
3305 lines
82 KiB

input ARResultInputType {
uid: String!
result: String!
reportable: Boolean = true
input ARSampleInputType {
sampleType: String!
profiles: [String!]!
analyses: [String!]!
type ActivityFeedType {
uid: String!
name: String!
subscribers: [UserType!]
type ActivityStreamType {
uid: String!
feeds: [ActivityFeedType!]
actorUid: String
actor: UserType
verb: String
actionObjectType: String
actionObjectUid: String
targetUid: String
target: String
viewers: [UserType!]
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
actionObject: WorkSheetTypeSampleTypeAnalysisResultTypeReportMetaTypeUnknownObjectType!
input AnalysisCategoryInputType {
name: String!
departmentUid: String = null
description: String = null
active: Boolean = true
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding a new notice"""
union AnalysisCategoryResponse = AnalysisCategoryType | OperationError
type AnalysisCategoryType {
uid: String!
name: String!
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
description: String
active: Boolean!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input AnalysisCorrectionFactorInput {
factor: Float!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
methodUid: String!
union AnalysisCorrectionFactorResponse = AnalysisCorrectionFactorType | OperationError
type AnalysisCorrectionFactorType {
uid: String!
factor: Float!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
methodUid: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type AnalysisCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [AnalysisEdge!]
items: [AnalysisWithProfiles!]
totalCount: Int!
input AnalysisDetectionLimitInput {
lowerLimit: Float!
upperLimit: Float!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
methodUid: String!
union AnalysisDetectionLimitResponse = AnalysisDetectionLimitType | OperationError
type AnalysisDetectionLimitType {
uid: String!
lowerLimit: Float!
upperLimit: Float!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
methodUid: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union AnalysisDiscountResponse = AnalysisDiscountType | OperationError
type AnalysisDiscountType {
uid: String!
analysisUid: String!
analysis: AnalysisType!
name: String!
discountType: String!
valueType: String!
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime!
voucherUid: String
voucher: VoucherType
valuePercent: Float!
valueAmount: Float!
isActive: Boolean!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type AnalysisEdge {
cursor: String!
node: AnalysisWithProfiles!
input AnalysisInputType {
name: String!
keyword: String!
sortKey: Int!
description: String! = ""
departmentUid: String = null
sampleTypes: [String!]
methods: [String!]
categoryUid: String = null
unitUid: String = null
internalUse: Boolean = false
tatLengthMinutes: Int!
precision: Int!
requiredVerifications: Int! = 1
selfVerification: Boolean = false
active: Boolean = true
input AnalysisInterimInput {
key: Int!
value: String!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
union AnalysisInterimResponse = AnalysisInterimType | OperationError
type AnalysisInterimType {
uid: String!
key: Int!
value: String!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input AnalysisMappingInputType {
analysisUid: String!
codingStandardUid: String!
name: String!
code: String!
description: String = null
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding a new notice"""
union AnalysisMappingResponse = AnalysisMappingType | OperationError
type AnalysisMappingType {
uid: String!
analysisUid: String!
analysis: AnalysisType
codingStandardUid: String!
codingStandard: CodingStandardType
name: String
description: String
code: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union AnalysisPriceResponse = AnalysisPriceType | OperationError
type AnalysisPriceType {
uid: String!
analysisUid: String!
analysis: AnalysisType!
isActive: Boolean!
amount: Float!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding a new notice"""
union AnalysisProfileResponse = ProfileType | OperationError
type AnalysisRequestCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [AnalysisRequestEdge!]
items: [AnalysisRequestWithSamples!]
totalCount: Int!
type AnalysisRequestEdge {
cursor: String!
node: AnalysisRequestWithSamples!
input AnalysisRequestInputType {
patientUid: String!
clientUid: String!
clientContactUid: String!
clinicalData: String = ""
samples: [ARSampleInputType!]!
clientRequestId: String = null
internalUse: Boolean = false
priority: Int! = 0
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding/editing analysis requests """
union AnalysisRequestResponse = AnalysisRequestWithSamples | OperationError
type AnalysisRequestType {
uid: String!
patientUid: String!
patient: PatientType!
clientUid: String!
client: ClientType!
requestId: String!
clientRequestId: String!
internalUse: Boolean!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type AnalysisRequestWithSamples {
uid: String!
patientUid: String!
patient: PatientType!
clientUid: String!
client: ClientType!
requestId: String!
clientRequestId: String!
internalUse: Boolean!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
samples: [SampleType!]
type AnalysisResultCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [AnalysisResultEdge!]
items: [AnalysisResultType!]
totalCount: Int!
type AnalysisResultEdge {
cursor: String!
node: AnalysisResultType!
"""Union of possible outcomes when actioning samples"""
union AnalysisResultResponse = ResultListingType | OperationError
"""Union of possible outcomes when submitting/verifying results"""
union AnalysisResultSubmitResponse = OperationSuccess | OperationError
type AnalysisResultType {
uid: String!
sampleUid: String!
sample: SampleType!
worksheetUid: String
worksheetPosition: Int
assigned: Boolean!
analysisUid: String
analysis: AnalysisType
instrumentUid: String
instrument: InstrumentType
methodUid: String
method: MethodType
result: String
analystUid: String
analyst: UserType
submittedByUid: String
submittedBy: UserType
dateSubmitted: DateTime
verifiedBy: [UserType!]
dateVerified: DateTime
invalidatedBy: UserType
invalidatedByUid: String
dateInvalidated: DateTime
dueDate: String
dateCancelled: DateTime
cancelledByUid: String
cancelledBy: UserType
retest: Boolean!
parentId: String
parent: AnalysisResultType
reportable: Boolean!
status: String
reflexLevel: Int
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
worksheetId: String
input AnalysisSpecificationInput {
analysisUid: String!
min: Float = null
max: Float = null
minWarn: Float = null
maxWarn: Float = null
minReport: String = null
maxReport: String = null
warnValues: String = null
warnReport: String = null
gender: String = null
ageMin: Int = null
ageMax: Int = null
methodUid: String = null
unitUid: String = null
union AnalysisSpecificationResponse = AnalysisSpecificationType | OperationError
type AnalysisSpecificationType {
uid: String!
analysisUid: String!
min: Float
max: Float
minWarn: Float
maxWarn: Float
minReport: String
maxReport: String
warnValues: String
warnReport: String
gender: String
ageMin: Int
ageMax: Int
methodUid: String
unitUid: String
unit: UnitType
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type AnalysisType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
keyword: String
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
unitUid: String
unit: UnitType
sampleTypes: [SampleTypeTyp!]
categoryUid: String
category: AnalysisCategoryType
interims: [AnalysisInterimType!]
correctionFactors: [AnalysisCorrectionFactorType!]
specifications: [AnalysisSpecificationType!]
detectionLimits: [AnalysisDetectionLimitType!]
uncertainties: [AnalysisUncertaintyType!]
resultOptions: [ResultOptionType!]
instruments: [InstrumentType!]
methods: [MethodType!]
tatLengthMinutes: Int
sortKey: Int
precision: Int
requiredVerifications: Int
selfVerification: Boolean
hidden: Boolean
internalUse: Boolean
active: Boolean
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input AnalysisUncertaintyInput {
min: Float!
max: Float!
value: Float!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
methodUid: String!
union AnalysisUncertaintyResponse = AnalysisUncertaintyType | OperationError
type AnalysisUncertaintyType {
uid: String!
min: Float!
max: Float!
value: Float!
analysisUid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
methodUid: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type AnalysisWithProfiles {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
keyword: String
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
unitUid: String
unit: UnitType
sampleTypes: [SampleTypeTyp!]
categoryUid: String
category: AnalysisCategoryType
interims: [AnalysisInterimType!]
correctionFactors: [AnalysisCorrectionFactorType!]
specifications: [AnalysisSpecificationType!]
detectionLimits: [AnalysisDetectionLimitType!]
uncertainties: [AnalysisUncertaintyType!]
resultOptions: [ResultOptionType!]
instruments: [InstrumentType!]
methods: [MethodType!]
tatLengthMinutes: Int
sortKey: Int
precision: Int
requiredVerifications: Int
selfVerification: Boolean
hidden: Boolean
internalUse: Boolean
active: Boolean
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
profiles: [ProfileType!]
input ApplyVoucherInput {
voucherCode: String!
testBillUid: String!
customerUid: String!
type AuditLogType {
uid: String!
userId: String
targetType: String
targetId: String
action: Int
stateBefore: String
stateAfter: String
type AuthenticatedData {
user: UserType!
token: String!
refresh: String!
tokenType: String!
union AuthenticatedDataResponse = AuthenticatedData | OperationError
input BillTransactionInput {
testBillUid: String!
kind: String!
amount: Float!
notes: String = ""
scalar BytesScalar
input CalibrationCertificateInput {
instrumentUid: String!
dateIssued: DateTime
validFromDate: String
validToDate: String
certificateCode: String = ""
issuer: String = ""
performedBy: String = ""
approvedBy: String = ""
remarks: String = ""
internal: Boolean! = true
union CalibrationCertificateResponse = CalibrationCertificateType | OperationError
type CalibrationCertificateType {
uid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
instrument: InstrumentType
certificateCode: String!
internal: Boolean!
issuer: String!
dateIssued: DateTime!
validFromDate: DateTime!
validToDate: DateTime!
performedBy: String!
approvedBy: String!
remarks: String!
input ClientContactInputType {
firstName: String!
clientUid: String!
lastName: String = null
email: String = null
emailCc: String = null
mobilePhone: String = null
consentSms: Boolean = false
isActive: Boolean! = true
union ClientContactResponse = ClientContactType | OperationError
type ClientContactType {
uid: String!
