema = job_schemas.JobCreate( action=actions.SH_DISPATCH, category=categories.SHIPMENT, priority=priorities.MEDIUM, creator_uid=felicity_user.uid, job_id=shipment.uid, status=states.PENDING, data=None, ) await job_models.Job.create(job_schema) else: shipment = await action_shipment(uid, action, felicity_user) return ShipmentType(**shipment.marshal_simple()) @strawberry.mutation async def shipment_manage_samples( self, info, uid: str, payload: ShipmentManageSamplesInput ) -> ShipmentResponse: is_authenticated, felicity_user = await auth_from_info(info) verify_user_auth( is_authenticated, felicity_user, "Only Authenticated user can update shipments", ) if not len(payload.samples) > 0: return OperationError(error="Samples for assignment are required") if not uid: return OperationError(error="Shipment uid is required") shipment = await models.Shipment.get(uid=uid) if not shipment: return OperationError(error=f"Shipment {uid} does not exist") data = list(map(lambda s: s.__dict__, payload.samples)) if payload.action == "assign": # Add a job job_schema = job_schemas.JobCreate( action=actions.SH_MANUAL_ASSIGN, category=categories.SHIPMENT, priority=priorities.MEDIUM, creator_uid=felicity_user.uid, job_id=shipment.uid, status=states.PENDING, data=data, ) await job_models.Job.create(job_schema) elif payload.action == "recover": await shipment_recover(shipment.uid, data, felicity_user.uid) elif payload.action == "recall": await shipment_recall(shipment.uid, data, felicity_user.uid) else: pass shipment = await models.Shipment.get(uid=uid) return ShipmentType(**shipment.marshal_simple()) @strawberry.mutation async def create_referral_laboratory(info, payload: ReferralLaboratoryInputType) -> ReferralLaboratoryResponse: is_authenticated, felicity_user = await auth_from_info(info) verify_user_auth( is_authenticated, felicity_user, "Only Authenticated user can create referral labs", ) if not or not payload.code: return OperationError(error="Name and Code are mandatory") stmt = models.ReferralLaboratory.smart_query(filters={ or_: { 'name__exact':, 'code__exact': payload.code }}) exists = await models.ReferralLaboratory.from_smart_query(stmt) if exists: return OperationError(error=f"ReferralLaboratory: {}, {payload.code} already exists") incoming = { "created_by_uid": felicity_user.uid, "updated_by_uid": felicity_user.uid, } for k, v in payload.__dict__.items(): incoming[k] = v obj_in = schemas.ReferralLaboratoryCreate(**incoming) referral_laboratory: models.ReferralLaboratory = await models.ReferralLaboratory.create( obj_in ) return types.ReferralLaboratoryType(**referral_laboratory.marshal_simple()) @strawberry.mutation async def update_referral_laboratory( info, uid: str, payload: ReferralLaboratoryInputType ) -> ReferralLaboratoryResponse: is_authenticated, felicity_user = await auth_from_info(info) verify_user_auth( is_authenticated, felicity_user, "Only Authenticated user can update referral labs", ) referral_laboratory = await models.ReferralLaboratory.get(uid=uid) if not referral_laboratory: return OperationError(error=f"ReferralLaboratory with uid {uid} does not exist") st_data = referral_laboratory.to_dict() for field in st_data: if field in payload.__dict__: try: setattr(referral_laboratory, field, payload.__dict__[field]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) referral_laboratory_in = schemas.ReferralLaboratoryUpdate(**referral_laboratory.to_dict()) referral_laboratory = await referral_laboratory.update(referral_laboratory_in) return types.ReferralLaboratoryType(**referral_laboratory.marshal_simple())