ARG ALPINE_VERSION=latest FROM alpine:${ALPINE_VERSION} LABEL maintaner="Bojan Cekrlic -" # Install supervisor, postfix # Install postfix first to get the first account (101) # Install opendkim second to get the second account (102) RUN true && \ apk add --no-cache --upgrade cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-plain cyrus-sasl-login && \ apk add --no-cache postfix && \ apk add --no-cache opendkim && \ apk add --no-cache --upgrade ca-certificates tzdata supervisor rsyslog musl musl-utils bash opendkim-utils && \ (rm "/tmp/"* 2>/dev/null || true) && (rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* 2>/dev/null || true) # Set up configuration COPY /configs/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf COPY /configs/rsyslog*.conf /etc/ COPY /configs/opendkim.conf /etc/opendkim/opendkim.conf COPY /configs/smtp_header_checks /etc/postfix/smtp_header_checks COPY /scripts/*.sh / RUN chmod +x / / # Set up volumes VOLUME [ "/var/spool/postfix", "/etc/postfix", "/etc/opendkim/keys" ] # Run supervisord USER root WORKDIR /tmp HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s --start-period=10s --retries=3 CMD printf "EHLO healthcheck\n" | nc localhost 587 | grep -qE "^220.*ESMTP Postfix" EXPOSE 587 CMD [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "/" ]