update api doc

This commit is contained in:
Mengyi Zhou 2017-02-10 13:23:01 +08:00
parent 38821d4bb0
commit b6151c6643
2 changed files with 103 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -328,7 +328,8 @@ public class GroupResource {
* @apiName CreateGroup
* @apiGroup Group
* @apiDescription See [Update group content](#api-Group-FullUpdateGroup) for object description
* @apiSuccess {Group} newly created group object
* @apiParam {boolean} [force] skip all validations and forcibly create a group
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {GroupObject} group newly created group object

View file

@ -103,6 +103,53 @@ public class TrafficPolicyResource {
return responseHandler.handleSerializedValue(ObjectJsonWriter.write(listView, type), hh.getMediaType());
* @api {get} /api/policies: [Read] Batch fetch policy data
* @apiName ListPolicies
* @apiGroup Policy
* @apiDescription See [Update Policy content](#api-Group-FullUpdatePolicy) for object description
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {PolicyObject[]} policies policy list result after query
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Integer[]} total total number of policy entities in the policy list, it may be useful when `limit` parameter is specified
* @apiParam {long[]} [policyId] 1,2,3
* @apiParam {string[]} [policyName] dev,localhost,test
* @apiParam {string[]} [fuzzyName] de,local,te
* @apiParam {long[]} [vsId] 1001,1101,1100
* @apiParam {long[]} [groupId] 1001,1101,1100
* @apiParam {string=online,offline,redundant(online&offline)} [mode] query snapshot versions by mode
* @apiParam {string[]} [anyTag] union search policy by tags e.g. anyTag=policy1,policy2
* @apiParam {string[]} [tags] join search policy by tags e.g. tags=policy1,policy2
* @apiParam {string[]} [anyProp] union search policy by properties(key:value) e.g. anyProp=dc:oy,dc:jq
* @apiParam {string[]} [props] join search policy by properties(key:value) e.g. props=department:hotel,dc:jq
* @apiSuccessExample {json} JSON format:
* {
* "id": 1,
* "name": "policy1",
* "version": 3,
* "policy-virtual-servers": [
* {
* "priority": 1000,
* "path": "~* ^/path",
* "virtual-server": {
* "id": 1
* }
* }
* ],
* "controls": [
* {
* "group": {
* "id": 1
* },
* "weight": 3
* },
* {
* "group": {
* "id": 2
* },
* "weight": 5
* }
* ]
* }
@ -138,6 +185,13 @@ public class TrafficPolicyResource {
return responseHandler.handleSerializedValue(ObjectJsonWriter.write(listView, type), hh.getMediaType());
* @api {get} /api/policy: [Read] Get single policy data
* @apiName GetSinglePolicy
* @apiGroup Policy
* @apiDescription See [Batch fetch policy data](#api-Policy-ListPolicies) for more information
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {PolicyObject} policy policy entity
@Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, "*/*"})
@ -172,6 +226,53 @@ public class TrafficPolicyResource {
return responseHandler.handle(p, hh.getMediaType());
* @api {post} /api/policy/update: [Write] Update policy content
* @apiName FullUpdatePolicy
* @apiGroup Policy
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {PolicyObject} policy updated policy entity
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {Long} id id
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {String} name name
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {Integer} version version
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {PolicyVirtualServer[]} policy-virtual-servers configuration on specified virtual server
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {PolicyControl[]} controls policy control list
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {String[]} [tags] add tags to policy
* @apiParam (PolicyObject) {Object[]} [properties] add/update properties of policy
* @apiParam (PolicyVirtualServer) {String} path location entry on the specified virtual server
* @apiParam (PolicyVirtualServer) {Integer} priority must be explicitly set and higher than its controls' priority
* @apiParam (PolicyVirtualServer) {Object} virtual-server combined virtual server [id only]
* @apiParam (PolicyControl) {Group} group a/b testing group
* @apiParam (PolicyControl) {Integer} weight proxying weight of this group
* @apiParamExample {json} Sample Request:
* {
* "id": 1,
* "name": "policy1",
* "version": 3,
* "policy-virtual-servers": [
* {
* "priority": 1000,
* "path": "~* ^/path",
* "virtual-server": {
* "id": 1
* }
* }
* ],
* "controls": [
* {
* "group": {
* "id": 1
* },
* "weight": 3
* },
* {
* "group": {
* "id": 2
* },
* "weight": 5
* }
* ]
* }
@Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, "*/*"})