from typing import Generic, Optional, TypeVar from pydantic import BaseModel from felicity.apps.abstract.entity import BaseEntity from felicity.apps.abstract.repository import BaseRepository E = TypeVar("E", bound=BaseEntity) C = TypeVar("C", bound=BaseModel) U = TypeVar("U", bound=BaseModel) class BaseService(Generic[E, C, U]): """ A generic base service class for handling CRUD operations and queries. Type Parameters: E: Type of the Entity C: Type of the Create model U: Type of the Update model """ def __init__(self, repository) -> None: """ Initialize the service with a repository. Args: repository: A callable that returns a BaseRepository instance """ self.repository: BaseRepository = repository async def paging_filter( self, page_size: int | None = None, after_cursor: str | None = None, before_cursor: str | None = None, filters: list[dict] | dict | None = None, sort_by: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Perform paginated filtering of entities. Args: page_size: Number of items per page after_cursor: Cursor for fetching next page before_cursor: Cursor for fetching previous page filters: Filtering criteria sort_by: Sorting criteria **kwargs: Additional arguments Returns: Paginated result of entities """ return await self.repository.paginate( page_size, after_cursor, before_cursor, filters, sort_by, **kwargs ) async def search(self, **kwargs) -> list[E]: """ Search for entities based on given criteria. Args: **kwargs: Search parameters Returns: List of matching entities """ return await**kwargs) async def all(self) -> list[E]: """ Retrieve all entities. Returns: List of all entities """ return await self.repository.all() async def get(self, related: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs) -> E: """ Get a single entity based on given criteria. Args: **kwargs: Criteria for fetching the entity Returns: A single entity """ return await self.repository.get(related=related, **kwargs) async def get_by_uids(self, uids: list[str]) -> list[E]: """ Get multiple entities by their UIDs. Args: uids: List of entity UIDs Returns: List of entities matching the given UIDs """ return await self.repository.get_by_uids(uids) async def get_all(self, related: list[str] | None = None, **kwargs) -> list[E]: """ Get all entities matching the given criteria. Args: **kwargs: Criteria for fetching entities Returns: List of matching entities """ return await self.repository.get_all(related=related, **kwargs) async def create(self, c: C | dict, related: list[str] | None = None) -> E: """ Create a new entity. Args: c: Create model or dictionary with entity data related: List of related entity names to fetch after creation Returns: Newly created entity (with related entities if specified) """ data = self._import(c) created = await self.repository.create(**data) if not related: return created return await self.get(related=related, uid=created.uid) async def bulk_create( self, bulk: list[dict | C], related: list[str] | None = None ) -> list[E]: """ Create multiple entities in bulk. Args: bulk: List of create models or dictionaries with entity data related: List of related entity names to fetch after creation Returns: List of newly created entities (with related entities if specified) """ created = await self.repository.bulk_create([self._import(b) for b in bulk]) if not related: return created return [(await self.get(related=related, uid=x.uid)) for x in created] async def update(self, uid: str, update: U | dict, related: list[str] | None = None) -> E: """ Update an existing entity. Args: uid: Unique identifier of the entity to update update: Update model or dictionary with updated entity data related: List of related entity names to fetch after update Returns: Updated entity (with related entities if specified) """ if "uid" in update: del update["uid"] updated = await self.repository.update(uid, **self._import(update)) if not related: return updated return await self.get(related=related, uid=updated.uid) async def save(self, entity: E, related: list[str] | None = None) -> E: """ Save an entity (create if not exists, update if exists). Args: entity: Entity to save related: List of related entity names to fetch after saving Returns: Saved entity (with related entities if specified) """ saved = await if not related: return saved return await self.get(related=related, uid=saved.uid) async def bulk_update_with_mappings(self, mappings: list[dict]) -> None: """ Perform bulk updates using a list of mappings. Args: mappings: List of dictionaries containing update information Returns: None """ return await self.repository.bulk_update_with_mappings(mappings) async def delete(self, uid: str) -> None: """ Delete an entity by its unique identifier. Args: uid: Unique identifier of the entity to delete Returns: None """ return await self.repository.delete(uid) @classmethod def _import(cls, schema_in: C | U | dict) -> dict: """ Convert Pydantic schema to dict. Args: schema_in: Input schema (Pydantic model or dict) Returns: Dictionary representation of the input """ if isinstance(schema_in, dict): return schema_in return schema_in.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)