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
mobilePhone: String
businessPhone: String
isActive: Boolean
emailCc: String
consentSms: Boolean!
clientUid: String!
client: ClientType
createdAt: String
creatorName: String
creatorUid: String
updatedAt: String
updatorName: String
updatorUid: String
type ClientCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [ClientEdge!]
items: [ClientType!]
totalCount: Int!
type ClientEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ClientType!
input ClientInputType {
name: String!
code: String!
districtUid: String = null
email: String = null
emailCc: String = null
consentEmail: Boolean = false
phoneMobile: String = null
phoneBusiness: String = null
consentSms: Boolean = false
internalUse: Boolean = false
active: Boolean = true
union ClientResponse = ClientType | OperationError
type ClientType {
uid: String!
name: String!
code: String!
districtUid: String
district: DistrictType
provinceUid: String
province: ProvinceType
email: String
emailCc: String
consentEmail: Boolean!
phoneMobile: String
phoneBusiness: String
consentSms: Boolean!
internalUse: Boolean!
active: Boolean!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input CodingStandardInputType {
name: String!
description: String = ""
union CodingStandardResponse = CodingStandardType | OperationError
type CodingStandardType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input CountryInputType {
name: String!
code: String!
active: Boolean = true
union CountryResponse = CountryType | OperationError
type CountryType {
uid: String!
name: String
code: String
active: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type CreateQCSetData {
samples: [SampleType!]!
qcSets: [QCSetType!]!
"""Date with time (isoformat)"""
scalar DateTime
union DeleteContactResponse = DeletedItem | OperationError
"""Union of possible outcomes when deleting some object"""
union DeleteResponse = DeletedItem | OperationError
type DeletedItem {
uid: String!
input DepartmentInputType {
name: String!
description: String = ""
code: String = ""
union DepartmentResponse = DepartmentType | OperationError
type DepartmentType {
uid: String!
name: String
description: String
code: String
createdByUid: String
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedAt: String
type DistrictCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [DistrictEdge!]
items: [DistrictType!]
totalCount: Int!
type DistrictEdge {
cursor: String!
node: DistrictType!
input DistrictInputType {
name: String!
provinceUid: String
code: String = ""
email: String = ""
emailCc: String = ""
mobilePhone: String = ""
businessPhone: String = ""
active: Boolean = true
union DistrictResponse = DistrictType | OperationError
type DistrictType {
uid: String!
code: String
name: String
email: String
emailCc: String
mobilePhone: String
businessPhone: String
active: Boolean
provinceUid: String
province: ProvinceType
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type GroupCount {
group: String!
count: Int
type GroupData {
group: String!
counts: [GroupCount!]
input GroupInputType {
name: String!
pages: String!
active: Boolean! = true
union GroupResponse = GroupType | OperationError
type GroupType {
uid: String!
name: String
keyword: String
members: [UserType!]
permissions: [PermissionType!]
active: Boolean
pages: String
type GroupedCounts {
data: [GroupCount!]!
type GroupedData {
data: [GroupData!]!
input HazardInputType {
name: String!
description: String!
union HazardResponse = HazardType | OperationError
type HazardType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
union IdentificationResponse = IdentificationType | OperationError
type IdentificationType {
uid: String!
name: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input InstrumentCalibrationInput {
instrumentUid: String!
dateReported: DateTime
startDate: String
endDate: String
calibrationId: String = ""
reportId: String = ""
performedBy: String = ""
notesBefore: String = ""
workDone: String = ""
remarks: String = ""
union InstrumentCalibrationResponse = InstrumentCalibrationType | OperationError
type InstrumentCalibrationType {
uid: String!
instrumentUid: String!
instrument: InstrumentType
calibrationId: String!
dateReported: DateTime!
reportId: String!
performedBy: String!
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime!
notesBefore: String!
workDone: String!
remarks: String!
type InstrumentCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [InstrumentEdge!]
items: [InstrumentType!]
totalCount: Int!
type InstrumentEdge {
cursor: String!
node: InstrumentType!
input InstrumentInputType {
name: String!
keyword: String!
description: String = ""
instrumentTypeUid: String = null
supplierUid: String = null
manufacturerUid: String = null
union InstrumentResponse = InstrumentType | OperationError
type InstrumentType {
uid: String!
name: String
description: String
keyword: String
supplierUid: String
supplier: SupplierType
manufacturerUid: String
manufacturer: ManufacturerType
instrumentTypeUid: String
instrumentType: InstrumentTypeType
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
methods: [MethodType!]
type InstrumentTypeCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [InstrumentTypeEdge!]
items: [InstrumentTypeType!]
totalCount: Int!
type InstrumentTypeEdge {
cursor: String!
node: InstrumentTypeType!
input InstrumentTypeInputType {
name: String!
description: String = ""
union InstrumentTypeResponse = InstrumentTypeType | OperationError
type InstrumentTypeType {
uid: String!
name: String
description: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
"""json field"""
scalar JSONScalar
input LaboratoryInputType {
labName: String!
setupName: String! = "felicity"
tagLine: String = ""
email: String = null
emailCc: String = null
mobilePhone: String = null
businessPhone: String = null
labManagerUid: String = null
address: String = null
banking: String = null
logo: String = null
qualityStatement: String = null
union LaboratoryResponse = LaboratoryType | OperationError
input LaboratorySettingInputType {
laboratoryUid: String!
allowSelfVerification: Boolean = false
allowPatientRegistration: Boolean = true
allowSampleRegistration: Boolean = true
allowWorksheetCreation: Boolean = true
defaultRoute: String = null
passwordLifetime: Int = null
inactivityLogOut: Int = null
defaultTheme: String = null
autoReceiveSamples: Boolean = true
stickerCopies: Int = 2
allowBilling: Boolean = false
allowAutoBilling: Boolean = false
currency: String = "USD"
paymentTermsDays: Int = 0
union LaboratorySettingResponse = LaboratorySettingType | OperationError
type LaboratorySettingType {
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
uid: String!
laboratoryUid: String!
laboratory: LaboratoryType!
allowSelfVerification: Boolean
allowPatientRegistration: Boolean
allowSampleRegistration: Boolean
allowWorksheetCreation: Boolean
defaultRoute: String
passwordLifetime: Int
defaultTatMinutes: Int
inactivityLogOut: Int
defaultTheme: String
autoReceiveSamples: Boolean
stickerCopies: Int
allowAutoBilling: Boolean
allowBilling: Boolean
currency: String
paymentTermsDays: Int
type LaboratoryType {
uid: String!
setupName: String!
labName: String!
tagLine: String
labManagerUid: String
labManager: UserType
code: String
email: String
emailCc: String
mobilePhone: String
businessPhone: String
address: String
banking: String
logo: String
qualityStatement: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type LaggardCounts {
lessThanTen: Int
tenToTwenty: Int
twentyToThirty: Int
graterThanThirty: Int
totalIncomplete: Int
totalDelayed: Int
totalNotDelayed: Int
type LaggardData {
category: String!
counts: LaggardCounts
type LaggardStatistics {
data: [LaggardData!]!
input ManufacturerInputType {
name: String!
description: String = ""
union ManufacturerResponse = ManufacturerType | OperationError
type ManufacturerType {
uid: String!
name: String
description: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
"""Union of possible outcomes when deleting some object"""
union MessageResponse = MessagesType | OperationError
type MessageThreadType {
uid: String!
recipients: [UserType!]!
messages: [MessageType!]
broadcast: Boolean!
deletedBy: [UserType!]
createdByUid: String
createdAt: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type MessageType {
uid: String!
threadUid: String!
thread: MessageThreadType
body: String!
viewers: [UserType!]
deletedBy: [UserType!]
parentId: String!
parent: MessageType
left: Int!
right: Int!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type MessagesType {
message: String!
type MethodCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [MethodEdge!]
items: [MethodType!]
totalCount: Int!
type MethodEdge {
cursor: String!
node: MethodType!
input MethodInputType {
name: String!
instruments: [String!]
analyses: [String!]
keyword: String = null
description: String = ""
union MethodResponse = MethodType | OperationError
type MethodType {
uid: String!
name: String
description: String
keyword: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
instruments: [InstrumentType!]
type Mutation {
createUser(firstName: String!, lastName: String!, email: String!, groupUid: String = null, openReg: Boolean = false): UserResponse!
updateUser(userUid: String!, firstName: String, lastName: String, mobilePhone: String, email: String, groupUid: String, isActive: Boolean): UserResponse!
createUserAuth(userUid: String!, userName: String!, password: String!, passwordc: String!): UserResponse!
updateUserAuth(userUid: String!, userName: String, password: String, passwordc: String): UserResponse!
authenticateUser(username: String!, password: String!): AuthenticatedDataResponse!
refresh(refreshToken: String!): AuthenticatedDataResponse!
unlinkUserAuth(userUid: String!): UserResponse!
requestPasswordReset(email: String!): MessageResponse!
validatePasswordResetToken(token: String!): PasswordResetValidityResponse!
resetPassword(authUid: String!, username: String!, password: String!, passwordc: String!): MessageResponse!
createGroup(payload: GroupInputType!): GroupResponse!
updateGroup(uid: String!, payload: GroupInputType!): GroupResponse!
updateGroupPermissions(groupUid: String!, permissionUid: String!): UpdatedGroupPermsResponse!
updateLaboratory(uid: String!, payload: LaboratoryInputType!): LaboratoryResponse!
updateLaboratorySetting(uid: String!, payload: LaboratorySettingInputType!): LaboratorySettingResponse!
createDepartment(payload: DepartmentInputType!): DepartmentResponse!
updateDepartment(uid: String!, payload: DepartmentInputType!): DepartmentResponse!
createSupplier(payload: SupplierInputType!): SupplierResponse!
updateSupplier(uid: String!, payload: SupplierInputType!): SupplierResponse!
createManufacturer(payload: ManufacturerInputType!): ManufacturerResponse!
updateManufacturer(uid: String!, payload: ManufacturerInputType!): ManufacturerResponse!
createCountry(payload: CountryInputType!): CountryResponse!
updateCountry(uid: String!, payload: CountryInputType!): CountryResponse!
createProvince(payload: ProvinceInputType!): ProvinceResponse!
updateProvince(uid: String!, payload: ProvinceInputType!): ProvinceResponse!
createDistrict(payload: DistrictInputType!): DistrictResponse!
updateDistrict(uid: String!, payload: DistrictInputType!): DistrictResponse!
createUnit(payload: UnitInputType!): UnitResponse!
updateUnit(uid: String!, payload: UnitInputType!): UnitResponse!
createClient(payload: ClientInputType!): ClientResponse!
updateClient(uid: String!, payload: ClientInputType!): ClientResponse!
createClientContact(payload: ClientContactInputType!): ClientContactResponse!
updateClientContact(uid: String!, payload: ClientContactInputType!): ClientContactResponse!
deleteClientContact(uid: String!): DeleteContactResponse!
createIdentification(name: String!): IdentificationResponse!
updateIdentification(uid: String!, name: String!): IdentificationResponse!
createPatient(payload: PatientInputType!): PatientResponse!
updatePatient(uid: String!, payload: PatientInputType!): PatientResponse!
createCodingStandard(payload: CodingStandardInputType!): CodingStandardResponse!
updateCodingStandard(uid: String!, payload: CodingStandardInputType!): CodingStandardResponse!
createSampleType(payload: SampleTypeInputType!): SampleTypeResponse!
updateSampleType(uid: String!, payload: SampleTypeInputType!): SampleTypeResponse!
createSampleTypeMapping(payload: SampleTypeMappingInputType!): SampleTypeMappingResponse!
updateSampleTypeMapping(uid: String!, payload: SampleTypeMappingInputType!): SampleTypeMappingResponse!
createResultOption(payload: ResultOptionInputType!): ResultOptionResponse!
updateResultOption(uid: String!, payload: ResultOptionInputType!): ResultOptionResponse!
createRejectionReason(reason: String!): RejectionReasonResponse!
updateRejectionReason(uid: String!, reason: String!): RejectionReasonResponse!
createAnalysisCategory(payload: AnalysisCategoryInputType!): AnalysisCategoryResponse!
updateAnalysisCategory(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisCategoryInputType!): AnalysisCategoryResponse!
createProfile(payload: ProfileInputType!): AnalysisProfileResponse!
updateProfile(uid: String!, payload: ProfileInputType!): AnalysisProfileResponse!
createProfileMapping(payload: ProfileMappingInputType!): ProfileMappingResponse!
updateProfileMapping(uid: String!, payload: ProfileMappingInputType!): ProfileMappingResponse!
createAnalysis(payload: AnalysisInputType!): ProfilesServiceResponse!
updateAnalysis(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisInputType!): ProfilesServiceResponse!
createAnalysisMapping(payload: AnalysisMappingInputType!): AnalysisMappingResponse!
updateAnalysisMapping(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisMappingInputType!): AnalysisMappingResponse!
createAnalysisRequest(payload: AnalysisRequestInputType!): AnalysisRequestResponse!
createAnalysisInterim(payload: AnalysisInterimInput!): AnalysisInterimResponse!
updateAnalysisInterim(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisInterimInput!): AnalysisInterimResponse!
createAnalysisUncertainty(payload: AnalysisUncertaintyInput!): AnalysisUncertaintyResponse!
updateAnalysisUncertainty(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisUncertaintyInput!): AnalysisUncertaintyResponse!
createAnalysisCorrectionFactor(payload: AnalysisCorrectionFactorInput!): AnalysisCorrectionFactorResponse!
updateAnalysisCorrectionFactor(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisCorrectionFactorInput!): AnalysisCorrectionFactorResponse!
createAnalysisDetectionLimit(payload: AnalysisDetectionLimitInput!): AnalysisDetectionLimitResponse!
updateAnalysisDetectionLimit(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisDetectionLimitInput!): AnalysisDetectionLimitResponse!
createAnalysisSpecification(payload: AnalysisSpecificationInput!): AnalysisSpecificationResponse!
updateAnalysisSpecification(uid: String!, payload: AnalysisSpecificationInput!): AnalysisSpecificationResponse!
cloneSamples(samples: [String!]!): SampleActionResponse!
cancelSamples(samples: [String!]!): ResultedSampleActionResponse!
reInstateSamples(samples: [String!]!): ResultedSampleActionResponse!
receiveSamples(samples: [String!]!): ResultedSampleActionResponse!
verifySamples(samples: [String!]!): SampleActionResponse!
rejectSamples(samples: [SampleRejectInputType!]!): SampleActionResponse!
publishSamples(samples: [SamplePublishInputType!]!): SuccessErrorResponse!
printSamples(samples: [String!]!): SampleActionResponse!
invalidateSamples(samples: [String!]!): SampleActionResponse!
submitAnalysisResults(analysisResults: [ARResultInputType!]!, sourceObject: String!, sourceObjectUid: String!): AnalysisResultSubmitResponse!
verifyAnalysisResults(analyses: [String!]!, sourceObject: String!, sourceObjectUid: String!): AnalysisResultSubmitResponse!
retractAnalysisResults(analyses: [String!]!): AnalysisResultResponse!
retestAnalysisResults(analyses: [String!]!): AnalysisResultResponse!
cancelAnalysisResults(analyses: [String!]!): AnalysisResultResponse!
reInstateAnalysisResults(analyses: [String!]!): AnalysisResultResponse!
createQcSet(samples: [QCSetInputType!]!): QCSetResponse!
createQcLevel(level: String!): QCLevelResponse!
updateQcLevel(uid: String!, level: String!): QCLevelResponse!
createQcTemplate(payload: QCTemplateInputType!): QCTemplateResponse!
updateQcTemplate(uid: String!, payload: QCTemplateInputType!): QCTemplateResponse!
createWorksheetTemplate(payload: WorksheetTemplateInputType!): WorkSheetTemplateResponse!
updateWorksheetTemplate(uid: String!, payload: WorksheetTemplateInputType!): WorkSheetTemplateResponse!
createWorksheet(templateUid: String!, analystUid: String!, count: Int = 1): WorkSheetsResponse!
updateWorksheet(worksheetUid: String!, analystUid: String = null, instrumentUid: String = null, methodUid: String = null, action: String = null, samples: [String!] = null): WorkSheetResponse!
updateWorksheetApplyTemplate(templateUid: String!, worksheetUid: String!): WorkSheetResponse!
