
193 lines
8 KiB

import logging
from typing import List
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from felicity.apps import Auditable, BaseAuditDBModel, DBModel
from felicity.apps.analysis import conf as analysis_conf
from felicity.apps.analysis.models import analysis as analysis_models
from felicity.apps.analysis.models import qc as qc_models
from felicity.apps.analysis.models import results as result_models
from felicity.apps.common.models import IdSequence
from felicity.apps.instrument.models import Instrument
from felicity.apps.notification.utils import FelicityStreamer
from felicity.apps.user.models import User
from felicity.apps.worksheet import conf, schemas
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamer = FelicityStreamer()
class WSBase(BaseAuditDBModel):
__abstract__ = True
worksheet_type = Column(String)
reserved = Column(JSONB)
number_of_samples = Column(Integer)
rows = Column(Integer)
cols = Column(Integer)
row_wise = Column(Boolean(), default=False)
state = Column(String)
Many to Many Link between WorkSheetTemplate and QCLevel
worksheet_template_qc_level = Table(
Column("ws_template_uid", ForeignKey("worksheet_template.uid"), primary_key=True),
Column("qc_level_uid", ForeignKey("qc_level.uid"), primary_key=True),
class WorkSheetTemplate(WSBase):
a template has a single analyses associated in order to avoid
cases where multi analyses can be assigned to a single ws
__tablename__ = "worksheet_template"
name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False)
description = Column(String)
analysis_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("analysis.uid"), nullable=True)
analysis = relationship(analysis_models.Analysis, lazy="selectin")
qc_template_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("qc_template.uid"), nullable=True)
qc_template = relationship(qc_models.QCTemplate, lazy="selectin")
# to help cater for those created without template we also keep the qc_levels
qc_levels = relationship(
qc_models.QCLevel, secondary=worksheet_template_qc_level, lazy="selectin"
instrument_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("instrument.uid"), nullable=True)
instrument = relationship(Instrument, lazy="selectin")
sample_type_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("sample_type.uid"), nullable=False)
sample_type = relationship(analysis_models.SampleType, lazy="selectin")
async def create(cls, obj_in: dict | schemas.WSTemplateCreate) -> schemas.WSTemplate:
data = cls._import(obj_in)
return await super().create(**data)
async def update(self, obj_in: dict | schemas.WSTemplateUpdate) -> schemas.WSTemplate:
data = self._import(obj_in)
return await super().update(**data)
class WorkSheet(Auditable, WSBase):
__tablename__ = "worksheet"
template_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("worksheet_template.uid"), nullable=False)
template = relationship("WorkSheetTemplate", lazy="selectin")
analyst_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("user.uid"), nullable=False)
analyst = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[analyst_uid], lazy="selectin")
worksheet_id = Column(String, index=True, unique=True, nullable=False)
analysis_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("analysis.uid"), nullable=True)
analysis = relationship(analysis_models.Analysis, lazy="selectin")
instrument_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("instrument.uid"), nullable=True)
instrument = relationship(Instrument, backref="worksheets", lazy="selectin")
sample_type_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("sample_type.uid"), nullable=False)
sample_type = relationship(analysis_models.SampleType, lazy="selectin")
assigned_count = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0)
analysis_results = relationship(
"AnalysisResult", back_populates="worksheet", lazy="selectin"
submitted_by_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("user.uid"), nullable=True)
submitted_by = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[submitted_by_uid], lazy="selectin")
date_submitted = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
verified_by_uid = Column(String, ForeignKey("user.uid"), nullable=True)
verified_by = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[verified_by_uid], lazy="selectin")
date_verified = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
async def get_analysis_results(self):
results: List[result_models.AnalysisResult] = []
qc_results: List[result_models.AnalysisResult] = []
all_results = await result_models.AnalysisResult.get_all(worksheet_uid=self.uid)
for result in all_results:
if result.sample.sample_type.name == "QC Sample":
return results, qc_results
async def reset_assigned_count(self):
analysis_results, _ = await self.get_analysis_results()
count = len(analysis_results)
self.assigned_count = count
if count == 0:
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.EMPTY
if count > 0 and self.state == conf.worksheet_states.EMPTY:
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.PENDING
await self.save()
async def change_state(self, state, updated_by_uid):
self.state = state
self.updated_by_uid = updated_by_uid # noqa
await self.save()
async def has_processed_samples(self):
states = [
results, qc_results = await self.get_analysis_results()
analysis_results = results + qc_results
processed = any([res.status in states for res in analysis_results])
return processed
async def submit(self, submitter):
if self.state != conf.worksheet_states.AWAITING:
states = [
results, qc_results = await self.get_analysis_results()
analysis_results = results + qc_results
if all([res.status in states for res in analysis_results]):
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.AWAITING
self.updated_by_uid = submitter.uid # noqa
self.submitted_by_uid = submitter.uid
saved = await self.save()
await streamer.stream(saved, submitter, "submitted", "worksheet")
return saved
return self
async def verify(self, verified_by):
if self.state != conf.worksheet_states.APPROVED:
states = [
results, qc_results = await self.get_analysis_results()
analysis_results = results + qc_results
if all([res.status in states for res in analysis_results]):
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.APPROVED
self.updated_by_uid = verified_by.uid # noqa
self.verified_by_uid = verified_by.uid
saved = await self.save()
await streamer.stream(saved, verified_by, "verified", "worksheet")
return saved
return self
async def create(cls, obj_in: dict | schemas.WorkSheetCreate) -> schemas.WorkSheet:
data = cls._import(obj_in)
data["worksheet_id"] = (await IdSequence.get_next_number("WS"))[1]
return await super().create(**data)
async def update(self, obj_in: dict | schemas.WorkSheetUpdate) -> schemas.WorkSheet:
data = self._import(obj_in)
return await super().update(**data)