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synced 2025-02-24 00:42:59 +08:00
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192 lines
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import logging
from typing import List
from apps import Auditable, BaseAuditDBModel, DBModel
from apps.analysis import conf as analysis_conf
from apps.analysis.models import analysis as analysis_models
from apps.analysis.models import qc as qc_models
from apps.analysis.models import results as result_models
from apps.common.models import IdSequence
from apps.notification.utils import FelicityStreamer
from apps.setup.models.setup import Instrument
from apps.user.models import User
from apps.worksheet import conf, schemas
from core.uid_gen import FelicitySAID
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Table
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamer = FelicityStreamer()
class WSBase(BaseAuditDBModel):
__abstract__ = True
worksheet_type = Column(String)
reserved = Column(JSONB)
number_of_samples = Column(Integer)
rows = Column(Integer)
cols = Column(Integer)
row_wise = Column(Boolean(), default=False)
state = Column(String)
Many to Many Link between WorkSheetTemplate and QCLevel
worksheet_template_qc_level = Table(
Column("ws_template_uid", ForeignKey("worksheettemplate.uid"), primary_key=True),
Column("qc_level_uid", ForeignKey("qclevel.uid"), primary_key=True),
class WorkSheetTemplate(WSBase):
a template has a single analyses associated in order to avoid
cases where multi analyses can be assigned to a single ws
name = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False)
description = Column(String)
analysis_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("analysis.uid"), nullable=True)
analysis = relationship(analysis_models.Analysis, lazy="selectin")
qc_template_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("qctemplate.uid"), nullable=True)
qc_template = relationship(qc_models.QCTemplate, lazy="selectin")
# to help cater for those created without template we also keep the qc_levels
qc_levels = relationship(
qc_models.QCLevel, secondary=worksheet_template_qc_level, lazy="selectin"
instrument_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("instrument.uid"), nullable=True)
instrument = relationship(Instrument, lazy="selectin")
sample_type_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("sampletype.uid"), nullable=False)
sample_type = relationship(analysis_models.SampleType, lazy="selectin")
async def create(cls, obj_in: schemas.WSTemplateCreate) -> schemas.WSTemplate:
data = cls._import(obj_in)
return await super().create(**data)
async def update(self, obj_in: schemas.WSTemplateUpdate) -> schemas.WSTemplate:
data = self._import(obj_in)
return await super().update(**data)
class WorkSheet(Auditable, WSBase):
template_uid = Column(
FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("worksheettemplate.uid"), nullable=False
template = relationship("WorkSheetTemplate", lazy="selectin")
analyst_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("user.uid"), nullable=False)
analyst = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[analyst_uid], lazy="selectin")
worksheet_id = Column(String, index=True, unique=True, nullable=False)
analysis_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("analysis.uid"), nullable=True)
analysis = relationship(analysis_models.Analysis, lazy="selectin")
instrument_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("instrument.uid"), nullable=True)
instrument = relationship(Instrument, backref="worksheets", lazy="selectin")
sample_type_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("sampletype.uid"), nullable=False)
sample_type = relationship(analysis_models.SampleType, lazy="selectin")
assigned_count = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0)
analysis_results = relationship(
"AnalysisResult", back_populates="worksheet", lazy="selectin"
submitted_by_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("user.uid"), nullable=True)
submitted_by = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[submitted_by_uid], lazy="selectin")
date_submitted = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
verified_by_uid = Column(FelicitySAID, ForeignKey("user.uid"), nullable=True)
verified_by = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[verified_by_uid], lazy="selectin")
date_verified = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)
async def get_analysis_results(self):
results: List[result_models.AnalysisResult] = []
qc_results: List[result_models.AnalysisResult] = []
all_results = await result_models.AnalysisResult.get_all(worksheet_uid=self.uid)
for result in all_results:
if result.sample.sample_type.name == "QC Sample":
return results, qc_results
async def reset_assigned_count(self):
analysis_results, _ = await self.get_analysis_results()
count = len(analysis_results)
self.assigned_count = count
if count == 0:
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.EMPTY
if count > 0 and self.state == conf.worksheet_states.EMPTY:
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.PENDING
await self.save()
async def change_state(self, state, updated_by_uid):
self.state = state
self.updated_by_uid = updated_by_uid # noqa
await self.save()
async def has_processed_samples(self):
states = [
results, qc_results = await self.get_analysis_results()
analysis_results = results + qc_results
processed = any([res.status in states for res in analysis_results])
return processed
async def submit(self, submitter):
if self.state != conf.worksheet_states.AWAITING:
states = [
results, qc_results = await self.get_analysis_results()
analysis_results = results + qc_results
if all([res.status in states for res in analysis_results]):
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.AWAITING
self.updated_by_uid = submitter.uid # noqa
self.submitted_by_uid = submitter.uid
saved = await self.save()
await streamer.stream(saved, submitter, "submitted", "worksheet")
return saved
return self
async def verify(self, verified_by):
if self.state != conf.worksheet_states.APPROVED:
states = [
results, qc_results = await self.get_analysis_results()
analysis_results = results + qc_results
if all([res.status in states for res in analysis_results]):
self.state = conf.worksheet_states.APPROVED
self.updated_by_uid = verified_by.uid # noqa
self.verified_by_uid = verified_by.uid
saved = await self.save()
await streamer.stream(saved, verified_by, "verified", "worksheet")
return saved
return self
async def create(cls, obj_in: schemas.WorkSheetCreate) -> schemas.WorkSheet:
data = cls._import(obj_in)
data["worksheet_id"] = (await IdSequence.get_next_number("WS"))[1]
return await super().create(**data)
async def update(self, obj_in: schemas.WorkSheetUpdate) -> schemas.WorkSheet:
data = self._import(obj_in)
return await super().update(**data)