updateWorksheetManualAssign(uid: String!, analysesUids: [String!]!, qcTemplateUid: String = null): WorkSheetResponse!
sendMessage(recipients: [String!]!, body: String!): MessageResponse!
replyMessage(threadUid: String!, body: String!): MessageResponse!
viewMessage(uid: String!): MessageResponse!
deleteMessage(uid: String!): DeleteResponse!
deleteThread(uid: String!): DeleteResponse!
createNotice(payload: NoticeInputType!): NoticeResponse!
updateNotice(uid: String!, payload: NoticeInputType!): NoticeResponse!
viewNotice(uid: String!, viewer: String!): NoticeType!
deleteNotice(uid: String!): DeleteResponse!
createReflexRule(payload: ReflexRuleInput!): ReflexRuleResponse!
updateReflexRule(uid: String!, payload: ReflexRuleInput!): ReflexRuleResponse!
createReflexAction(payload: ReflexActionInput!): ReflexActionResponse!
updateReflexAction(uid: String!, payload: ReflexActionInput!): ReflexActionResponse!
createReflexBrain(payload: ReflexBrainInput!): ReflexBrainResponse!
updateReflexBrain(uid: String!, payload: ReflexBrainInput!): ReflexBrainResponse!
createStoreRoom(payload: StoreRoomInputType!): StoreRoomResponse!
updateStoreRoom(uid: String!, payload: StoreRoomInputType!): StoreRoomResponse!
createStorageLocation(payload: StorageLocationInputType!): StorageLocationResponse!
updateStorageLocation(uid: String!, payload: StorageLocationInputType!): StorageLocationResponse!
createStorageSection(payload: StorageSectionInputType!): StorageSectionResponse!
updateStorageSection(uid: String!, payload: StorageSectionInputType!): StorageSectionResponse!
createStorageContainer(payload: StorageContainerInputType!): StorageContainerResponse!
updateStorageContainer(uid: String!, payload: StorageContainerInputType!): StorageContainerResponse!
storeSamples(payload: [StoreSamplesInputType!]!): StoreSampleResponse!
recoverSamples(sampleUids: [String!]!): StoreSampleResponse!
createStockItem(payload: StockItemInputType!): StockItemResponse!
updateStockItem(uid: String!, payload: StockItemInputType!): StockItemResponse!
createStockCategory(payload: StockCategoryInputType!): StockCategoryResponse!
updateStockCategory(uid: String!, payload: StockCategoryInputType!): StockCategoryResponse!
createHazard(payload: HazardInputType!): HazardResponse!
updateHazard(uid: String!, payload: HazardInputType!): HazardResponse!
createStockUnit(payload: StockUnitInputType!): StockUnitResponse!
updateStockUnit(uid: String!, payload: StockUnitInputType!): StockUnitResponse!
createStockPackaging(payload: StockPackagingInputType!): StockPackagingResponse!
updateStockPackaging(uid: String!, payload: StockPackagingInputType!): StockPackagingResponse!
createStockProduct(payload: StockProductInputType!): StockProductResponse!
updateStockProduct(uid: String!, payload: StockProductInputType!): StockProductResponse!
createStockOrder(payload: StockOrderInputType!): StockOrderResponse!
updateStockOrder(uid: String!, payload: StockOrderInputType!): StockOrderResponse!
submitStockOrder(uid: String!): StockOrderResponse!
approveStockOrder(uid: String!, payload: StockOrderApprovalInputType!): StockOrderResponse!
issueStockOrder(uid: String!, payload: [StockOrderProductLineInputType!]!): StockOrderResponse!
deleteStockOrder(uid: String!): StockOrderResponse!
createStockTransaction(payload: StockTransactionInputType!): StockTransactionResponse!
createStockAdjustment(payload: StockAdjustmentInputType!): StockAdjustmentResponse!
createInstrumentType(payload: InstrumentTypeInputType!): InstrumentTypeResponse!
updateInstrumentType(uid: String!, payload: InstrumentTypeInputType!): InstrumentTypeResponse!
createInstrument(payload: InstrumentInputType!): InstrumentResponse!
updateInstrument(uid: String!, payload: InstrumentInputType!): InstrumentResponse!
createInstrumentCaliberation(payload: InstrumentCalibrationInput!): InstrumentCalibrationResponse!
updateInstrumentCaliberation(uid: String!, payload: InstrumentInputType!): InstrumentCalibrationResponse!
createCaliberationCertificate(payload: CalibrationCertificateInput!): CalibrationCertificateResponse!
updateCaliberationCertificate(uid: String!, payload: CalibrationCertificateInput!): CalibrationCertificateResponse!
createMethod(payload: MethodInputType!): MethodResponse!
updateMethod(uid: String!, payload: MethodInputType!): MethodResponse!
createShipment(payload: ShipmentInputType!): ShipmentsResponse!
updateShipment(uid: String!, payload: ShipmentUpdateInputType!): ShipmentResponse!
actionShipment(uid: String!, action: String!): ShipmentResponse!
shipmentManageSamples(uid: String!, payload: ShipmentManageSamplesInput!): ShipmentResponse!
createReferralLaboratory(payload: ReferralLaboratoryInputType!): ReferralLaboratoryResponse!
updateReferralLaboratory(uid: String!, payload: ReferralLaboratoryInputType!): ReferralLaboratoryResponse!
updateProfilePrice(uid: String!, payload: PriceInput!): ProfilePriceResponse!
updateAnalysisPrice(uid: String!, payload: PriceInput!): AnalysisPriceResponse!
updateProfileDiscount(uid: String!, payload: PriceDiscountInput!): ProfileDiscountResponse!
updateAnalysisDiscount(uid: String!, payload: PriceDiscountInput!): AnalysisDiscountResponse!
createVoucher(payload: VoucherInput!): VoucherResponse!
updateVoucher(uid: String!, payload: VoucherInput!): VoucherResponse!
createVoucherCode(payload: VoucherCodeInput!): VoucherCodeResponse!
updateVoucherCode(uid: String!, payload: VoucherCodeInput!): VoucherCodeResponse!
createTestBillTransaction(payload: BillTransactionInput!): TestBillTransactionResponse!
applyVoucher(payload: ApplyVoucherInput!): TestBillTransactionResponse!
type Nothing {
data: String
input NoticeInputType {
title: String!
body: String!
expiry: String!
groups: [String!]
departments: [String!]
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding a new notice"""
union NoticeResponse = NoticeType | OperationError
type NoticeType {
uid: String!
departments: [DepartmentType!]
groups: [GroupType!]
title: String!
body: String!
viewers: [UserType!]
expiry: String!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type NotificationType {
uid: String!
departments: DepartmentType
groups: GroupType
users: UserType
message: String!
viewers: UserType
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
type OperationError {
error: String!
suggestion: String
type OperationSuccess {
message: String!
type PageInfo {
hasNextPage: Boolean!
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
startCursor: String
endCursor: String
union PasswordResetValidityResponse = PasswordResetValidityType | OperationError
type PasswordResetValidityType {
username: String!
authUid: String!
type PatientCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [PatientEdge!]
items: [PatientType!]
totalCount: Int!
type PatientEdge {
cursor: String!
node: PatientType!
type PatientIdentificationType {
uid: String!
patientUid: String!
identificationUid: String!
identification: IdentificationType
value: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input PatientInputType {
clientPatientId: String!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
clientUid: String!
gender: String!
middleName: String = null
age: Int = null
dateOfBirth: DateTime = null
ageDobEstimated: Boolean = false
phoneMobile: String = null
phoneHome: String = null
consentSms: Boolean = false
internalUse: Boolean = false
countryUid: String = null
provinceUid: String = null
districtUid: String = null
identifications: [PatientidentificationInput!]
union PatientResponse = PatientType | OperationError
type PatientType {
uid: String!
clientPatientId: String!
patientId: String!
clientUid: String!
client: ClientType
firstName: String
middleName: String
lastName: String
gender: String
age: Int
dateOfBirth: DateTime
ageDobEstimated: Boolean!
phoneMobile: String
phoneHome: String
consentSms: Boolean!
email: String
internalUse: Boolean!
active: Boolean!
districtUid: String
district: DistrictType
provinceUid: String
province: ProvinceType
countryUid: String
country: CountryType
identifications: [PatientIdentificationType]!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input PatientidentificationInput {
value: String!
identificationUid: String!
type PermissionType {
uid: String!
action: String
target: String
active: Boolean
input PriceDiscountInput {
discountType: String!
valueType: String = null
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime!
voucherUid: String = null
valuePercent: Float = null
valueAmount: Float = null
isActive: Boolean!
input PriceInput {
amount: Float!
isActive: Boolean = true
type ProcessCounts {
totalSamples: Int
totalLate: Int
totalNotLate: Int
processAverage: Int
avgExtraDays: Int
service: String
type ProcessData {
process: String!
counts: ProcessCounts
groups: [ProcessCounts!]
type ProcessStatistics {
data: [ProcessData!]!
union ProfileDiscountResponse = ProfileDiscountType | OperationError
type ProfileDiscountType {
uid: String!
profileUid: String!
profile: ProfileType!
name: String!
discountType: String!
valueType: String!
