import logging import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta from difflib import SequenceMatcher from typing import Any, Optional, Union from core.config import settings from jose import jwt from passlib.context import CryptContext logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") ALGORITHM = "HS256" # Passwords def verify_password(plain_password: str, hashed_password: str) -> bool: return pwd_context.verify(plain_password, hashed_password) def get_password_hash(password: str) -> str: return pwd_context.hash(password) # JWTokens def create_access_token( subject: Union[str, Any], expires_delta: timedelta = None ) -> str: if expires_delta: expire = datetime.utcnow() + expires_delta else: expire = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta( minutes=settings.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES ) expire = expire.timestamp() * 1000 # convert to milliseconds to_encode = {"exp": expire, "sub": str(subject)} encoded_jwt = jwt.encode(to_encode, settings.SECRET_KEY, algorithm=ALGORITHM) return encoded_jwt def generate_password_reset_token(email: str) -> str: delta = timedelta(hours=settings.EMAIL_RESET_TOKEN_EXPIRE_HOURS) now = datetime.utcnow() expires = now + delta exp = expires.timestamp() encoded_jwt = jwt.encode( {"exp": exp, "nbf": now, "sub": email}, settings.SECRET_KEY, algorithm="HS256" ) return encoded_jwt def verify_password_reset_token(token: str) -> Optional[str]: try: decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, settings.SECRET_KEY, algorithms=["HS256"])"decoded_token: {decoded_token}") return decoded_token["sub"] except jwt.JWTError: return None def password_similarity(username: str, password: str, max_similarity=0.7): """ check is the similarity between the password and username ratio > max_similarity is similar ratio <= max_similarity is not similar """ ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, username, password).ratio() return True if ratio > max_similarity else False, ratio def format_password_message(old: str, new: str): if not old: return new return f"{old}, {new}" def password_check(password, username): """ Verify the strength of 'password' Returns a dict indicating the wrong criteria A password is considered strong if: 8 characters length or more 1 digit or more 1 symbol or more 1 uppercase letter or more 1 lowercase letter or more not similar to username """ # calculating the length length_error = len(password) < 8 # searching for digits digit_error ="\d", password) is None # searching for uppercase uppercase_error ="[A-Z]", password) is None # searching for lowercase lowercase_error ="[a-z]", password) is None # searching for symbols symbol_error ="\W", password) is None # similarity error similar_error = password_similarity(username, password)[0] # overall result password_ok = not ( length_error or digit_error or uppercase_error or lowercase_error or symbol_error or similar_error ) message = "" if not password_ok: if length_error: message = format_password_message( message, "Password must not be less than 8 characters long " ) if digit_error: message = format_password_message( message, "Password must contain at least a digit" ) if uppercase_error: message = format_password_message( message, "Password must contain upper case letters" ) if lowercase_error: message = format_password_message( message, "Password must contain lowercase letters" ) if symbol_error: message = format_password_message(message, "Password must contain symbols") if similar_error: message = format_password_message( message, "Password is too similar to your username" ) return { "password_ok": password_ok, "length_error": length_error, "digit_error": digit_error, "uppercase_error": uppercase_error, "lowercase_error": lowercase_error, "symbol_error": symbol_error, "similar_error": similar_error, "message": message, }