Aurthur Musendame baa8615dc2 next-iol
2024-07-21 15:44:22 +02:00

629 lines
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from collections import abc, OrderedDict
from typing import TypeVar
from sqlalchemy import asc, desc, inspect, select
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property, hybrid_method
from sqlalchemy.orm import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.orm import subqueryload
from sqlalchemy.orm.util import AliasedClass
from sqlalchemy.sql import operators, extract
M = TypeVar("M")
JOINED = "joined"
SUBQUERY = "subquery"
class ModelNotFoundError(ValueError):
def _flatten_filter_keys(filters):
:type filters: dict|list
Flatten the nested filters, extracting keys where they correspond
to smart_query paths, e.g.
{or_: {'id__gt': 1000, and_ : {
'id__lt': 500,
'related___property__in': (1,2,3)
'id__gt', 'id__lt', 'related___property__in'
Also allow lists (any abc.Sequence subclass) to enable support
of expressions like.
{ and_: [
{or_: {'id__gt': 5, 'related_id__lt': 10}},
{or_: {'related_id2__gt': 1, 'name__like': 'Bob' }}
if isinstance(filters, abc.Mapping):
for key, value in filters.items():
if callable(key):
yield from _flatten_filter_keys(value)
yield key
elif isinstance(filters, abc.Sequence):
for f in filters:
yield from _flatten_filter_keys(f)
raise TypeError(
"Unsupported type (%s) in filters: %r", (type(filters), filters)
def _parse_path_and_make_aliases(entity, entity_path, attrs, aliases):
:type entity: InspectionMixin
:type entity_path: str
:type attrs: list
:type aliases: OrderedDict
Sample values:
attrs: ['product__subject_ids', 'user_id', '-group_id',
'user__name', 'product__name', 'product__grade_from__order']
relations: {'product': ['subject_ids', 'name'], 'user': ['name']}
relations = {}
# take only attributes that have magic RELATION_SPLITTER
for attr in attrs:
# from attr (say, 'product__grade__order') take
# relationship name ('product') and nested attribute ('grade__order')
relation_name, nested_attr = attr.split(RELATION_SPLITTER, 1)
if relation_name in relations:
relations[relation_name] = [nested_attr]
for relation_name, nested_attrs in relations.items():
path = (
entity_path + RELATION_SPLITTER + relation_name
if entity_path
else relation_name
if relation_name not in entity.relations:
raise KeyError(
"Incorrect path `{}`: "
"{} doesnt have `{}` relationship ".format(path, entity, relation_name)
relationship = getattr(entity, relation_name)
alias = aliased(relationship.property.mapper.class_)
aliases[path] = alias, relationship
_parse_path_and_make_aliases(alias, path, nested_attrs, aliases)
def _get_root_cls(query):
# sqlalchemy < 1.4.0
if hasattr(query, "_entity_zero"):
return query._entity_zero().class_
# sqlalchemy >= 1.4.0
if hasattr(query, "_entity_from_pre_ent_zero"):
return query._entity_from_pre_ent_zero().class_
# sqlalchemy 2.x
if query.__dict__["_propagate_attrs"]["plugin_subject"].class_:
return query.__dict__["_propagate_attrs"]["plugin_subject"].class_
raise ValueError("Cannot get a root class from`{}`".format(query))
def filter_expr(model, **filters):
forms expressions like [Product.age_from = 5,
from filters like {'age_from': 5, 'subject_ids__in': [1,2]}
Example 1:
*Product.filter_expr(age_from = 5, subject_ids__in=[1, 2]))
Example 2:
filters = {'age_from': 5, 'subject_ids__in': [1,2]}
### About alias ###:
If we will use alias:
alias = aliased(Product) # table name will be product_1
we can't just write query like
because it will be compiled to
SELECT * FROM product_1 WHERE product.age_from=5
which is wrong: we select from 'product_1' but filter on 'product'
such filter will not work
We need to obtain
SELECT * FROM product_1 WHERE product_1.age_from=5
For such case, we can call filter_expr ON ALIAS:
alias = aliased(Product)
Alias realization details:
* we allow to call this method
either ON ALIAS (say, alias.filter_expr())
or on class (Product.filter_expr())
* when method is called on alias, we need to generate SQL using
aliased table (say, product_1), but we also need to have a real
class to call methods on (say, Product.relations)
* so, we have 'mapper' that holds table name
and 'cls' that holds real class
when we call this method ON ALIAS, we will have:
mapper = <product_1 table>
cls = <Product>
when we call this method ON CLASS, we will simply have:
mapper = <Product> (or we could write <Product>.__mapper__.