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime!
voucherUid: String
voucher: VoucherType
valuePercent: Float!
valueAmount: Float!
isActive: Boolean!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input ProfileInputType {
name: String!
description: String! = ""
departmentUid: String = null
sampleTypes: [String!]
services: [String!]
keyword: String = null
active: Boolean = true
input ProfileMappingInputType {
profileUid: String!
codingStandardUid: String!
name: String!
code: String!
description: String = null
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding a new notice"""
union ProfileMappingResponse = ProfileMappingType | OperationError
type ProfileMappingType {
uid: String!
profileUid: String!
profile: ProfileType
codingStandardUid: String!
codingStandard: CodingStandardType
name: String
description: String
code: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union ProfilePriceResponse = ProfilePriceType | OperationError
type ProfilePriceType {
uid: String!
profileUid: String!
profile: ProfileType!
isActive: Boolean!
amount: Float!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type ProfileType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
keyword: String
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
tatLengthMinutes: Int
analyses: [AnalysisType!]
sampleTypes: [SampleTypeTyp!]
active: Boolean!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union ProfilesServiceResponse = AnalysisWithProfiles | OperationError
type ProvinceCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [ProvinceEdge!]
items: [ProvinceType!]
totalCount: Int!
type ProvinceEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ProvinceType!
input ProvinceInputType {
name: String
countryUid: String
code: String = ""
email: String = ""
emailCc: String = ""
mobilePhone: String = ""
businessPhone: String = ""
active: Boolean = true
union ProvinceResponse = ProvinceType | OperationError
type ProvinceType {
uid: String!
code: String
name: String
email: String
emailCc: String
mobilePhone: String
businessPhone: String
active: Boolean
countryUid: String
country: CountryType
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union QCLevelResponse = QCLevelType | OperationError
type QCLevelType {
uid: String!
level: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type QCSetCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [QCSetEdge!]
items: [QCSetWithSamples!]
totalCount: Int!
type QCSetEdge {
cursor: String!
node: QCSetWithSamples!
input QCSetInputType {
qcTemplateUid: String
qcLevels: [String!]!
analysisProfiles: [String!]!
analysisServices: [String!]!
union QCSetResponse = CreateQCSetData | OperationError
type QCSetType {
uid: String!
name: String!
note: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type QCSetWithSamples {
uid: String!
name: String!
note: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
samples: [SamplesWithResults!]
input QCTemplateInputType {
name: String!
description: String! = ""
departments: [String!] = null
levels: [String!]!
union QCTemplateResponse = QCTemplateType | OperationError
type QCTemplateType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
departments: [DepartmentType!]!
qcLevels: [QCLevelType!]!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type Query {
laboratory(setupName: String!): LaboratoryType!
laboratorySetting(setupName: String!): LaboratorySettingType!
manufacturerAll: [ManufacturerType!]!
supplierAll: [SupplierType!]!
departmentAll: [DepartmentType!]!
districtAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): DistrictCursorPage!
provinceAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): ProvinceCursorPage!
countryAll: [CountryType!]!
unitAll: [UnitType!]!
manufacturerByUid(uid: String!): ManufacturerType!
supplierByUid(uid: String!): SupplierType!
departmentByUid(uid: String!): DepartmentType!
districtByUid(uid: String!): DistrictType!
districtsByProvinceUid(uid: String!): [DistrictType!]!
provinceByUid(uid: String!): ProvinceType!
provincesByCountryUid(uid: String!): [ProvinceType!]!
countryByUid(uid: String!): CountryType!
unitByUid(uid: String!): UnitType!
auditLogsFilter(targetType: String!, targetId: String!): [AuditLogType!]!
userAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): UserCursorPage!
userMe(token: String!): UserType
userByEmail(email: String!): UserType
groupAll: [GroupType!]!
groupByUid(uid: String!): GroupType
permissionAll: [PermissionType!]!
permissionByUid(uid: String!): PermissionType
clientAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): ClientCursorPage!
clientByUid(uid: String!): ClientType!
clientByCode(code: String!): ClientType!
clientsByName(name: String!): [ClientType!]!
clientSearch(queryString: String!): [ClientType!]!
clientContactAll: [ClientContactType!]!
clientContactUid(uid: String!): ClientContactType!
clientContactByClientUid(clientUid: String!): [ClientContactType!]!
patientAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): PatientCursorPage!
patientByUid(uid: String!): PatientType
patientByPatientId(patientId: String!): PatientType
patientSearch(queryString: String!): [PatientType!]!
identificationAll: [IdentificationType!]!
identificationByUid(uid: String!): IdentificationType!
codingStandardAll: [CodingStandardType!]!
sampleTypeAll: [SampleTypeTyp!]!
sampleTypeByUid(uid: String!): SampleTypeTyp!
sampleTypeMappingsBySampleType(sampleTypeUid: String!): [SampleTypeMappingType!]!
sampleAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, status: String = null, clientUid: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): SampleCursorPage!
samplesForShipmentAssign(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null, analysisUid: String = null, sampleTypeUid: String = null): SampleCursorPage!
sampleSearch(status: String!, text: String!, clientUid: String!): [SampleType!]!
sampleCount(status: String!, text: String!, clientUid: String!): Int!
sampleByUid(uid: String!): SampleType!
sampleByParentId(parentId: String!, text: String = null): [SampleType!]!
samplesByUids(sampleUids: [String!]! = []): [SamplesWithResults!]!
samplesByStorageContainerUid(uid: String!): [SampleType!]!
profileAll: [ProfileType!]!
profileByUid(uid: String!): ProfileType!
profileMappingsByProfile(profileUid: String!): [ProfileMappingType!]!
analysisCategoryAll: [AnalysisCategoryType!]!
analysisCategoryByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisCategoryType!
analysisAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null, qcOnly: Boolean = false): AnalysisCursorPage!
analysisByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisType!
analysisMappingsByAnalysis(analysisUid: String!): [AnalysisMappingType!]!
analysisWithoutProfile: [AnalysisType!]!
analysisRequestAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): AnalysisRequestCursorPage!
analysisRequestByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisRequestWithSamples!
analysisRequestsByPatientUid(uid: String!): [AnalysisRequestWithSamples!]!
analysisRequestsByClientUid(uid: String!): [AnalysisRequestWithSamples!]!
analysisResultByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisResultType!
analysisResultBySampleUid(uid: String!): [AnalysisResultType!]!
analysisResultsForWsAssign(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null, analysisUid: String = null, sampleTypeUid: String = null): AnalysisResultCursorPage!
analysisInterimAll: [AnalysisInterimType!]!
analysisInterimByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisInterimType!
analysisCorrectionFactorAll: [AnalysisCorrectionFactorType!]!
analysisCorrectionFactorByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisCorrectionFactorType!
analysisUncertaintyAll: [AnalysisUncertaintyType!]!
analysisUncertaintyByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisUncertaintyType!
analysisDetectionLimitAll: [AnalysisDetectionLimitType!]!
analysisDetectionLimitByUid(uid: String!): AnalysisDetectionLimitType!
analysisSpecificationAll: [AnalysisSpecificationType!]!
analysisSpecificationUid(uid: String!): AnalysisSpecificationType!
qcSetAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): QCSetCursorPage!
qcSetByUid(uid: String!): QCSetWithSamples!
qcLevelAll: [QCLevelType!]!
qcLevelByUid(uid: String!): QCLevelType!
qcTemplateAll: [QCTemplateType!]!
qcTemplateByUid(uid: String!): QCTemplateType!
resultOptionsByAnalysisUid(uid: String!): ResultOptionType!
rejectionReasonsAll: [RejectionReasonType!]!
rejectionReasonByUid(uid: String!): RejectionReasonType!
worksheetAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, status: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): WorkSheetCursorPage!
worksheetTemplateAll: [WorkSheetTemplateType!]!
worksheetByAnalyst(analystUid: String!): [WorkSheetType!]!
worksheetByUid(worksheetUid: String!): WorkSheetType!
worksheetById(worksheetId: String!): WorkSheetType!
worksheetByStatus(worksheetStatus: String!): [WorkSheetType!]!
worksheetTemplateByUid(worksheetUid: String!): [WorkSheetType!]!
threadsForUser(uid: String!): [MessageThreadType!]
