INSTALLATION ============ Install `hh` using [distribution](#distribution-installation), from [source code](#installation-from-source-code), on [Ubuntu](#ubuntu), [Debian/Mint](#debianmint), [Arch Linux](#arch-linux) or [Mac OS](#mac-os). UBUNTU ------ Install `hh` on Ubuntu: ```bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ultradvorka/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hh ``` Optionally [configure]( `hh` and check its [man page]( INSTALLATION FROM SOURCE CODE ----------------------------- Clone Git repository: ```bash git clone ``` Create build files using: ```bash cd ./dist && ./ && cd .. ``` Install `hh` using: ```bash ./configure && make && make install ``` Optionally [configure]( `hh` and check its [man page]( DISTRIBUTION INSTALLATION ------------------------- Download latest distribution from project Releases section: Expand the archive and install `hh` using: ```bash ./configure && make && make install ``` Optionally [configure]( `hh` and check its [man page]( DEBIAN/MINT ----------- Install `hh` on Debian (Wheezy) or Mint (13) by registering the key: ```bash wget apt-key add frankh.asc ``` adding the repository: ```bash deb wheezy main deb-src wheezy main ``` and installing it: ```bash apt-get update apt-get install hh ``` Optionally configure `hh`: ```bash hh --show-configuration >> ~/.bashrc ``` Optionally [configure]( `hh` and check its [man page]( ARCH LINUX ---------- Download latest distribution from project Releases section: Use [PKGBUILD]( in the root of the distribution to build package using `makepkg`: Install `hh`. Optionally [configure]( `hh` and check its [man page]( MAC OS ------ You can either install `hh` from [Homebrew]( ```bash brew install hh ``` or from from the source code as described further in this section. First install MacPorts: And then install readline and ncurses: ``` port install readline port install ncurses ``` Build and install: ```bash autoreconf -fvi ./configure CFLAGS=-I$(brew --prefix)/opt/readline/include LDFLAGS=-L$(brew --prefix)/opt/readline/lib make ``` Optionally [configure]( `hh` and check its [man page](