import datetime import json import logging from apps.audit.models import AuditLog from sqlalchemy import event, inspect from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import get_history logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ACTION_CREATE = 1 ACTION_UPDATE = 2 ACTION_DELETE = 3 # Only audit the events in this list PLEASE_AUDIT = [ACTION_UPDATE] def custom_serial(o): if isinstance(o, (, datetime.datetime)): return o.isoformat() raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(o)) class AuditableMixin: """Allow a model to be automatically audited""" @staticmethod def create_audit(connection, object_type, object_id, action, **kwargs): audit = AuditLog( object_type, object_id, action, kwargs.get("state_before"), kwargs.get("state_after"), ) @classmethod def __declare_last__(cls): logger.debug("trigger") if ACTION_CREATE in PLEASE_AUDIT: event.listens_for(cls, "after_insert", cls.audit_insert) if ACTION_DELETE in PLEASE_AUDIT: event.listen(cls, "after_delete", cls.audit_delete) if ACTION_UPDATE in PLEASE_AUDIT: event.listen(cls, "after_update", cls.audit_update) @staticmethod def audit_insert(mapper, connection, target): """Listen for the `after_insert` event and create an AuditLog entry""" target.create_audit(connection, target.__tablename__, target.uid, ACTION_CREATE) @staticmethod def audit_delete(mapper, connection, target): """Listen for the `after_delete` event and create an AuditLog entry""" target.create_audit(connection, target.__tablename__, target.uid, ACTION_DELETE) @staticmethod def audit_update(mapper, connection, target): """Listen for the `after_update` event and create an AuditLog entry with before and after state changes""" state_before = {} state_after = {} inspector = inspect(target) attrs = class_mapper(target.__class__).column_attrs for attr in attrs: hist = getattr(inspector.attrs, attr.key).history if hist.has_changes(): if isinstance(get_history(target, attr.key)[2], tuple): continue state_before[attr.key] = get_history(target, attr.key)[2].pop() state_after[attr.key] = getattr(target, attr.key) else: if attr.key in ["updated_by_uid", "created_by_uid"]: state_after[attr.key] = getattr(target, attr.key) try: state_before[attr.key] = get_history(target, attr.key)[2].pop() except Exception: state_before[attr.key] = getattr(target, attr.key) if len(state_after.keys()) == 1: if "updated_at" in list(state_after.keys()): return target.create_audit( connection, target.__tablename__, target.uid, ACTION_UPDATE, state_before=json.dumps(state_before, default=custom_serial), state_after=json.dumps(state_after, default=custom_serial), )