2023-07-09 17:10:41 +02:00

516 lines
17 KiB

import logging
from base64 import b64encode
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel as PydanticBaseModel
from sqlalchemy import Column, String
from sqlalchemy import or_ as sa_or_
from sqlalchemy import update
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import declared_attr, selectinload
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import bindparam
from sqlalchemy import delete
from sqlalchemy_mixins import AllFeaturesMixinAsync, smart_query
from core.uid_gen import get_flake_uid
from database.paginator.cursor import EdgeNode, PageCursor, PageInfo
from database.session import AsyncSessionScoped
from utils import has_value_or_is_truthy
InDBSchemaType = TypeVar("InDBSchemaType", bound=PydanticBaseModel)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DBModel(AllFeaturesMixinAsync):
__name__: str
__abstract__ = True
__mapper_args__ = {"eager_defaults": True}
# __allow_unmapped__ = True
uid = Column(
def __tablename__(cls) -> str:
""" "
Generate tablename automatically
return cls.__name__.lower()
def marshal_simple(self, exclude=None):
"""convert instance to dict
leverages instance.__dict__
if exclude is None:
exclude = []
data = self.__dict__
return_data = {}
for field in data:
if field not in exclude:
return_data[field] = data[field] # getattr(self, field)
return return_data
def marshal_nested(self, obj=None):
if obj is None:
obj = self
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {k: self.marshal_nested(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
elif hasattr(obj, "_ast"):
return self.marshal_nested(obj._ast())
elif not isinstance(obj, str) and hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
return [self.marshal_nested(v) for v in obj]
elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
return {
k: self.marshal_nested(v)
for k, v in obj.__dict__.items()
if not callable(v) and not k.startswith("_")
return obj
async def all_by_page(cls, page: int = 1, limit: int = 20, **kwargs) -> dict:
start = (page - 1) * limit
stmt = cls.where(**kwargs).limit(limit).offset(start)
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
found = results.scalars().all()
return found
async def get(cls, **kwargs):
"""Return the first value in database based on given args.
# stmt = select(cls).where(**kwargs)
stmt = cls.where(**kwargs)
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
found = results.scalars().first()
return found
async def create(cls, **kwargs):
"""Returns a new get instance of the class
This is so that mutations can work well and prevent async IO issues
fill = await cls().fill(**kwargs)
created = await cls.save(fill)
if created:
created = await cls.get(uid=created.uid)
return created
async def bulk_create(cls, items: List):
@param items a list of Pydantic models
to_save = []
for data in items:
fill = await cls().fill(**cls._import(data))
return await cls.save_all(to_save)
async def delete(self):
"""Removes the model from the current entity session and mark for deletion.
async with self.session() as session:
await session.delete(self)
await session.commit()
await session.flush()
async with self.session() as session:
await session.rollback()
async def update(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns a new get instance of the class
This is so that mutations can work well and prevent async IO issues
fill = await self.fill(**kwargs)
updated = await fill.save()
if updated:
updated = await self.get(uid=updated.uid)
return updated
async def bulk_update_where(cls, update_data: List, filters: dict):
@param update_data a List of dictionary update values.
@param filters is a dict of filter values.
e.g [{'uid': 34, update_values}, ...]
to_update = [cls._import(data) for data in update_data]
# stmt = update(cls).where(filters).values(to_save).execution_options(synchronize_session="fetch")
query = smart_query(query=update(cls), filters=filters)
stmt = query.values(to_update).execution_options(
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
updated = results.scalars().all()
return updated
async def bulk_update_with_mappings(cls, mappings: List) -> None:
@param mappings a List of dictionary update values with pks.
e.g [{'uid': 34, update_values}, ...]
?? there must be zero many-to-many relations
NB: Function does not return anything
if len(mappings) == 0:
to_update = [cls._import(data) for data in mappings]
for item in to_update:
item["_uid"] = item["uid"]
query = update(cls).where(cls.uid == bindparam("_uid"))
binds = {}
for key in to_update[0]:
if key != "_uid":
binds[key] = bindparam(key)
stmt = query.values(binds).execution_options(
synchronize_session=None) # "fetch" not available
async with cls.session() as session:
await session.execute(stmt, to_update)
await session.flush()
await session.commit()
async def bulk_update_with_mappings_not_working(cls, mappings: List):
@param mappings a List of dictionary update values with pks.
e.g [{'uid': 34, update_values}, ...]
to_update = [cls._import(data) for data in mappings]
async with cls.session() as session:
await session.bulk_update_mappings(cls, to_update)
await session.flush()
await session.commit()
return to_update
async def table_insert(cls, table, mappings):
@param mappings a dictionary update values.
e.g {'name': 34, 'day': "fff"}
async with cls.session() as session:
stmt = table.insert()
await session.execute(stmt, mappings)
await session.commit()
await session.flush()
async def query_table(cls, table, **kwargs):
stmt = select(table)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
stmt = stmt.where(table.c[k]==v)
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
return results.unique().scalars().all()
async def get_related(cls, related: Optional[list] = None, list=False, **kwargs):
"""Return the first value in database based on given args."""
del kwargs["related"]
except KeyError:
del kwargs["list"]
except KeyError:
stmt = cls.where(**kwargs)
# if related:
# stmt.options(selectinload(related))
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
if not list:
found = results.scalars().first()
found = results.scalars().all()
return found
def _import(cls, schema_in: Union[InDBSchemaType, dict]):
"""Convert Pydantic schema to dict"""
if isinstance(schema_in, dict):
return schema_in
data = schema_in.dict(exclude_unset=True)
return data
async def save(self):
"""Saves the updated model to the current entity db."""