threadByUid(uid: String!): MessageThreadType
noticeByUid(uid: String!): NoticeType
noticesByCreator(uid: String!): [NoticeType!]
noticeFilter(groupUid: String, departmentUid: String): [NoticeType!]!
notificationFilter(groupUid: String, departmentUid: String, userUid: String): [NotificationType!]!
notificationByUid(uid: String!): NotificationType
countSampleGroupByStatus: GroupedCounts!
countSampleGroupByAction(startDate: String = null, endDate: String = null): GroupedData!
countAnalyteGroupByStatus: GroupedCounts!
countWorksheetGroupByStatus: GroupedCounts!
countExtrasGroupByStatus: GroupedCounts!
countAnalyteGroupByInstrument(startDate: String = null, endDate: String = null): GroupedCounts!
sampleProcessPerformance(startDate: String!, endDate: String!): ProcessStatistics!
analysisProcessPerformance(process: String!, startDate: String!, endDate: String!): ProcessStatistics!
sampleLaggards: LaggardStatistics!
reflexRuleAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): ReflexRuleCursorPage!
reflexRuleByUid(uid: String!): ReflexRuleType
storeRoomAll: [StoreRoomType!]!
storeRoomByUid(uid: String!): StoreRoomType
storageLocations(storeRoomUid: String!): [StorageLocationType!]!
storageLocationByUid(uid: String!): StorageLocationType
storageSections(storageLocationUid: String!): [StorageSectionType!]!
storageSectionByUid(uid: String!): StorageSectionType
storageContainers(storageSectionUid: String!): [StorageContainerType!]!
storageContainerByUid(uid: String!): StorageContainerType
stockItemAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): StockItemCursorPage!
stockItemByUid(uid: String!): StockItemType
stockCategoryAll: [StockCategoryType!]!
stockCategoryByUid(uid: String!): StockCategoryType
hazardAll: [HazardType!]!
hazardByUid(uid: String!): HazardType
stockUnitAll: [StockUnitType!]!
stockUnitByUid(uid: String!): StockUnitType
stockPackagingAll: [StockPackagingType!]!
stockPackagingByUid(uid: String!): StockPackagingType
stockProductAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): StockProductCursorPage!
stockProductByUid(uid: String!): StockProductType
stockOrderAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, status: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): StockOrderCursorPage!
stockOrderByUid(uid: String!): StockOrderType
stockOrderProductAll(stockOrderUid: String!): [StockOrderProductType!]!
stockOrderProductByUid(uid: String!): StockOrderProductType
stockTransactionAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): StockTransactionCursorPage!
stockTransactionByUid(uid: String!): StockTransactionType
stockAdjustmentAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): StockAdjustmentCursorPage!
stockAdjustmentByUid(uid: String!): StockAdjustmentType
impressReportsMeta(uids: [String!]!): [ReportImpressType!]!
impressReportsDownload(uids: [String!]!): BytesScalar
impressReportDownload(uid: String!): BytesScalar
barcodeSamples(sampleUids: [String!]!): BytesScalar
instrumentTypeAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): InstrumentTypeCursorPage!
instrumentAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): InstrumentCursorPage!
methodAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): MethodCursorPage!
instrumentTypeByUid(uid: String!): InstrumentTypeType!
instrumentByUid(uid: String!): InstrumentType!
methodByUid(uid: String!): MethodType!
shipmentAll(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, incoming: Boolean! = false, status: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): ShipmentCursorPage!
shipmentByUid(shipmentUid: String!): ShipmentType!
shipmentById(shipmentId: String!): ShipmentType!
shipmentByStatus(shipmentStatus: String!): [ShipmentType!]!
referralLaboratoryAll: [ReferralLaboratoryType!]!
referralLaboratoryByUid(uid: String!): ReferralLaboratoryType!
referralLaboratoryByCode(code: String!): ReferralLaboratoryType!
manifestReportDownload(uid: String!): BytesScalar
bills(pageSize: Int = null, afterCursor: String = null, beforeCursor: String = null, text: String = null, isActive: Boolean = null, partial: Boolean = null, clientUid: String = null, sortBy: [String!] = null): TestBillCursorPage!
billByUid(uid: String!): TestBillType
billsForPatient(patientUid: String!): [TestBillType!]
billsForClient(clientUid: String!): [TestBillType!]
billTransactions(billUid: String!): [TestBillTransactionType!]
billInvoices(billUid: String!): [TestBillInvoiceType!]
billInvoice(invoiceUid: String!): TestBillInvoiceType
billInvoiceCreate(billUid: String!): BytesScalar
priceForProfile(profileUid: String!): ProfilePriceType
priceForAnalysis(analysisUid: String!): AnalysisPriceType
discountForProfile(profileUid: String!): ProfileDiscountType
discountForAnalysis(analysisUid: String!): AnalysisDiscountType
voucherAll: [VoucherType!]
voucherByUid(uid: String!): VoucherType
voucherCodes(voucherUid: String!): [VoucherCodeType!]
input ReferenceSampleInput {
sampleUid: String = null
shipedSampleUid: String = null
analyses: [String!]!
input ReferralLaboratoryInputType {
name: String!
code: String!
url: String!
username: String!
password: String!
isReference: Boolean! = false
isReferral: Boolean! = false
union ReferralLaboratoryResponse = ReferralLaboratoryType | OperationError
type ReferralLaboratoryType {
uid: String!
name: String
code: String
url: String
username: String
password: String
isReference: Boolean
isReferral: Boolean
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input ReflexActionInput {
level: Int!
description: String!
analyses: [String!]!
reflexRuleUid: String!
sampleTypeUid: String = null
union ReflexActionResponse = ReflexActionType | OperationError
type ReflexActionType {
uid: String!
level: Int!
description: String!
analyses: [AnalysisType!]
sampleTypeUid: String
sampleType: SampleTypeTyp
reflexRuleUid: String!
reflexRule: ReflexRuleType
brains: [ReflexBrainType!]
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input ReflexAddNewInput {
analysisUid: String!
count: Int!
type ReflexBrainAdditionType {
analysisUid: String!
analysis: AnalysisType
reflexBrainUid: String!
reflexBrain: ReflexBrainType
count: Int!
type ReflexBrainCriteriaType {
analysisUid: String!
analysis: AnalysisType
reflexBrainUid: String!
reflexBrain: ReflexBrainType
operator: String!
value: String!
type ReflexBrainFinalType {
analysisUid: String!
analysis: AnalysisType
reflexBrainUid: String!
reflexBrain: ReflexBrainType
value: String!
input ReflexBrainInput {
reflexActionUid: String!
description: String!
analysesValues: [ReflexCriteriaInput!] = null
addNew: [ReflexAddNewInput!] = null
finalise: [ReflexFinalInput!] = null
union ReflexBrainResponse = ReflexBrainType | OperationError
type ReflexBrainType {
reflexActionUid: String!
reflexAction: ReflexBrainType
uid: String!
description: String!
analysesValues: [ReflexBrainCriteriaType!]
addNew: [ReflexBrainAdditionType!]
finalise: [ReflexBrainFinalType!]
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input ReflexCriteriaInput {
analysisUid: String!
operator: String!
value: String!
input ReflexFinalInput {
analysisUid: String!
value: String!
type ReflexRuleCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [ReflexRuleEdge!]
items: [ReflexRuleType!]
totalCount: Int!
type ReflexRuleEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ReflexRuleType!
input ReflexRuleInput {
name: String!
description: String!
union ReflexRuleResponse = ReflexRuleType | OperationError
type ReflexRuleType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String!
reflexActions: [ReflexActionType!]
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union RejectionReasonResponse = RejectionReasonType | OperationError
type RejectionReasonType {
uid: String!
reason: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type ReportImpressType {
uid: String!
state: String
sampleUid: String
sample: SampleType
jsonContent: JSONScalar
pdfContent: BytesScalar
emailRequired: Boolean
emailSent: Boolean
smsRequired: Boolean
smsSent: Boolean
generatedByUid: String
generatedBy: UserType
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
dateGenerated: DateTime
type ReportMetaType {
uid: String!
periodStart: DateTime!
periodEnd: DateTime!
dateColumn: String!
location: String
sampleStates: String
reportType: String!
status: String
temp: String
analyses: [AnalysisType!]
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input ReservedInputType {
position: Int!
levelUid: String
type ResultListingType {
results: [AnalysisResultType!]!
input ResultOptionInputType {
analysisUid: String!
optionKey: Int!
value: String!
union ResultOptionResponse = ResultOptionType | OperationError
type ResultOptionType {
uid: String!
optionKey: Int!
value: String!
analysisUid: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
"""Union of possible outcomes when actioning samples"""
union ResultedSampleActionResponse = ResultedSampleListingType | OperationError
type ResultedSampleListingType {
samples: [SamplesWithResults!]!
