2021-09-05 20:05:20 +02:00

129 lines
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import logging
from graphql import GraphQLError
from graphene import relay
import graphene
import graphene_sqlalchemy
from abc import abstractmethod
from felicity.apps.user.models import UserAuth
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# All my mutations subclass AuthorizedMutation and just implement their
# business logic in mutate_authorized. It is called only if user was authorized.
# https://itnext.io/python-graphql-tips-tricks-and-performance-improvements-beede1f4adb6
class AuthorizedMutation(relay.ClientIDMutation):
class Meta:
abstract = True
def mutate_authorized(cls, root, info, **kwargs):
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, **kwargs):
# authorize user using info.context.headers.get('Authorization')
return cls.mutate_authorized(root, info, **kwargs)
def anonymous_return(value):
def anonymous_return_decorator(func):
def anonymous_return_wrapper(obj, info, **kwargs):
has_authenticated = is_authenticated(info.context.get('request')) or same_origin(
if has_authenticated:
return func(obj, info, **kwargs)
logger.info(f"not authenticated")
if callable(value):
return value()
return value
return anonymous_return_wrapper
return anonymous_return_decorator
class AuthenticationRequired(graphene.ObjectType):
message = graphene.String(
def default_message():
raise GraphQLError(f"Authentication Required")
# return AuthenticationRequired(
# message="You must be logged in to perform this action"
# )
def is_authenticated(request):
return request.user.is_authenticated
def same_origin(request):
# logger.info(f"same origin: {request.headers.get('sec-fetch-site', 'unknown')}")
return request.headers.get('sec-fetch-site', 'unknown') == "same-origin"
class FilterableConnectionField(graphene_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyConnectionField):
RELAY_ARGS = ['first', 'last', 'before', 'after', 'sort']
def get_query(cls, model, info, **args):
query = super(FilterableConnectionField, cls).get_query(model, info, **args)
for field, value in args.items():
if field not in cls.RELAY_ARGS:
query = query.filter(getattr(model, field) == value)
return query
def auth_from_info(info):
is_auth = is_authenticated(info.context['request'])
username = info.context['request'].user.username
except AttributeError:
username = None
if not username:
return False, None
auth = UserAuth.get_by_username(username)
if not auth:
return False, None
user = getattr(auth, auth.user_type)
if not user:
return False, None
# extract other info from request headers
# try:
# user_role = info.context['request'].headers.get('x-felicity-role')
# except AttributeError:
# user_role = None
# try:
# user_id = info.context['request'].headers.get('x-felicity-user-id')
# except AttributeError:
# token = None
return is_auth, user
def verify_user_auth(is_auth: bool = False, user=None, err_msg: str = None) -> None:
if not is_auth:
raise GraphQLError(f"Please login: {err_msg}")
if not user:
raise GraphQLError(f"Failed to acquire authenticated user")