from typing import List import logging from datetime import datetime from felicity.apps.analysis import schemas from felicity.apps.analysis.models.analysis import SampleType from felicity.apps.analysis.models.results import AnalysisResult, ResultMutation from felicity.apps.analysis.conf import states from felicity.apps.reflex.utils import ReflexUtil from felicity.utils import has_value_or_is_truthy from sqlalchemy import or_ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def get_qc_sample_type(): st = await SampleType.get(name="QC Sample") if not st: st_in = schemas.SampleTypeCreate( name="QC Sample", description="QC Sample", abbr="QCS" ) st = await SampleType.create(st_in) return st async def sample_search( model, status: str, text: str, client_uid: int ) -> List[schemas.SampleType]: """No pagination""" filters = [] _or_text_ = {} if has_value_or_is_truthy(text): arg_list = [ "sample_id__ilike", "analysis_request___patient___first_name__ilike", "analysis_request___patient___last_name__ilike", "analysis_request___patient___client_patient_id__ilike", "analysis_request___client_request_id__ilike", ] for _arg in arg_list: _or_text_[_arg] = f"%{text}%" text_filters = {or_: _or_text_} filters.append(text_filters) if client_uid: filters.append({"analysis_request___client_uid__exact": client_uid}) if status: filters.append({"status__exact": status}) filters.append({"internal_use__ne": True}) stmt = model.smart_query(filters=filters, sort_attrs=["uid"]) return (await model.session.execute(stmt)).scalars().all() async def retest_from_result_uids(uids: List[int], user): originals = [] retests = [] for _ar_uid in uids: a_result: AnalysisResult = await AnalysisResult.get( uid=_ar_uid ) if not a_result: raise Exception(f"AnalysisResult with uid {_ar_uid} not found") _retest, a_result = await a_result.retest_result( retested_by=user, next_action="verify" ) if _retest: retests.append(_retest) originals.append(a_result) return retests, originals async def results_submitter(analysis_results: List[dict], submitter): return_results = [] for _ar in analysis_results: uid = _ar['uid'] a_result: AnalysisResult = await AnalysisResult.get( uid=uid ) if not a_result: return Exception(f"AnalysisResult with uid {uid} not found") # only submit results in pending state if a_result.status not in [states.result.PENDING]: return_results.append(a_result) continue analysis_result = a_result.to_dict(nested=False) for field in analysis_result: if field in _ar.keys(): try: setattr(a_result, field, _ar.get(field, None)) except AttributeError as e: logger.warning(e) # No Empty Results result = getattr(a_result, "result", None) if not result or result.strip() == "" or len(result.strip()) == 0: setattr(a_result, "result", None) else: setattr(a_result, "status", states.result.RESULTED) # set submitter ad date_submitted setattr(a_result, "submitted_by_uid", submitter.uid) setattr(a_result, "date_submitted", # set updated_by try: setattr(a_result, "updated_by_uid", submitter.uid) except AttributeError: pass a_result_in = schemas.AnalysisResultUpdate(**a_result.to_dict()) a_result = await a_result.update(a_result_in) # mutate result await result_mutator(a_result) # Do Reflex Testing"ReflexUtil .... running") await ReflexUtil(analysis_result=a_result, user=submitter).do_reflex()"ReflexUtil .... done") # try to submit sample if a_result.sample: await a_result.sample.submit(submitted_by=submitter) # try to submit associated worksheet if a_result.worksheet_uid: await a_result.worksheet.submit(submitter=submitter) return_results.append(a_result) return return_results async def verify_from_result_uids(uids: List[int], user): to_return = [] for _ar_uid in uids: a_result: AnalysisResult = await AnalysisResult.get( uid=_ar_uid ) if not a_result: raise Exception(f"AnalysisResult with uid {_ar_uid} not found") # No Empty Results status = getattr(a_result, "status", None) if status == states.result.RESULTED: _, a_result = await a_result.verify(verifier=user) to_return.append(a_result) else: continue # try to verify associated sample if a_result.sample: await a_result.sample.verify(verified_by=user) # try to submit associated worksheet if a_result.worksheet_uid: await a_result.worksheet.verify(verified_by=user) return to_return async def result_mutator(result: AnalysisResult): result_in = result.result correction_factors = result.analysis.correction_factors specifications = result.analysis.specifications detection_limits = result.analysis.detection_limits uncertainties = result.analysis.uncertainties if isinstance(result.result, int): # Corection factor for cf in correction_factors: if cf.instrument_uid == result.instrument_uid and cf.method_uid == result.method_uid: await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": result.result * cf.factor, "mutation": f"Multiplied the result {result.result} with a correction factor of {cf.factor}", "date": }) result.result = result.result * cf.factor # Specifications: Take more priority than DL for spec in specifications: # Min if result.result < spec.min_warn: await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": spec.min_report, "mutation": f"Result was less than the minimun warning specification {spec.min_warn} and must be reported as {spec.min_report}", "date": }) result.result = spec.min_report elif result.result < spec.min: result.result = result.result # Max if result.result > spec.max_warn: await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": spec.max_report, "mutation": f"Result was greater than the maximun warning specification {spec.max_warn} and must be reported as {spec.max_report}", "date": }) result.result = spec.max_report elif result.result > spec.max: result.result = result.result # Detection Limit Check for dlim in detection_limits: if result.result < dlim.lower_limit: await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": f"< {dlim.lower_limit}", "mutation": f"Result fell below the Lower Detection Limit {dlim.lower_limit} and must be reported as < {dlim.lower_limit}", "date": }) result.result = f"< {dlim.lower_limit}" if result.result > dlim.upper_limit: await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": f"> {dlim.upper_limit}", "mutation": f"Result fell Above the Upper Detection Limit {dlim.upper_limit} and must be reported as > {dlim.upper_limit}", "date": }) result.result = f"> {dlim.upper_limit}" # uncertainty if isinstance(result.result, int): for uncert in uncertainties: if uncert.min <= result.result <= uncert.max: await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": f"{result.result} +/- {uncert.value}", "mutation": f"Result fell inside the range [{uncert.min},{uncert.max}] with an un uncertainty of +/- {uncert.value}", "date": }) result.result = f"{result.result} +/- {uncert.value}" elif isinstance(result.result, str): for spec in specifications: if result.result in spec.warn_values.split(","): await ResultMutation.create(obj_in={ "result_uid": result.uid, "before": result.result, "after": spec.warn_report, "mutation": f"Result with specification (result ::equals:: {result.result}) must be reported as {spec.warn_report}", "date": }) result.result = spec.warn_report if result_in != result.result: await