It doesn't matter because when we call
<Product>.getattr, SA will magically
call <Product>.__mapper__.getattr())
cls = <Product>
if isinstance(model, AliasedClass):
mapper, cls = model, inspect(model).mapper.class_
mapper = cls = model
expressions = []
valid_attributes = filterable_attributes(model)
for attr, value in filters.items():
# if attribute is filtered by method, call this method
if attr in hybrid_methods(model):
method = getattr(cls, attr)
expressions.append(method(value, mapper=mapper))
# else just add simple condition (== for scalars or IN for lists)
# determine attrbitute name and operator
# if they are explicitly set (say, id___between), take them
attr_name, op_name = attr.rsplit(OPERATOR_SPLITTER, 1)
if op_name not in _operators:
raise KeyError(
"Expression `{}` has incorrect "
"operator `{}`".format(attr, op_name)
op = _operators[op_name]
# assume equality operator for other cases (say, id=1)
attr_name, op = attr, operators.eq
if attr_name not in valid_attributes:
raise KeyError(
"Expression `{}` "
"has incorrect attribute `{}`".format(attr, attr_name)
column = getattr(mapper, attr_name)
expressions.append(op(column, value))
return expressions
def smart_query(query, filters=None, sort_attrs=None, schema=None):
Does magic Django-ish joins like post___user___name__startswith='Bob'
(see https://goo.gl/jAgCyM)
Does filtering, sorting and eager loading at the same time.
And if, say, filters and sorting need the same joinm it will be done
only one. That's why all stuff is combined in single method
:param query: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
:param filters: dict
:param sort_attrs: List[basestring]
:param schema: dict
if not filters:
filters = {}
if not sort_attrs:
sort_attrs = []
# sqlalchemy >= 1.4.0, should probably a. check something else to determine if we need to convert
# AppenderQuery to a query, b. probably not hack it like this
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
if type(query).__name__ == "AppenderQuery" and query._statement:
sess = query.session
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
query = query._statement
query.session = sess
root_cls = _get_root_cls(query) # for example, User or Post
attrs = list(_flatten_filter_keys(filters)) + list(
map(lambda s: s.lstrip(DESC_PREFIX), sort_attrs)
aliases = OrderedDict({})
_parse_path_and_make_aliases(root_cls, "", attrs, aliases)
loaded_paths = []
for path, al in aliases.items():
relationship_path = path.replace(RELATION_SPLITTER, ".")