async with self.session() as session:
await session.flush()
await session.commit()
except Exception:
await session.rollback()
return self
async def flush_commit_session(self):
"""Saves the updated model to the current entity db."""
async with self.session() as session:
await session.flush()
await session.commit()
except Exception:
await session.rollback()
return self
async def save_all(cls, items):
async with cls.session() as session:
await session.flush()
await session.commit()
except Exception:
await session.rollback()
return items
async def get_one(cls, **kwargs):
stmt = cls.where(**kwargs)
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
found = results.scalars().first()
return found
async def get_all(cls, **kwargs):
stmt = cls.where(**kwargs)
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
return results.unique().scalars().all()
async def from_smart_query(cls, query):
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(query)
return results.unique().scalars().all()
async def count_where(cls, filters):
:param filters:
:return: int
# stmt = smart_query(select(cls), filters=filters)
# stmt = select(func.count(cls.uid))
# stmt = select(func.count('*')).select_from(cls)
# stmt = select(cls, func.count(cls.uid))
# stmt = select(cls).with_only_columns([func.count(cls.uid)]).order_by(None)
# stmt = select(func.count()).select_from(cls)
# stmt = select(func.count()).select_from(select(cls).subquery())
# stmt = select(func.count(cls.uid)).select_from(cls)
filter_stmt = smart_query(query=select(cls), filters=filters)
count_stmt = select(func.count(filter_stmt.c.uid)
async with cls.session() as session:
res = await session.execute(count_stmt)
count = res.scalars().one()
return count
async def fulltext_search(cls, search_string, field):
"""Full-text Search with PostgreSQL"""
stmt = select(cls).filter(
func.to_tsvector("english", getattr(cls, field)).match(
search_string, postgresql_regconfig="english"
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt)
search = results.scalars().all()
return search
async def get_by_uids(cls, uids: List[Any]):
stmt = select(cls).where(cls.uid.in_(uids)) # type: ignore
async with cls.session() as session:
results = await session.execute(stmt.order_by(cls.uid))
return results.scalars().all()
async def stream_by_uids(cls, uids: List[Any]) -> AsyncIterator[Any]:
stmt = select(cls).where(cls.uid.in_(uids)) # type: ignore
async with cls.session() as session:
stream = await session.stream(stmt.order_by(cls.uid))
async for row in stream:
yield row
async def stream_all(cls) -> AsyncIterator[Any]:
stmt = select(cls)
async with cls.session() as session:
stream = await session.stream(stmt.order_by(cls.uid))
async for row in stream:
yield row
def psql_records_to_dict(self, records, many=False):
# records._row: asyncpg.Record / databases.backends.postgres.Record
if not many and records:
return dict(records)
return [dict(record) for record in records]
# https://engage.so/blog/a-deep-dive-into-offset-and-cursor-based-pagination-in-mongodb/
# https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-implement-cursor-pagination-like-a-pro-513140b65f32
async def paginate_with_cursors(
page_size: int = None,
after_cursor: Any = None,
before_cursor: Any = None,
filters: Any = None,
sort_by: list[str] = None,
get_related: str = None,
) -> PageCursor:
if not filters:
filters = {}
# get total count without paging filters from cursors
total_count: int = await cls.count_where(filters=filters)
total_count = total_count if total_count else 0
cursor_limit = {}
if has_value_or_is_truthy(after_cursor):
cursor_limit = {"uid__gt": cls.decode_cursor(after_cursor)}
if has_value_or_is_truthy(before_cursor):
cursor_limit = {"uid__lt": cls.decode_cursor(before_cursor)}
# add paging filters
_filters = None
if isinstance(filters, dict):
_filters = [{sa_or_: cursor_limit},
filters] if cursor_limit else filters
elif isinstance(filters, list):
_filters = filters
if cursor_limit:
_filters.append({sa_or_: cursor_limit})
stmt = cls.smart_query(filters=_filters, sort_attrs=sort_by)
if get_related:
# print(get_related)
# stmt = stmt.options(selectinload(get_related))
if page_size:
stmt = stmt.limit(page_size)
async with cls.session() as session:
res = await session.execute(stmt)
qs = res.scalars().all()
if qs is not None:
# items = qs[:page_size]
items = qs
qs = []
items = []
has_additional = (
len(items) == page_size if page_size else True
) # len(qs) > len(items)s
page_info = {
"start_cursor": cls.encode_cursor(items[0].uid) if items else None,
"end_cursor": cls.encode_cursor(items[-1].uid) if items else None,
if page_size is not None:
page_info["has_next_page"] = has_additional
page_info["has_previous_page"] = bool(after_cursor)
return PageCursor(
"total_count": total_count,
"edges": cls.build_edges(items=items),
"items": items,
"page_info": cls.build_page_info(**page_info),
def build_edges(cls, items: List[Any]) -> List[EdgeNode]:
if not items:
return []
return [cls.build_node(item) for item in items]
def build_node(cls, item: Any) -> EdgeNode:
return EdgeNode(**{"cursor": cls.encode_cursor(item.uid), "node": item})
def build_page_info(
start_cursor: str = None,
end_cursor: str = None,
has_next_page: bool = False,
has_previous_page: bool = False,
) -> PageInfo:
return PageInfo(
"start_cursor": start_cursor,
"end_cursor": end_cursor,
"has_next_page": has_next_page,
"has_previous_page": has_previous_page,
def decode_cursor(cls, cursor):
# return b64decode(cursor.encode("utf8")).decode("ascii")
return cursor
def encode_cursor(cls, identifier: Any):
# return b64encode(str(identifier).encode("ascii")).decode("utf8")
return identifier
# Silence set session, not in use
DBModel.set_session(AsyncSessionScoped, True)