"""Union of possible outcomes when actioning samples"""
union SampleActionResponse = SampleListingType | OperationError
type SampleCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [SampleEdge!]
items: [SamplesWithResults!]
totalCount: Int!
type SampleEdge {
cursor: String!
node: SamplesWithResults!
type SampleListingType {
samples: [SampleType!]!
input SamplePublishInputType {
uid: String!
action: String! = ""
input SampleRejectInputType {
uid: String!
reasons: [String!]!
other: String = ""
type SampleType {
uid: String!
analysisRequestUid: String!
analysisRequest: AnalysisRequestType
sampleTypeUid: String!
sampleType: SampleTypeTyp
sampleId: String!
profiles: [ProfileType!]
analyses: [AnalysisType!]
priority: Int!
status: String
assigned: Boolean!
dateCollected: DateTime
submittedByUid: String
submittedBy: UserType
dateSubmitted: DateTime
verifiedByUid: String
verifiedBy: UserType
dateVerified: DateTime
invalidatedByUid: String
invalidatedBy: UserType
dateInvalidated: DateTime
receivedByUid: String
receivedBy: UserType
dateReceived: DateTime
publishedByUid: String
publishedBy: UserType
datePublished: DateTime
cancelledByUid: String
cancelledBy: UserType
dateCancelled: DateTime
printed: Boolean
datePrinted: DateTime
printedByUid: String
printedBy: UserType
dueDate: String
rejectionReasons: [RejectionReasonType!]
internalUse: Boolean!
parentId: String
parent: SampleType
qcSetUid: String
qcSet: QCSetType
qcLevelUid: String
qcLevel: QCLevelType
storageContainerUid: String
storageContainer: StorageContainerType
storageSlot: String
storageSlotIndex: Int
storedByUid: String
storedBy: UserType
dateStored: DateTime
dateRetrievedFromStorage: DateTime
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input SampleTypeInputType {
name: String!
abbr: String!
description: String = ""
internalUse: Boolean = false
active: Boolean = true
input SampleTypeMappingInputType {
sampleTypeUid: String!
codingStandardUid: String!
name: String!
code: String!
description: String = null
"""Union of possible outcomes when adding a new notice"""
union SampleTypeMappingResponse = SampleTypeMappingType | OperationError
type SampleTypeMappingType {
uid: String!
sampleTypeUid: String!
sampleType: SampleTypeTyp
codingStandardUid: String!
codingStandard: CodingStandardType
name: String
description: String
code: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union SampleTypeResponse = SampleTypeTyp | OperationError
type SampleTypeTyp {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
active: Boolean!
internalUse: Boolean!
abbr: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type SamplesWithResults {
uid: String!
analysisRequestUid: String!
analysisRequest: AnalysisRequestType
sampleTypeUid: String!
sampleType: SampleTypeTyp
sampleId: String!
profiles: [ProfileType!]
analyses: [AnalysisType!]
priority: Int!
status: String
assigned: Boolean!
dateCollected: DateTime
submittedByUid: String
submittedBy: UserType
dateSubmitted: DateTime
verifiedByUid: String
verifiedBy: UserType
dateVerified: DateTime
invalidatedByUid: String
invalidatedBy: UserType
dateInvalidated: DateTime
receivedByUid: String
receivedBy: UserType
dateReceived: DateTime
publishedByUid: String
publishedBy: UserType
datePublished: DateTime
cancelledByUid: String
cancelledBy: UserType
dateCancelled: DateTime
printed: Boolean
datePrinted: DateTime
printedByUid: String
printedBy: UserType
dueDate: String
rejectionReasons: [RejectionReasonType!]
internalUse: Boolean!
parentId: String
parent: SampleType
qcSetUid: String
qcSet: QCSetType
qcLevelUid: String
qcLevel: QCLevelType
storageContainerUid: String
storageContainer: StorageContainerType
storageSlot: String
storageSlotIndex: Int
storedByUid: String
storedBy: UserType
dateStored: DateTime
dateRetrievedFromStorage: DateTime
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
analysisResults: [AnalysisResultType!]
type ShipmentCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [ShipmentEdge!]
items: [ShipmentType!]
totalCount: Int!
type ShipmentEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ShipmentType!
input ShipmentInputType {
laboratoryUid: String
courier: String!
comment: String
count: Int = 1
type ShipmentListingType {
shipments: [ShipmentType!]
input ShipmentManageSamplesInput {
samples: [ReferenceSampleInput!]!
action: String!
union ShipmentResponse = ShipmentType | OperationError
type ShipmentType {
uid: String!
shipmentId: String
comment: String
courier: String
assignedCount: Int
data: JSONScalar
samples: [SampleType!]
shippedSamples: [ShippedSampleType!]
state: String
incoming: Boolean
laboratoryUid: String
laboratory: ReferralLaboratoryType
jsonContent: JSONScalar
pdfContent: BytesScalar
finalisedByUid: String
finalisedBy: UserType
dateFinalised: DateTime
dispatchedByUid: String
dispatchedBy: UserType
dateDispatched: DateTime
recalledByUid: String
recalledBy: UserType
dateRecalled: DateTime
rejectedByUid: String
rejectedBy: UserType
dateRejected: DateTime
receivedByUid: String
receivedBy: UserType
dateReceived: DateTime
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
input ShipmentUpdateInputType {
laboratoryUid: String
courier: String!
comment: String = ""
union ShipmentsResponse = ShipmentListingType | OperationError
type ShippedSampleType {
sampleUid: String!
sample: SampleType!
shipmentUid: String!
shipment: ShipmentType!
resultNotified: Boolean
extSampleUid: String
extSampleId: String
type StockAdjustmentCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [StockAdjustmentEdge!]
items: [StockAdjustmentType!]
totalCount: Int!
type StockAdjustmentEdge {
cursor: String!
node: StockAdjustmentType!
input StockAdjustmentInputType {
productUid: String!
adjustmentType: String!
adjust: Int!
remarks: String = null
union StockAdjustmentResponse = StockAdjustmentType | OperationError
type StockAdjustmentType {
uid: String!
productUid: String
product: StockProductType
adjustmentType: String
adjust: Int
adjustmentDate: String
remarks: String
adjustmentByUid: String
adjustmentBy: UserType
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input StockCategoryInputType {
name: String!
description: String!
union StockCategoryResponse = StockCategoryType | OperationError
type StockCategoryType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type StockItemCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [StockItemEdge!]
items: [StockItemType!]
totalCount: Int!
type StockItemEdge {
cursor: String!
node: StockItemType!
input StockItemInputType {
name: String!
description: String!
departmentUid: String = null
maximumLevel: Int = null
minimumLevel: Int = null
union StockItemResponse = StockItemType | OperationError
type StockItemType {
uid: String!
name: String!
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
minimumLevel: Int
maximumLevel: Int
description: String
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input StockOrderApprovalInputType {
remarks: String!
status: String!
type StockOrderCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [StockOrderEdge!]
items: [StockOrderType!]
totalCount: Int!
type StockOrderEdge {
cursor: String!
node: StockOrderType!
input StockOrderInputType {
orderProducts: [StockOrderProductLineInputType!]!
departmentUid: String = null
type StockOrderLineType {
stockOrder: StockOrderType!
orderProducts: [StockOrderProductType!]!
input StockOrderProductLineInputType {
productUid: String!
quantity: Int!
remarks: String = null
type StockOrderProductType {
uid: String!
productUid: String
product: StockProductType
orderUid: String
order: StockOrderType
price: Int
quantity: Int
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
union StockOrderResponse = StockOrderLineType | StockOrderType | OperationError
type StockOrderType {
uid: String!
fullfilledByUid: String
fullfilledBy: UserType
orderByUid: String
orderBy: UserType
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
status: String
remarks: String
orderNumber: String
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input StockPackagingInputType {
name: String!
union StockPackagingResponse = StockPackagingType | OperationError
type StockPackagingType {
uid: String!
name: String!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type StockProductCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [StockProductEdge!]
items: [StockProductType!]
totalCount: Int!
type StockProductEdge {
cursor: String!
node: StockProductType!
input StockProductInputType {
name: String!
stockItemUid: String = null
departmentUid: String = null
supplierUid: String = null
categoryUid: String = null
hazardUid: String = null
storeRoomUid: String = null
lotNumber: String = null
batch: String = null
size: Int = null
unitUid: String = null
packagingUid: String = null
price: Int = null
quantityReceived: Int = null
dateReceived: DateTime = null
expiryDate: String = null
receivedByUid: String = null
union StockProductResponse = StockProductType | OperationError
type StockProductType {
uid: String!
name: String!