query = query.outerjoin(al[0], al[1])
def recurse_filters(_filters):
if isinstance(_filters, abc.Mapping):
for attr, value in _filters.items():
if callable(attr):
# E.g. or_, and_, or other sqlalchemy expression
yield attr(*recurse_filters(value))
parts = attr.rsplit(RELATION_SPLITTER, 1)
entity, attr_name = aliases[parts[0]][0], parts[1]
entity, attr_name = root_cls, attr
yield from filter_expr(entity, **{attr_name: value})
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError("Incorrect filter path `{}`: {}".format(attr, e))
elif isinstance(_filters, abc.Sequence):
for f in _filters:
yield from recurse_filters(f)
query = query.filter(*recurse_filters(filters))
for attr in sort_attrs:
prefix = ""
if attr.startswith(DESC_PREFIX):
prefix = DESC_PREFIX
attr = attr.lstrip(DESC_PREFIX)
parts = attr.rsplit(RELATION_SPLITTER, 1)
entity, attr_name = aliases[parts[0]][0], prefix + parts[1]
entity, attr_name = root_cls, attr
query = query.order_by(*order_expr(entity, attr_name))
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError("Incorrect order path `{}`: {}".format(attr, e))
if schema:
query = query.options(*_eager_expr_from_schema(schema))
return query
def eager_expr(schema):
:type schema: dict
return _eager_expr_from_schema(schema)
def _flatten_schema(schema):
:type schema: dict
def _flatten(schema, parent_path, result):
:type schema: dict
for path, value in schema.items():
# for supporting schemas like Product.user: {...},
# we transform, say, Product.user to 'user' string
attr = path
path = path.key
if isinstance(value, tuple):
join_method, inner_schema = value[0], value[1]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
join_method, inner_schema = JOINED, value
join_method, inner_schema = value, None
full_path = parent_path + "." + path if parent_path else path
result[attr] = join_method
if inner_schema:
_flatten(inner_schema, full_path, result)
result = {}
_flatten(schema, "", result)
return result
def _eager_expr_from_flat_schema(flat_schema):
:type flat_schema: dict
result = []
for path, join_method in flat_schema.items():
if join_method == JOINED:
elif join_method == SUBQUERY:
raise ValueError("Bad join method `{}` in `{}`".format(join_method, path))
return result
def _eager_expr_from_schema(schema):
def _get_expr(schema, result):
for path, value in schema.items():
if isinstance(value, tuple):
join_method, inner_schema = value[0], value[1]
load_option = _create_eager_load_option(path, join_method)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
join_method, inner_schema = JOINED, value
load_option = _create_eager_load_option(path, join_method)
# load_option = _create_eager_load_option(path, value)
result.append(_create_eager_load_option(path, value))
result = []
_get_expr(schema, result)
return result
def _create_eager_load_option(path, join_method):
if join_method == JOINED:
return joinedload(path)
elif join_method == SUBQUERY:
return subqueryload(path)
raise ValueError("Bad join method `{}` in `{}`".format(join_method, path))
def order_expr(model, *columns):
Forms expressions like [desc(User.first_name), asc(User.phone)]
from list like ['-first_name', 'phone']
Example for 1 column:
# will compile to ORDER BY user.first_name DESC
Example for multiple columns:
columns = ['-first_name', 'phone']
# will compile to ORDER BY user.first_name DESC, user.phone ASC
About cls_or_alias, mapper, cls: read in filter_expr method description
expressions = []
for attr in columns:
fn, attr = (desc, attr[1:]) if attr.startswith(DESC_PREFIX) else (asc, attr)
if attr not in sortable_attributes(model):
raise KeyError("Cant order {} by {}".format(model, attr))
expr = fn(getattr(model, attr))
return expressions
_operators = {
"isnull": lambda c, v: (c == None) if v else (c != None),
"exact": operators.eq,
"ne": operators.ne, # not equal or is not (for None)
"gt": operators.gt, # greater than , >
"ge": operators.ge, # greater than or equal, >=
"lt": operators.lt, # lower than, <
"le": operators.le, # lower than or equal, <=
"in": operators.in_op,
"notin": operators.notin_op,
"between": lambda c, v: c.between(v[0], v[1]),
"like": operators.like_op,
"ilike": operators.ilike_op,
"startswith": operators.startswith_op,
"istartswith": lambda c, v: c.ilike(v + "%"),
"endswith": operators.endswith_op,
"iendswith": lambda c, v: c.ilike("%" + v),
"contains": lambda c, v: c.ilike("%{v}%".format(v=v)),
"year": lambda c, v: extract("year", c) == v,
"year_ne": lambda c, v: extract("year", c) != v,
"year_gt": lambda c, v: extract("year", c) > v,
"year_ge": lambda c, v: extract("year", c) >= v,
"year_lt": lambda c, v: extract("year", c) < v,
"year_le": lambda c, v: extract("year", c) <= v,
"month": lambda c, v: extract("month", c) == v,
"month_ne": lambda c, v: extract("month", c) != v,
"month_gt": lambda c, v: extract("month", c) > v,
"month_ge": lambda c, v: extract("month", c) >= v,
"month_lt": lambda c, v: extract("month", c) < v,
"month_le": lambda c, v: extract("month", c) <= v,
"day": lambda c, v: extract("day", c) == v,
"day_ne": lambda c, v: extract("day", c) != v,
"day_gt": lambda c, v: extract("day", c) > v,
"day_ge": lambda c, v: extract("day", c) >= v,
"day_lt": lambda c, v: extract("day", c) < v,
"day_le": lambda c, v: extract("day", c) <= v,
def columns(model):
return inspect(model).columns.keys()
def primary_keys_full(model):
"""Get primary key properties for a SQLAlchemy cls.
