Configuration ============= Get most of HSTR by configuring it with: ```bash hh --show-configuration >> ~/.bashrc ``` Run `hh --show-configuration` to determine what will be appended to your Bash profile. For more configuration options details please refer to: * bind `hh` command to a [keyboard shortcut](#binding-hh-to-keyboard-shortcut) * get more [colors](#colors) * choose [default history view](#history-view) * [command blacklist](#blacklist) * disable [confirm on delete](#confirm-on-delete) * [verbosity](#verbosity) * [Bash history settings](#bash-history-settings) * [zsh history settings](#zsh-history-settings) Check also configuration [examples](#examples). Binding HSTR to Keyboard Shortcut --------------------------------- Bash uses *Emacs* style keyboard shortcuts by default. There is also *Vi* mode. Find out how to bind HSTR to a keyboard shortcut based on the style you prefer below. Check your active Bash keymap with: ```bash bind -v | grep editing-mode bind -v | grep keymap ``` To determine character sequence emitted by a pressed key in terminal, type Ctrl-v and then press the key. Check your current bindings using: ```bash bind -S ``` Bash Emacs Keymap (default) --------------------------- Bind `hh` to a Bash key e.g. to Ctrl-r: ```bash bind '"\C-r": "\C-ahh -- \C-j"' ``` or Ctrl-Alt-r: ```bash bind '"\e\C-r":"\C-ahh -- \C-j"' ``` or Ctrl-F12: ```bash bind '"\e[24;5~":"\C-ahh -- \C-j"' ``` Bind `hh` to Ctrl-r only if it is interactive shell: ```bash if [[ $- =~ .*i.* ]]; then bind '"\C-r": "\C-a hh -- \C-j"'; fi ``` You can bind also other `hh` commands like `-kill-last-command`: ```bash if [[ $- =~ .*i.* ]]; then bind '"\C-xk": "\C-a hh -k \C-j"'; fi ``` Bash Vim Keymap --------------- Bind `hh` to a Bash key e.g. to Ctrl-r: ```bash bind '"\C-r": "\e0ihh -- \C-j"' ``` Zsh Emacs Keymap (default) -------------------------- Bind `hh` to a Zsh key e.g. to Ctrl-r: ```bash bindkey -s "\C-r" "\eqhh --\n" ``` Colors ------ Get `hh` in more colors: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=hicolor ``` or ensure black and white mode: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=monochromatic ``` History View ------------ Show normal history by default (instead of metrics-based view): ```bash export HH_CONFIG=rawhistory ``` Show favorite commands by default (instead of metrics-based view): ```bash export HH_CONFIG=favorites ``` Filtering --------- Make search case sensitive (insensitive by default): ```bash export HH_CONFIG=casesensitive ``` Keep duplicates in `rawhistory` view (duplicates discarded by default): ```bash export HH_CONFIG=duplicates ``` Blacklist --------- Skip commands when processing history i.e. make sure that these commands will *not* be shown in any view: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=blacklist ``` Commands to be stored in `~/.hh_blacklist` file with trailing empty line. For instance: ``` cd my-private-command ls ll ``` Confirm on Delete ----------------- Do not prompt for confirmation when deleting history items: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=noconfirm ``` Verbosity --------- Show a message when deleting the last command from history: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=verbose-kill ``` Show warnings: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=warning ``` Show debug messages: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=debug ``` Bash History Settings --------------------- Use the following BASH settings to get most out of `hh`. Increase the size of history maintained by BASH - variables defined below increase the number of history items and history file size (default value is 500): ```bash export HISTFILESIZE=10000 export HISTSIZE=${HISTFILESIZE} ``` Ensure syncing (flushing and reloading) of `.bash_history` with in-memory history: ```bash export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n; ${PROMPT_COMMAND}" ``` Force appending of in-memory history to `.bash_history` (instead of overwriting): ```bash shopt -s histappend ``` Use leading space to hide commands from history: ```bash export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace ``` Suitable for a sensitive information like passwords. Zsh History Settings -------------------- If you use `zsh`, set HISTFILE environment variable in ~/.zshrc: ``` export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history ``` Examples -------- More colors with case sensitive search of history: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=hicolor,casesensitive ``` Favorite commands view in black and white: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=favorites,monochromatic ``` Keywords based search in colors with debug mode verbosity: ```bash export HH_CONFIG=keywords,hicolor,debug ```