stockItemUid: String
stockItem: StockItemType
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
supplierUid: String
supplier: SupplierType
categoryUid: String
category: StockCategoryType
hazardUid: String
hazard: HazardType
storeRoomUid: String
storeRoom: StoreRoomType
lotNumber: String
batch: String
size: Int
unitUid: String
unit: StockUnitType
packagingUid: String
packaging: StockPackagingType
price: Int
quantityReceived: Int
remaining: Int
dateReceived: DateTime
expiryDate: String
receivedByUid: String
receivedBy: UserType
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type StockTransactionCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [StockTransactionEdge!]
items: [StockTransactionType!]
totalCount: Int!
type StockTransactionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: StockTransactionType!
input StockTransactionInputType {
productUid: String!
issued: Int!
issuedToUid: String!
departmentUid: String = null
union StockTransactionResponse = StockTransactionType | OperationError
type StockTransactionType {
uid: String!
productUid: String
product: StockProductType
issued: Int
issuedToUid: String
issuedTo: UserType
departmentUid: String
department: DepartmentType
dateIssued: DateTime
transactionByUid: String
transactionBy: UserType
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input StockUnitInputType {
name: String!
union StockUnitResponse = StockUnitType | OperationError
type StockUnitType {
uid: String!
name: String!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input StorageContainerInputType {
name: String!
description: String
storageSectionUid: String!
grid: Boolean = false
rowWise: Boolean = false
cols: Int = 0
rows: Int = 0
slots: Int = 0
union StorageContainerResponse = StorageContainerType | OperationError
type StorageContainerType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
storageSectionUid: String!
storageSection: StorageSectionType
grid: Boolean
rowWise: Boolean
cols: Int
rows: Int
slots: Int
storedCount: Int
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
tag: String!
input StorageLocationInputType {
name: String!
description: String
storeRoomUid: String!
union StorageLocationResponse = StorageLocationType | OperationError
type StorageLocationType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
storeRoomUid: String!
storeRoom: StoreRoomType
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
tag: String!
children: [StorageSectionType]!
input StorageSectionInputType {
name: String!
description: String
storageLocationUid: String!
union StorageSectionResponse = StorageSectionType | OperationError
type StorageSectionType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
storageLocationUid: String!
storageLocation: StorageLocationType
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
tag: String!
children: [StorageContainerType]!
input StoreRoomInputType {
name: String!
description: String!
union StoreRoomResponse = StoreRoomType | OperationError
type StoreRoomType {
uid: String!
name: String!
description: String
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
tag: String!
children: [StorageLocationType]!
union StoreSampleResponse = StoredSamplesType | OperationError
input StoreSamplesInputType {
sampleUid: String!
storageSlot: String!
storageSlotIndex: Int!
storageContainerUid: String!
type StoredSamplesType {
samples: [SampleType!]!
type Subscription {
latestActivity: ActivityStreamType!
streamAll: ActivityStreamType!
count(target: Int! = 100): Int!
"""Union of possible outcomes when deleting some object"""
union SuccessErrorResponse = OperationSuccess | OperationError
input SupplierInputType {
name: String!
description: String = ""
code: String = ""
union SupplierResponse = SupplierType | OperationError
type SupplierType {
uid: String!
name: String
description: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type TestBillCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [TestBillEdge!]
items: [TestBillType!]
totalCount: Int!
type TestBillEdge {
cursor: String!
node: TestBillType!
type TestBillInvoiceType {
uid: String!
testBillUid: String!
testBill: TestBillType!
jsonContent: JSONScalar
pdfContent: BytesScalar
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
union TestBillTransactionResponse = TestBillTransactionType | OperationError
type TestBillTransactionType {
uid: String!
testBillUid: String!
testBill: TestBillType!
kind: String!
amount: Float!
isSuccess: Boolean!
actionRequired: Boolean!
processed: Boolean!
notes: String!
message: String!
actionMessage: String!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type TestBillType {
uid: String!
billId: String!
patientUid: String!
patient: PatientType!
clientUid: String!
client: ClientType!
isActive: Boolean!
toConfirm: Boolean!
partial: Boolean!
totalCharged: Float!
totalPaid: Float!
jsonContent: JSONScalar
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
orders: [AnalysisRequestType!]
input UnitInputType {
name: String!
isSiUnit: Boolean!
union UnitResponse = UnitType | OperationError
type UnitType {
uid: String!
name: String!
isSiUnit: Boolean!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type UnknownObjectType {
message: String!
type UpdatedGroupPerms {
group: GroupType!
permission: PermissionType!
union UpdatedGroupPermsResponse = UpdatedGroupPerms | OperationError
type UserAuthType {
uid: String!
userName: String!
loginRetry: Int!
isBlocked: Boolean!
userType: String
createdAt: String
creatorName: String
creatorUid: String
updatedAt: String
updatorName: String
updatorUid: String
type UserCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [UserEdge!]
items: [UserType!]
totalCount: Int!
type UserEdge {
cursor: String!
node: UserType!
type UserPreferenceType {
uid: String!
expandedMenu: Boolean
departments: [DepartmentType!]
theme: String
union UserResponse = UserType | OperationError
type UserType {
uid: String!
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
mobilePhone: String
businessPhone: String
groups: [GroupType!]
preferenceUid: String
preference: UserPreferenceType
isActive: Boolean!
isSuperuser: Boolean!
authUid: String
auth: UserAuthType
bio: String
avatar: String
defaultRoute: String
createdAt: String
creatorName: String
creatorUid: String
updatedAt: String
updatorName: String
updatorUid: String
input VoucherCodeInput {
code: String!
voucherUid: String!
usageLimit: Int!
isActive: Boolean!
union VoucherCodeResponse = VoucherCodeType | OperationError
type VoucherCodeType {
uid: String!
code: String!
voucherUid: String!
voucher: VoucherType!
usageLimit: Int!
used: Int!
isActive: Boolean!
createdAt: String!
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String!
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
type VoucherCustomerType {
uid: String!
patientUid: String!
patient: PatientType!
voucherCodeUid: String!
voucherCode: VoucherCodeType!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
input VoucherInput {
name: String!
usageLimit: Int!
startDate: DateTime!
endDate: DateTime!
oncePerCustomer: Boolean!
oncePerOrder: Boolean!
union VoucherResponse = VoucherType | OperationError
type VoucherType {
uid: String!
name: String!
usageLimit: Int!
used: Int!
startDate: String!
endDate: String!
oncePerCustomer: Boolean!
oncePerOrder: Boolean!
createdAt: String
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
codes: [VoucherCodeType!]
type WorkSheetCursorPage {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [WorkSheetEdge!]
items: [WorkSheetType!]
totalCount: Int!
type WorkSheetEdge {
cursor: String!
node: WorkSheetType!
union WorkSheetResponse = WorkSheetType | OperationError
union WorkSheetTemplateResponse = WorkSheetTemplateType | OperationError
type WorkSheetTemplateType {
uid: String!
worksheetType: String!
reserved: JSONScalar
numberOfSamples: Int
rows: Int
cols: Int
rowWise: Boolean!
state: String
name: String!
description: String
analysisUid: String
analysis: AnalysisType
qcTemplateUid: String
qcTemplate: QCTemplateType
qcLevels: [QCLevelType!]
instrumentUid: String
instrument: InstrumentType
sampleTypeUid: String
sampleType: SampleTypeTyp
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
type WorkSheetType {
uid: String!
worksheetType: String!
reserved: JSONScalar
numberOfSamples: Int
rows: Int
cols: Int
rowWise: Boolean!
state: String
templateUid: String
template: WorkSheetTemplateType
analystUid: String
analyst: UserType
worksheetId: String!
analysisUid: String
analysis: AnalysisType
instrumentUid: String
instrument: InstrumentType
sampleTypeUid: String
sampleType: SampleTypeTyp
assignedCount: Int!
analysisResults: [AnalysisResultType!]
submittedByUid: String
submittedBy: UserType
dateSubmitted: DateTime
verifiedByUid: String
verifiedBy: UserType
dateVerified: DateTime
createdByUid: String
createdBy: UserType
createdAt: String
updatedByUid: String
updatedBy: UserType
updatedAt: String
union WorkSheetTypeSampleTypeAnalysisResultTypeReportMetaTypeUnknownObjectType = WorkSheetType | SampleType | AnalysisResultType | ReportMetaType | UnknownObjectType
union WorkSheetsResponse = WorksheetListingType | OperationError
type WorksheetListingType {
worksheets: [WorkSheetType!]
input WorksheetTemplateInputType {
name: String!
sampleTypeUid: String!
reserved: [ReservedInputType!] = null
analysisUid: String = null
numberOfSamples: Int = null
instrumentUid: String = null
worksheetType: String = null
rows: Int = null
cols: Int = null
rowWise: Boolean = true
description: String = null
qcTemplateUid: String = null
profiles: [String!] = null