Taken from marshmallow_sqlalchemy
mapper = model.__mapper__
return [mapper.get_property_by_column(column) for column in mapper.primary_key]
def primary_keys(model):
return [pk.key for pk in primary_keys_full(model)]
def relations(model):
"""Return a `list` of relationship names or the given model"""
return [
c.key for c in model.__mapper__.attrs if isinstance(c, RelationshipProperty)
def settable_relations(model):
"""Return a `list` of relationship names or the given model"""
return [r for r in model.relations if getattr(model, r).property.viewonly is False]
def hybrid_properties(model):
items = inspect(model).all_orm_descriptors
return [item.__name__ for item in items if isinstance(item, hybrid_property)]
def hybrid_methods_full(model):
items = inspect(model).all_orm_descriptors
return {item.func.__name__: item for item in items if type(item) == hybrid_method}
def hybrid_methods(model):
return list(hybrid_methods_full(model).keys())
def filterable_attributes(model):
return (
+ columns(model)
+ hybrid_properties(model)
+ hybrid_methods(model)
def sortable_attributes(model):
return columns(model) + hybrid_properties(model)
def settable_attributes(model):
return sortable_attributes(model) + settable_relations(model)
class QueryBuilder:
def __init__(self, model: M) -> None:
self.model = model
def query(self):
return select(self.model)
def with_(self, schema):
Query class and eager load schema at once.
:type schema: dict
schema = {
Post.user: JOINED, # joinedload user
Post.comments: (SUBQUERY, { # load comments in separate query
Comment.user: JOINED # but, in this separate query, join user
return self.query.options(*eager_expr(schema or {}))
def with_joined(self, *paths):
Eagerload for simple cases where we need to just
joined load some relations
You can only load direct relationships.
:type paths: *List[QueryableAttribute]
Example 1:
Comment.with_joined(Comment.user, Comment.post).first()
options = [joinedload(path) for path in paths]
return self.query.options(*options)
def with_subquery(self, *paths):
Eagerload for simple cases where we need to just
joined load some relations
You can only load direct relationships.
:type paths: *List[QueryableAttribute]
Example 1:
User.with_subquery(User.posts, User.comments).all()
options = [subqueryload(path) for path in paths]
return self.query.options(*options)
def smart_query(self, filters=None, sort_attrs=None, schema=None):
Does magic Django-ish joins like post___user___name__startswith='Bob'
(see https://goo.gl/jAgCyM)
Does filtering, sorting and eager loading at the same time.
And if, say, filters and sorting need the same joinm it will be done
only one. That's why all stuff is combined in single method
:param filters: dict
:param sort_attrs: List[basestring]
:param schema: dict
return smart_query(self.query, filters, sort_attrs, schema)
def where(self, **filters):
Shortcut for smart_query() method
Example 1:
Product.where(subject_ids__in=[1,2], grade_from_id=2).all()
Example 2:
filters = {'subject_ids__in': [1,2], 'grade_from_id': 2}
Example 3 (with joins):
Post.where(public=True, user___name__startswith='Bi').all()
return self.smart_query(filters)
def sort(self, *columns):
Shortcut for smart_query() method
Example 1:
This is equal to
Example 2:
columns = ['first_name','-user_id']
This is equal to
columns = ['first_name','-user_id']
Exanple 3 (with joins):
Post.sort('comments___rating', 'user___name').all()
return self.smart_query({}, columns)
async def fill(self, **kwargs):
model = self.model
for name in kwargs.keys():
if name in settable_attributes(model):
setattr(model, name, kwargs[name])
raise KeyError("Attribute '{}' doesn't exist".format(name))
return model